print("Skewness - Attacks")
skewness(final_net.sf.attacks_train$countAttacks, na.rm = TRUE)
# > skewness(final_net.sf.attacks_train$countAttacks, na.rm = TRUE)
# [1] 21.07904
print("Kurtosis - Attacks")
kurtosis(final_net.sf.attacks_train$countAttacks, na.rm = TRUE)
# > kurtosis(final_net.sf.attacks_train$countAttacks, na.rm = TRUE)
# [1] 774.896
print("Quantile - Attacks")
quantile(final_net.sf.attacks_train$countAttacks, probs = seq(0, 1, by = 0.1), na.rm = TRUE)
# > quantile(final_net.sf.attacks_train$countAttacks, probs = seq(0, 1, by = 0.1), na.rm = TRUE)
# 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
# 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 183
MeasureQuantileLoss <- R6Class(
inherit = mlr3::MeasureRegr,
public = list(
initialize = function() {
id = "quantile_loss",
packages = character(),
properties = character(),
predict_type = "response",
range = c(0, Inf),
minimize = TRUE
private = list(
.score = function(prediction, ...) {
truth <- prediction$truth
response <- prediction$response
tau <- 0.5 # Setting tau to 0.5 for regular quantile loss, symmetrically penalized
residuals <- truth - response
quantile_loss <- mean((tau - as.numeric(residuals < 0)) * residuals)
MeasureDynamicQuantileLoss <- R6Class(
inherit = mlr3::MeasureRegr,
public = list(
initialize = function() {
id = "dynamic_quantile_loss",
packages = character(),
properties = character(),
predict_type = "response",
range = c(0, Inf),
minimize = TRUE
private = list(
.score = function(prediction, ...) {
truth <- prediction$truth
response <- prediction$response
quantile_loss <- function(truth, response, tau = 0.5) { # If tau = 0.5, penalties are applied symmetrically - i.e., equally to underpredictions and overpredictions
residuals <- truth - response
weights <- ifelse(truth > 0, 1 + truth, 1) # Dynamic weights based on true values
return(mean(weights * (tau - as.numeric(residuals < 0)) * residuals))
return(quantile_loss(truth, response))
MeasureAsymmetricDynamicQuantileLoss <- R6Class(
inherit = mlr3::MeasureRegr,
public = list(
initialize = function() {
id = "asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss",
packages = character(),
properties = character(),
predict_type = "response",
range = c(0, Inf),
minimize = TRUE
private = list(
.score = function(prediction, ...) {
truth <- prediction$truth
response <- prediction$response
quantile_loss <- function(truth, response, tau = 0.25) { # If tau=0.25 (i.e., < 0.5), it penalizes underpredictions more than overpredictions.
residuals <- truth - response
weights <- ifelse(truth > 0, 1 + truth, 1) # Dynamic weights based on true values
return(mean(weights * (tau - as.numeric(residuals < 0)) * residuals))
return(quantile_loss(truth, response))
# The tau parameter in the Quantile Loss function represents the quantile to be estimated. It is a value between 0 and 1. When tau is set to 0.5, it corresponds to the median, and the Quantile Loss function is thus similar to the Mean Absolute Error (MAE).
# The Quantile Loss function penalizes overestimations and underestimations differently depending on the value of tau. It penalizes overestimates more when tau is closer to 1 and penalizes underestimates more when tau is closer to 0. If I wanted to penalize underestimations more than overestimations, e.g., I would set tau = 0.25 here rather than tau = 0.5.
# Robustness to Outliers: Unlike RMSE, which is heavily influenced by outliers due to the squaring of errors, and even MAE to a lesser extent, MedAE is more robust to outliers. It focuses on the median of the absolute errors, making it less sensitive to extreme values.
# Central Tendency: MedAE provides a measure of the central tendency of the errors, offering a different perspective than the mean-based measures like RMSE and MAE. This can be particularly valuable in datasets where the error distribution is skewed or has heavy tails.
MeasureHuberLoss <- R6Class(
inherit = mlr3::MeasureRegr,
public = list(
initialize = function() {
id = "huber_loss",
packages = character(),
properties = character(),
predict_type = "response",
range = c(0, Inf),
minimize = TRUE
private = list(
.score = function(prediction, ...) {
truth <- prediction$truth
response <- prediction$response
huber_loss <- function(truth, response, delta = 1.0) {
residuals <- truth - response
abs_residuals <- abs(residuals)
return(mean(ifelse(abs_residuals <= delta, 0.5 * residuals^2, delta * (abs_residuals - 0.5 * delta))))
return(huber_loss(truth, response))
MeasureDynamicHuberLoss <- R6Class(
inherit = mlr3::MeasureRegr,
public = list(
initialize = function() {
id = "dynamic_huber_loss",
packages = character(),
properties = character(),
predict_type = "response",
range = c(0, Inf),
minimize = TRUE
private = list(
.score = function(prediction, ...) {
truth <- prediction$truth
response <- prediction$response
huber_loss <- function(truth, response, delta = 1.0) {
residuals <- truth - response
abs_residuals <- abs(residuals)
w = 1 # If w=2 in this modified version, underpredictions (residuals < 0) are penalized w times more than overpredictions. You can adjust w based on how much more you want to penalize underestimations. Currently, w=1 applies penalties symmetrically
weights <- ifelse(truth > 0, 1 + truth, 1) # Dynamic weights based on true values
return(mean(ifelse(abs_residuals <= delta, 0.5 * residuals^2 * weights * ifelse(residuals < 0, w, 1), delta * (abs_residuals - 0.5 * delta) * weights * ifelse(residuals < 0, w, 1))))
return(huber_loss(truth, response))
MeasureAsymmetricDynamicHuberLoss <- R6Class(
inherit = mlr3::MeasureRegr,
public = list(
initialize = function() {
id = "asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss",
packages = character(),
properties = character(),
predict_type = "response",
range = c(0, Inf),
minimize = TRUE
private = list(
.score = function(prediction, ...) {
truth <- prediction$truth
response <- prediction$response
huber_loss <- function(truth, response, delta = 1.0) {
residuals <- truth - response
abs_residuals <- abs(residuals)
w = 2 # If w=2 in this modified version, underestimations (residuals < 0) are penalized twice as much as overestimations.
weights <- ifelse(truth > 0, 1 + truth, 1) # Dynamic weights based on true values
return(mean(ifelse(abs_residuals <= delta, 0.5 * residuals^2 * weights * ifelse(residuals < 0, w, 1), delta * (abs_residuals - 0.5 * delta) * weights * ifelse(residuals < 0, w, 1))))
return(huber_loss(truth, response))
MeasureLogCoshLoss <- R6Class(
inherit = mlr3::MeasureRegr,
public = list(
initialize = function() {
id = "log_cosh_loss",
packages = character(),
properties = character(),
predict_type = "response",
range = c(0, Inf),
minimize = TRUE
private = list(
.score = function(prediction, ...) {
truth <- prediction$truth
response <- prediction$response
log_cosh_loss <- function(truth, response) {
residuals <- truth - response
return(log_cosh_loss(truth, response))
# Define the custom measure as an R6Class
MeasureDynamicRMSE <- R6Class(
inherit = mlr3::MeasureRegr,
public = list(
initialize = function() {
id = "dynamic_rmse",
packages = character(), # no package dependencies
properties = character(), # no special properties
predict_type = "response", # measures response prediction
range = c(0, Inf),
minimize = TRUE
private = list(
.score = function(prediction, ...) {
# Extract truth and response from prediction object
truth <- prediction$truth
response <- prediction$response
# Define the DynamicWeightedRMSE function
DynamicWeightedRMSE <- function(truth, response) {
# Adjust weights based on observed count
weights <- ifelse(truth > 0, 1 + truth, 1)
# Calculate RMSE with the dynamic weights
calculate_d_rmse <- sqrt(mean((truth - response)^2 * weights))
# Use the custom RMSE function
d_rmse <- DynamicWeightedRMSE(truth, response)
# Define the custom measure as an R6Class
MeasureAsymmetricDynamicRMSE <- R6Class(
inherit = mlr3::MeasureRegr,
public = list(
initialize = function() {
id = "asymmetric_dynamic_rmse",
packages = character(), # no package dependencies
properties = character(), # no special properties
predict_type = "response", # measures response prediction
range = c(0, Inf),
minimize = TRUE
private = list(
.score = function(prediction, ...) {
# Extract truth and response from prediction object
truth <- prediction$truth
response <- prediction$response
# Define the DynamicWeightedRMSE function
DynamicWeightedRMSE <- function(truth, response) {
# Adjust weights based on observed count and asymmetry
weights <- ifelse(truth > 0, 1 + truth, 1)
asymmetry_weights <- ifelse(response < truth, 2, 1) # penalize underestimations twice as much
# Calculate RMSE with the dynamic weights and asymmetric penalties
calculate_d_rmse <- sqrt(mean((truth - response)^2 * weights * asymmetry_weights))
# Use the custom RMSE function
d_rmse <- DynamicWeightedRMSE(truth, response)
# Define the custom measure as an R6Class
MeasureDynamicMAE <- R6Class(
inherit = mlr3::MeasureRegr,
public = list(
initialize = function() {
id = "dynamic_mae",
packages = character(), # no package dependencies
properties = character(), # no special properties
predict_type = "response", # measures response prediction
range = c(0, Inf),
minimize = TRUE
private = list(
.score = function(prediction, ...) {
# Extract truth and response from prediction object
truth <- prediction$truth
response <- prediction$response
# Define the DynamicWeightedMAE function
DynamicWeightedMAE <- function(truth, response) {
# Adjust weights based on observed count
weights <- ifelse(truth > 0, 1 + truth, 1)
# Calculate MAE with the dynamic weights
calculate_d_mae <- mean(abs(truth - response) * weights)
# Use the custom MAE function
d_mae <- DynamicWeightedMAE(truth, response)
MeasureAsymmetricDynamicMAE <- R6Class(
inherit = mlr3::MeasureRegr,
public = list(
initialize = function() {
id = "asymmetric_dynamic_mae",
packages = character(), # no package dependencies
properties = character(), # no special properties
predict_type = "response", # measures response prediction
range = c(0, Inf),
minimize = TRUE
private = list(
.score = function(prediction, ...) {
# Extract truth and response from prediction object
truth <- prediction$truth
response <- prediction$response
# Define the DynamicWeightedMAE function
DynamicWeightedMAE <- function(truth, response) {
# Adjust weights based on observed count and asymmetry
weights <- ifelse(truth > 0, 1 + truth, 1)
asymmetry_weights <- ifelse(response < truth, 2, 1) # penalize underestimations more
# Calculate MAE with the dynamic weights and asymmetry penalties
calculate_d_mae <- mean(abs(truth - response) * weights * asymmetry_weights)
# Use the custom MAE function
d_mae <- DynamicWeightedMAE(truth, response)
# Dynamic Weighted Mean Squared Error (Dynamic MSE): Similar to dynamic RMSE and MAE, but focuses on squared errors. This metric is useful for penalizing larger errors more heavily.
MeasureDynamicMSE <- R6Class(
inherit = mlr3::MeasureRegr,
public = list(
initialize = function() {
id = "dynamic_mse",
packages = character(),
properties = character(),
predict_type = "response",
range = c(0, Inf),
minimize = TRUE
private = list(
.score = function(prediction, ...) {
truth <- prediction$truth
response <- prediction$response
DynamicWeightedMSE <- function(truth, response) {
weights <- ifelse(truth > 0, 1 + truth, 1)
calculate_d_mse <- mean((truth - response)^2 * weights)
return(DynamicWeightedMSE(truth, response))
MeasureAsymmetricDynamicMSE <- R6Class(
inherit = mlr3::MeasureRegr,
public = list(
initialize = function() {
id = "asymmetric_dynamic_mse",
packages = character(),
properties = character(),
predict_type = "response",
range = c(0, Inf),
minimize = TRUE
private = list(
.score = function(prediction, ...) {
truth <- prediction$truth
response <- prediction$response
DynamicWeightedMSE <- function(truth, response) {
weights <- ifelse(truth > 0, 1 + truth, 1)
asymmetry_weights <- ifelse(response < truth, 2, 1) # penalize underestimations more
calculate_d_mse <- mean((truth - response)^2 * weights * asymmetry_weights)
return(DynamicWeightedMSE(truth, response))
# Create a Custom Metric, Regular MASE
MeasureMASE <- R6Class(
inherit = mlr3::MeasureRegr,
public = list(
initialize = function() {
id = "regr.mase",
packages = character(),
properties = character(),
predict_type = "response",
range = c(0, Inf),
minimize = TRUE
private = list(
.score = function(prediction, ...) {
truth <- prediction$truth
response <- prediction$response
MASE <- function(truth, response) {
n <- length(truth)
scale <- mean(abs(truth[-1] - truth[-n])) # Mean absolute difference of the truth values (naive forecast)
mean(abs(truth - response) / scale)
return(MASE(truth, response))
# Create a Custom Metric, Dynamic MASE
MeasureDynamicMASE <- R6Class(
inherit = mlr3::MeasureRegr,
public = list(
initialize = function() {
id = "dynamic_mase",
packages = character(),
properties = character(),
predict_type = "response",
range = c(0, Inf),
minimize = TRUE
private = list(
.score = function(prediction, ...) {
truth <- prediction$truth
response <- prediction$response
DynamicWeightedMASE <- function(truth, response) {
n <- length(truth)
scale <- mean(abs(truth[-1] - truth[-n])) # Use naive forecast for scaling
weights <- ifelse(truth > 0, 1 + truth, 1)
calculate_d_mase <- mean(abs(truth - response) / scale * weights)
return(DynamicWeightedMASE(truth, response))
# Create a Custom Metric, Asymmetric Dynamic MASE
MeasureAsymmetricDynamicMASE <- R6Class(
inherit = mlr3::MeasureRegr,
public = list(
initialize = function() {
id = "asymmetric_dynamic_mase",
packages = character(),
properties = character(),
predict_type = "response",
range = c(0, Inf),
minimize = TRUE
private = list(
.score = function(prediction, ...) {
truth <- prediction$truth
response <- prediction$response
AsymmetricDynamicMASE <- function(truth, response) {
n <- length(truth)
scale <- mean(abs(truth[-1] - truth[-n])) # Use naive forecast for scaling
weights <- ifelse(truth > 0, 1 + truth, 1)
diff <- truth - response
penalty <- ifelse(diff > 0, 2, 1) # Double penalty for underpredictions
mean(abs(diff) / scale * weights * penalty)
return(AsymmetricDynamicMASE(truth, response))
# Define the custom R6 class for Logarithmic penalty
MeasureDynamicLogarithmicMedAE <- R6Class(
inherit = mlr3::MeasureRegr,
public = list(
initialize = function() {
id = "dynamic_logarithmic_medae",
packages = character(),
properties = character(),
predict_type = "response",
range = c(0, Inf),
minimize = TRUE
private = list(
.score = function(prediction, ...) {
truth <- prediction$truth
response <- prediction$response
errors <- truth - response
base_weights <- 1 + truth
penalties <- log(1 + abs(errors)^2) # Penalties apply symmetrically. Use the below commented out line instead to apply penalties more for underpredictions than overpredictions
# penalties <- ifelse(errors > 0, log(1 + abs(errors)^2), log(1 + sqrt(abs(errors))))
weighted_errors <- abs(errors) * base_weights * penalties
calculate_d_medae <- median(weighted_errors)
# Define the custom R6 class for Logarithmic penalty
MeasureAsymmetricDynamicLogarithmicMedAE <- R6Class(
inherit = mlr3::MeasureRegr,
public = list(
initialize = function() {
id = "asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae",
packages = character(),
properties = character(),
predict_type = "response",
range = c(0, Inf),
minimize = TRUE
private = list(
.score = function(prediction, ...) {
truth <- prediction$truth
response <- prediction$response
errors <- truth - response
base_weights <- 1 + truth
# penalties <- log(1 + abs(errors)^2) # If this line is used, penalties apply symmetrically.
penalties <- ifelse(errors > 0, log(1 + abs(errors)^2), log(1 + sqrt(abs(errors)))) # If this line is used instead, penalties apply more for underpredictions than overpredictions
weighted_errors <- abs(errors) * base_weights * penalties
calculate_d_medae <- median(weighted_errors)
# Define the custom R6 class for Square Root penalty
MeasureDynamicSqrtMedAE <- R6Class(
inherit = mlr3::MeasureRegr,
public = list(
initialize = function() {
id = "dynamic_sqrt_medae",
packages = character(),
properties = character(),
predict_type = "response",
range = c(0, Inf),
minimize = TRUE
private = list(
.score = function(prediction, ...) {
truth <- prediction$truth
response <- prediction$response
errors <- truth - response
base_weights <- 1 + truth
penalties <- sqrt(abs(errors)) # Penalties apply symmetrically. Use the below commented out line to apply penalties more for underpredictions than overpredictions
# penalties <- ifelse(errors > 0, abs(errors), sqrt(abs(errors)))
weighted_errors <- abs(errors) * base_weights * penalties
calculate_d_medae <- median(weighted_errors)
# Asymmetric penalized version of the above function. Penalizes underpredictions more than overpredictions:
# Define the custom R6 class for Square Root penalty
MeasureAsymmetricDynamicSqrtMedAE <- R6Class(
inherit = mlr3::MeasureRegr,
public = list(
initialize = function() {
id = "asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae",
packages = character(),
properties = character(),
predict_type = "response",
range = c(0, Inf),
minimize = TRUE
private = list(
.score = function(prediction, ...) {
truth <- prediction$truth
response <- prediction$response
errors <- truth - response
base_weights <- 1 + truth
# penalties <- sqrt(abs(errors)) # If this line were used, penalties would apply symmetrically
penalties <- ifelse(errors > 0, abs(errors), sqrt(abs(errors))) # Use this line instead to apply penalties more for underpredictions than overpredictions
weighted_errors <- abs(errors) * base_weights * penalties
calculate_d_medae <- median(weighted_errors)
# Define the custom R6 class for Polynomial (x^(2/3) penalty for underpredictions and (x^(1/3)) penalty for overpredictions
MeasureDynamicPoly_2.3_and_1.3_MedAE <- R6Class(
inherit = mlr3::MeasureRegr,
public = list(
initialize = function() {
id = "dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae",
packages = character(),
properties = character(),
predict_type = "response",
range = c(0, Inf),
minimize = TRUE
private = list(
.score = function(prediction, ...) {
truth <- prediction$truth
response <- prediction$response
errors <- truth - response
base_weights <- 1 + truth
penalties <- ifelse(errors > 0, abs(errors)^(2/3), abs(errors)^(1/3))
weighted_errors <- abs(errors) * base_weights * penalties
calculate_d_medae <- median(weighted_errors)
# Define the custom R6 class for Polynomial (x^(2/3) penalty for underpredictions and (x^(1/2)) penalty for overpredictions
MeasureDynamicPoly_2.3_and_1.2_MedAE <- R6Class(
inherit = mlr3::MeasureRegr,
public = list(
initialize = function() {
id = "dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae",
packages = character(),
properties = character(),
predict_type = "response",
range = c(0, Inf),
minimize = TRUE
private = list(
.score = function(prediction, ...) {
truth <- prediction$truth
response <- prediction$response
errors <- truth - response
base_weights <- 1 + truth
penalties <- ifelse(errors > 0, abs(errors)^(2/3), abs(errors)^(1/2))
weighted_errors <- abs(errors) * base_weights * penalties
calculate_d_medae <- median(weighted_errors)
# Define the custom R6 class for Logistic penalty
MeasureDynamicLogisticMedAE <- R6Class(
inherit = mlr3::MeasureRegr,
public = list(
initialize = function() {
id = "dynamic_logistic_medae",
packages = character(),
properties = character(),
predict_type = "response",
range = c(0, Inf),
minimize = TRUE
private = list(
.score = function(prediction, ...) {
truth <- prediction$truth
response <- prediction$response
errors <- truth - response
base_weights <- 1 + truth
penalties <- 1 / (1 + exp(-abs(errors))) # Penalties are applied symmetrically
# penalties <- ifelse(errors > 0, 1 / (1 + exp(-abs(errors))), 1 / (1 + exp(-sqrt(abs(errors))))) # Use this line instead to penalize underpredictions more than overpredictions
weighted_errors <- abs(errors) * base_weights * penalties
calculate_d_medae <- median(weighted_errors)
# Define the custom R6 class for Logistic penalty
MeasureAsymmetricDynamicLogisticMedAE <- R6Class(
inherit = mlr3::MeasureRegr,
public = list(
initialize = function() {
id = "asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae",
packages = character(),
properties = character(),
predict_type = "response",
range = c(0, Inf),
minimize = TRUE
private = list(
.score = function(prediction, ...) {
truth <- prediction$truth
response <- prediction$response
errors <- truth - response
base_weights <- 1 + truth
# penalties <- 1 / (1 + exp(-abs(errors))) # If this line were used, penalties would be applied symmetrically
penalties <- ifelse(errors > 0, 1 / (1 + exp(-abs(errors))), 1 / (1 + exp(-sqrt(abs(errors))))) # This penalties line is instead used to penalize underpredictions more than overpredictions
weighted_errors <- abs(errors) * base_weights * penalties
calculate_d_medae <- median(weighted_errors)
# Geometric Mean Absolute Error (GMAE): This metric emphasizes multiplicative errors, which can be useful in the context of skewed data.
MeasureGMAE <- R6Class(
inherit = mlr3::MeasureRegr,
public = list(
initialize = function() {
id = "gmae",
packages = character(),
properties = character(),
predict_type = "response",
range = c(0, Inf),
minimize = TRUE
private = list(
.score = function(prediction, ...) {
truth <- prediction$truth
response <- prediction$response
gmae <- function(truth, response) {
return(exp(mean(log(abs(truth - response) + 1))) - 1)
return(gmae(truth, response))
# Register the custom measures with mlr3
mlr3::mlr_measures$add("quantile_loss", MeasureQuantileLoss$new())
mlr3::mlr_measures$add("dynamic_quantile_loss", MeasureDynamicQuantileLoss$new())
mlr3::mlr_measures$add("asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss", MeasureAsymmetricDynamicQuantileLoss$new())
mlr3::mlr_measures$add("huber_loss", MeasureHuberLoss$new())
mlr3::mlr_measures$add("dynamic_huber_loss", MeasureDynamicHuberLoss$new())
mlr3::mlr_measures$add("asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss", MeasureAsymmetricDynamicHuberLoss$new())
mlr3::mlr_measures$add("dynamic_rmse", MeasureDynamicRMSE$new())
mlr3::mlr_measures$add("asymmetric_dynamic_rmse", MeasureAsymmetricDynamicRMSE$new())
mlr3::mlr_measures$add("dynamic_mae", MeasureDynamicMAE$new())
mlr3::mlr_measures$add("asymmetric_dynamic_mae", MeasureAsymmetricDynamicMAE$new())
mlr3::mlr_measures$add("dynamic_logarithmic_medae", MeasureDynamicLogarithmicMedAE$new())
mlr3::mlr_measures$add("asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae", MeasureAsymmetricDynamicLogarithmicMedAE$new())
mlr3::mlr_measures$add("dynamic_sqrt_medae", MeasureDynamicSqrtMedAE$new())
mlr3::mlr_measures$add("asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae", MeasureAsymmetricDynamicSqrtMedAE$new())
mlr3::mlr_measures$add("dynamic_logistic_medae", MeasureDynamicLogisticMedAE$new())
mlr3::mlr_measures$add("asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae", MeasureAsymmetricDynamicLogisticMedAE$new())
mlr3::mlr_measures$add("dynamic_mse", MeasureDynamicMSE$new())
mlr3::mlr_measures$add("asymmetric_dynamic_mse", MeasureAsymmetricDynamicMSE$new())
mlr3::mlr_measures$add("regr.mase", MeasureMASE$new())
mlr3::mlr_measures$add("dynamic_mase", MeasureDynamicMASE$new())
mlr3::mlr_measures$add("asymmetric_dynamic_mase", MeasureAsymmetricDynamicMASE$new())
mlr3::mlr_measures$add("gmae", MeasureGMAE$new())
mlr3::mlr_measures$add("log_cosh_loss", MeasureLogCoshLoss$new())
mlr3::mlr_measures$add("dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae", MeasureDynamicPoly_2.3_and_1.3_MedAE$new())
mlr3::mlr_measures$add("dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae", MeasureDynamicPoly_2.3_and_1.2_MedAE$new())
# Verify that all custom measures have been successfully added to the mlr3 measures registry:
c("quantile_loss", "dynamic_quantile_loss", "asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss",
"huber_loss", "dynamic_huber_loss", "asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss",
"dynamic_rmse", "asymmetric_dynamic_rmse",
"dynamic_mae", "asymmetric_dynamic_mae",
"dynamic_logarithmic_medae", "asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae",
"dynamic_sqrt_medae", "asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae",
"dynamic_logistic_medae", "asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae",
"dynamic_mse", "asymmetric_dynamic_mse",
"regr.mase", "dynamic_mase", "asymmetric_dynamic_mase",
"gmae") %in% mlr3::mlr_measures$keys()
resampling function. This map represents each
territory as a separate fold for custom_cv
# The following custom map theme function is modified from the original, which comes from the following site:
mapTheme <- function(base_size = 12, title_size = 16) {
text = element_text( color = "black"),
plot.title = element_text(size = title_size,colour = "black"),
axis.ticks = element_blank(),
panel.background = element_blank(),axis.title = element_blank(),
axis.text = element_blank(),
axis.title.x = element_blank(),
axis.title.y = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
panel.border = element_rect(colour = "black", fill=NA, linewidth = 2),
strip.text.x = element_text(size = 14))
e_drc_adm1_map <- readRDS("e_drc_adm1_map.rds")
e_drc_adm2_map <- readRDS("e_drc_adm2_map.rds")
e_drc_adm2_map <- e_drc_adm2_map %>%
final_net.sf.attacks_train <- readRDS(file = "final_net.sf.attacks_train-after_adding_HiSig_and_HiSig.dist.rds")
final_net.sf.attacks_test <- readRDS(file = "final_net.sf.attacks_test-after_adding_HiSig_and_HiSig.dist.rds")
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = final_net.sf.attacks_train, aes(fill = NAME_2), linewidth = 0.3, show.legend=FALSE) +
scale_fill_viridis(option = "magma", discrete = T,
name="Attacks Count") +
geom_sf(data = e_drc_adm1_map, fill = NA, color = "red", linewidth = 1) +
labs(title = "East DRC Territories as LOGO Cross-Validation Folds",
subtitle = " ") +
theme_minimal() +
plot.title = element_text(face = "bold")
) +
final_net.attacks_train.weights <- readRDS(file = "final_net.attacks_train.weights.rds")
# Calculate Global Moran's I - We want to first see an overall picture of how much spatial autocorrelation exists in the data. A Global Moran's I value gives us one value to measure this overall level of spatial autocorrelation
# Convert the 'sf' object to a 'Spatial' object because the weights were created using 'as_Spatial'
attacks_train_Spatial <- sf::as_Spatial(final_net.sf.attacks_train)
moran_result <- spdep::moran.test(attacks_train_Spatial$countAttacks, listw = final_net.attacks_train.weights)
# Output:
# > print(moran_result)
# Moran I test under randomisation
# data: attacks_train_Spatial$countAttacks
# weights: final_net.attacks_train.weights
# Moran I statistic standard deviate = 2.6204, p-value = 0.004391
# alternative hypothesis: greater
# sample estimates:
# Moran I statistic Expectation Variance
# 0.1188218607 -0.0001189343 0.0020602408
for LOGO cross-validation. If the Global Moran’s
I value were roughly 0.3 or higher or -0.3 or lower, this would signify
a moderate to high level of spatial autocorrelation. In that case, it
might be critical to use a cross-validation strategy specifically
designed to handle spatial autocorrelation.custom_cv
LOGO cross-validation in mlr3, I will analyze the Global Moran’s I
statistic for each second order administrative district territory to see
whether there are some territories with high spatial autocorrelation, in
which case a stronger technique for handling spatial autocorrelation may
be better to use:# Extract districts from the original sf data frame
districts <- unique(attacks_train_Spatial$NAME_2)
# Initialize a data frame to store Moran's I and p-value for each district
morans_results <- data.frame(
District = districts,
Morans_I = NA_real_,
P_Value = NA_real_,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
for (d in districts) {
# Find indexes of data in this district
district_indexes <- which(attacks_train_Spatial$NAME_2 == d)
# Check if there are enough points to perform analysis
if (length(district_indexes) > 1) {
# Extract subset of Spatial DataFrame for the district
district_data <- attacks_train_Spatial[district_indexes, ]
# Recalculate neighborhoods within this subset
district_nb <- poly2nb(district_data, queen = TRUE)
# Calculate IDW weights for this subset
district_weights <- nb2listwdist(district_nb, district_data, type = "idw", alpha = 2)
# Perform Moran's test using the subset data and weights
# Directly access countAttacks without using @data
moran <- moran.test(district_data$countAttacks, listw = district_weights)
# Store Moran's I value and p-value for the district
morans_results$Morans_I[morans_results$District == d] <- moran[["estimate"]][["Moran I statistic"]]
morans_results$P_Value[morans_results$District == d] <- moran[["p.value"]]
} else {
# Not enough data points to calculate Moran's I for this district
morans_results$Morans_I[morans_results$District == d] <- NA
morans_results$P_Value[morans_results$District == d] <- NA
# Print the results
# > print(morans_results)
# District Morans_I P_Value
# 1 Bukavu 0.10543267427 0.01516801353776
# 2 Beni 0.07110132673 0.00292894495841
# 3 Goma 0.04436530954 0.23175271395032
# 4 Lubero 0.03869412936 0.00608869656494
# 5 Masisi 0.07285966780 0.13772247752260
# 6 Rutshuru 0.20288450821 0.00000000149617
# 7 Walikale 0.03630353323 0.03548391526612
# 8 Fizi 0.08491123423 0.00006115823484
# 9 Idjwi -0.02818177975 0.51123272748764
# 10 Kabare 0.15286116158 0.00053903306451
# 11 Kalehe -0.00496580450 0.50924273791368
# 12 Mwenga 0.03932692043 0.06706636369430
# 13 Shabunda -0.00002408329 0.48145955865925
# 14 Uvira 0.12225517775 0.00119671215549
# 15 Walungu 0.32702912662 0.04858314942198
# 16 Aru 0.02228509304 0.38678259569893
# 17 Djugu 0.11229439602 0.00000602803142
# 18 Irumu 0.05240590281 0.03013479998239
# 19 Mahagi 0.19149823453 0.00000003280537
# 20 Mambasa 0.06566756895 0.00000066244635
considering these spatial patterns may lead to over-optimistic bias in
model evaluation metrics because the model may learn these spatial
dependencies present in the training data, which then appear in the test
data. Specifically, for districts with moderate Moran’s I values,
spatially aware cross-validation techniques that ensure spatially
proximate observations are grouped together might better preserve the
integrity of the spatial structure in both training and testing
as my baseline resampling
technique knowing that it is possible predictions are
(LOGO) cross-validation with XGBoost regression uses the NAME_2 column,
which contains the names of the second order administrative district
(territory) associated with each grid cell.custom_cv
# Make sure to load these files if not already loaded:
# final_net.sf.attacks_train <- readRDS(file = "final_net.sf.attacks_train-after_adding_HiSig_and_HiSig.dist.rds")
# final_net.sf.attacks_test <- readRDS(file = "final_net.sf.attacks_test-after_adding_HiSig_and_HiSig.dist.rds")
# Load the map shapefile
e_drc_adm2_map <- sf::st_read("COD_adm/east_drc_adm2_most_violent_provinces.shp")
e_drc_adm2_map <- sf::st_set_crs(e_drc_adm2_map, 4326)
# Create a first order administrative map from the above second order administrative map
e_drc_adm1_map <- e_drc_adm2_map %>%
group_by(NAME_1) %>%
summarise(geometry = st_union(geometry)) %>%
projected_crs <- "+proj=tmerc +lat_0=-0.6888125 +lon_0=29.0698245 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"
e_drc_adm1_map <- st_transform(e_drc_adm1_map, crs = projected_crs)
e_drc_adm2_map <- st_transform(e_drc_adm2_map, crs = projected_crs)
# Get the bounding box of e_drc_adm2_map
map_bbox <- st_bbox(e_drc_adm2_map)
# Create a bbox object for st_make_grid
bbox_obj <- st_as_sfc(map_bbox)
fishnet <- readRDS("fishnet.rds")
columns.xgb.attacks <- c("uniqueID",
data.attacks_train <- final_net.sf.attacks_train[, columns.xgb.attacks]
data.attacks_test <- final_net.sf.attacks_test[, columns.xgb.attacks]
# Converting all columns to numeric
for(col in columns.xgb.attacks) {
data.attacks_train[[col]] <- as.numeric(data.attacks_train[[col]])
data.attacks_test[[col]] <- as.numeric(data.attacks_test[[col]])
# Set the seed for reproducibility
data.regr.train <- data.attacks_train
data.regr.test <- data.attacks_test
data.regr.train$count_target <- as.numeric(data.attacks_train[["countAttacks"]])
data.regr.test$count_target <- as.numeric(data.attacks_test[["countAttacks"]])
data.regr.train <- data.regr.train %>% dplyr::select(-countAttacks)
data.regr.test <- data.regr.test %>% dplyr::select(-countAttacks, -NAME_2)
data_centroids.regr.train <- st_centroid(data.regr.train)
data_centroids.regr.test <- st_centroid(data.regr.test)
task_regr_train <- as_task_regr_st(data_centroids.regr.train, target = "count_target", coordinate_names = c("geometry"), crs = projected_crs, coords_as_features = FALSE, label= "count_model", drop_original_target = TRUE)
task_regr_train$set_col_roles("NAME_2", "group")
task_regr_train$set_col_roles("uniqueID", "order")
task_regr_test <- as_task_regr_st(data_centroids.regr.test, target = "count_target", coordinate_names = c("geometry"), crs = projected_crs, coords_as_features = FALSE, label= "count_model", drop_original_target = TRUE)
task_regr_test$set_col_roles("uniqueID", "order")
# Define a pipeline with scaling
pipeline <- po("scale", id = "scale")
pipeline_task_regr_train = pipeline$train(list(task_regr_train))[[1]]
resampling_regr <- rsmp("custom_cv")
resampling_regr$instantiate(task_regr_train, col = "NAME_2")
learner_regr_train <- lrn("regr.xgboost",
nrounds = to_tune(p_int(50, 2000, tags = "budget")),
eta = to_tune(1e-4, 1),
max_depth = to_tune(3, 40),
colsample_bytree = to_tune(0.2, 1),
gamma = to_tune(1e-3, 15),
min_child_weight = to_tune(1e-3, 10),
subsample = to_tune(0.2, 1),
scale_pos_weight = to_tune(1, 300)
# Normally, scale_pos_weight is used for classification for imbalanced datasets. But I want to see whether it will improve performance also for regression
# Combine the pipeline and learner into a GraphLearner. This is important as it encapsulates the pipeline as well as the learner. This ensures that the transformations are applied to the data at each step of the resampling strategy. When the TuningInstanceBatchMultiCrit is set up with this GraphLearner, the evaluation/test sets within the training data are transformed automatically as part of the resampling/hyperparameter tuning process. GraphLearner is not necessary for the final prediction phase on held out test data, but the pipeline still must be used to transform the test data in the same way the pipeline transformed the training data.
graph_learner <- GraphLearner$new(pipeline %>>% learner_regr_train)
# Optimizer configuration using NSGA-II (calculating the Pareto optimal front) for Hyperband
dynamic_measure_names <- c("dynamic_quantile_loss", "dynamic_huber_loss", "dynamic_rmse", "dynamic_mae", "dynamic_mase")
dynamic_measures <- msrs(dynamic_measure_names)
# Use parallel processing to speed up the hyperparameter tuning process
if (future::supportsMulticore()) {
future::plan(future::multicore, workers = 6)
} else {
future::plan(future::multisession, workers = 6)
instance.multi_tuning <- TuningInstanceBatchMultiCrit$new(
task = pipeline_task_regr_train,
learner = graph_learner,
resampling = resampling_regr,
measures = dynamic_measures,
terminator = trm("none"),
store_models = TRUE,
check_values = TRUE
# Use the hyperband grid search algorithm for tuning
tuner <- tnr("hyperband")
saveRDS(instance.multi_tuning, "instance.multi_tuning.xgb.custom_cv.dynamic.rds", compress = TRUE)
# instance.multi_tuning <- readRDS("instance.multi_tuning.xgb.custom_cv.dynamic.rds")
# Process results
archive_regr <-$archive)
saveRDS(archive_regr, "archive_regr.xgb.custom_cv.dynamic.rds", compress=TRUE)
# archive_regr <- readRDS("archive_regr.xgb.custom_cv.dynamic.rds")
# End parallel processing
# Assigning the Pareto front solutions directly to a learner
# Filter out only the hyperparameter columns necessary for the learner
param_cols <- c("regr.xgboost.eta", "regr.xgboost.max_depth", "regr.xgboost.colsample_bytree", "regr.xgboost.gamma", "regr.xgboost.min_child_weight", "regr.xgboost.subsample", "regr.xgboost.scale_pos_weight", "regr.xgboost.nrounds")
scores_cols <- dynamic_measure_names
normalized_cols <- paste0("normalized_", scores_cols)
# Using PCA to weight the various metrics in importance to determine the optimal hyperparameter values:
# 'pareto_solutions.xgb' contains the Pareto optimal solutions with metric columns
# Normalize the data using data.table syntax
# Define a function for min-max scaling to range [0, 1]: It is critical to use min max scaling rather than z-score transformations. By normalizing each metric to a range of 0 to 1 where lower values represent better performance, and then using these normalized metric values to compute a composite score based on PCA-derived weights, the resulting composite score aligns with the principle that lower scores are better. This will allow us to then find the optimal hyperparameter values associated with the lowest composite score.
# If we instead used z-score scaling, it may not always be the case that the lowest composite scores always are associated with the best hyperparameter combination because z-score scaling centers data around the mean with a standard deviation of one, which does not necessarily scale the metric values within a bounded range like [0, 1]. Thus, negative values can result, and higher absolute values (both positive and negative) might dominate the composite score. This can lead to situations where hyperparameter sets with better absolute performance on some metrics could receive unfairly high (i.e., worse) composite scores simply due to the distribution and scaling of other metrics in the data set.
# When performing Principal Component Analysis (PCA), it is important to ensure that all metrics are fairly represented. If four out of five metrics have extremely high (poor) values and only one metric has a good value, the PCA might interpret that most of the variance in the data comes from the variability of that single good metric. This can distort the PCA results, leading to a misleading understanding of each metric's importance.
# To address this issue, we should use robust normalization to reduce the impact of outliers. Outliers can disproportionately affect the results, skewing the analysis. By identifying and removing these outliers, we can ensure a more accurate representation of the metrics.
# Here is how you can identify outliers using the Interquartile Range (IQR) method:
# Function to identify outliers using the IQR method
identify_outliers <- function(x) {
q75 <- quantile(x, 0.75, na.rm = TRUE)
q25 <- quantile(x, 0.25, na.rm = TRUE)
iqr <- q75 - q25
lower_bound <- q25 - 1.5 * iqr
upper_bound <- q75 + 1.5 * iqr
return(x < lower_bound | x > upper_bound)
# Apply the outlier identification function to each metric column
outliers <- archive_regr[, lapply(.SD, identify_outliers), .SDcols = scores_cols]
# Create a logical vector indicating rows to keep (non-outliers)
rows_to_keep <- !rowSums(outliers)
# Filter the dataset to remove outliers
archive_regr_clean <- archive_regr[rows_to_keep]
min_max_scale <- function(x) {
(x - min(x, na.rm = TRUE)) / (max(x, na.rm = TRUE) - min(x, na.rm = TRUE))
# Apply min-max scaling to the cleaned dataset
# The .SDcols argument is part of the data.table package
# .SD represents a subset of the data.table containing only the columns specified by .SDcols.
# .SDcols = scores_cols specifies which columns to include in .SD (in this case, the columns listed in scores_cols).
# This allows lapply() to apply the min_max_scale function to each of those specified columns in scores_cols, and the result is assigned to the columns indicated by normalized_cols within archive_regr_clean.
archive_regr_clean[, (normalized_cols) := lapply(.SD, min_max_scale), .SDcols = scores_cols]
# The fastNonDominatedSorting function comes from the nsga2R library
# Perform Pareto front selection on the normalized columns
pareto_indices.xgb <- fastNonDominatedSorting(as.matrix(archive_regr_clean[, ..normalized_cols]))
# Extract Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_solutions.xgb <- archive_regr_clean[pareto_indices.xgb[[1]], ]
# Define the number of near-optimal solutions to include. In reality, these will include both Pareto solutions and near-Pareto solutions
N_near_optimal <- 50
# Function to calculate Euclidean distance between two points
euclidean_distance <- function(x, y) {
sqrt(sum((x - y) ^ 2))
# Extract normalized data for Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_data <- as.matrix(pareto_solutions.xgb[, ..normalized_cols])
# Extract normalized data for all solutions
all_data <- as.matrix(archive_regr_clean[, ..normalized_cols])
# Calculate the minimum distance of each solution to the Pareto front
min_distances <- apply(all_data, 1, function(x) {
apply(pareto_data, 1, function(y) euclidean_distance(x, y)) %>% min()
# Add the distances to the data table
archive_regr_clean[, distance_to_pareto := min_distances]
# Select top N near-optimal solutions based on distance to Pareto front.
near_optimal_solutions <- archive_regr_clean[order(distance_to_pareto)][1:N_near_optimal]
# Before performing PCA, let's see whether using one principal component is sufficient in terms of capturing the vast majority of the variance, or whether combining additional principal components might add a substantial amount of the variance, and thus be helpful in producing weights/loadings that even better reflect the amount of variance each metric captures:
# Perform PCA
pca_result.xgb <- prcomp([, ..normalized_cols]))
# Summary of PCA to check variance explained by each component
pca_summary <- summary(pca_result.xgb)
# > print(pca_summary)
# Importance of components:
# PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4
# Standard deviation 0.03969 0.02247 0.001003 0.000000000000000002725
# Proportion of Variance 0.75696 0.24256 0.000480 0.000000000000000000000
# Cumulative Proportion 0.75696 0.99952 1.000000 1.000000000000000000000
# Cumulative variance explained
cumulative_variance <- cumsum(pca_summary$importance[2, ])
# > print(cumulative_variance)
# PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4
# 0.75696 0.99952 1.00000 1.00000
# Let's use both PC1 and PC2 for all of our models, for the following reasons:
# - More Comprehensive Capture of Variance: Using both PC1 and PC2 captures almost all the variance in the data (99.96%), leading to a more comprehensive understanding of the underlying patterns.
# - Balanced View of Performance Metrics: Including PC2 ensures that secondary patterns, which may be important for certain trade-offs between metrics, are not ignored.
# Apply PCA on the combined solutions
pca_result_combined <- prcomp([, ..normalized_cols]))
loadings_pc1_combined <- pca_result_combined$rotation[, 1]
loadings_pc2_combined <- pca_result_combined$rotation[, 2]
variance_pc1_combined <- summary(pca_result_combined)$importance[2, 1]
variance_pc2_combined <- summary(pca_result_combined)$importance[2, 2]
combined_weights <- variance_pc1_combined * abs(loadings_pc1_combined) + variance_pc2_combined * abs(loadings_pc2_combined)
pareto_weights <- combined_weights / sum(combined_weights) # Normalize to sum to 1
# Use these weights to calculate composite scores for only Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_solutions.xgb[, composite_score := as.matrix(.SD) %*% pareto_weights, .SDcols = normalized_cols]
# Find the best set of hyperparameters based on the lowest composite score
best_index.xgb <- which.min(pareto_solutions.xgb$composite_score)
best_solution.xgb <- pareto_solutions.xgb[best_index.xgb, ]
saveRDS(pareto_weights, "pareto_weights.xgb.custom_cv.rds")
# pareto_weights <- readRDS("pareto_weights.xgb.custom_cv.rds")
print(pareto_weights[order(pareto_weights, decreasing = TRUE)])
# > print(pareto_weights[order(pareto_weights, decreasing = TRUE)])
# normalized_dynamic_rmse normalized_dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.2463382 0.2137066
# normalized_dynamic_quantile_loss normalized_dynamic_mae
# 0.2105006 0.2105006
# normalized_dynamic_mase
# 0.1189540
# Extract and print the best hyperparameters and their scores
best_hyperparameters.xgb <- best_solution.xgb[, ..param_cols]
best_metrics.xgb <- best_solution.xgb[, ..scores_cols]
names(best_hyperparameters.xgb) <- gsub("^regr.xgboost\\.", "", names(best_hyperparameters.xgb))
saveRDS(best_hyperparameters.xgb, "best_hyperparameters.xgb.custom_cv.dynamic.rds")
saveRDS(best_metrics.xgb, "best_metrics.xgb.custom_cv.dynamic.rds")
# best_hyperparameters.xgb <- readRDS("best_hyperparameters.xgb.custom_cv.dynamic.rds")
# best_metrics.xgb <- readRDS("best_metrics.xgb.custom_cv.dynamic.rds")
# Format the hyperparameters for printing
params.xgb <- sprintf(
"eta = %s\nmax_depth = %s\ncolsample_bytree = %s\ngamma = %s\nmin_child_weight = %s\nsubsample = %s\nscale_pos_weight = %s\nnrounds = %s",
# Format the metrics for printing
metrics.xgb <- sapply(names(best_metrics.xgb), function(col) {
sprintf("%s = %s", col, best_metrics.xgb[[col]])
# Combine hyperparameters and metrics into a single character vector
param_metrics_descriptions.xgb <- c("\nOptimal Hyperparameters:", params.xgb, "\nMetrics:", metrics.xgb)
# Print the parameters and metrics
cat("Best Parameters & Dynamic Metrics for XGBoost Model with Administrative District Cross-Validation:\n", paste(param_metrics_descriptions.xgb, collapse="\n"), "\n")
# Best Parameters & Dynamic Metrics for XGBoost Model with Administrative District Cross-Validation:
# Optimal Hyperparameters:
# eta = 0.248801491821534
# max_depth = 20
# colsample_bytree = 0.650013446994126
# gamma = 11.5591851070479
# min_child_weight = 6.84640235391795
# subsample = 0.844887580908835
# scale_pos_weight = 174.848514143145
# nrounds = 250
# Metrics:
# dynamic_quantile_loss = 5.74271816859278
# dynamic_huber_loss = 10.6440964068665
# dynamic_rmse = 11.50471806049
# dynamic_mae = 11.4854363371856
# dynamic_mase = 4.6017459939888
saveRDS(param_metrics_descriptions.xgb, "params_metrics.xgb.custom_cv.dynamic.rds")
# param_metrics_descriptions.xgb <- readRDS("params_metrics.xgb.custom_cv.dynamic.rds")
# Directly use the best solution to configure the learner
best_learner.xgb <- lrn("regr.xgboost")
best_learner.xgb$param_set$values <- as.list(best_hyperparameters.xgb)
set.seed(123) # Make sure to set the seed again here or else the results will not be reproducible
saveRDS(best_learner.xgb, "best_learner.xgb.custom_cv.dynamic.after_training.rds")
# best_learner.xgb <- readRDS("best_learner.xgb.custom_cv.dynamic.after_training.rds")
# Transform the test data using the pipeline in the same way the training data was transformed earlier
pipeline_task_regr_test <- pipeline$predict(list(task_regr_test))[[1]]
# Make predictions
test_predictions_regr <- best_learner.xgb$predict_newdata(newdata = pipeline_task_regr_test$data(), task = pipeline_task_regr_test)
saveRDS(test_predictions_regr, "test_predictions_regr.xgb.custom_cv.dynamic.rds")
# test_predictions_regr <- readRDS("test_predictions_regr.xgb.custom_cv.dynamic.rds")
# Core Metrics with which to Compare Models:
core_dynamic_measures_list.regr.custom_cv <- list(
measure.dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_quantile_loss")),
measure.dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_huber_loss")),
measure.dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_rmse")),
measure.dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mae")),
measure.dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mase"))
saveRDS(core_dynamic_measures_list.regr.custom_cv, "core_dynamic_measures_list.regr.custom_cv.rds")
# core_dynamic_measures_list.regr.custom_cv <- readRDS("core_dynamic_measures_list.regr.custom_cv.rds")
# Print the core dynamically weighted test set metrics
# > print(core_dynamic_measures_list.regr.custom_cv)
# [[1]]
# dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.1199314
# [[2]]
# dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.1207403
# [[3]]
# dynamic_rmse
# 0.8379456
# [[4]]
# dynamic_mae
# 0.2398629
# [[5]]
# dynamic_mase
# 3.954445
# Non-core metrics from predictions on unseen test data:
measures_list.regr.custom_cv <- list(
# Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE)
measure.rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rmse")),
measure.dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_rmse")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_rmse")),
# Mean Squared Error (MSE)
measure.mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mse")),
measure.dynamic_mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mse")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mse")),
# Mean Absolute Error (MAE)
measure.mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mae")),
measure.dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mae")),
# Mean Absolute Scaled Error (MASE)
measure.mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mase")),
measure.dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mase")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mase")),
# Quantile Loss
measure.quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("quantile_loss")),
measure.dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_quantile_loss")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss")),
# Huber Loss
measure.huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("huber_loss")),
measure.dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_huber_loss")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss")),
# Logarithmic MedAE
measure.dynamic_logarithmic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_logarithmic_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae")),
# Sqrt MedAE
measure.dynamic_sqrt_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_sqrt_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae")),
# Logistic MedAE
measure.dynamic_logistic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_logistic_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae")),
# Polynomial MedAE
measure.dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae")),
measure.dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae")),
# Geometric Mean Absolute Error (GMAE)
measure.gmae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("gmae")),
# Log-Cosh Loss
measure.log_cosh_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("log_cosh_loss")),
# Other measures
measure.medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.medae")),
measure.medse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.medse")),
measure.msle <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.msle")),
measure.rmsle <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rmsle")),
measure.rae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rae")),
measure.rrse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rrse"))
saveRDS(measures_list.regr.custom_cv, "measures_list.regr.xgb.custom_cv.rds")
#measures_list.regr.custom_cv <- readRDS("measures_list.regr.xgb.custom_cv.rds")
# Print all test set evaluation metrics
# > print(measures_list.regr.custom_cv)
# [[1]]
# regr.rmse
# 0.4988996
# [[2]]
# dynamic_rmse
# 0.8379456
# [[3]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_rmse
# 1.049973
# [[4]]
# regr.mse
# 0.2489008
# [[5]]
# dynamic_mse
# 0.7021527
# [[6]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mse
# 1.102443
# [[7]]
# regr.mae
# 0.1597256
# [[8]]
# dynamic_mae
# 0.2398629
# [[9]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mae
# 0.322411
# [[10]]
# regr.mase
# 2.63328
# [[11]]
# dynamic_mase
# 3.954445
# [[12]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mase
# 5.315357
# [[13]]
# quantile_loss
# 0.07986279
# [[14]]
# dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.1199314
# [[15]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.1386231
# [[16]]
# huber_loss
# 0.05418763
# [[17]]
# dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.1207403
# [[18]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.1788929
# [[19]]
# dynamic_logarithmic_medae
# 0.0001249558
# [[20]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae
# 0.008721946
# [[21]]
# dynamic_sqrt_medae
# 0.01118535
# [[22]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae
# 0.01007285
# [[23]]
# dynamic_logistic_medae
# 0.02563271
# [[24]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae
# 0.02742081
# [[25]]
# dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae
# 0.0169847
# [[26]]
# dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae
# 0.01054461
# [[27]]
# gmae
# 0.1287661
# [[28]]
# log_cosh_loss
# 0.05054256
# [[29]]
# regr.medae
# 0.04999516
# [[30]]
# regr.medse
# 0.002499516
# [[31]]
# regr.msle
# NaN
# [[32]]
# regr.rmsle
# NaN
# [[33]]
# regr.rae
# 2.547038
# [[34]]
# regr.rrse
# 1.383516
spatial cross-validation technique. This method
is especially valuable for spatially homogeneous datasets, where
traditional random sampling might lead to overestimating model
performance due to spatial autocorrelation. The method is based on the
partition_kmeans function from the R package sperrorest and the work of
Brenning (2012).spcv_coords
k-means clustering in the coordinate space to divide the data into
irregular shaped folds. This means that data points are grouped based on
their spatial locations, and each cluster forms a fold. The user defines
the number of folds (and thus spatial coordinate clusters). The result
is to ensure that each fold contains spatially distinct regions, thus
ensuring the folds in the training set are spatially distinct from the
fold in the test set, thereby at least reducing spatial autocorrelation
but not necessarily eliminating spatial autocorrelation between training
and test sets. Without the ability to set the autocorrelation range,
spcv_coords use of k-means clustering to partition the data may
therefore not necessarily align with the actual spatial dependencies
Cross-Validation:# XGBoost spcv_coords model.
data.attacks_train <- final_net.sf.attacks_train[, columns.xgb.attacks]
data.attacks_test <- final_net.sf.attacks_test[, columns.xgb.attacks]
for(col in columns.xgb.attacks) {
data.attacks_train[[col]] <- as.numeric(data.attacks_train[[col]])
data.attacks_test[[col]] <- as.numeric(data.attacks_test[[col]])
# Set the seed for reproducibility
data.regr.train <- data.attacks_train
data.regr.test <- data.attacks_test
data.regr.train$count_target <- as.numeric(data.attacks_train[["countAttacks"]])
data.regr.test$count_target <- as.numeric(data.attacks_test[["countAttacks"]])
data.regr.train <- data.regr.train %>% dplyr::select(-countAttacks, -NAME_2)
data.regr.test <- data.regr.test %>% dplyr::select(-countAttacks, -NAME_2)
data_centroids.regr.train <- st_centroid(data.regr.train)
data_centroids.regr.test <- st_centroid(data.regr.test)
projected_crs = "+proj=tmerc +lat_0=-0.6888125 +lon_0=29.0698245 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"
task_regr_train <- as_task_regr_st(data_centroids.regr.train, target = "count_target", coordinate_names = c("geometry"), crs = projected_crs, coords_as_features = FALSE, label= "count_model", drop_original_target = TRUE)
task_regr_train$set_col_roles("uniqueID", "order")
task_regr_test <- as_task_regr_st(data_centroids.regr.test, target = "count_target", coordinate_names = c("geometry"), crs = projected_crs, coords_as_features = FALSE, label= "count_model", drop_original_target = TRUE)
task_regr_test$set_col_roles("uniqueID", "order")
# Define a pipeline with scaling
pipeline <- po("scale", id = "scale")
pipeline_task_regr_train = pipeline$train(list(task_regr_train))[[1]]
resampling_regr <- rsmp("spcv_coords", folds = 10)
learner_regr_train <- lrn("regr.xgboost",
nrounds = to_tune(p_int(50, 2000, tags = "budget")),
eta = to_tune(1e-4, 1),
max_depth = to_tune(3, 40),
colsample_bytree = to_tune(0.2, 1),
gamma = to_tune(1e-3, 15),
min_child_weight = to_tune(1e-3, 10),
subsample = to_tune(0.2, 1),
scale_pos_weight = to_tune(1, 300)
graph_learner <- GraphLearner$new(pipeline %>>% learner_regr_train)
dynamic_measure_names <- c("dynamic_quantile_loss", "dynamic_huber_loss", "dynamic_rmse", "dynamic_mae", "dynamic_mase")
dynamic_measures <- msrs(dynamic_measure_names)
if (future::supportsMulticore()) {
future::plan(future::multicore, workers = 6)
} else {
future::plan(future::multisession, workers = 6)
instance.multi_tuning <- TuningInstanceBatchMultiCrit$new(
task = pipeline_task_regr_train,
learner = graph_learner,
resampling = resampling_regr,
measures = dynamic_measures,
terminator = trm("none"),
store_models = TRUE,
check_values = TRUE
tuner <- tnr("hyperband")
saveRDS(instance.multi_tuning, "instance.multi_tuning.xgb.spcv_coords.rds", compress = TRUE)
# instance.multi_tuning <- readRDS("instance.multi_tuning.xgb.spcv_coords.rds")
# Process results
archive_regr <-$archive)
# saveRDS(archive_regr, "archive_regr.xgb.spcv_coords.rds", compress=TRUE)
# archive_regr <- readRDS("archive_regr.xgb.spcv_coords.rds")
saveRDS(archive_regr, "archive_regr.xgb.spcv_coords.rds", compress=TRUE)
# archive_regr <- readRDS("archive_regr.xgb.spcv_coords.rds")
param_cols <- c("regr.xgboost.eta", "regr.xgboost.max_depth", "regr.xgboost.colsample_bytree", "regr.xgboost.gamma", "regr.xgboost.min_child_weight",
"regr.xgboost.subsample", "regr.xgboost.scale_pos_weight", "regr.xgboost.nrounds")
scores_cols <- dynamic_measure_names
normalized_cols <- paste0("normalized_", scores_cols)
# Function to identify outliers using the IQR method
identify_outliers <- function(x) {
q75 <- quantile(x, 0.75, na.rm = TRUE)
q25 <- quantile(x, 0.25, na.rm = TRUE)
iqr <- q75 - q25
lower_bound <- q25 - 1.5 * iqr
upper_bound <- q75 + 1.5 * iqr
return(x < lower_bound | x > upper_bound)
# Apply the outlier identification function to each metric column
outliers <- archive_regr[, lapply(.SD, identify_outliers), .SDcols = scores_cols]
# Create a logical vector indicating rows to keep (non-outliers)
rows_to_keep <- !rowSums(outliers)
# Filter the dataset to remove outliers
archive_regr_clean <- archive_regr[rows_to_keep]
min_max_scale <- function(x) {
(x - min(x, na.rm = TRUE)) / (max(x, na.rm = TRUE) - min(x, na.rm = TRUE))
# Apply min-max scaling to the cleaned dataset
archive_regr_clean[, (normalized_cols) := lapply(.SD, min_max_scale), .SDcols = scores_cols]
# Perform Pareto front selection on the normalized columns
pareto_indices.xgb <- fastNonDominatedSorting(as.matrix(archive_regr_clean[, ..normalized_cols]))
# Extract Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_solutions.xgb <- archive_regr_clean[pareto_indices.xgb[[1]], ]
# Define the number of near-optimal solutions to include
N_near_optimal <- 50
# Function to calculate Euclidean distance between two points
euclidean_distance <- function(x, y) {
sqrt(sum((x - y) ^ 2))
# Extract normalized data for Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_data <- as.matrix(pareto_solutions.xgb[, ..normalized_cols])
# Extract normalized data for all solutions
all_data <- as.matrix(archive_regr_clean[, ..normalized_cols])
# Calculate the minimum distance of each solution to the Pareto front
min_distances <- apply(all_data, 1, function(x) {
apply(pareto_data, 1, function(y) euclidean_distance(x, y)) %>% min()
# Add the distances to the data table
archive_regr_clean[, distance_to_pareto := min_distances]
# Select top N near-optimal solutions based on distance to Pareto front.
near_optimal_solutions <- archive_regr_clean[order(distance_to_pareto)][1:N_near_optimal]
# Apply PCA on the combined solutions
pca_result_combined <- prcomp([, ..normalized_cols]))
loadings_pc1_combined <- pca_result_combined$rotation[, 1]
loadings_pc2_combined <- pca_result_combined$rotation[, 2]
variance_pc1_combined <- summary(pca_result_combined)$importance[2, 1]
variance_pc2_combined <- summary(pca_result_combined)$importance[2, 2]
combined_weights <- variance_pc1_combined * abs(loadings_pc1_combined) + variance_pc2_combined * abs(loadings_pc2_combined)
pareto_weights <- combined_weights / sum(combined_weights) # Normalize to sum to 1
# Use these weights to calculate composite scores for only Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_solutions.xgb[, composite_score := as.matrix(.SD) %*% pareto_weights, .SDcols = normalized_cols]
# Find the best set of hyperparameters based on the lowest composite score
best_index.xgb <- which.min(pareto_solutions.xgb$composite_score)
best_solution.xgb <- pareto_solutions.xgb[best_index.xgb, ]
saveRDS(pareto_weights, "pareto_weights.xgb.spcv_coords.rds")
# pareto_weights <- readRDS("pareto_weights.spcv_coords.rds")
print(pareto_weights[order(pareto_weights, decreasing = TRUE)])
# Extract and print the best hyperparameters and their scores
best_hyperparameters.xgb <- best_solution.xgb[, ..param_cols]
best_metrics.xgb <- best_solution.xgb[, ..scores_cols]
names(best_hyperparameters.xgb) <- gsub("^regr.xgboost\\.", "", names(best_hyperparameters.xgb))
saveRDS(best_hyperparameters.xgb, "best_hyperparameters.xgb-spcv_coords.rds")
# best_hyperparameters.xgb <- readRDS("best_hyperparameters.xgb-spcv_coords.rds")
saveRDS(best_metrics.xgb, "best_metrics.xgb-spcv_coords.rds")
# Format the hyperparameters for printing
params.xgb <- sprintf(
"eta = %s\nmax_depth = %s\ncolsample_bytree = %s\ngamma = %s\nmin_child_weight = %s\nsubsample = %s\nscale_pos_weight = %s\nnrounds = %s",
# Format the metrics for printing
metrics.xgb <- sapply(names(best_metrics.xgb), function(col) {
sprintf("%s = %s", col, best_metrics.xgb[[col]])
# Combine hyperparameters and metrics into a single character vector
param_metrics_descriptions.xgb <- c("\nOptimal Hyperparameters:", params.xgb, "\nMetrics:", metrics.xgb)
# Print the parameters and metrics
cat("Best Parameters & Metrics for XGBoost Model with spcv_coords Cross-Validation:\n", paste(param_metrics_descriptions.xgb, collapse="\n"), "\n")
# Best Parameters & Metrics for XGBoost Model with spcv_coords Cross-Validation:
# Optimal Hyperparameters:
# eta = 0.562006962576578
# max_depth = 21
# colsample_bytree = 0.728425841033459
# gamma = 8.47235242800531
# min_child_weight = 1.38995600994001
# subsample = 0.977945607341826
# scale_pos_weight = 178.687618444441
# nrounds = 125
# Metrics:
# dynamic_quantile_loss = 3.16183951298874
# dynamic_huber_loss = 5.87807785780093
# dynamic_rmse = 9.39057506997629
# dynamic_mae = 6.32367902597748
# dynamic_mase = 4.55179183073633
# Save the formatted description to an RDS file
saveRDS(param_metrics_descriptions.xgb, "params_metrics.xgb-spcv_coords.rds")
# param_metrics_descriptions.xgb <- readRDS("params_metrics.xgb-spcv_coords.rds")
# Directly use the best solution to configure the learner
best_learner.xgb <- lrn("regr.xgboost")
best_learner.xgb$param_set$values <- as.list(best_hyperparameters.xgb)
saveRDS(best_learner.xgb, "best_learner.xgb-spcv_coords.rds")
# best_learner.xgb <- readRDS("best_learner.xgb-spcv_coords.rds")
saveRDS(best_learner.xgb, "best_learner.xgb.spcv_coords.after_training.rds")
# Transform the test data using the pipeline in the same way the training data was transformed earlier
pipeline_task_regr_test <- pipeline$predict(list(task_regr_test))[[1]]
# Make predictions
test_predictions_regr <- best_learner.xgb$predict_newdata(newdata = pipeline_task_regr_test$data(), task = pipeline_task_regr_test)
saveRDS(test_predictions_regr, "test_predictions_regr.xgb.spcv_coords.rds")
# test_predictions_regr <- readRDS("test_predictions_regr.xgb.spcv_coords.rds")
# Core Metrics with which to Compare Models:
core_dynamic_measures_list.spcv_coords <- list(
measure.dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_quantile_loss")),
measure.dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_huber_loss")),
measure.dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_rmse")),
measure.dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mae")),
measure.dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mase"))
saveRDS(core_dynamic_measures_list.spcv_coords, "core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_coords.rds")
# > print(core_dynamic_measures_list.spcv_coords)
# [[1]]
# dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.1237997
# [[2]]
# dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.1281833
# [[3]]
# dynamic_rmse
# 0.894617
# [[4]]
# dynamic_mae
# 0.2475995
# [[5]]
# dynamic_mase
# 4.081993
# Non-core metrics from predictions on unseen test data:
measures_list.spcv_coords <- list(
# Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE)
measure.rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rmse")),
measure.dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_rmse")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_rmse")),
# Mean Squared Error (MSE)
measure.mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mse")),
measure.dynamic_mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mse")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mse")),
# Mean Absolute Error (MAE)
measure.mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mae")),
measure.dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mae")),
# Mean Absolute Scaled Error (MASE)
measure.mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mase")),
measure.dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mase")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mase")),
# Quantile Loss
measure.quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("quantile_loss")),
measure.dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_quantile_loss")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss")),
# Huber Loss
measure.huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("huber_loss")),
measure.dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_huber_loss")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss")),
# Logarithmic MedAE
measure.dynamic_logarithmic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_logarithmic_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae")),
# Sqrt MedAE
measure.dynamic_sqrt_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_sqrt_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae")),
# Logistic MedAE
measure.dynamic_logistic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_logistic_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae")),
# Polynomial MedAE
measure.dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae")),
measure.dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae")),
# Geometric Mean Absolute Error (GMAE)
measure.gmae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("gmae")),
# Log-Cosh Loss
measure.log_cosh_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("log_cosh_loss")),
# Other measures
measure.medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.medae")),
measure.medse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.medse")),
measure.msle <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.msle")),
measure.rmsle <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rmsle")),
measure.rae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rae")),
measure.rrse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rrse"))
saveRDS(measures_list.spcv_coords, "measures_list.xgb.spcv_coords.rds")
# > print(measures_list.spcv_coords)
# [[1]]
# regr.rmse
# 0.461014
# [[2]]
# dynamic_rmse
# 0.894617
# [[3]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_rmse
# 1.179188
# [[4]]
# regr.mse
# 0.2125339
# [[5]]
# dynamic_mse
# 0.8003395
# [[6]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mse
# 1.390484
# [[7]]
# regr.mae
# 0.1524723
# [[8]]
# dynamic_mae
# 0.2475995
# [[9]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mae
# 0.3799474
# [[10]]
# regr.mase
# 2.513701
# [[11]]
# dynamic_mase
# 4.081993
# [[12]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mase
# 6.263917
# [[13]]
# quantile_loss
# 0.07623617
# [[14]]
# dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.1237997
# [[15]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.1195256
# [[16]]
# huber_loss
# 0.04637911
# [[17]]
# dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.1281833
# [[18]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.1713527
# [[19]]
# dynamic_logarithmic_medae
# 0.0003966574
# [[20]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae
# 0.001920911
# [[21]]
# dynamic_sqrt_medae
# 0.01994314
# [[22]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae
# 0.008944812
# [[23]]
# dynamic_logistic_medae
# 0.03812192
# [[24]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae
# 0.0403309
# [[25]]
# dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae
# 0.01734232
# [[26]]
# dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae
# 0.01703927
# [[27]]
# gmae
# 0.1269016
# [[28]]
# log_cosh_loss
# 0.0431481
# [[29]]
# regr.medae
# 0.07354093
# [[30]]
# regr.medse
# 0.005408268
# [[31]]
# regr.msle
# 0.0393297
# [[32]]
# regr.rmsle
# 0.1983172
# [[33]]
# regr.rae
# 2.431375
# [[34]]
# regr.rrse
# 1.278454
spatial cross-validation strategy above
did not require that we specify the range of spatial autocorrelation in
our data. However, the next spatial resampling strategy we will use -
mlr3’s spcv_block
- does, in order to increase the
likelihood of spatial independence between training and test folds
during cross-validation.spcv_block
divides the study
area into blocks, in my case by using a specified distance (size). The
blocks are rectangular or hexagonal, and they are assigned to folds in a
random pattern. The blocks are assigned according to the extent and
shape of the spatial data. The range parameter of
(X meters) specifies the size of each block in
terms of width and height, forming squares. This means that the spatial
area is divided into blocks where each block has a width of
approximately X meters. Given this block size, mlr3’s
will create as many blocks as possible that fit
within the study area, and then it will randomly assign these blocks to
the specified number of folds (10 in my case). If the blocks do not
perfectly fit the spatial extent of the data, the remaining areas are
handled by offsetting the blocks, which may result in some areas not
being fully covered.spcv_block
helps provide a more robust evaluation
of model performance in spatial contexts. By creating spatially
independent folds, it ensures that the model is tested on data from
distinct geographic areas, which is crucial when the model will be used
to make predictions in new spatial locations. This method helps to
mitigate overestimation of model accuracy that can occur when spatial
autocorrelation is not properly accounted for in cross-validation.spcv_block
Range Parameter:# Technique for identifying the range of spatial autocorrelation across a given spatial dataset.
bbox <- st_bbox(final_net.sf.attacks_train)
# Create a raster template with fine resolution
raster_template <- terra::rast(xmin = bbox["xmin"], xmax = bbox["xmax"],
ymin = bbox["ymin"], ymax = bbox["ymax"],
crs = projected_crs,
resolution = 500) # 500m resolution
# Rasterize the sf object. The field argument determines which attribute from the vector dataset is used to populate the raster cells.
rasterized_data <- rasterize(final_net.sf.attacks_train, raster_template, field = "countAttacks")
# Function to compute the range of spatial autocorrelation (calculated from variograms) and to extract the Sum of Squared Residuals (SSR). I will use the SSR for goodness-of-fit to compare which sample size leads to the optimal value to use for the range:
compute_sac_ssr <- function(sample_size) {
sac_result <- cv_spatial_autocor(
r = rasterized_data,
num_sample = sample_size,
plot = FALSE,
progress = TRUE
sserr <- sac_result[["variograms"]][[1]]$sserr
range <- sac_result[["range"]]
return(list(ssrr = sserr, range = range))
# Define sample sizes to iterate over
sample_sizes <- seq(3000, 100000, by = 100)
# Store results
results <- data.frame(sample_size = integer(), ssr = numeric(), range = numeric())
# Iterate and store results
for (size in sample_sizes) {
result <- compute_sac_ssr(size)
results <- rbind(results, data.frame(sample_size = size, ssr = result$ssrr, range = result$range))
cat("Sample Size:", size, "SSR:", result$ssrr, "Range:", result$range, "\n")
# Sample Size: 3000 SSR: 0.002433472 Range: 11176.11
# Sample Size: 3100 SSR: 0.002065468 Range: 10971.04
# Sample Size: 3200 SSR: 0.002131494 Range: 7680.801
# Sample Size: 3300 SSR: 0.002299269 Range: 8045.734
# Sample Size: 3400 SSR: 0.002012255 Range: 8901.346
# Sample Size: 3500 SSR: 0.002244436 Range: 9649.616
# Sample Size: 3600 SSR: 0.001978778 Range: 9861.246
# Sample Size: 3700 SSR: 0.001945336 Range: 10208.83
# Sample Size: 3800 SSR: 0.002607478 Range: 7223.301
# Sample Size: 3900 SSR: 0.002754062 Range: 7422.592
# Sample Size: 4000 SSR: 0.002155514 Range: 7649.816
# Sample Size: 4100 SSR: 0.001846572 Range: 9081.407
# Sample Size: 4200 SSR: 0.001793309 Range: 10019.56
# Sample Size: 4300 SSR: 0.001816133 Range: 8905.25
# Sample Size: 4400 SSR: 0.001371346 Range: 8922.586
# Sample Size: 4500 SSR: 0.00121168 Range: 8798.347
# Sample Size: 4600 SSR: 0.003431295 Range: 10085.69
# Sample Size: 4700 SSR: 0.003374904 Range: 21191.85
# Sample Size: 4800 SSR: 0.003120566 Range: 11695.43
# Sample Size: 4900 SSR: 0.003126509 Range: 19575.29
# Sample Size: 5000 SSR: 0.003181943 Range: 10547.13
# Sample Size: 5100 SSR: 0.002998456 Range: 9261.314
# Sample Size: 5200 SSR: 0.002929512 Range: 10059.1
# Sample Size: 5300 SSR: 0.002889046 Range: 10198.45
# Sample Size: 5400 SSR: 0.002766765 Range: 10471.85
# Sample Size: 5500 SSR: 0.00240457 Range: 10819.59
# Sample Size: 5600 SSR: 0.002422614 Range: 10851.19
# Sample Size: 5700 SSR: 0.002352081 Range: 11380.74
# Sample Size: 5800 SSR: 0.00234826 Range: 11491.41
# Sample Size: 5900 SSR: 0.002425938 Range: 11650.44
# Sample Size: 6000 SSR: 0.002360562 Range: 11864.4
# Sample Size: 6100 SSR: 0.002289062 Range: 12159.04
# Sample Size: 6200 SSR: 0.002221666 Range: 12165.72
# Sample Size: 6300 SSR: 0.002295324 Range: 12849.46
# Sample Size: 6400 SSR: 0.002607992 Range: 11552.08
# Sample Size: 6500 SSR: 0.002692444 Range: 11898.59
# Sample Size: 6600 SSR: 0.002840301 Range: 11622.63
# Sample Size: 6700 SSR: 0.002967729 Range: 13024.2
# Sample Size: 6800 SSR: 0.002933054 Range: 14101.32
# Sample Size: 6900 SSR: 0.002784822 Range: 13478.98
# Sample Size: 7000 SSR: 0.002995589 Range: 11939.27
# Sample Size: 7100 SSR: 0.003111187 Range: 12557.75
# Sample Size: 7200 SSR: 0.003139653 Range: 13017.99
# Sample Size: 7300 SSR: 0.006170841 Range: 11580.29
# Sample Size: 7400 SSR: 0.006333964 Range: 11769.15
# Sample Size: 7500 SSR: 0.006258269 Range: 12183.35
# Sample Size: 7600 SSR: 0.005859049 Range: 12026.4
# Sample Size: 7700 SSR: 0.005757947 Range: 12224.98
# Sample Size: 7800 SSR: 0.005481503 Range: 12185.88
# Sample Size: 7900 SSR: 0.005584335 Range: 12429.22
# Sample Size: 8000 SSR: 0.005553937 Range: 12781.81
# Sample Size: 8100 SSR: 0.005795544 Range: 12135.87
# Sample Size: 8200 SSR: 0.00558877 Range: 12021.02
# Sample Size: 8300 SSR: 0.005799922 Range: 12408.74
# Sample Size: 8400 SSR: 0.005868014 Range: 12100.77
# Sample Size: 8500 SSR: 0.005816523 Range: 12309.96
# Sample Size: 8600 SSR: 0.005910211 Range: 11838.77
# Sample Size: 8700 SSR: 0.006535487 Range: 11590.32
# Sample Size: 8800 SSR: 0.006944724 Range: 11758.96
# Sample Size: 8900 SSR: 0.007082334 Range: 11757.48
# Sample Size: 9000 SSR: 0.006624178 Range: 12574.68
# Sample Size: 9100 SSR: 0.006635176 Range: 12210.59
# Sample Size: 9200 SSR: 0.00661399 Range: 12584.97
# Sample Size: 9300 SSR: 0.006374556 Range: 12447.6
# Sample Size: 9400 SSR: 0.006265057 Range: 12322.7
# Sample Size: 9500 SSR: 0.00622695 Range: 12534.44
# Sample Size: 9600 SSR: 0.0061923 Range: 12722.75
# Sample Size: 9700 SSR: 0.006059229 Range: 12913.46
# Sample Size: 9800 SSR: 0.005950577 Range: 12814.27
# Sample Size: 9900 SSR: 0.005758299 Range: 12845.37
# Sample Size: 10000 SSR: 0.005579519 Range: 12864.99
# Sample Size: 10100 SSR: 0.005656048 Range: 12786.46
# Sample Size: 10200 SSR: 0.005677867 Range: 12467.71
# Sample Size: 10300 SSR: 0.005631889 Range: 12662.01
# Sample Size: 10400 SSR: 0.005331794 Range: 13076.43
# Sample Size: 10500 SSR: 0.005416965 Range: 13325.01
# Sample Size: 10600 SSR: 0.005756204 Range: 12000.14
# Sample Size: 10700 SSR: 0.006142131 Range: 11328.61
# Sample Size: 10800 SSR: 0.006054272 Range: 11420.1
# Sample Size: 10900 SSR: 0.006167355 Range: 11270.65
# Sample Size: 11000 SSR: 0.006436461 Range: 11363.55
# Sample Size: 11100 SSR: 0.006480495 Range: 11394.96
# Sample Size: 11200 SSR: 0.006701183 Range: 8107.04
# Sample Size: 11300 SSR: 0.00683725 Range: 7885.249
# Sample Size: 11400 SSR: 0.006883717 Range: 11507.22
# Sample Size: 11500 SSR: 0.007067133 Range: 11515.9
# Sample Size: 11600 SSR: 0.00712165 Range: 11244.61
# Sample Size: 11700 SSR: 0.007100603 Range: 11617.63
# Sample Size: 11800 SSR: 0.00692973 Range: 11528.21
# Sample Size: 11900 SSR: 0.007126732 Range: 11752.79
# Sample Size: 12000 SSR: 0.007030901 Range: 12202.52
# Sample Size: 12100 SSR: 0.00695436 Range: 12005.03
# Sample Size: 12200 SSR: 0.006882151 Range: 13115.14
# Sample Size: 12300 SSR: 0.006859823 Range: 13285.16
# Sample Size: 12400 SSR: 0.006840543 Range: 13680.08
# Sample Size: 12500 SSR: 0.006635923 Range: 13621.81
# Sample Size: 12600 SSR: 0.006923827 Range: 13603.73
# Sample Size: 12700 SSR: 0.007274849 Range: 12250.88
# Sample Size: 12800 SSR: 0.00772296 Range: 12032.78
# Sample Size: 12900 SSR: 0.007948819 Range: 12304.06
# Sample Size: 13000 SSR: 0.008066139 Range: 11772.43
# Sample Size: 13100 SSR: 0.007971548 Range: 11748.11
# Sample Size: 13200 SSR: 0.007955374 Range: 11576.66
# Sample Size: 13300 SSR: 0.007854897 Range: 11540.52
# Sample Size: 13400 SSR: 0.007907428 Range: 11895.14
# Sample Size: 13500 SSR: 0.007810526 Range: 12257.3
# Sample Size: 13600 SSR: 0.007756149 Range: 12178.3
# Sample Size: 13700 SSR: 0.007733205 Range: 12004.34
# Sample Size: 13800 SSR: 0.007924937 Range: 13041.62
# Sample Size: 13900 SSR: 0.008043781 Range: 12853.2
# Sample Size: 14000 SSR: 0.007979839 Range: 12690.57
# Sample Size: 14100 SSR: 0.0085234 Range: 13435.72
# Sample Size: 14200 SSR: 0.00840344 Range: 14193.04
# Sample Size: 14300 SSR: 0.008289732 Range: 13503.94
# Sample Size: 14400 SSR: 0.008220188 Range: 13087.87
# Sample Size: 14500 SSR: 0.008217871 Range: 13622.31
# Sample Size: 14600 SSR: 0.008491239 Range: 15197.67
# Sample Size: 14700 SSR: 0.009240451 Range: 15314.82
# Sample Size: 14800 SSR: 0.009328317 Range: 15371.75
# Sample Size: 14900 SSR: 0.009562346 Range: 15451.27
# Sample Size: 15000 SSR: 0.009404426 Range: 15789.04
# Sample Size: 15100 SSR: 0.009460926 Range: 13570.37
# Sample Size: 15200 SSR: 0.009483223 Range: 15525.47
# Sample Size: 15300 SSR: 0.00968757 Range: 15198.57
# Sample Size: 15400 SSR: 0.009673957 Range: 14814.96
# Sample Size: 15500 SSR: 0.01001188 Range: 14811.29
# Sample Size: 15600 SSR: 0.01014925 Range: 14665.92
# Sample Size: 15700 SSR: 0.01008972 Range: 14823.43
# Sample Size: 15800 SSR: 0.01008839 Range: 14808.75
# Sample Size: 15900 SSR: 0.01013222 Range: 15352.88
# Sample Size: 16000 SSR: 0.009703811 Range: 15264.28
# Sample Size: 16100 SSR: 0.009694238 Range: 14900.18
# Sample Size: 16200 SSR: 0.009803129 Range: 14448.62
# Sample Size: 16300 SSR: 0.009827939 Range: 13611.07
# Sample Size: 16400 SSR: 0.009878621 Range: 13745.41
# Sample Size: 16500 SSR: 0.01004859 Range: 13731.2
# Sample Size: 16600 SSR: 0.01027136 Range: 12401.91
# Sample Size: 16700 SSR: 0.01037763 Range: 12693.52
# Sample Size: 16800 SSR: 0.01034869 Range: 12564.89
# Sample Size: 16900 SSR: 0.01038444 Range: 12812.34
# Sample Size: 17000 SSR: 0.01022015 Range: 12551.15
# Sample Size: 17100 SSR: 0.01042886 Range: 12590.31
# Sample Size: 17200 SSR: 0.01055949 Range: 12506.97
# Sample Size: 17300 SSR: 0.01072459 Range: 12425.4
# Sample Size: 17400 SSR: 0.01077808 Range: 12420.82
# Sample Size: 17500 SSR: 0.01079864 Range: 12611.68
# Sample Size: 17600 SSR: 0.01084793 Range: 12485.19
# Sample Size: 17700 SSR: 0.01081236 Range: 12522.14
# Sample Size: 17800 SSR: 0.01075532 Range: 12210.34
# Sample Size: 17900 SSR: 0.01066073 Range: 11902.09
# Sample Size: 18000 SSR: 0.0107829 Range: 11775.94
# Sample Size: 18100 SSR: 0.01084531 Range: 11905.78
# Sample Size: 18200 SSR: 0.01087777 Range: 12187.56
# Sample Size: 18300 SSR: 0.01098702 Range: 12057.46
# Sample Size: 18400 SSR: 0.01100489 Range: 12017.17
# Sample Size: 18500 SSR: 0.01096924 Range: 12163.05
# Sample Size: 18600 SSR: 0.01105549 Range: 12045.32
# Sample Size: 18700 SSR: 0.0110986 Range: 12116.82
# Sample Size: 18800 SSR: 0.01117156 Range: 12223.55
# Sample Size: 18900 SSR: 0.01127061 Range: 12350.68
# Sample Size: 19000 SSR: 0.01109408 Range: 12524.41
# Sample Size: 19100 SSR: 0.01124827 Range: 12341.86
# Sample Size: 19200 SSR: 0.01130368 Range: 12470.29
# Sample Size: 19300 SSR: 0.01108522 Range: 12665.97
# Sample Size: 19400 SSR: 0.01114081 Range: 12811.8
# Sample Size: 19500 SSR: 0.01120978 Range: 12784.21
# Sample Size: 19600 SSR: 0.01129848 Range: 12465.85
# Sample Size: 19700 SSR: 0.01189764 Range: 12065.28
# Sample Size: 19800 SSR: 0.01180356 Range: 12126.89
# Sample Size: 19900 SSR: 0.01184144 Range: 12418.22
# Sample Size: 20000 SSR: 0.01201267 Range: 12349.71
# Sample Size: 20100 SSR: 0.01177609 Range: 12199.12
# Sample Size: 20200 SSR: 0.01180617 Range: 12040.62
# Sample Size: 20300 SSR: 0.0117671 Range: 12169.77
# Sample Size: 20400 SSR: 0.01168443 Range: 12251.44
# Sample Size: 20500 SSR: 0.01188268 Range: 12180.93
# Sample Size: 20600 SSR: 0.01270251 Range: 11694.37
# Sample Size: 20700 SSR: 0.01287212 Range: 11185.86
# Sample Size: 20800 SSR: 0.01292062 Range: 11431.71
# Sample Size: 20900 SSR: 0.01306509 Range: 11350.92
# Sample Size: 21000 SSR: 0.01306454 Range: 11219.65
# Sample Size: 21100 SSR: 0.01304493 Range: 11329.41
# Sample Size: 21200 SSR: 0.01313204 Range: 11583.63
# Sample Size: 21300 SSR: 0.01323858 Range: 11634.6
# Sample Size: 21400 SSR: 0.0131557 Range: 11499.9
# Sample Size: 21500 SSR: 0.0131176 Range: 11559.6
# Sample Size: 21600 SSR: 0.01305998 Range: 11556.98
# Sample Size: 21700 SSR: 0.01321971 Range: 12322.27
# Sample Size: 21800 SSR: 0.0131155 Range: 12539.1
# Sample Size: 21900 SSR: 0.01808859 Range: 11813.46
# Sample Size: 22000 SSR: 0.01807232 Range: 11948.4
# Sample Size: 22100 SSR: 0.02380279 Range: 11833.29
# Sample Size: 22200 SSR: 0.02402117 Range: 11948.92
# Sample Size: 22300 SSR: 0.02416444 Range: 12018.81
# Sample Size: 22400 SSR: 0.02414784 Range: 12578.16
# Sample Size: 22500 SSR: 0.02412417 Range: 12676.93
# Sample Size: 22600 SSR: 0.02394772 Range: 12592.32
# Sample Size: 22700 SSR: 0.02436281 Range: 12509.3
# Sample Size: 22800 SSR: 0.02434316 Range: 12241.49
# Sample Size: 22900 SSR: 0.02466544 Range: 12409.7
# Sample Size: 23000 SSR: 0.0243605 Range: 12342.59
# Sample Size: 23100 SSR: 0.02380177 Range: 12125.24
# Sample Size: 23200 SSR: 0.02347701 Range: 13121.62
# Sample Size: 23300 SSR: 0.02339837 Range: 13160.49
# Sample Size: 23400 SSR: 0.02358542 Range: 12956.63
# Sample Size: 23500 SSR: 0.02405721 Range: 12878.29
# Sample Size: 23600 SSR: 0.02408759 Range: 12875.82
# Sample Size: 23700 SSR: 0.02469733 Range: 12239.47
# Sample Size: 23800 SSR: 0.02433362 Range: 12256.57
# Sample Size: 23900 SSR: 0.02414449 Range: 12523.52
# Sample Size: 24000 SSR: 0.02454145 Range: 13586.62
# Sample Size: 24100 SSR: 0.02384221 Range: 14017.22
# Sample Size: 24200 SSR: 0.02386534 Range: 14410.4
# Sample Size: 24300 SSR: 0.02367713 Range: 13021.68
# Sample Size: 24400 SSR: 0.02417266 Range: 13234.28
# Sample Size: 24500 SSR: 0.02439332 Range: 12321.53
# Sample Size: 24600 SSR: 0.02435755 Range: 11903.5
# Sample Size: 24700 SSR: 0.0244224 Range: 11369.65
# Sample Size: 24800 SSR: 0.02482246 Range: 11518.57
# Sample Size: 24900 SSR: 0.02610736 Range: 12046.41
# Sample Size: 25000 SSR: 0.0260533 Range: 11347.47
# Sample Size: 25100 SSR: 0.02645719 Range: 11223.57
# Sample Size: 25200 SSR: 0.02664308 Range: 10863.27
# Sample Size: 25300 SSR: 0.02657874 Range: 10861.97
# Sample Size: 25400 SSR: 0.02646977 Range: 11946.74
# Sample Size: 25500 SSR: 0.02633277 Range: 11794.63
# Sample Size: 25600 SSR: 0.0263522 Range: 12854.41
# Sample Size: 25700 SSR: 0.02656101 Range: 12437.78
# Sample Size: 25800 SSR: 0.02688974 Range: 12035.01
# Sample Size: 25900 SSR: 0.02720438 Range: 11661.28
# Sample Size: 26000 SSR: 0.0268604 Range: 11891.1
# Sample Size: 26100 SSR: 0.02750235 Range: 12015.89
# Sample Size: 26200 SSR: 0.02736109 Range: 12130.35
# Sample Size: 26300 SSR: 0.02682411 Range: 12284
# Sample Size: 26400 SSR: 0.02689274 Range: 11996.24
# Sample Size: 26500 SSR: 0.02670025 Range: 11388.16
# Sample Size: 26600 SSR: 0.02662011 Range: 11520.92
# Sample Size: 26700 SSR: 0.02672569 Range: 11690.03
# Sample Size: 26800 SSR: 0.02599957 Range: 12967.83
# Sample Size: 26900 SSR: 0.02646576 Range: 12235.15
# Sample Size: 27000 SSR: 0.02614993 Range: 11862.44
# Sample Size: 27100 SSR: 0.02639243 Range: 11869.89
# Sample Size: 27200 SSR: 0.02620579 Range: 11816.44
# Sample Size: 27300 SSR: 0.02626788 Range: 11453.91
# Sample Size: 27400 SSR: 0.02640894 Range: 11219.4
# Sample Size: 27500 SSR: 0.02638431 Range: 11771.66
# Sample Size: 27600 SSR: 0.02667629 Range: 11272.81
# Sample Size: 27700 SSR: 0.02721671 Range: 10341.38
# Sample Size: 27800 SSR: 0.02693464 Range: 10512.32
# Sample Size: 27900 SSR: 0.02680868 Range: 10761.7
# Sample Size: 28000 SSR: 0.02674564 Range: 10460.04
# Sample Size: 28100 SSR: 0.02674199 Range: 11288.41
# Sample Size: 28200 SSR: 0.0273318 Range: 11478.27
# Sample Size: 28300 SSR: 0.02723877 Range: 11703.08
# Sample Size: 28400 SSR: 0.02731702 Range: 11846.17
# Sample Size: 28500 SSR: 0.02829374 Range: 11614.03
# Sample Size: 28600 SSR: 0.02819007 Range: 11845.26
# Sample Size: 28700 SSR: 0.02787155 Range: 11932.44
# Sample Size: 28800 SSR: 0.02826694 Range: 12082.68
# Sample Size: 28900 SSR: 0.02855587 Range: 12458.32
# Sample Size: 29000 SSR: 0.02864032 Range: 12428.83
# Sample Size: 29100 SSR: 0.0284682 Range: 12481.24
# Sample Size: 29200 SSR: 0.02886989 Range: 12080.29
# Sample Size: 29300 SSR: 0.02899403 Range: 11947.58
# Sample Size: 29400 SSR: 0.02877384 Range: 11827.49
# Sample Size: 29500 SSR: 0.02876584 Range: 11410.27
# Sample Size: 29600 SSR: 0.02888614 Range: 11678.07
# Sample Size: 29700 SSR: 0.02831457 Range: 12798.64
# Sample Size: 29800 SSR: 0.02804923 Range: 13017.49
# Sample Size: 29900 SSR: 0.028551 Range: 12624.67
# Sample Size: 30000 SSR: 0.02907468 Range: 12294.8
# Sample Size: 30100 SSR: 0.02891763 Range: 12152.83
# Sample Size: 30200 SSR: 0.0290411 Range: 11676.02
# Sample Size: 30300 SSR: 0.02928174 Range: 11358.64
# Sample Size: 30400 SSR: 0.02954041 Range: 11068.18
# Sample Size: 30500 SSR: 0.02963396 Range: 11215.12
# Sample Size: 30600 SSR: 0.02989911 Range: 10568.41
# Sample Size: 30700 SSR: 0.0303477 Range: 9814.008
# Sample Size: 30800 SSR: 0.03036869 Range: 9618.534
# Sample Size: 30900 SSR: 0.03086615 Range: 9527.471
# Sample Size: 31000 SSR: 0.03025554 Range: 9733.002
# Sample Size: 31100 SSR: 0.03040766 Range: 9826.626
# Sample Size: 31200 SSR: 0.02971376 Range: 9325.894
# Sample Size: 31300 SSR: 0.02974495 Range: 8961.608
# Sample Size: 31400 SSR: 0.02964747 Range: 8912.577
# Sample Size: 31500 SSR: 0.03619985 Range: 8552.252
# Sample Size: 31600 SSR: 0.03625942 Range: 8790.44
# Sample Size: 31700 SSR: 0.03641564 Range: 8991.823
# Sample Size: 31800 SSR: 0.03760984 Range: 9053.187
# Sample Size: 31900 SSR: 0.03764472 Range: 9134.649
# Sample Size: 32000 SSR: 0.03772459 Range: 9316.908
# Sample Size: 32100 SSR: 0.03766197 Range: 9450.947
# Sample Size: 32200 SSR: 0.03819374 Range: 8754.043
# Sample Size: 32300 SSR: 0.03886919 Range: 8522.16
# Sample Size: 32400 SSR: 0.03902015 Range: 8472.926
# Sample Size: 32500 SSR: 0.03956665 Range: 8713.066
# Sample Size: 32600 SSR: 0.03904105 Range: 8607.056
# Sample Size: 32700 SSR: 0.03894467 Range: 9028.18
# Sample Size: 32800 SSR: 0.03904434 Range: 9089.722
# Sample Size: 32900 SSR: 0.03909617 Range: 9211.556
# Sample Size: 33000 SSR: 0.039661 Range: 8912.305
# Sample Size: 33100 SSR: 0.03914029 Range: 8797.865
# Sample Size: 33200 SSR: 0.03897646 Range: 9036.378
# Sample Size: 33300 SSR: 0.03937556 Range: 8624.629
# Sample Size: 33400 SSR: 0.03979168 Range: 8217.016
# Sample Size: 33500 SSR: 0.03956749 Range: 8230.312
# Sample Size: 33600 SSR: 0.03982624 Range: 8363.15
# Sample Size: 33700 SSR: 0.03979536 Range: 8353.773
# Sample Size: 33800 SSR: 0.04052097 Range: 8316.189
# Sample Size: 33900 SSR: 0.04067677 Range: 8230.925
# Sample Size: 34000 SSR: 0.0405595 Range: 8264.862
# Sample Size: 34100 SSR: 0.04039351 Range: 8274.827
# Sample Size: 34200 SSR: 0.04038497 Range: 8336.73
# Sample Size: 34300 SSR: 0.04120439 Range: 8663.062
# Sample Size: 34400 SSR: 0.04137688 Range: 8404.424
# Sample Size: 34500 SSR: 0.04193536 Range: 8148.751
# Sample Size: 34600 SSR: 0.04196085 Range: 8245.84
# Sample Size: 34700 SSR: 0.0413584 Range: 8220.943
# Sample Size: 34800 SSR: 0.04175418 Range: 8246.672
# Sample Size: 34900 SSR: 0.04202989 Range: 8328.446
# Sample Size: 35000 SSR: 0.04236957 Range: 8456.81
# Sample Size: 35100 SSR: 0.04183084 Range: 8164.926
# Sample Size: 35200 SSR: 0.04214963 Range: 8201.008
# Sample Size: 35300 SSR: 0.0422268 Range: 8222.067
# Sample Size: 35400 SSR: 0.04232355 Range: 8276.045
# Sample Size: 35500 SSR: 0.04203263 Range: 8291.024
# Sample Size: 35600 SSR: 0.04183296 Range: 8349.558
# Sample Size: 35700 SSR: 0.04149658 Range: 8287.963
# Sample Size: 35800 SSR: 0.04111776 Range: 8539.571
# Sample Size: 35900 SSR: 0.04096043 Range: 8617.669
# Sample Size: 36000 SSR: 0.04072501 Range: 8606.049
# Sample Size: 36100 SSR: 0.04047328 Range: 8548.264
# Sample Size: 36200 SSR: 0.0407568 Range: 8583.342
# Sample Size: 36300 SSR: 0.04051156 Range: 8711.539
# Sample Size: 36400 SSR: 0.04066281 Range: 8737.978
# Sample Size: 36500 SSR: 0.04045611 Range: 8795.483
# Sample Size: 36600 SSR: 0.04076183 Range: 8830.493
# Sample Size: 36700 SSR: 0.04116834 Range: 8908.513
# Sample Size: 36800 SSR: 0.04134415 Range: 8980.92
# Sample Size: 36900 SSR: 0.04175312 Range: 8994.611
# Sample Size: 37000 SSR: 0.04181229 Range: 8703.177
# Sample Size: 37100 SSR: 0.04205418 Range: 8736.403
# Sample Size: 37200 SSR: 0.04211391 Range: 8807.372
# Sample Size: 37300 SSR: 0.04180479 Range: 8758.344
# Sample Size: 37400 SSR: 0.04201331 Range: 8823.183
# Sample Size: 37500 SSR: 0.04227391 Range: 8649.687
# Sample Size: 37600 SSR: 0.04211315 Range: 8792.253
# Sample Size: 37700 SSR: 0.04225341 Range: 8530.133
# Sample Size: 37800 SSR: 0.04273441 Range: 8613.239
# Sample Size: 37900 SSR: 0.042904 Range: 8591.05
# Sample Size: 38000 SSR: 0.04312354 Range: 8613.209
# Sample Size: 38100 SSR: 0.04317999 Range: 8731.77
# Sample Size: 38200 SSR: 0.04314452 Range: 8756.211
# Sample Size: 38300 SSR: 0.04405033 Range: 8599.022
# Sample Size: 38400 SSR: 0.04370126 Range: 8594.847
# Sample Size: 38500 SSR: 0.0437451 Range: 8844.755
# Sample Size: 38600 SSR: 0.04425317 Range: 8738.108
# Sample Size: 38700 SSR: 0.04388356 Range: 9170.671
# Sample Size: 38800 SSR: 0.04355089 Range: 9194.134
# Sample Size: 38900 SSR: 0.04370817 Range: 9305.691
# Sample Size: 39000 SSR: 0.04494621 Range: 9134.193
# Sample Size: 39100 SSR: 0.04531605 Range: 9527.509
# Sample Size: 39200 SSR: 0.04526391 Range: 9310.988
# Sample Size: 39300 SSR: 0.04546608 Range: 9487.001
# Sample Size: 39400 SSR: 0.04530002 Range: 9473.838
# Sample Size: 39500 SSR: 0.04511368 Range: 9572.092
# Sample Size: 39600 SSR: 0.04531986 Range: 9666.819
# Sample Size: 39700 SSR: 0.04540864 Range: 9772.7
# Sample Size: 39800 SSR: 0.05447572 Range: 9489.754
# Sample Size: 39900 SSR: 0.05434592 Range: 10069.48
# Sample Size: 40000 SSR: 0.05535362 Range: 10230.55
# I stopped when the sample size reached 40,000, not continuing to 100,000 as originally planned, since the range values stabilized early on (even before the sample size reached 20,000), making it unnecessary to proceed further.
# We can examine just the range values within the iterations reaching up to a sample size of 20,000.
results <- results %>%
filter(sample_size <= 20000)
saveRDS(results, "variogram.results.rds")
# results <- readRDS("variogram.results.rds")
# Set graphical parameters to adjust the x-axis labels only
par(mar = c(5, 5, 4, 2) + 0.1) # Adjust margins
par(mgp = c(4, 1, 0)) # Adjust axis title distance (first value controls title spacing)
par(las = 1) # Ensure y-axis labels remain horizontal
# Plot the results
plot(results$sample_size, results$range, type = "l", col = "blue",
xlab = "Sample Size", ylab = "Range", xaxt = 'n') # Disable default x-axis
# Add custom axes with rotated x-axis labels
axis(1, at = seq(3000, 20000, by = 1000), labels = FALSE) # Add ticks but no labels
text(x = seq(3000, 20000, by = 1000), y = par("usr")[3] - 500,
labels = seq(3000, 20000, by = 1000), srt = 45, adj = 1, xpd = TRUE, cex = 0.8)
# Add y-axis as usual
axis(2, at = seq(0, max(results$range, na.rm = TRUE), by = 1000)) # Keep y-axis labels horizontal
# Add vertical red dotted lines at x = 5700 and x = 7500
abline(v = 5700, col = "red", lty = 2) # Red dotted line at x = 5700
abline(v = 7500, col = "red", lty = 2) # Red dotted line at x = 7500
# Add title
title(main = "Range vs Sample Size")
Sample Size: 5700 SSR: 0.002352081 Range: 11380.74
Sample Size: 5800 SSR: 0.00234826 Range: 11491.41
Sample Size: 5900 SSR: 0.002425938 Range: 11650.44
Sample Size: 6000 SSR: 0.002360562 Range: 11864.4
Sample Size: 6100 SSR: 0.002289062 Range: 12159.04
Sample Size: 6200 SSR: 0.002221666 Range: 12165.72
Sample Size: 6300 SSR: 0.002295324 Range: 12849.46
Sample Size: 6400 SSR: 0.002607992 Range: 11552.08
Sample Size: 6500 SSR: 0.002692444 Range: 11898.59
Sample Size: 6600 SSR: 0.002840301 Range: 11622.63
Sample Size: 6700 SSR: 0.002967729 Range: 13024.2
Sample Size: 6800 SSR: 0.002933054 Range: 14101.32
Sample Size: 6900 SSR: 0.002784822 Range: 13478.98
Sample Size: 7000 SSR: 0.002995589 Range: 11939.27
Sample Size: 7100 SSR: 0.003111187 Range: 12557.75
Sample Size: 7200 SSR: 0.003139653 Range: 13017.99
Sample Size: 7300 SSR: 0.006170841 Range: 11580.29
Sample Size: 7400 SSR: 0.006333964 Range: 11769.15
Sample Size: 7500 SSR: 0.006258269 Range: 12183.35
by a factor of 1.5. This would mean a range value of 12165.72 * 1.5 =
18,249. I will then evaluate the performance of a series of additional
models using higher range argument values on held out test data. The
series of models will contain range argument values between 1.5 x and
3.5 x the empirical range.spcv_block
between 1.5 x the empirical range to 3.5 x the empirical range, and will
identify the version that achieves the best metric results on unseen
test data.spcv_block
With Range = 1.5
x the Empirical Range of Spatial Autocorrelation:# spcv_block with the range argument set to 18,249 (1.5 x empirical range):
data.attacks_train <- final_net.sf.attacks_train[, columns.xgb.attacks]
data.attacks_test <- final_net.sf.attacks_test[, columns.xgb.attacks]
for(col in columns.xgb.attacks) {
data.attacks_train[[col]] <- as.numeric(data.attacks_train[[col]])
data.attacks_test[[col]] <- as.numeric(data.attacks_test[[col]])
# Set the seed for reproducibility
data.regr.train <- data.attacks_train
data.regr.test <- data.attacks_test
data.regr.train$count_target <- as.numeric(data.attacks_train[["countAttacks"]])
data.regr.test$count_target <- as.numeric(data.attacks_test[["countAttacks"]])
data.regr.train <- data.regr.train %>% dplyr::select(-countAttacks, -NAME_2)
data.regr.test <- data.regr.test %>% dplyr::select(-countAttacks, -NAME_2)
data_centroids.regr.train <- st_centroid(data.regr.train)
data_centroids.regr.test <- st_centroid(data.regr.test)
projected_crs = "+proj=tmerc +lat_0=-0.6888125 +lon_0=29.0698245 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"
task_regr_train <- as_task_regr_st(data_centroids.regr.train, target = "count_target", coordinate_names = c("geometry"), crs = projected_crs, coords_as_features = FALSE, label= "count_model", drop_original_target = TRUE)
task_regr_train$set_col_roles("uniqueID", "order")
task_regr_test <- as_task_regr_st(data_centroids.regr.test, target = "count_target", coordinate_names = c("geometry"), crs = projected_crs, coords_as_features = FALSE, label= "count_model", drop_original_target = TRUE)
task_regr_test$set_col_roles("uniqueID", "order")
# Define a pipeline with scaling
pipeline <- po("scale", id = "scale")
pipeline_task_regr_train = pipeline$train(list(task_regr_train))[[1]]
resampling_regr <- rsmp("spcv_block", range = 18249, folds = 10)
learner_regr_train <- lrn("regr.xgboost",
nrounds = to_tune(p_int(50, 2000, tags = "budget")),
eta = to_tune(1e-4, 1),
max_depth = to_tune(3, 40),
colsample_bytree = to_tune(0.2, 1),
gamma = to_tune(1e-3, 15),
min_child_weight = to_tune(1e-3, 10),
subsample = to_tune(0.2, 1),
scale_pos_weight = to_tune(1, 300)
graph_learner <- GraphLearner$new(pipeline %>>% learner_regr_train)
dynamic_measure_names <- c("dynamic_quantile_loss", "dynamic_huber_loss", "dynamic_rmse", "dynamic_mae", "dynamic_mase")
dynamic_measures <- msrs(dynamic_measure_names)
if (future::supportsMulticore()) {
future::plan(future::multicore, workers = 6)
} else {
future::plan(future::multisession, workers = 6)
instance.multi_tuning <- TuningInstanceBatchMultiCrit$new(
task = pipeline_task_regr_train,
learner = graph_learner,
resampling = resampling_regr,
measures = dynamic_measures,
terminator = trm("none"),
store_models = TRUE,
check_values = TRUE
tuner <- tnr("hyperband")
saveRDS(instance.multi_tuning, "instance.multi_tuning-xgb.spcv_block.1.5_factor_range.rds", compress = TRUE)
# instance.multi_tuning <- readRDS("instance.multi_tuning-xgb.spcv_block.1.5_factor_range.rds")
archive_regr <-$archive)
saveRDS(archive_regr, "archive_regr-xgb.spcv_block.1.5_factor_range.rds", compress=TRUE)
# archive_regr <- readRDS("archive_regr-xgb.spcv_block.1.5_factor_range.rds")
param_cols <- c("regr.xgboost.eta", "regr.xgboost.max_depth", "regr.xgboost.colsample_bytree", "regr.xgboost.gamma", "regr.xgboost.min_child_weight",
"regr.xgboost.subsample", "regr.xgboost.scale_pos_weight", "regr.xgboost.nrounds")
scores_cols <- dynamic_measure_names
normalized_cols <- paste0("normalized_", scores_cols)
# Function to identify outliers using the IQR method
identify_outliers <- function(x) {
q75 <- quantile(x, 0.75, na.rm = TRUE)
q25 <- quantile(x, 0.25, na.rm = TRUE)
iqr <- q75 - q25
lower_bound <- q25 - 1.5 * iqr
upper_bound <- q75 + 1.5 * iqr
return(x < lower_bound | x > upper_bound)
# Apply the outlier identification function to each metric column
outliers <- archive_regr[, lapply(.SD, identify_outliers), .SDcols = scores_cols]
# Create a logical vector indicating rows to keep (non-outliers)
rows_to_keep <- !rowSums(outliers)
# Filter the dataset to remove outliers
archive_regr_clean <- archive_regr[rows_to_keep]
min_max_scale <- function(x) {
(x - min(x, na.rm = TRUE)) / (max(x, na.rm = TRUE) - min(x, na.rm = TRUE))
# Apply min-max scaling to the cleaned dataset
archive_regr_clean[, (normalized_cols) := lapply(.SD, min_max_scale), .SDcols = scores_cols]
# Perform Pareto front selection on the normalized columns
pareto_indices.xgb <- fastNonDominatedSorting(as.matrix(archive_regr_clean[, ..normalized_cols]))
# Extract Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_solutions.xgb <- archive_regr_clean[pareto_indices.xgb[[1]], ]
# Define the number of near-optimal solutions to include
N_near_optimal <- 50
# Function to calculate Euclidean distance between two points
euclidean_distance <- function(x, y) {
sqrt(sum((x - y) ^ 2))
# Extract normalized data for Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_data <- as.matrix(pareto_solutions.xgb[, ..normalized_cols])
# Extract normalized data for all solutions
all_data <- as.matrix(archive_regr_clean[, ..normalized_cols])
# Calculate the minimum distance of each solution to the Pareto front
min_distances <- apply(all_data, 1, function(x) {
apply(pareto_data, 1, function(y) euclidean_distance(x, y)) %>% min()
# Add the distances to the data table
archive_regr_clean[, distance_to_pareto := min_distances]
# Select top N near-optimal solutions based on distance to Pareto front.
near_optimal_solutions <- archive_regr_clean[order(distance_to_pareto)][1:N_near_optimal]
# Apply PCA on the combined solutions
pca_result_combined <- prcomp([, ..normalized_cols]))
loadings_pc1_combined <- pca_result_combined$rotation[, 1]
loadings_pc2_combined <- pca_result_combined$rotation[, 2]
variance_pc1_combined <- summary(pca_result_combined)$importance[2, 1]
variance_pc2_combined <- summary(pca_result_combined)$importance[2, 2]
combined_weights <- variance_pc1_combined * abs(loadings_pc1_combined) + variance_pc2_combined * abs(loadings_pc2_combined)
pareto_weights <- combined_weights / sum(combined_weights) # Normalize to sum to 1
# Use these weights (from the Pareto optimal front and the near Pareto optimal front solutions) to calculate composite scores for only Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_solutions.xgb[, composite_score := as.matrix(.SD) %*% pareto_weights, .SDcols = normalized_cols]
# Find the best set of hyperparameters based on the lowest composite score
best_index.xgb <- which.min(pareto_solutions.xgb$composite_score)
best_solution.xgb <- pareto_solutions.xgb[best_index.xgb, ]
saveRDS(pareto_weights, "pareto_weights.xgb.spcv_block.1.5_factor_range.rds")
# pareto_weights <- readRDS("pareto_weights.xgb.spcv_block.1.5_factor_range.rds")
print(pareto_weights[order(pareto_weights, decreasing = TRUE)])
# > print(pareto_weights[order(pareto_weights, decreasing = TRUE)])
# normalized_dynamic_rmse normalized_dynamic_mae
# 0.2551685 0.1895288
# normalized_dynamic_quantile_loss normalized_dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.1895288 0.1846440
# normalized_dynamic_mase
# 0.1811298
# Extract and print the best hyperparameters and their scores
best_hyperparameters.xgb <- best_solution.xgb[, ..param_cols]
best_metrics.xgb <- best_solution.xgb[, ..scores_cols]
names(best_hyperparameters.xgb) <- gsub("^regr.xgboost\\.", "", names(best_hyperparameters.xgb))
saveRDS(best_hyperparameters.xgb, "best_hyperparameters.xgb.spcv_block.1.5_factor_range.rds")
saveRDS(best_metrics.xgb, "best_metrics.xgb.spcv_block.1.5_factor_range.rds")
# Format the hyperparameters for printing
params.xgb <- sprintf(
"eta = %s\nmax_depth = %s\ncolsample_bytree = %s\ngamma = %s\nmin_child_weight = %s\nsubsample = %s\nscale_pos_weight = %s\nnrounds = %s",
# Format the metrics for printing
metrics.xgb <- sapply(names(best_metrics.xgb), function(col) {
sprintf("%s = %s", col, best_metrics.xgb[[col]])
# Combine hyperparameters and metrics into a single character vector
param_metrics_descriptions.xgb <- c("\nOptimal Hyperparameters:", params.xgb, "\nMetrics:", metrics.xgb)
# Print the parameters and metrics
cat("Best Parameters & Metrics for XGBoost Model with spcv_block (1.5 x the Range) Cross-Validation:\n", paste(param_metrics_descriptions.xgb, collapse="\n"), "\n")
# Best Parameters & Metrics for XGBoost Model with spcv_block (1.5 x the Range) Cross-Validation:
# Optimal Hyperparameters:
# eta = 0.177150088755996
# max_depth = 20
# colsample_bytree = 0.431539967469871
# gamma = 8.24843029226805
# min_child_weight = 4.08231954290322
# subsample = 0.647043904848397
# scale_pos_weight = 277.573459751904
# nrounds = 125
# Metrics:
# dynamic_quantile_loss = 3.75971707219956
# dynamic_huber_loss = 7.0227310909105
# dynamic_rmse = 12.5192965436867
# dynamic_mae = 7.51943414439912
# dynamic_mase = 6.46814321356556
# Save the formatted description to an RDS file
saveRDS(param_metrics_descriptions.xgb, "params_metrics.xgb.spcv_block.1.5_factor_range.rds")
# param_metrics_descriptions.xgb <- readRDS("params_metrics.xgb.spcv_block.1.5_factor_range.rds")
# Directly use the best solution to configure the learner
best_learner.xgb <- lrn("regr.xgboost")
best_learner.xgb$param_set$values <- as.list(best_hyperparameters.xgb)
set.seed(123) # Make sure to set the seed again here or else the results will not be reproducible
saveRDS(best_learner.xgb, "best_learner.xgb.spcv_block.1.5_factor_range.after_training.rds")
# best_learner.xgb <- readRDS("best_learner.xgb.spcv_block.1.5_factor_range.after_training.rds")
# Transform the test data using the pipeline in the same way the training data was transformed earlier
pipeline_task_regr_test <- pipeline$predict(list(task_regr_test))[[1]]
# Make predictions
test_predictions_regr <- best_learner.xgb$predict_newdata(newdata = pipeline_task_regr_test$data(), task = pipeline_task_regr_test)
saveRDS(test_predictions_regr, "test_predictions-xgb.spcv_block.1.5_factor_range.rds")
# test_predictions_regr <- readRDS("test_predictions-xgb.spcv_block.1.5_factor_range.rds")
# Core Metrics with which to Compare Models:
core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block <- list(
measure.dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_quantile_loss")),
measure.dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_huber_loss")),
measure.dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_rmse")),
measure.dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mae")),
measure.dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mase"))
saveRDS(core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block, "core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.1.5_factor_range.rds")
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block <- readRDS("core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.1.5_factor_range.rds")
# > print(core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block)
# [[1]]
# dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.1466288
# [[2]]
# dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.1402695
# [[3]]
# dynamic_rmse
# 0.9116031
# [[4]]
# dynamic_mae
# 0.2932577
# [[5]]
# dynamic_mase
# 4.834727
# Non-core metrics from predictions on unseen test data:
measures_list.xgb.spcv_block <- list(
# Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE)
measure.rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rmse")),
measure.dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_rmse")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_rmse")),
# Mean Squared Error (MSE)
measure.mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mse")),
measure.dynamic_mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mse")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mse")),
# Mean Absolute Error (MAE)
measure.mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mae")),
measure.dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mae")),
# Mean Absolute Scaled Error (MASE)
measure.mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mase")),
measure.dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mase")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mase")),
# Quantile Loss
measure.quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("quantile_loss")),
measure.dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_quantile_loss")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss")),
# Huber Loss
measure.huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("huber_loss")),
measure.dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_huber_loss")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss")),
# Logarithmic MedAE
measure.dynamic_logarithmic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_logarithmic_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae")),
# Sqrt MedAE
measure.dynamic_sqrt_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_sqrt_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae")),
# Logistic MedAE
measure.dynamic_logistic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_logistic_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae")),
# Polynomial MedAE
measure.dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae")),
measure.dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae")),
# Geometric Mean Absolute Error (GMAE)
measure.gmae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("gmae")),
# Log-Cosh Loss
measure.log_cosh_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("log_cosh_loss")),
# Other measures
measure.medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.medae")),
measure.medse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.medse")),
measure.msle <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.msle")),
measure.rmsle <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rmsle")),
measure.rae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rae")),
measure.rrse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rrse"))
saveRDS(measures_list.xgb.spcv_block, "measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.1.5_factor_range.rds")
# measures_list.xgb.spcv_block <- readRDS("measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.1.5_factor_range.rds")
# > print(measures_list.xgb.spcv_block)
# [[1]]
# regr.rmse
# 0.538175
# [[2]]
# dynamic_rmse
# 0.9116031
# [[3]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_rmse
# 1.100248
# [[4]]
# regr.mse
# 0.2896323
# [[5]]
# dynamic_mse
# 0.8310203
# [[6]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mse
# 1.210546
# [[7]]
# regr.mae
# 0.2085892
# [[8]]
# dynamic_mae
# 0.2932577
# [[9]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mae
# 0.3770112
# [[10]]
# regr.mase
# 3.438859
# [[11]]
# dynamic_mase
# 4.834727
# [[12]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mase
# 6.215509
# [[13]]
# quantile_loss
# 0.1042946
# [[14]]
# dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.1466288
# [[15]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.1780665
# [[16]]
# huber_loss
# 0.0682123
# [[17]]
# dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.1402695
# [[18]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.2229103
# [[19]]
# dynamic_logarithmic_medae
# 0.001112558
# [[20]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae
# 0.02380076
# [[21]]
# dynamic_sqrt_medae
# 0.0334535
# [[22]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae
# 0.02966992
# [[23]]
# dynamic_logistic_medae
# 0.05468892
# [[24]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae
# 0.05936107
# [[25]]
# dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae
# 0.04484924
# [[26]]
# dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae
# 0.03186887
# [[27]]
# gmae
# 0.1730152
# [[28]]
# log_cosh_loss
# 0.06395146
# [[29]]
# regr.medae
# 0.1037297
# [[30]]
# regr.medse
# 0.01075985
# [[31]]
# regr.msle
# 0.0609966
# [[32]]
# regr.rmsle
# 0.2469749
# [[33]]
# regr.rae
# 3.326233
# [[34]]
# regr.rrse
# 1.492432
With Range = 2 x
the Empirical Range of Spatial Autocorrelation:# Regular spcv_block spatial resampling with 2 x the empirical range used as the range for creating blocks in folds:
# Empirical range = 12165.72
# 12165.72 * 2 = 24331
data.attacks_train <- final_net.sf.attacks_train[, columns.xgb.attacks]
data.attacks_test <- final_net.sf.attacks_test[, columns.xgb.attacks]
for(col in columns.xgb.attacks) {
data.attacks_train[[col]] <- as.numeric(data.attacks_train[[col]])
data.attacks_test[[col]] <- as.numeric(data.attacks_test[[col]])
# Set the seed for reproducibility
data.regr.train <- data.attacks_train
data.regr.test <- data.attacks_test
data.regr.train$count_target <- as.numeric(data.attacks_train[["countAttacks"]])
data.regr.test$count_target <- as.numeric(data.attacks_test[["countAttacks"]])
data.regr.train <- data.regr.train %>% dplyr::select(-countAttacks, -NAME_2)
data.regr.test <- data.regr.test %>% dplyr::select(-countAttacks, -NAME_2)
data_centroids.regr.train <- st_centroid(data.regr.train)
data_centroids.regr.test <- st_centroid(data.regr.test)
projected_crs = "+proj=tmerc +lat_0=-0.6888125 +lon_0=29.0698245 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"
task_regr_train <- as_task_regr_st(data_centroids.regr.train, target = "count_target", coordinate_names = c("geometry"), crs = projected_crs, coords_as_features = FALSE, label= "count_model", drop_original_target = TRUE)
task_regr_train$set_col_roles("uniqueID", "order")
task_regr_test <- as_task_regr_st(data_centroids.regr.test, target = "count_target", coordinate_names = c("geometry"), crs = projected_crs, coords_as_features = FALSE, label= "count_model", drop_original_target = TRUE)
task_regr_test$set_col_roles("uniqueID", "order")
# Define a pipeline with scaling
pipeline <- po("scale", id = "scale")
pipeline_task_regr_train = pipeline$train(list(task_regr_train))[[1]]
resampling_regr <- rsmp("spcv_block", range = 24331, folds = 10)
learner_regr_train <- lrn("regr.xgboost",
nrounds = to_tune(p_int(50, 2000, tags = "budget")),
eta = to_tune(1e-4, 1),
max_depth = to_tune(3, 40),
colsample_bytree = to_tune(0.2, 1),
gamma = to_tune(1e-3, 15),
min_child_weight = to_tune(1e-3, 10),
subsample = to_tune(0.2, 1),
scale_pos_weight = to_tune(1, 300)
graph_learner <- GraphLearner$new(pipeline %>>% learner_regr_train)
dynamic_measure_names <- c("dynamic_quantile_loss", "dynamic_huber_loss", "dynamic_rmse", "dynamic_mae", "dynamic_mase")
dynamic_measures <- msrs(dynamic_measure_names)
if (future::supportsMulticore()) {
future::plan(future::multicore, workers = 6)
} else {
future::plan(future::multisession, workers = 6)
instance.multi_tuning <- TuningInstanceBatchMultiCrit$new(
task = pipeline_task_regr_train,
learner = graph_learner,
resampling = resampling_regr,
measures = dynamic_measures,
terminator = trm("none"),
store_models = TRUE,
check_values = TRUE
tuner <- tnr("hyperband")
saveRDS(instance.multi_tuning, "instance.multi_tuning-xgb.spcv_block.2_factor_range.rds", compress = TRUE)
# instance.multi_tuning <- readRDS("instance.multi_tuning-xgb.spcv_block.2_factor_range.rds")
# Process results
archive_regr <-$archive)
saveRDS(archive_regr, "archive_regr-xgb.spcv_block.2_factor_range.rds", compress=TRUE)
# archive_regr <- readRDS("archive_regr-xgb.spcv_block.2_factor_range.rds")
param_cols <- c("regr.xgboost.eta", "regr.xgboost.max_depth", "regr.xgboost.colsample_bytree", "regr.xgboost.gamma", "regr.xgboost.min_child_weight",
"regr.xgboost.subsample", "regr.xgboost.scale_pos_weight", "regr.xgboost.nrounds")
scores_cols <- dynamic_measure_names
normalized_cols <- paste0("normalized_", scores_cols)
# Function to identify outliers using the IQR method
identify_outliers <- function(x) {
q75 <- quantile(x, 0.75, na.rm = TRUE)
q25 <- quantile(x, 0.25, na.rm = TRUE)
iqr <- q75 - q25
lower_bound <- q25 - 1.5 * iqr
upper_bound <- q75 + 1.5 * iqr
return(x < lower_bound | x > upper_bound)
# Apply the outlier identification function to each metric column
outliers <- archive_regr[, lapply(.SD, identify_outliers), .SDcols = scores_cols]
# Create a logical vector indicating rows to keep (non-outliers)
rows_to_keep <- !rowSums(outliers)
# Filter the dataset to remove outliers
archive_regr_clean <- archive_regr[rows_to_keep]
min_max_scale <- function(x) {
(x - min(x, na.rm = TRUE)) / (max(x, na.rm = TRUE) - min(x, na.rm = TRUE))
# Apply min-max scaling to the cleaned dataset
archive_regr_clean[, (normalized_cols) := lapply(.SD, min_max_scale), .SDcols = scores_cols]
# Perform Pareto front selection on the normalized columns
pareto_indices.xgb <- fastNonDominatedSorting(as.matrix(archive_regr_clean[, ..normalized_cols]))
# Extract Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_solutions.xgb <- archive_regr_clean[pareto_indices.xgb[[1]], ]
# Define the number of near-optimal solutions to include
N_near_optimal <- 50
# Function to calculate Euclidean distance between two points
euclidean_distance <- function(x, y) {
sqrt(sum((x - y) ^ 2))
# Extract normalized data for Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_data <- as.matrix(pareto_solutions.xgb[, ..normalized_cols])
# Extract normalized data for all solutions
all_data <- as.matrix(archive_regr_clean[, ..normalized_cols])
# Calculate the minimum distance of each solution to the Pareto front
min_distances <- apply(all_data, 1, function(x) {
apply(pareto_data, 1, function(y) euclidean_distance(x, y)) %>% min()
# Add the distances to the data table
archive_regr_clean[, distance_to_pareto := min_distances]
# Select top N near-optimal solutions based on distance to Pareto front.
near_optimal_solutions <- archive_regr_clean[order(distance_to_pareto)][1:N_near_optimal]
# Apply PCA on the combined solutions
pca_result_combined <- prcomp([, ..normalized_cols]))
loadings_pc1_combined <- pca_result_combined$rotation[, 1]
loadings_pc2_combined <- pca_result_combined$rotation[, 2]
variance_pc1_combined <- summary(pca_result_combined)$importance[2, 1]
variance_pc2_combined <- summary(pca_result_combined)$importance[2, 2]
combined_weights <- variance_pc1_combined * abs(loadings_pc1_combined) + variance_pc2_combined * abs(loadings_pc2_combined)
pareto_weights <- combined_weights / sum(combined_weights) # Normalize to sum to 1
# Use these weights to calculate composite scores for only Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_solutions.xgb[, composite_score := as.matrix(.SD) %*% pareto_weights, .SDcols = normalized_cols]
# Find the best set of hyperparameters based on the lowest composite score
best_index.xgb <- which.min(pareto_solutions.xgb$composite_score)
best_solution.xgb <- pareto_solutions.xgb[best_index.xgb, ]
saveRDS(pareto_weights, "pareto_weights.xgb.spcv_block.2_factor_range.rds")
# pareto_weights <- readRDS("pareto_weights.xgb.spcv_block.2_factor_range.rds")
print(pareto_weights[order(pareto_weights, decreasing = TRUE)])
# > print(pareto_weights[order(pareto_weights, decreasing = TRUE)])
# normalized_dynamic_rmse normalized_dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.2461679 0.1960106
# normalized_dynamic_mae normalized_dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.1960106 0.1914895
# normalized_dynamic_mase
# 0.1703213
# Extract and print the best hyperparameters and their scores
best_hyperparameters.xgb <- best_solution.xgb[, ..param_cols]
best_metrics.xgb <- best_solution.xgb[, ..scores_cols]
names(best_hyperparameters.xgb) <- gsub("^regr.xgboost\\.", "", names(best_hyperparameters.xgb))
saveRDS(best_hyperparameters.xgb, "best_hyperparameters.xgb.spcv_block.2_factor_range.rds")
saveRDS(best_metrics.xgb, "best_metrics.xgb.spcv_block.2_factor_range.rds")
# Format the hyperparameters for printing
params.xgb <- sprintf(
"eta = %s\nmax_depth = %s\ncolsample_bytree = %s\ngamma = %s\nmin_child_weight = %s\nsubsample = %s\nscale_pos_weight = %s\nnrounds = %s",
# Format the metrics for printing
metrics.xgb <- sapply(names(best_metrics.xgb), function(col) {
sprintf("%s = %s", col, best_metrics.xgb[[col]])
# Combine hyperparameters and metrics into a single character vector
param_metrics_descriptions.xgb <- c("\nOptimal Hyperparameters:", params.xgb, "\nMetrics:", metrics.xgb)
# Print the parameters and metrics
cat("Best Parameters & Metrics for XGBoost Model with spcv_block (2 x the Empirical Range) Cross-Validation:\n", paste(param_metrics_descriptions.xgb, collapse="\n"), "\n")
# Best Parameters & Metrics for XGBoost Model with spcv_block (2 x the Empirical Range) Cross-Validation:
# Optimal Hyperparameters:
# eta = 0.123116972869728
# max_depth = 36
# colsample_bytree = 0.985405151918531
# gamma = 5.69058191709477
# min_child_weight = 0.543131271936232
# subsample = 0.371602886542678
# scale_pos_weight = 146.550710470648
# nrounds = 125
# Metrics:
# dynamic_quantile_loss = 3.54574951563155
# dynamic_huber_loss = 6.64635632867161
# dynamic_rmse = 12.3378973912766
# dynamic_mae = 7.09149903126309
# dynamic_mase = 6.04446143048274
# Save the formatted description to an RDS file
saveRDS(param_metrics_descriptions.xgb, "params_metrics.xgb.spcv_block.2_factor_range.rds")
# param_metrics_descriptions.xgb <- readRDS("params_metrics.xgb.spcv_block.2_factor_range.rds")
# Directly use the best solution to configure the learner
best_learner.xgb <- lrn("regr.xgboost")
best_learner.xgb$param_set$values <- as.list(best_hyperparameters.xgb)
set.seed(123) # Make sure to set the seed again here or else the results will not be reproducible
saveRDS(best_learner.xgb, "best_learner.xgb.spcv_block.2_factor_range.after_training.rds")
# best_learner.xgb <- readRDS("best_learner.xgb.spcv_block.2_factor_range.after_training.rds")
# Transform the test data using the pipeline in the same way the training data was transformed earlier
pipeline_task_regr_test <- pipeline$predict(list(task_regr_test))[[1]]
# Make predictions
test_predictions_regr <- best_learner.xgb$predict_newdata(newdata = pipeline_task_regr_test$data(), task = pipeline_task_regr_test)
saveRDS(test_predictions_regr, "test_predictions_regr-xgb.spcv_block.2_factor_range.rds")
# test_predictions_regr <- readRDS("test_predictions_regr-xgb.spcv_block.2_factor_range.rds")
# Core Metrics with which to Compare Models:
core_dynamic_measures_list.spcv_block <- list(
measure.dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_quantile_loss")),
measure.dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_huber_loss")),
measure.dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_rmse")),
measure.dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mae")),
measure.dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mase"))
saveRDS(core_dynamic_measures_list.spcv_block, "core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2_factor_range.rds")
# > print(core_dynamic_measures_list.spcv_block)
# [[1]]
# dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.1293405
# [[2]]
# dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.1176287
# [[3]]
# dynamic_rmse
# 0.760023
# [[4]]
# dynamic_mae
# 0.258681
# [[5]]
# dynamic_mase
# 4.264685
# Non-core metrics from predictions on unseen test data:
measures_list.spcv_block <- list(
# Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE)
measure.rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rmse")),
measure.dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_rmse")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_rmse")),
# Mean Squared Error (MSE)
measure.mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mse")),
measure.dynamic_mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mse")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mse")),
# Mean Absolute Error (MAE)
measure.mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mae")),
measure.dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mae")),
# Mean Absolute Scaled Error (MASE)
measure.mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mase")),
measure.dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mase")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mase")),
# Quantile Loss
measure.quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("quantile_loss")),
measure.dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_quantile_loss")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss")),
# Huber Loss
measure.huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("huber_loss")),
measure.dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_huber_loss")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss")),
# Logarithmic MedAE
measure.dynamic_logarithmic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_logarithmic_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae")),
# Sqrt MedAE
measure.dynamic_sqrt_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_sqrt_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae")),
# Logistic MedAE
measure.dynamic_logistic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_logistic_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae")),
# Polynomial MedAE
measure.dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae")),
measure.dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae")),
# Geometric Mean Absolute Error (GMAE)
measure.gmae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("gmae")),
# Log-Cosh Loss
measure.log_cosh_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("log_cosh_loss")),
# Other measures
measure.medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.medae")),
measure.medse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.medse")),
measure.msle <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.msle")),
measure.rmsle <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rmsle")),
measure.rae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rae")),
measure.rrse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rrse"))
saveRDS(measures_list.spcv_block, "measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2_factor_range.rds")
# measures_list.spcv_block <- readRDS("measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2_factor_range.rds")
# > print(measures_list.spcv_block)
# [[1]]
# regr.rmse
# 0.4714375
# [[2]]
# dynamic_rmse
# 0.760023
# [[3]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_rmse
# 0.9534912
# [[4]]
# regr.mse
# 0.2222534
# [[5]]
# dynamic_mse
# 0.5776349
# [[6]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mse
# 0.9091454
# [[7]]
# regr.mae
# 0.184637
# [[8]]
# dynamic_mae
# 0.258681
# [[9]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mae
# 0.3657963
# [[10]]
# regr.mase
# 3.043977
# [[11]]
# dynamic_mase
# 4.264685
# [[12]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mase
# 6.030618
# [[13]]
# quantile_loss
# 0.09231852
# [[14]]
# dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.1293405
# [[15]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.1404531
# [[16]]
# huber_loss
# 0.05702196
# [[17]]
# dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.1176287
# [[18]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.1769445
# [[19]]
# dynamic_logarithmic_medae
# 0.0008093568
# [[20]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae
# 0.01027681
# [[21]]
# dynamic_sqrt_medae
# 0.02851169
# [[22]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae
# 0.01776632
# [[23]]
# dynamic_logistic_medae
# 0.04884034
# [[24]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae
# 0.05137876
# [[25]]
# dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae
# 0.03029254
# [[26]]
# dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae
# 0.02390026
# [[27]]
# gmae
# 0.1550299
# [[28]]
# log_cosh_loss
# 0.05313012
# [[29]]
# regr.medae
# 0.09327655
# [[30]]
# regr.medse
# 0.008700514
# [[31]]
# regr.msle
# 0.05379955
# [[32]]
# regr.rmsle
# 0.2319473
# [[33]]
# regr.rae
# 2.944284
# [[34]]
# regr.rrse
# 1.30736
With Range =
2.25 x the Empirical Range of Spatial Autocorrelation:# Regular spcv_block spatial resampling with 2.25 x the empirical range used as the range for creating blocks in folds:
# Empirical range = 12165.72
# 12165.72 * 2.25 = 27373
data.attacks_train <- final_net.sf.attacks_train[, columns.xgb.attacks]
data.attacks_test <- final_net.sf.attacks_test[, columns.xgb.attacks]
for(col in columns.xgb.attacks) {
data.attacks_train[[col]] <- as.numeric(data.attacks_train[[col]])
data.attacks_test[[col]] <- as.numeric(data.attacks_test[[col]])
# Set the seed for reproducibility
data.regr.train <- data.attacks_train
data.regr.test <- data.attacks_test
data.regr.train$count_target <- as.numeric(data.attacks_train[["countAttacks"]])
data.regr.test$count_target <- as.numeric(data.attacks_test[["countAttacks"]])
data.regr.train <- data.regr.train %>% dplyr::select(-countAttacks, -NAME_2)
data.regr.test <- data.regr.test %>% dplyr::select(-countAttacks, -NAME_2)
data_centroids.regr.train <- st_centroid(data.regr.train)
data_centroids.regr.test <- st_centroid(data.regr.test)
projected_crs = "+proj=tmerc +lat_0=-0.6888125 +lon_0=29.0698245 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"
task_regr_train <- as_task_regr_st(data_centroids.regr.train, target = "count_target", coordinate_names = c("geometry"), crs = projected_crs, coords_as_features = FALSE, label= "count_model", drop_original_target = TRUE)
task_regr_train$set_col_roles("uniqueID", "order")
task_regr_test <- as_task_regr_st(data_centroids.regr.test, target = "count_target", coordinate_names = c("geometry"), crs = projected_crs, coords_as_features = FALSE, label= "count_model", drop_original_target = TRUE)
task_regr_test$set_col_roles("uniqueID", "order")
# Define a pipeline with scaling
pipeline <- po("scale", id = "scale")
pipeline_task_regr_train = pipeline$train(list(task_regr_train))[[1]]
resampling_regr <- rsmp("spcv_block", range = 27373, folds = 10)
learner_regr_train <- lrn("regr.xgboost",
nrounds = to_tune(p_int(50, 2000, tags = "budget")),
eta = to_tune(1e-4, 1),
max_depth = to_tune(3, 40),
colsample_bytree = to_tune(0.2, 1),
gamma = to_tune(1e-3, 15),
min_child_weight = to_tune(1e-3, 10),
subsample = to_tune(0.2, 1),
scale_pos_weight = to_tune(1, 300)
graph_learner <- GraphLearner$new(pipeline %>>% learner_regr_train)
dynamic_measure_names <- c("dynamic_quantile_loss", "dynamic_huber_loss", "dynamic_rmse", "dynamic_mae", "dynamic_mase")
dynamic_measures <- msrs(dynamic_measure_names)
if (future::supportsMulticore()) {
future::plan(future::multicore, workers = 6)
} else {
future::plan(future::multisession, workers = 6)
instance.multi_tuning <- TuningInstanceBatchMultiCrit$new(
task = pipeline_task_regr_train,
learner = graph_learner,
resampling = resampling_regr,
measures = dynamic_measures,
terminator = trm("none"),
store_models = TRUE,
check_values = TRUE
tuner <- tnr("hyperband")
saveRDS(instance.multi_tuning, "instance.multi_tuning-xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.rds", compress = TRUE)
# instance.multi_tuning <- readRDS("instance.multi_tuning-xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.rds")
# Process results
archive_regr <-$archive)
saveRDS(archive_regr, "archive_regr-xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.rds", compress=TRUE)
# archive_regr <- readRDS("archive_regr-xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.rds")
param_cols <- c("regr.xgboost.eta", "regr.xgboost.max_depth", "regr.xgboost.colsample_bytree", "regr.xgboost.gamma", "regr.xgboost.min_child_weight",
"regr.xgboost.subsample", "regr.xgboost.scale_pos_weight", "regr.xgboost.nrounds")
scores_cols <- dynamic_measure_names
normalized_cols <- paste0("normalized_", scores_cols)
# Function to identify outliers using the IQR method
identify_outliers <- function(x) {
q75 <- quantile(x, 0.75, na.rm = TRUE)
q25 <- quantile(x, 0.25, na.rm = TRUE)
iqr <- q75 - q25
lower_bound <- q25 - 1.5 * iqr
upper_bound <- q75 + 1.5 * iqr
return(x < lower_bound | x > upper_bound)
# Apply the outlier identification function to each metric column
outliers <- archive_regr[, lapply(.SD, identify_outliers), .SDcols = scores_cols]
# Create a logical vector indicating rows to keep (non-outliers)
rows_to_keep <- !rowSums(outliers)
# Filter the dataset to remove outliers
archive_regr_clean <- archive_regr[rows_to_keep]
min_max_scale <- function(x) {
(x - min(x, na.rm = TRUE)) / (max(x, na.rm = TRUE) - min(x, na.rm = TRUE))
# Apply min-max scaling to the cleaned dataset
archive_regr_clean[, (normalized_cols) := lapply(.SD, min_max_scale), .SDcols = scores_cols]
# Perform Pareto front selection on the normalized columns
pareto_indices.xgb <- fastNonDominatedSorting(as.matrix(archive_regr_clean[, ..normalized_cols]))
# Extract Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_solutions.xgb <- archive_regr_clean[pareto_indices.xgb[[1]], ]
# Define the number of near-optimal solutions to include
N_near_optimal <- 50
# Function to calculate Euclidean distance between two points
euclidean_distance <- function(x, y) {
sqrt(sum((x - y) ^ 2))
# Extract normalized data for Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_data <- as.matrix(pareto_solutions.xgb[, ..normalized_cols])
# Extract normalized data for all solutions
all_data <- as.matrix(archive_regr_clean[, ..normalized_cols])
# Calculate the minimum distance of each solution to the Pareto front
min_distances <- apply(all_data, 1, function(x) {
apply(pareto_data, 1, function(y) euclidean_distance(x, y)) %>% min()
}) # The apply() function processes each row in order, ensuring the resulting distances maintain the same order as the input rows.
# Add the distances to the data table
archive_regr_clean[, distance_to_pareto := min_distances]
# Select top N near-optimal solutions based on distance to Pareto front. The actual Pareto optimal solutions on the front will also be included in this object
near_optimal_solutions <- archive_regr_clean[order(distance_to_pareto)][1:N_near_optimal]
# Apply PCA on the combined solutions
pca_result_combined <- prcomp([, ..normalized_cols]))
loadings_pc1_combined <- pca_result_combined$rotation[, 1]
loadings_pc2_combined <- pca_result_combined$rotation[, 2]
variance_pc1_combined <- summary(pca_result_combined)$importance[2, 1]
variance_pc2_combined <- summary(pca_result_combined)$importance[2, 2]
combined_weights <- variance_pc1_combined * abs(loadings_pc1_combined) + variance_pc2_combined * abs(loadings_pc2_combined)
pareto_weights <- combined_weights / sum(combined_weights) # Normalize to sum to 1
# Use these weights to calculate composite scores for only Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_solutions.xgb[, composite_score := as.matrix(.SD) %*% pareto_weights, .SDcols = normalized_cols]
# Find the best set of hyperparameters based on the lowest composite score
best_index.xgb <- which.min(pareto_solutions.xgb$composite_score)
best_solution.xgb <- pareto_solutions.xgb[best_index.xgb, ]
saveRDS(pareto_weights, "pareto_weights.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.rds")
# pareto_weights <- readRDS("pareto_weights.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.rds")
print(pareto_weights[order(pareto_weights, decreasing = TRUE)])
# > print(pareto_weights[order(pareto_weights, decreasing = TRUE)])
# normalized_dynamic_rmse normalized_dynamic_mae
# 0.2980289 0.1838712
# normalized_dynamic_quantile_loss normalized_dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.1838712 0.1798773
# normalized_dynamic_mase
# 0.1543513
# Extract and print the best hyperparameters and their scores
best_hyperparameters.xgb <- best_solution.xgb[, ..param_cols]
best_metrics.xgb <- best_solution.xgb[, ..scores_cols]
names(best_hyperparameters.xgb) <- gsub("^regr.xgboost\\.", "", names(best_hyperparameters.xgb))
saveRDS(best_hyperparameters.xgb, "best_hyperparameters.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.rds")
saveRDS(best_metrics.xgb, "best_metrics.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.rds")
# Format the hyperparameters for printing
params.xgb<- sprintf(
"eta = %s\nmax_depth = %s\ncolsample_bytree = %s\ngamma = %s\nmin_child_weight = %s\nsubsample = %s\nscale_pos_weight = %s\nnrounds = %s",
# Format the metrics for printing
metrics.xgb <- sapply(names(best_metrics.xgb), function(col) {
sprintf("%s = %s", col, best_metrics.xgb[[col]])
# Combine hyperparameters and metrics into a single character vector
param_metrics_descriptions.xgb <- c("\nOptimal Hyperparameters:", params.xgb, "\nMetrics:", metrics.xgb)
# Print the parameters and metrics
cat("Best Parameters & Metrics for XGBoost Model with spcv_block (2.25 x the Range) Cross-Validation:\n", paste(param_metrics_descriptions.xgb, collapse="\n"), "\n")
# Best Parameters & Metrics for XGBoost Model with spcv_block (2.25 x the Range) Cross-Validation:
# Optimal Hyperparameters:
# eta = 0.586736665806221
# max_depth = 18
# colsample_bytree = 0.652074614353478
# gamma = 5.67290952071222
# min_child_weight = 2.28382799822837
# subsample = 0.927312066592276
# scale_pos_weight = 55.6711164007429
# nrounds = 250
# Metrics:
# dynamic_quantile_loss = 3.75903742495709
# dynamic_huber_loss = 7.07939844420301
# dynamic_rmse = 13.0356430277884
# dynamic_mae = 7.51807484991418
# dynamic_mase = 6.39887652146949
# Save the formatted description to an RDS file
saveRDS(param_metrics_descriptions.xgb, "params_metrics.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.rds")
# param_metrics_descriptions.xgb <- readRDS("params_metrics.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.rds")
# Directly use the best solution to configure the learner
best_learner.xgb <- lrn("regr.xgboost")
best_learner.xgb$param_set$values <- as.list(best_hyperparameters.xgb)
set.seed(123) # Make sure to set the seed again here or else the results will not be reproducible
saveRDS(best_learner.xgb, "best_learner.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.after_training.rds")
# best_learner.xgb <- readRDS("best_learner.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.after_training.rds")
# Transform the test data using the pipeline in the same way the training data was transformed earlier
pipeline_task_regr_test <- pipeline$predict(list(task_regr_test))[[1]]
saveRDS(pipeline_task_regr_test, "pipeline_task_regr_test.spcv_block.2.25.transformed_after_training.rds")
# Make predictions
test_predictions_regr <- best_learner.xgb$predict_newdata(newdata = pipeline_task_regr_test$data(), task = pipeline_task_regr_test)
saveRDS(test_predictions_regr, "test_predictions_regr-xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.rds")
# test_predictions_regr <- readRDS("test_predictions_regr-xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.rds")
# Core Metrics with which to Compare Models:
core_dynamic_measures_list.spcv_block <- list(
measure.dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_quantile_loss")),
measure.dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_huber_loss")),
measure.dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_rmse")),
measure.dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mae")),
measure.dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mase"))
saveRDS(core_dynamic_measures_list.spcv_block, "core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.rds")
# > print(core_dynamic_measures_list.spcv_block)
# [[1]]
# dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.1057474
# [[2]]
# dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.1153928
# [[3]]
# dynamic_rmse
# 0.7940919
# [[4]]
# dynamic_mae
# 0.2114949
# [[5]]
# dynamic_mase
# 3.486763
# Non-core metrics from predictions on unseen test data:
measures_list.spcv_block <- list(
# Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE)
measure.rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rmse")),
measure.dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_rmse")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_rmse")),
# Mean Squared Error (MSE)
measure.mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mse")),
measure.dynamic_mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mse")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mse")),
# Mean Absolute Error (MAE)
measure.mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mae")),
measure.dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mae")),
# Mean Absolute Scaled Error (MASE)
measure.mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mase")),
measure.dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mase")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mase")),
# Quantile Loss
measure.quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("quantile_loss")),
measure.dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_quantile_loss")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss")),
# Huber Loss
measure.huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("huber_loss")),
measure.dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_huber_loss")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss")),
# Logarithmic MedAE
measure.dynamic_logarithmic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_logarithmic_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae")),
# Sqrt MedAE
measure.dynamic_sqrt_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_sqrt_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae")),
# Logistic MedAE
measure.dynamic_logistic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_logistic_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae")),
# Polynomial MedAE
measure.dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae")),
measure.dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae")),
# Geometric Mean Absolute Error (GMAE)
measure.gmae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("gmae")),
# Log-Cosh Loss
measure.log_cosh_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("log_cosh_loss")),
# Other measures
measure.medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.medae")),
measure.medse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.medse")),
measure.msle <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.msle")),
measure.rmsle <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rmsle")),
measure.rae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rae")),
measure.rrse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rrse"))
saveRDS(measures_list.spcv_block, "measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.rds")
# measures_list.spcv_block <- readRDS("measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.rds")
# > print(measures_list.spcv_block)
# [[1]]
# regr.rmse
# 0.528931
# [[2]]
# dynamic_rmse
# 0.7940919
# [[3]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_rmse
# 0.9801503
# [[4]]
# regr.mse
# 0.279768
# [[5]]
# dynamic_mse
# 0.6305819
# [[6]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mse
# 0.9606946
# [[7]]
# regr.mae
# 0.1352553
# [[8]]
# dynamic_mae
# 0.2114949
# [[9]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mae
# 0.2977757
# [[10]]
# regr.mase
# 2.229856
# [[11]]
# dynamic_mase
# 3.486763
# [[12]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mase
# 4.909213
# [[13]]
# quantile_loss
# 0.06762764
# [[14]]
# dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.1057474
# [[15]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.1154808
# [[16]]
# huber_loss
# 0.05271691
# [[17]]
# dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.1153928
# [[18]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.1715069
# [[19]]
# dynamic_logarithmic_medae
# 0.00009362897
# [[20]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae
# 0.004479424
# [[21]]
# dynamic_sqrt_medae
# 0.009681195
# [[22]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae
# 0.009681195
# [[23]]
# dynamic_logistic_medae
# 0.02322778
# [[24]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae
# 0.02512321
# [[25]]
# dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae
# 0.01620745
# [[26]]
# dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae
# 0.009681195
# [[27]]
# gmae
# 0.1026773
# [[28]]
# log_cosh_loss
# 0.04940077
# [[29]]
# regr.medae
# 0.04542406
# [[30]]
# regr.medse
# 0.002063345
# [[31]]
# regr.msle
# NaN
# [[32]]
# regr.rmsle
# NaN
# [[33]]
# regr.rae
# 2.156826
# [[34]]
# regr.rrse
# 1.466797
With Range = 2.5
x the Empirical Range of Spatial Autocorrelation:# Regular spcv_block spatial resampling with 2.5 x the empirical range used as the range for creating blocks in folds:
# Empirical range = 12165.72
# 12165.72 * 2.5 = 30414
data.attacks_train <- final_net.sf.attacks_train[, columns.xgb.attacks]
data.attacks_test <- final_net.sf.attacks_test[, columns.xgb.attacks]
for(col in columns.xgb.attacks) {
data.attacks_train[[col]] <- as.numeric(data.attacks_train[[col]])
data.attacks_test[[col]] <- as.numeric(data.attacks_test[[col]])
# Set the seed for reproducibility
data.regr.train <- data.attacks_train
data.regr.test <- data.attacks_test
data.regr.train$count_target <- as.numeric(data.attacks_train[["countAttacks"]])
data.regr.test$count_target <- as.numeric(data.attacks_test[["countAttacks"]])
data.regr.train <- data.regr.train %>% dplyr::select(-countAttacks, -NAME_2)
data.regr.test <- data.regr.test %>% dplyr::select(-countAttacks, -NAME_2)
data_centroids.regr.train <- st_centroid(data.regr.train)
data_centroids.regr.test <- st_centroid(data.regr.test)
projected_crs = "+proj=tmerc +lat_0=-0.6888125 +lon_0=29.0698245 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"
task_regr_train <- as_task_regr_st(data_centroids.regr.train, target = "count_target", coordinate_names = c("geometry"), crs = projected_crs, coords_as_features = FALSE, label= "count_model", drop_original_target = TRUE)
task_regr_train$set_col_roles("uniqueID", "order")
task_regr_test <- as_task_regr_st(data_centroids.regr.test, target = "count_target", coordinate_names = c("geometry"), crs = projected_crs, coords_as_features = FALSE, label= "count_model", drop_original_target = TRUE)
task_regr_test$set_col_roles("uniqueID", "order")
# Define a pipeline with scaling
pipeline <- po("scale", id = "scale")
pipeline_task_regr_train = pipeline$train(list(task_regr_train))[[1]]
resampling_regr <- rsmp("spcv_block", range = 30414, folds = 10)
learner_regr_train <- lrn("regr.xgboost",
nrounds = to_tune(p_int(50, 2000, tags = "budget")),
eta = to_tune(1e-4, 1),
max_depth = to_tune(3, 40),
colsample_bytree = to_tune(0.2, 1),
gamma = to_tune(1e-3, 15),
min_child_weight = to_tune(1e-3, 10),
subsample = to_tune(0.2, 1),
scale_pos_weight = to_tune(1, 300)
graph_learner <- GraphLearner$new(pipeline %>>% learner_regr_train)
dynamic_measure_names <- c("dynamic_quantile_loss", "dynamic_huber_loss", "dynamic_rmse", "dynamic_mae", "dynamic_mase")
dynamic_measures <- msrs(dynamic_measure_names)
if (future::supportsMulticore()) {
future::plan(future::multicore, workers = 6)
} else {
future::plan(future::multisession, workers = 6)
instance.multi_tuning <- TuningInstanceBatchMultiCrit$new(
task = pipeline_task_regr_train,
learner = graph_learner,
resampling = resampling_regr,
measures = dynamic_measures,
terminator = trm("none"),
store_models = TRUE,
check_values = TRUE
tuner <- tnr("hyperband")
saveRDS(instance.multi_tuning, "instance.multi_tuning-xgb.spcv_block.regular.2.5_factor_range.rds", compress = TRUE)
# instance.multi_tuning <- readRDS("instance.multi_tuning-xgb.spcv_block.regular.2.5_factor_range.rds")
# Process results
archive_regr <-$archive)
saveRDS(archive_regr, "archive_regr-xgb.spcv_block.regular.2.5_factor_range.rds", compress=TRUE)
# archive_regr <- readRDS("archive_regr-xgb.spcv_block.regular.2.5_factor_range.rds")
param_cols <- c("regr.xgboost.eta", "regr.xgboost.max_depth", "regr.xgboost.colsample_bytree", "regr.xgboost.gamma", "regr.xgboost.min_child_weight",
"regr.xgboost.subsample", "regr.xgboost.scale_pos_weight", "regr.xgboost.nrounds")
scores_cols <- dynamic_measure_names
normalized_cols <- paste0("normalized_", scores_cols)
# Function to identify outliers using the IQR method
identify_outliers <- function(x) {
q75 <- quantile(x, 0.75, na.rm = TRUE)
q25 <- quantile(x, 0.25, na.rm = TRUE)
iqr <- q75 - q25
lower_bound <- q25 - 1.5 * iqr
upper_bound <- q75 + 1.5 * iqr
return(x < lower_bound | x > upper_bound)
# Apply the outlier identification function to each metric column
outliers <- archive_regr[, lapply(.SD, identify_outliers), .SDcols = scores_cols]
# Create a logical vector indicating rows to keep (non-outliers)
rows_to_keep <- !rowSums(outliers)
# Filter the dataset to remove outliers
archive_regr_clean <- archive_regr[rows_to_keep]
min_max_scale <- function(x) {
(x - min(x, na.rm = TRUE)) / (max(x, na.rm = TRUE) - min(x, na.rm = TRUE))
# Apply min-max scaling to the cleaned dataset
archive_regr_clean[, (normalized_cols) := lapply(.SD, min_max_scale), .SDcols = scores_cols]
# Perform Pareto front selection on the normalized columns
pareto_indices.xgb <- fastNonDominatedSorting(as.matrix(archive_regr_clean[, ..normalized_cols]))
# Extract Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_solutions.xgb <- archive_regr_clean[pareto_indices.xgb[[1]], ]
# Define the number of near-optimal solutions to include
N_near_optimal <- 50
# Function to calculate Euclidean distance between two points
euclidean_distance <- function(x, y) {
sqrt(sum((x - y) ^ 2))
# Extract normalized data for Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_data <- as.matrix(pareto_solutions.xgb[, ..normalized_cols])
# Extract normalized data for all solutions
all_data <- as.matrix(archive_regr_clean[, ..normalized_cols])
# Calculate the minimum distance of each solution to the Pareto front
min_distances <- apply(all_data, 1, function(x) {
apply(pareto_data, 1, function(y) euclidean_distance(x, y)) %>% min()
# Add the distances to the data table
archive_regr_clean[, distance_to_pareto := min_distances]
# Select top N near-optimal solutions based on distance to Pareto front.
near_optimal_solutions <- archive_regr_clean[order(distance_to_pareto)][1:N_near_optimal]
# Apply PCA on the combined solutions
pca_result_combined <- prcomp([, ..normalized_cols]))
loadings_pc1_combined <- pca_result_combined$rotation[, 1]
loadings_pc2_combined <- pca_result_combined$rotation[, 2]
variance_pc1_combined <- summary(pca_result_combined)$importance[2, 1]
variance_pc2_combined <- summary(pca_result_combined)$importance[2, 2]
combined_weights <- variance_pc1_combined * abs(loadings_pc1_combined) + variance_pc2_combined * abs(loadings_pc2_combined)
pareto_weights <- combined_weights / sum(combined_weights) # Normalize to sum to 1
# Use these weights to calculate composite scores for only Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_solutions.xgb[, composite_score := as.matrix(.SD) %*% pareto_weights, .SDcols = normalized_cols]
# Find the best set of hyperparameters based on the lowest composite score
best_index.xgb <- which.min(pareto_solutions.xgb$composite_score)
best_solution.xgb <- pareto_solutions.xgb[best_index.xgb, ]
saveRDS(pareto_weights, "pareto_weights.xgb.2.5_factor_range.rds")
# pareto_weights <- readRDS("pareto_weights.xgb.2.5_factor_range.rds")
print(pareto_weights[order(pareto_weights, decreasing = TRUE)])
# Extract and print the best hyperparameters and their scores
best_hyperparameters.xgb <- best_solution.xgb[, ..param_cols]
best_metrics.xgb <- best_solution.xgb[, ..scores_cols]
names(best_hyperparameters.xgb) <- gsub("^regr.xgboost\\.", "", names(best_hyperparameters.xgb))
saveRDS(best_hyperparameters.xgb, "best_hyperparameters.xgb.spcv_block.regular.2.5_factor_range.rds")
saveRDS(best_metrics.xgb, "best_metrics.xgb.spcv_block.regular.2.5_factor_range.rds")
# Format the hyperparameters for printing
params.xgb <- sprintf(
"eta = %s\nmax_depth = %s\ncolsample_bytree = %s\ngamma = %s\nmin_child_weight = %s\nsubsample = %s\nscale_pos_weight = %s\nnrounds = %s",
# Format the metrics for printing
metrics.xgb <- sapply(names(best_metrics.xgb), function(col) {
sprintf("%s = %s", col, best_metrics.xgb[[col]])
# Combine hyperparameters and metrics into a single character vector
param_metrics_descriptions.xgb <- c("\nOptimal Hyperparameters:", params.xgb, "\nMetrics:", metrics.xgb)
# Print the parameters and metrics
cat("Best Parameters & Metrics for XGBoost Model with spcv_block Cross-Validation:\n", paste(param_metrics_descriptions.xgb, collapse="\n"), "\n")
# Best Parameters & Metrics for XGBoost Model with spcv_block Cross-Validation:
# Optimal Hyperparameters:
# eta = 0.531013818731508
# max_depth = 39
# colsample_bytree = 0.928915528021753
# gamma = 1.10413564116159
# min_child_weight = 1.01719892805675
# subsample = 0.880228548124433
# scale_pos_weight = 80.111435799161
# nrounds = 62
# Metrics:
# dynamic_quantile_loss = 3.63345111683289
# dynamic_huber_loss = 6.85585331878337
# dynamic_rmse = 11.25701981747
# dynamic_mae = 7.26690223366578
# dynamic_mase = 5.67513035234016
# Save the formatted description to an RDS file
saveRDS(param_metrics_descriptions.xgb, "params_metrics.xgb.spcv_block.regular.2.5_factor_range.rds")
# param_metrics_descriptions.xgb <- readRDS("params_metrics.xgb.spcv_block.regular.2.5_factor_range.rds")
# Directly use the best solution to configure the learner
best_learner.xgb <- lrn("regr.xgboost")
best_learner.xgb$param_set$values <- as.list(best_hyperparameters.xgb)
saveRDS(best_learner.xgb, "best_learner.xgb.spcv_block.regular.2.5_factor_range.rds")
best_learner.xgb <- readRDS("best_learner.xgb.spcv_block.regular.2.5_factor_range.rds")
set.seed(123) # Make sure to set the seed again here or else the results will not be reproducible
# Transform the test data using the pipeline in the same way the training data was transformed earlier
pipeline_task_regr_test <- pipeline$predict(list(task_regr_test))[[1]]
# Make predictions
test_predictions_regr <- best_learner.xgb$predict_newdata(newdata = pipeline_task_regr_test$data(), task = pipeline_task_regr_test)
saveRDS(test_predictions_regr, "test_predictions_regr-xgb.spcv_block.regular.2.5_factor_range.rds")
# test_predictions_regr <- readRDS("test_predictions_regr-xgb.spcv_block.regular.2.5_factor_range.rds")
# Core Metrics with which to Compare Models:
core_dynamic_measures_list.spcv_block <- list(
measure.dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_quantile_loss")),
measure.dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_huber_loss")),
measure.dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_rmse")),
measure.dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mae")),
measure.dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mase"))
saveRDS(core_dynamic_measures_list.spcv_block, "core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2.5_factor_range.rds")
# > print(core_dynamic_measures_list.spcv_block)
# [[1]]
# dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.1091069
# [[2]]
# dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.1323401
# [[3]]
# dynamic_rmse
# 0.8668784
# [[4]]
# dynamic_mae
# 0.2182137
# [[5]]
# dynamic_mase
# 3.597532
# Non-core metrics from predictions on unseen test data:
measures_list.spcv_block <- list(
# Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE)
measure.rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rmse")),
measure.dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_rmse")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_rmse")),
# Mean Squared Error (MSE)
measure.mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mse")),
measure.dynamic_mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mse")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mse")),
# Mean Absolute Error (MAE)
measure.mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mae")),
measure.dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mae")),
# Mean Absolute Scaled Error (MASE)
measure.mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mase")),
measure.dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mase")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mase")),
# Quantile Loss
measure.quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("quantile_loss")),
measure.dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_quantile_loss")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss")),
# Huber Loss
measure.huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("huber_loss")),
measure.dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_huber_loss")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss")),
# Logarithmic MedAE
measure.dynamic_logarithmic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_logarithmic_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae")),
# Sqrt MedAE
measure.dynamic_sqrt_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_sqrt_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae")),
# Logistic MedAE
measure.dynamic_logistic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_logistic_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae")),
# Polynomial MedAE
measure.dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae")),
measure.dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae")),
# Geometric Mean Absolute Error (GMAE)
measure.gmae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("gmae")),
# Log-Cosh Loss
measure.log_cosh_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("log_cosh_loss")),
# Other measures
measure.medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.medae")),
measure.medse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.medse")),
measure.msle <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.msle")),
measure.rmsle <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rmsle")),
measure.rae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rae")),
measure.rrse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rrse"))
saveRDS(measures_list.spcv_block, "measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2.5_factor_range.rds")
# measures_list.spcv_block <- readRDS("measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2.5_factor_range.rds")
# > print(measures_list.spcv_block)
# [[1]]
# regr.rmse
# 0.5036702
# [[2]]
# dynamic_rmse
# 0.8668784
# [[3]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_rmse
# 1.104436
# [[4]]
# regr.mse
# 0.2536837
# [[5]]
# dynamic_mse
# 0.7514782
# [[6]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mse
# 1.219779
# [[7]]
# regr.mae
# 0.1288244
# [[8]]
# dynamic_mae
# 0.2182137
# [[9]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mae
# 0.313474
# [[10]]
# regr.mase
# 2.123834
# [[11]]
# dynamic_mase
# 3.597532
# [[12]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mase
# 5.168018
# [[13]]
# quantile_loss
# 0.06441218
# [[14]]
# dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.1091069
# [[15]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.1160302
# [[16]]
# huber_loss
# 0.05735715
# [[17]]
# dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.1323401
# [[18]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.1948019
# [[19]]
# dynamic_logarithmic_medae
# 0.000003556997
# [[20]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae
# 0.000710504
# [[21]]
# dynamic_sqrt_medae
# 0.00188611
# [[22]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae
# 0.001272057
# [[23]]
# dynamic_logistic_medae
# 0.007691014
# [[24]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae
# 0.007986605
# [[25]]
# dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae
# 0.00271462
# [[26]]
# dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae
# 0.001511152
# [[27]]
# gmae
# 0.09298541
# [[28]]
# log_cosh_loss
# 0.05337299
# [[29]]
# regr.medae
# 0.01526551
# [[30]]
# regr.medse
# 0.0002330358
# [[31]]
# regr.msle
# NaN
# [[32]]
# regr.rmsle
# NaN
# [[33]]
# regr.rae
# 2.054277
# [[34]]
# regr.rrse
# 1.396745
With Range =
2.75 x the Empirical Range of Spatial Autocorrelation:# Regular spcv_block spatial resampling with 2.75 x the empirical range used as the range for creating blocks in folds:
# Empirical range = 12165.72
# 12165.72 * 2.75 = 33456
data.attacks_train <- final_net.sf.attacks_train[, columns.xgb.attacks]
data.attacks_test <- final_net.sf.attacks_test[, columns.xgb.attacks]
for(col in columns.xgb.attacks) {
data.attacks_train[[col]] <- as.numeric(data.attacks_train[[col]])
data.attacks_test[[col]] <- as.numeric(data.attacks_test[[col]])
# Set the seed for reproducibility
data.regr.train <- data.attacks_train
data.regr.test <- data.attacks_test
data.regr.train$count_target <- as.numeric(data.attacks_train[["countAttacks"]])
data.regr.test$count_target <- as.numeric(data.attacks_test[["countAttacks"]])
data.regr.train <- data.regr.train %>% dplyr::select(-countAttacks, -NAME_2)
data.regr.test <- data.regr.test %>% dplyr::select(-countAttacks, -NAME_2)
data_centroids.regr.train <- st_centroid(data.regr.train)
data_centroids.regr.test <- st_centroid(data.regr.test)
projected_crs = "+proj=tmerc +lat_0=-0.6888125 +lon_0=29.0698245 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"
task_regr_train <- as_task_regr_st(data_centroids.regr.train, target = "count_target", coordinate_names = c("geometry"), crs = projected_crs, coords_as_features = FALSE, label= "count_model", drop_original_target = TRUE)
task_regr_train$set_col_roles("uniqueID", "order")
task_regr_test <- as_task_regr_st(data_centroids.regr.test, target = "count_target", coordinate_names = c("geometry"), crs = projected_crs, coords_as_features = FALSE, label= "count_model", drop_original_target = TRUE)
task_regr_test$set_col_roles("uniqueID", "order")
# Define a pipeline with scaling
pipeline <- po("scale", id = "scale")
pipeline_task_regr_train = pipeline$train(list(task_regr_train))[[1]]
resampling_regr <- rsmp("spcv_block", range = 33456, folds = 10) # 2.75 x the empirical range
learner_regr_train <- lrn("regr.xgboost",
nrounds = to_tune(p_int(50, 2000, tags = "budget")),
eta = to_tune(1e-4, 1),
max_depth = to_tune(3, 40),
colsample_bytree = to_tune(0.2, 1),
gamma = to_tune(1e-3, 15),
min_child_weight = to_tune(1e-3, 10),
subsample = to_tune(0.2, 1),
scale_pos_weight = to_tune(1, 300)
graph_learner <- GraphLearner$new(pipeline %>>% learner_regr_train)
dynamic_measure_names <- c("dynamic_quantile_loss", "dynamic_huber_loss", "dynamic_rmse", "dynamic_mae", "dynamic_mase")
dynamic_measures <- msrs(dynamic_measure_names)
if (future::supportsMulticore()) {
future::plan(future::multicore, workers = 6)
} else {
future::plan(future::multisession, workers = 6)
instance.multi_tuning <- TuningInstanceBatchMultiCrit$new(
task = pipeline_task_regr_train,
learner = graph_learner,
resampling = resampling_regr,
measures = dynamic_measures,
terminator = trm("none"),
store_models = TRUE,
check_values = TRUE
tuner <- tnr("hyperband")
saveRDS(instance.multi_tuning, "instance.multi_tuning-xgb.spcv_block.regular.2.75_factor_range.rds", compress = TRUE)
# instance.multi_tuning <- readRDS("instance.multi_tuning-xgb.spcv_block.regular.2.75_factor_range.rds")
# Process results
archive_regr <-$archive)
saveRDS(archive_regr, "archive_regr-xgb.spcv_block.regular.2.75_factor_range.rds", compress=TRUE)
# archive_regr <- readRDS("archive_regr-xgb.spcv_block.regular.2.75_factor_range.rds")
param_cols <- c("regr.xgboost.eta", "regr.xgboost.max_depth", "regr.xgboost.colsample_bytree", "regr.xgboost.gamma", "regr.xgboost.min_child_weight",
"regr.xgboost.subsample", "regr.xgboost.scale_pos_weight", "regr.xgboost.nrounds")
scores_cols <- dynamic_measure_names
normalized_cols <- paste0("normalized_", scores_cols)
# Function to identify outliers using the IQR method
identify_outliers <- function(x) {
q75 <- quantile(x, 0.75, na.rm = TRUE)
q25 <- quantile(x, 0.25, na.rm = TRUE)
iqr <- q75 - q25
lower_bound <- q25 - 1.5 * iqr
upper_bound <- q75 + 1.5 * iqr
return(x < lower_bound | x > upper_bound)
# Apply the outlier identification function to each metric column
outliers <- archive_regr[, lapply(.SD, identify_outliers), .SDcols = scores_cols]
# Create a logical vector indicating rows to keep (non-outliers)
rows_to_keep <- !rowSums(outliers)
# Filter the dataset to remove outliers
archive_regr_clean <- archive_regr[rows_to_keep]
min_max_scale <- function(x) {
(x - min(x, na.rm = TRUE)) / (max(x, na.rm = TRUE) - min(x, na.rm = TRUE))
# Apply min-max scaling to the cleaned dataset
archive_regr_clean[, (normalized_cols) := lapply(.SD, min_max_scale), .SDcols = scores_cols]
# Perform Pareto front selection on the normalized columns
pareto_indices.xgb <- fastNonDominatedSorting(as.matrix(archive_regr_clean[, ..normalized_cols]))
# Extract Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_solutions.xgb <- archive_regr_clean[pareto_indices.xgb[[1]], ]
# Define the number of near-optimal solutions to include
N_near_optimal <- 50
# Function to calculate Euclidean distance between two points
euclidean_distance <- function(x, y) {
sqrt(sum((x - y) ^ 2))
# Extract normalized data for Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_data <- as.matrix(pareto_solutions.xgb[, ..normalized_cols])
# Extract normalized data for all solutions
all_data <- as.matrix(archive_regr_clean[, ..normalized_cols])
# Calculate the minimum distance of each solution to the Pareto front
min_distances <- apply(all_data, 1, function(x) {
apply(pareto_data, 1, function(y) euclidean_distance(x, y)) %>% min()
# Add the distances to the data table
archive_regr_clean[, distance_to_pareto := min_distances]
# Select top N near-optimal solutions based on distance to Pareto front.
near_optimal_solutions <- archive_regr_clean[order(distance_to_pareto)][1:N_near_optimal]
# Apply PCA on the combined solutions
pca_result_combined <- prcomp([, ..normalized_cols]))
loadings_pc1_combined <- pca_result_combined$rotation[, 1]
loadings_pc2_combined <- pca_result_combined$rotation[, 2]
variance_pc1_combined <- summary(pca_result_combined)$importance[2, 1]
variance_pc2_combined <- summary(pca_result_combined)$importance[2, 2]
combined_weights <- variance_pc1_combined * abs(loadings_pc1_combined) + variance_pc2_combined * abs(loadings_pc2_combined)
pareto_weights <- combined_weights / sum(combined_weights) # Normalize to sum to 1
# Use these weights to calculate composite scores for only Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_solutions.xgb[, composite_score := as.matrix(.SD) %*% pareto_weights, .SDcols = normalized_cols]
# Find the best set of hyperparameters based on the lowest composite score
best_index.xgb <- which.min(pareto_solutions.xgb$composite_score)
best_solution.xgb <- pareto_solutions.xgb[best_index.xgb, ]
saveRDS(pareto_weights, "pareto_weights.xgb.spcv_block.2.75_factor_range.rds")
# pareto_weights <- readRDS("pareto_weights.xgb.spcv_block.2.75_factor_range.rds")
print(pareto_weights[order(pareto_weights, decreasing = TRUE)])
# Extract and print the best hyperparameters and their scores
best_hyperparameters.xgb <- best_solution.xgb[, ..param_cols]
best_metrics.xgb <- best_solution.xgb[, ..scores_cols]
names(best_hyperparameters.xgb) <- gsub("^regr.xgboost\\.", "", names(best_hyperparameters.xgb))
saveRDS(best_hyperparameters.xgb, "best_hyperparameters.xgb.spcv_block.2.75_factor_range.rds")
saveRDS(best_metrics.xgb, "best_metrics.xgb.spcv_block.2.75_factor_range.rds")
# Format the hyperparameters for printing
params.xgb <- sprintf(
"eta = %s\nmax_depth = %s\ncolsample_bytree = %s\ngamma = %s\nmin_child_weight = %s\nsubsample = %s\nscale_pos_weight = %s\nnrounds = %s",
# Format the metrics for printing
metrics.xgb <- sapply(names(best_metrics.xgb), function(col) {
sprintf("%s = %s", col, best_metrics.xgb[[col]])
# Combine hyperparameters and metrics into a single character vector
param_metrics_descriptions.xgb <- c("\nOptimal Hyperparameters:", params.xgb, "\nMetrics:", metrics.xgb)
# Print the parameters and metrics
cat("Best Parameters & Metrics for XGBoost Model with spcv_block Cross-Validation (2.75 x the Empirical Range):\n", paste(param_metrics_descriptions.xgb, collapse="\n"), "\n")
# Best Parameters & Metrics for XGBoost Model with spcv_block Cross-Validation (2.75 x the Empirical Range):
# Optimal Hyperparameters:
# eta = 0.0597704623122932
# max_depth = 39
# colsample_bytree = 0.703512397967279
# gamma = 13.4188588767184
# min_child_weight = 0.609860943481093
# subsample = 0.26853366009891
# scale_pos_weight = 110.125876146369
# nrounds = 500
# Metrics:
# dynamic_quantile_loss = 3.59379342103991
# dynamic_huber_loss = 6.70071074776609
# dynamic_rmse = 12.3460998575951
# dynamic_mae = 7.18758684207982
# dynamic_mase = 6.42089384873309
# Save the formatted description to an RDS file
saveRDS(param_metrics_descriptions.xgb, "params_metrics.xgb.spcv_block.2.75_factor_range.rds")
# param_metrics_descriptions.xgb <- readRDS("params_metrics.xgb.spcv_block.2.75_factor_range.rds")
# Directly use the best solution to configure the learner
best_learner.xgb <- lrn("regr.xgboost")
best_learner.xgb$param_set$values <- as.list(best_hyperparameters.xgb)
set.seed(123) # Make sure to set the seed again here or else the results will not be reproducible
saveRDS(best_learner.xgb, "best_learner.xgb.spcv_block.2.75_factor_range.rds")
# best_learner.xgb <- readRDS("best_learner.xgb.spcv_block.2.75_factor_range.rds")
# Transform the test data using the pipeline in the same way the training data was transformed earlier
pipeline_task_regr_test <- pipeline$predict(list(task_regr_test))[[1]]
# Make predictions
test_predictions_regr <- best_learner.xgb$predict_newdata(newdata = pipeline_task_regr_test$data(), task = pipeline_task_regr_test)
saveRDS(test_predictions_regr, "test_predictions_regr-xgb.spcv_block.2.75_factor_range.rds")
# test_predictions_regr <- readRDS("test_predictions_regr-xgb.spcv_block.2.75_factor_range.rds")
# Core Metrics with which to Compare Models:
core_dynamic_measures_list.spcv_block <- list(
measure.dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_quantile_loss")),
measure.dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_huber_loss")),
measure.dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_rmse")),
measure.dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mae")),
measure.dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mase"))
saveRDS(core_dynamic_measures_list.spcv_block, "core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2.75_factor_range.rds")
# > print(core_dynamic_measures_list.spcv_block)
# [[1]]
# dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.1385182
# [[2]]
# dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.1232005
# [[3]]
# dynamic_rmse
# 0.7939535
# [[4]]
# dynamic_mae
# 0.2770364
# [[5]]
# dynamic_mase
# 4.567298
# Non-core metrics from predictions on unseen test data:
measures_list.spcv_block <- list(
# Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE)
measure.rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rmse")),
measure.dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_rmse")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_rmse")),
# Mean Squared Error (MSE)
measure.mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mse")),
measure.dynamic_mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mse")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mse")),
# Mean Absolute Error (MAE)
measure.mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mae")),
measure.dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mae")),
# Mean Absolute Scaled Error (MASE)
measure.mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mase")),
measure.dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mase")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mase")),
# Quantile Loss
measure.quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("quantile_loss")),
measure.dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_quantile_loss")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss")),
# Huber Loss
measure.huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("huber_loss")),
measure.dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_huber_loss")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss")),
# Logarithmic MedAE
measure.dynamic_logarithmic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_logarithmic_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae")),
# Sqrt MedAE
measure.dynamic_sqrt_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_sqrt_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae")),
# Logistic MedAE
measure.dynamic_logistic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_logistic_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae")),
# Polynomial MedAE
measure.dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae")),
measure.dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae")),
# Geometric Mean Absolute Error (GMAE)
measure.gmae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("gmae")),
# Log-Cosh Loss
measure.log_cosh_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("log_cosh_loss")),
# Other measures
measure.medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.medae")),
measure.medse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.medse")),
measure.msle <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.msle")),
measure.rmsle <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rmsle")),
measure.rae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rae")),
measure.rrse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rrse"))
saveRDS(measures_list.spcv_block, "measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2.75_factor_range.rds")
# measures_list.spcv_block <- readRDS("measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2.75_factor_range.rds")
# > print(measures_list.spcv_block)
# [[1]]
# regr.rmse
# 0.5034511
# [[2]]
# dynamic_rmse
# 0.7939535
# [[3]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_rmse
# 0.9525385
# [[4]]
# regr.mse
# 0.253463
# [[5]]
# dynamic_mse
# 0.6303621
# [[6]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mse
# 0.9073296
# [[7]]
# regr.mae
# 0.2021867
# [[8]]
# dynamic_mae
# 0.2770364
# [[9]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mae
# 0.3466131
# [[10]]
# regr.mase
# 3.333305
# [[11]]
# dynamic_mase
# 4.567298
# [[12]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mase
# 5.714359
# [[13]]
# quantile_loss
# 0.1010933
# [[14]]
# dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.1385182
# [[15]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.172989
# [[16]]
# huber_loss
# 0.06180911
# [[17]]
# dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.1232005
# [[18]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.1974436
# [[19]]
# dynamic_logarithmic_medae
# 0.001238
# [[20]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae
# 0.02703491
# [[21]]
# dynamic_sqrt_medae
# 0.03528669
# [[22]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae
# 0.03238542
# [[23]]
# dynamic_logistic_medae
# 0.05668182
# [[24]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae
# 0.06147855
# [[25]]
# dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae
# 0.04822499
# [[26]]
# dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae
# 0.03389656
# [[27]]
# gmae
# 0.1706381
# [[28]]
# log_cosh_loss
# 0.05802544
# [[29]]
# regr.medae
# 0.1075822
# [[30]]
# regr.medse
# 0.01157394
# [[31]]
# regr.msle
# 0.05466635
# [[32]]
# regr.rmsle
# 0.2338084
# [[33]]
# regr.rae
# 3.224137
# [[34]]
# regr.rrse
# 1.396138
With Range = 3.5
x the Empirical Range of Spatial Autocorrelation:# Regular spcv_block spatial resampling with 3.5x the empirical range used as the range for creating blocks in folds:
# Empirical range = 12165.72
# 12165.72 * 3.5 = 42580
data.attacks_train <- final_net.sf.attacks_train[, columns.xgb.attacks]
data.attacks_test <- final_net.sf.attacks_test[, columns.xgb.attacks]
for(col in columns.xgb.attacks) {
data.attacks_train[[col]] <- as.numeric(data.attacks_train[[col]])
data.attacks_test[[col]] <- as.numeric(data.attacks_test[[col]])
# Set the seed for reproducibility
data.regr.train <- data.attacks_train
data.regr.test <- data.attacks_test
data.regr.train$count_target <- as.numeric(data.attacks_train[["countAttacks"]])
data.regr.test$count_target <- as.numeric(data.attacks_test[["countAttacks"]])
data.regr.train <- data.regr.train %>% dplyr::select(-countAttacks, -NAME_2)
data.regr.test <- data.regr.test %>% dplyr::select(-countAttacks, -NAME_2)
data_centroids.regr.train <- st_centroid(data.regr.train)
data_centroids.regr.test <- st_centroid(data.regr.test)
projected_crs = "+proj=tmerc +lat_0=-0.6888125 +lon_0=29.0698245 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"
task_regr_train <- as_task_regr_st(data_centroids.regr.train, target = "count_target", coordinate_names = c("geometry"), crs = projected_crs, coords_as_features = FALSE, label= "count_model", drop_original_target = TRUE)
task_regr_train$set_col_roles("uniqueID", "order")
task_regr_test <- as_task_regr_st(data_centroids.regr.test, target = "count_target", coordinate_names = c("geometry"), crs = projected_crs, coords_as_features = FALSE, label= "count_model", drop_original_target = TRUE)
task_regr_test$set_col_roles("uniqueID", "order")
# Define a pipeline with scaling
pipeline <- po("scale", id = "scale")
pipeline_task_regr_train = pipeline$train(list(task_regr_train))[[1]]
resampling_regr <- rsmp("spcv_block", range = 42580, folds = 10)
learner_regr_train <- lrn("regr.xgboost",
nrounds = to_tune(p_int(50, 2000, tags = "budget")),
eta = to_tune(1e-4, 1),
max_depth = to_tune(3, 40),
colsample_bytree = to_tune(0.2, 1),
gamma = to_tune(1e-3, 15),
min_child_weight = to_tune(1e-3, 10),
subsample = to_tune(0.2, 1),
scale_pos_weight = to_tune(1, 300)
graph_learner <- GraphLearner$new(pipeline %>>% learner_regr_train)
dynamic_measure_names <- c("dynamic_quantile_loss", "dynamic_huber_loss", "dynamic_rmse", "dynamic_mae", "dynamic_mase")
dynamic_measures <- msrs(dynamic_measure_names)
if (future::supportsMulticore()) {
future::plan(future::multicore, workers = 6)
} else {
future::plan(future::multisession, workers = 6)
instance.multi_tuning <- TuningInstanceBatchMultiCrit$new(
task = pipeline_task_regr_train,
learner = graph_learner,
resampling = resampling_regr,
measures = dynamic_measures,
terminator = trm("none"),
store_models = TRUE,
check_values = TRUE
tuner <- tnr("hyperband")
saveRDS(instance.multi_tuning, "instance.multi_tuning-xgb.spcv_block.regular.3.5_factor_range.rds", compress = TRUE)
# instance.multi_tuning <- readRDS("instance.multi_tuning-xgb.spcv_block.regular.3.5_factor_range.rds")
# Process results
archive_regr <-$archive)
saveRDS(archive_regr, "archive_regr-xgb.spcv_block.regular.3.5_factor_range.rds", compress=TRUE)
# archive_regr <- readRDS("archive_regr-xgb.spcv_block.regular.3.5_factor_range.rds")
param_cols <- c("regr.xgboost.eta", "regr.xgboost.max_depth", "regr.xgboost.colsample_bytree", "regr.xgboost.gamma", "regr.xgboost.min_child_weight",
"regr.xgboost.subsample", "regr.xgboost.scale_pos_weight", "regr.xgboost.nrounds")
scores_cols <- dynamic_measure_names
normalized_cols <- paste0("normalized_", scores_cols)
# Function to identify outliers using the IQR method
identify_outliers <- function(x) {
q75 <- quantile(x, 0.75, na.rm = TRUE)
q25 <- quantile(x, 0.25, na.rm = TRUE)
iqr <- q75 - q25
lower_bound <- q25 - 1.5 * iqr
upper_bound <- q75 + 1.5 * iqr
return(x < lower_bound | x > upper_bound)
# Apply the outlier identification function to each metric column
outliers <- archive_regr[, lapply(.SD, identify_outliers), .SDcols = scores_cols]
# Create a logical vector indicating rows to keep (non-outliers)
rows_to_keep <- !rowSums(outliers)
# Filter the dataset to remove outliers
archive_regr_clean <- archive_regr[rows_to_keep]
min_max_scale <- function(x) {
(x - min(x, na.rm = TRUE)) / (max(x, na.rm = TRUE) - min(x, na.rm = TRUE))
# Apply min-max scaling to the cleaned dataset
archive_regr_clean[, (normalized_cols) := lapply(.SD, min_max_scale), .SDcols = scores_cols]
# Perform Pareto front selection on the normalized columns
pareto_indices.xgb <- fastNonDominatedSorting(as.matrix(archive_regr_clean[, ..normalized_cols]))
# Extract Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_solutions.xgb <- archive_regr_clean[pareto_indices.xgb[[1]], ]
# Define the number of near-optimal solutions to include
N_near_optimal <- 50
# Function to calculate Euclidean distance between two points
euclidean_distance <- function(x, y) {
sqrt(sum((x - y) ^ 2))
# Extract normalized data for Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_data <- as.matrix(pareto_solutions.xgb[, ..normalized_cols])
# Extract normalized data for all solutions
all_data <- as.matrix(archive_regr_clean[, ..normalized_cols])
# Calculate the minimum distance of each solution to the Pareto front
min_distances <- apply(all_data, 1, function(x) {
apply(pareto_data, 1, function(y) euclidean_distance(x, y)) %>% min()
# Add the distances to the data table
archive_regr_clean[, distance_to_pareto := min_distances]
# Select top N near-optimal solutions based on distance to Pareto front.
near_optimal_solutions <- archive_regr_clean[order(distance_to_pareto)][1:N_near_optimal]
# Apply PCA on the combined solutions
pca_result_combined <- prcomp([, ..normalized_cols]))
loadings_pc1_combined <- pca_result_combined$rotation[, 1]
loadings_pc2_combined <- pca_result_combined$rotation[, 2]
variance_pc1_combined <- summary(pca_result_combined)$importance[2, 1]
variance_pc2_combined <- summary(pca_result_combined)$importance[2, 2]
combined_weights <- variance_pc1_combined * abs(loadings_pc1_combined) + variance_pc2_combined * abs(loadings_pc2_combined)
pareto_weights <- combined_weights / sum(combined_weights) # Normalize to sum to 1
# Use these weights to calculate composite scores for only Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_solutions.xgb[, composite_score := as.matrix(.SD) %*% pareto_weights, .SDcols = normalized_cols]
# Find the best set of hyperparameters based on the lowest composite score
best_index.xgb <- which.min(pareto_solutions.xgb$composite_score)
best_solution.xgb <- pareto_solutions.xgb[best_index.xgb, ]
saveRDS(pareto_weights, "pareto_weights.xgb.spcv_block.3.5_factor_range.rds")
# pareto_weights <- readRDS("pareto_weights.xgb.spcv_block.3.5_factor_range.rds")
print(pareto_weights[order(pareto_weights, decreasing = TRUE)])
# > print(pareto_weights[order(pareto_weights, decreasing = TRUE)])
# normalized_dynamic_rmse normalized_dynamic_mae
# 0.3504153 0.1756630
# normalized_dynamic_quantile_loss normalized_dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.1756630 0.1705391
# normalized_dynamic_mase
# 0.1277197
# Extract and print the best hyperparameters and their scores
best_hyperparameters.xgb <- best_solution.xgb[, ..param_cols]
best_metrics.xgb <- best_solution.xgb[, ..scores_cols]
names(best_hyperparameters.xgb) <- gsub("^regr.xgboost\\.", "", names(best_hyperparameters.xgb))
saveRDS(best_hyperparameters.xgb, "best_hyperparameters.xgb.spcv_block.regular.3.5_factor_range.rds")
saveRDS(best_metrics.xgb, "best_metrics.xgb.spcv_block.regular.3.5_factor_range.rds")
# Format the hyperparameters for printing
params.xgb <- sprintf(
"eta = %s\nmax_depth = %s\ncolsample_bytree = %s\ngamma = %s\nmin_child_weight = %s\nsubsample = %s\nscale_pos_weight = %s\nnrounds = %s",
# Format the metrics for printing
metrics.xgb <- sapply(names(best_metrics.xgb), function(col) {
sprintf("%s = %s", col, best_metrics.xgb[[col]])
# Combine hyperparameters and metrics into a single character vector
param_metrics_descriptions.xgb <- c("\nOptimal Hyperparameters:", params.xgb, "\nMetrics:", metrics.xgb)
# Print the parameters and metrics
cat("Best Parameters & Metrics for XGBoost Model with spcv_block Cross-Validation:\n", paste(param_metrics_descriptions.xgb, collapse="\n"), "\n")
# Best Parameters & Metrics for XGBoost Model with spcv_block Cross-Validation:
# Optimal Hyperparameters:
# eta = 0.353480124599929
# max_depth = 10
# colsample_bytree = 0.670799398422241
# gamma = 5.81231429498526
# min_child_weight = 0.284753507912159
# subsample = 0.233772218041122
# scale_pos_weight = 54.8218998110387
# nrounds = 125
# Metrics:
# dynamic_quantile_loss = 3.91652431132975
# dynamic_huber_loss = 7.29857858109203
# dynamic_rmse = 12.2352353391037
# dynamic_mae = 7.8330486226595
# dynamic_mase = 6.39433860881655
# Save the formatted description to an RDS file
saveRDS(param_metrics_descriptions.xgb, "params_metrics.xgb.spcv_block.regular.3.5_factor_range.rds")
# param_metrics_descriptions.xgb <- readRDS("params_metrics.xgb.spcv_block.regular.3.5_factor_range.rds")
# Directly use the best solution to configure the learner
best_learner.xgb <- lrn("regr.xgboost")
best_learner.xgb$param_set$values <- as.list(best_hyperparameters.xgb)
set.seed(123) # Make sure to set the seed again here or else the results will not be reproducible
saveRDS(best_learner.xgb, "best_learner.xgb.spcv_block.regular.3.5_factor_range.after_training.rds")
# best_learner.xgb <- readRDS("best_learner.xgb.spcv_block.regular.3.5_factor_range.after_training.rds")
# Transform the test data using the pipeline in the same way the training data was transformed earlier
pipeline_task_regr_test <- pipeline$predict(list(task_regr_test))[[1]]
# Make predictions
test_predictions_regr <- best_learner.xgb$predict_newdata(newdata = pipeline_task_regr_test$data(), task = pipeline_task_regr_test)
saveRDS(test_predictions_regr, "test_predictions_regr-xgb.spcv_block.regular.3.5_factor_range.rds")
# test_predictions_regr <- readRDS("test_predictions_regr-xgb.spcv_block.regular.3.5_factor_range.rds")
# Core Metrics with which to Compare Models:
core_dynamic_measures_list.spcv_block <- list(
measure.dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_quantile_loss")),
measure.dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_huber_loss")),
measure.dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_rmse")),
measure.dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mae")),
measure.dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mase"))
saveRDS(core_dynamic_measures_list.spcv_block, "core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.3.5_factor_range.rds")
# > print(core_dynamic_measures_list.spcv_block)
# [[1]]
# dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.3137475
# [[2]]
# dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.3367125
# [[3]]
# dynamic_rmse
# 1.340497
# [[4]]
# dynamic_mae
# 0.627495
# [[5]]
# dynamic_mase
# 10.34506
# Non-core metrics from predictions on unseen test data:
measures_list.spcv_block <- list(
# Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE)
measure.rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rmse")),
measure.dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_rmse")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_rmse")),
# Mean Squared Error (MSE)
measure.mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mse")),
measure.dynamic_mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mse")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mse")),
# Mean Absolute Error (MAE)
measure.mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mae")),
measure.dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mae")),
# Mean Absolute Scaled Error (MASE)
measure.mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mase")),
measure.dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mase")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mase")),
# Quantile Loss
measure.quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("quantile_loss")),
measure.dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_quantile_loss")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss")),
# Huber Loss
measure.huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("huber_loss")),
measure.dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_huber_loss")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss")),
# Logarithmic MedAE
measure.dynamic_logarithmic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_logarithmic_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae")),
# Sqrt MedAE
measure.dynamic_sqrt_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_sqrt_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae")),
# Logistic MedAE
measure.dynamic_logistic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_logistic_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae")),
# Polynomial MedAE
measure.dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae")),
measure.dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae")),
# Geometric Mean Absolute Error (GMAE)
measure.gmae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("gmae")),
# Log-Cosh Loss
measure.log_cosh_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("log_cosh_loss")),
# Other measures
measure.medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.medae")),
measure.medse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.medse")),
measure.msle <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.msle")),
measure.rmsle <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rmsle")),
measure.rae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rae")),
measure.rrse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rrse"))
saveRDS(measures_list.spcv_block, "measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.3.5_factor_range.rds")
# measures_list.spcv_block <- readRDS("measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.3.5_factor_range.rds")
# > print(measures_list.spcv_block)
# [[1]]
# regr.rmse
# 0.9198235
# [[2]]
# dynamic_rmse
# 1.340497
# [[3]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_rmse
# 1.518608
# [[4]]
# regr.mse
# 0.8460752
# [[5]]
# dynamic_mse
# 1.796932
# [[6]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mse
# 2.306169
# [[7]]
# regr.mae
# 0.5083769
# [[8]]
# dynamic_mae
# 0.627495
# [[9]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mae
# 0.9021866
# [[10]]
# regr.mase
# 8.381241
# [[11]]
# dynamic_mase
# 10.34506
# [[12]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mase
# 14.8737
# [[13]]
# quantile_loss
# 0.2541884
# [[14]]
# dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.3137475
# [[15]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.3332755
# [[16]]
# huber_loss
# 0.2319336
# [[17]]
# dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.3367125
# [[18]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.5356927
# [[19]]
# dynamic_logarithmic_medae
# 0.03298651
# [[20]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae
# 0.09180192
# [[21]]
# dynamic_sqrt_medae
# 0.186555
# [[22]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae
# 0.1512537
# [[23]]
# dynamic_logistic_medae
# 0.1896604
# [[24]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae
# 0.2003017
# [[25]]
# dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae
# 0.1942271
# [[26]]
# dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae
# 0.1723783
# [[27]]
# gmae
# 0.4226316
# [[28]]
# log_cosh_loss
# 0.2116265
# [[29]]
# regr.medae
# 0.3258681
# [[30]]
# regr.medse
# 0.10619
# [[31]]
# regr.msle
# NaN
# [[32]]
# regr.rmsle
# NaN
# [[33]]
# regr.rae
# 8.106748
# [[34]]
# regr.rrse
# 2.550794
) cross-validation (but without a temporal
resampling creates folds based on
Leave-Location-Out (LLO), Leave-Time-Out (LTO) and
Leave-Location-and-Time-Out (LLTO) partitioning, depending on whether
only spatial data, temporal data, or both spatial and temporal data are
used. In this portfolio project, I will only use LLO partitioning since
I am only using spatial data. However, in a future project I will use
LLTO partitioning by combining spatial and temporal data.spcv_coords
and spcv_block
resampling, the user specifies the number of folds used for
cross-validation during hyperparameter tuning. The user also must
specify the spatial unit to be used designated by unique polygon IDs
located in a particular column. The folds are created by aggregating
spatial units within similar proximity to each other. Unlike k-fold
cross-validation, where data points are randomly assigned to folds,
LLO cross-validation preserves spatial integrity
by ensuring that all observations (i.e., in my case, grid cells) within
user-defined spatial units are assigned to the same fold. This
guarantees that no spatially proximate grid cells leak between the
training and test sets, helping prevent inflated performance due to
spatial autocorrelation.sptcv_cstf
LLO cross-validation is that
the user must self-designate the boundaries to handle spatial
autocorrelation. E.g., although I could use individual grid cells (using
the uniqueID column) as my coniguous spatial units to be aggregated into
folds, since some parts of my map contain areas of spatial
autocorrelation which supercede the area of my grid cells (10 square
mi.), using grid cells as my spatial units would be unwise. Instead, I
must create a new column with spatial units greater in length than the
empirical range of spatial autocorrelation. Below, I will use an
approach to create spatial units which relies on the 2.25 x the
empirical range of spatial autocorrelation we found earlier from
variograms to be ideal that we used for spcv_block
resampling. If I had more time, it would be best to create multiple
versions of the model using sptcv_cstf
LLO resampling,
varying the constant multiplied by the empirical range of spatial
autocorrelation to see which constant yields optimal results, since the
results might differ from what was found optima for
resampling that completely enclose all contiguous grid cells containing
statistically significant Local Moran’s I values. This might be a more
accurate (albeit more labor intensive) way to ensure spatial
autocorrelation does not leak between folds.sptcv_cstf
LLO cross-validation is
that it supports stratification when setting stratify = TRUE, ensuring
that folds are created in such as way that each has a similar numeric
(but not necessarily spatial) target distribution. Specifically, during
fold creation, the algorithm first identifies spatial units that need to
be held together based on the user-defined spatial unit column. Then, it
groups these spatial units into folds while ensuring that the target
variable’s distribution is similar across folds. It does this by
attempting to allocate spatial units so the mean (in regression models)
of the target variable within each fold is representative of the entire
LLO Cross-Validation That Are Larger Than the
Empirical Range of Spatial Autocorrelation:library(blockCV)
# Make sure to load these files if not already loaded:
# final_net.sf.attacks_train <- readRDS(file = "final_net.sf.attacks_train-after_adding_HiSig_and_HiSig.dist.rds")
# final_net.sf.attacks_test <- readRDS(file = "final_net.sf.attacks_test-after_adding_HiSig_and_HiSig.dist.rds")
# Use the estimated spatial autocorrelation range to create spatially independent folds
blocks <- cv_spatial(
x = final_net.sf.attacks_train, # sf object
size = 27373, # the estimated range from the previous step
k = 100, # number of folds for cross-validation
selection = "random", # random assignment of grid cells to blocks
iteration = 1000, # number of iterations to optimize block placement
plot = TRUE, # show the blocks on the map
progress = TRUE, # show progress while creating blocks
seed = 123
# saveRDS(blocks, "blocks.rds")
# blocks <- readRDS("blocks.rds")
# Check the blocks and fold assignments
st_crs(blocks$blocks) == st_crs(final_net.sf.attacks_train)
# > st_crs(blocks$blocks) == st_crs(final_net.sf.attacks_train)
# [1] TRUE
# This will match the grid cells to their corresponding block ID based on spatial location
# Use st_join with st_within to ensure only matching polygons are assigned
final_net.sf.attacks_train <- st_join(final_net.sf.attacks_train, blocks$blocks[, c("block_id")], join = st_within)
# Check if there are any NA values in the block_id column
sum($block_id)) # This gives the number of NAs
# > sum($block_id)) # This gives the number of NAs
# [1] 3184
# Find the rows where block_id is NA
na_rows <- which($block_id))
# For these NA rows, assign the block_id of the nearest block polygon
nearest_blocks <- st_nearest_feature(final_net.sf.attacks_train[na_rows, ], blocks$blocks)
# Assign the corresponding block_id from blocks$blocks to the NA rows
final_net.sf.attacks_train$block_id[na_rows] <- blocks$blocks$block_id[nearest_blocks]
# Verify that no more NA values exist in the block_id column
# > sum($block_id))
# [1] 0
# Use the st_within() function to assign the block_id values from final_net.sf.attacks_train to final_net.sf.attacks_test. This will match each grid cell in final_net.sf.attacks_test to the correct block_id.
# Perform the spatial join (this will create uniqueID.x and uniqueID.y)
final_net.sf.attacks_test <- st_join(final_net.sf.attacks_test, final_net.sf.attacks_train[, c("uniqueID", "block_id")], join = st_within)
waldo::compare(final_net.sf.attacks_test$uniqueID.x, final_net.sf.attacks_test$uniqueID.y)
# > waldo::compare(final_net.sf.attacks_test$uniqueID.x, final_net.sf.attacks_test$uniqueID.y)
# ✔ No differences
# Drop the unnecessary uniqueID.y column and rename uniqueID.x to uniqueID
final_net.sf.attacks_test <- final_net.sf.attacks_test %>%
dplyr::select(-uniqueID.y) %>%
dplyr::rename(uniqueID = uniqueID.x)
# Verify that no more NA values exist in the block_id column
# > sum($block_id))
# [1] 0
# Now, check to ensure the column values of `geometry` and `block_id` in each row of final_net.sf.attacks_train match the values in the same columns in each row of final_net.sf.attacks_test:
# Check if the block_id and geometry columns are equal between the train and test datasets
comparison_result <- all.equal(
) && all.equal(
# Display the result
if (comparison_result == TRUE) {
print("The block_id and geometry columns match exactly for all rows.")
} else {
print("There are mismatches in the block_id or geometry columns.")
# [1] "The block_id and geometry columns match exactly for all rows."
) Cross-Validation
(Without a Temporal Component) Using Spatial Stratification - Version
Using Spatial Autocorrelation-Aware Blocking:# (CAST) Spatiotemporal "Leave-location-and-time-out" resampling, without using a temporal component:
columns.xgb.attacks.cast <- c("uniqueID",
data.attacks_train <- final_net.sf.attacks_train[, columns.xgb.attacks.cast]
data.attacks_test <- final_net.sf.attacks_test[, columns.xgb.attacks.cast]
for(col in columns.xgb.attacks.cast) {
data.attacks_train[[col]] <- as.numeric(data.attacks_train[[col]])
data.attacks_test[[col]] <- as.numeric(data.attacks_test[[col]])
# Set the seed for reproducibility
data.regr.train <- data.attacks_train
data.regr.test <- data.attacks_test
data.regr.train$count_target <- as.numeric(data.attacks_train[["countAttacks"]])
data.regr.test$count_target <- as.numeric(data.attacks_test[["countAttacks"]])
data.regr.train <- data.regr.train %>% dplyr::select(-countAttacks, -NAME_2)
data.regr.test <- data.regr.test %>% dplyr::select(-countAttacks, -NAME_2)
data_centroids.regr.train <- st_centroid(data.regr.train)
data_centroids.regr.test <- st_centroid(data.regr.test)
projected_crs = "+proj=tmerc +lat_0=-0.6888125 +lon_0=29.0698245 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"
task_regr_train <- as_task_regr_st(data_centroids.regr.train, target = "count_target", coordinate_names = c("geometry"), crs = projected_crs, coords_as_features = FALSE, label= "count_model", drop_original_target = TRUE)
task_regr_train$set_col_roles("uniqueID", "order")
task_regr_train$set_col_roles("block_id", roles = "space")
task_regr_test <- as_task_regr_st(data_centroids.regr.test, target = "count_target", coordinate_names = c("geometry"), crs = projected_crs, coords_as_features = FALSE, label= "count_model", drop_original_target = TRUE)
task_regr_test$set_col_roles("uniqueID", "order")
task_regr_test$set_col_roles("block_id", roles = "space")
# Define a pipeline with scaling
pipeline <- po("scale", id = "scale")
pipeline_task_regr_train = pipeline$train(list(task_regr_train))[[1]]
resampling_regr <- rsmp("sptcv_cstf", folds = 10, stratify = TRUE)
learner_regr_train <- lrn("regr.xgboost",
nrounds = to_tune(p_int(50, 2000, tags = "budget")),
eta = to_tune(1e-4, 1),
max_depth = to_tune(3, 40),
colsample_bytree = to_tune(0.2, 1),
gamma = to_tune(1e-3, 15),
min_child_weight = to_tune(1e-3, 10),
subsample = to_tune(0.2, 1),
scale_pos_weight = to_tune(1, 300)
graph_learner <- GraphLearner$new(pipeline %>>% learner_regr_train)
dynamic_measure_names <- c("dynamic_quantile_loss", "dynamic_huber_loss", "dynamic_rmse", "dynamic_mae", "dynamic_mase")
dynamic_measures <- msrs(dynamic_measure_names)
if (future::supportsMulticore()) {
future::plan(future::multicore, workers = 6)
} else {
future::plan(future::multisession, workers = 6)
instance.multi_tuning <- TuningInstanceBatchMultiCrit$new(
task = pipeline_task_regr_train,
learner = graph_learner,
resampling = resampling_regr,
measures = dynamic_measures,
terminator = trm("none"),
store_models = TRUE,
check_values = TRUE
tuner <- tnr("hyperband")
saveRDS(instance.multi_tuning, "instance.multi_tuning-xgb.sptcv_cstf.strat.block_id.rds", compress = TRUE)
# instance.multi_tuning <- readRDS("instance.multi_tuning-xgb.sptcv_cstf.strat.block_id.rds")
# Process results
archive_regr <-$archive)
saveRDS(archive_regr, "archive_regr-xgb.sptcv_cstf.strat.block_id.rds", compress=TRUE)
# archive_regr <- readRDS("archive_regr-xgb.sptcv_cstf.strat.block_id.rds")
param_cols <- c("regr.xgboost.eta", "regr.xgboost.max_depth", "regr.xgboost.colsample_bytree", "regr.xgboost.gamma", "regr.xgboost.min_child_weight",
"regr.xgboost.subsample", "regr.xgboost.scale_pos_weight", "regr.xgboost.nrounds")
scores_cols <- dynamic_measure_names
normalized_cols <- paste0("normalized_", scores_cols)
# Function to identify outliers using the IQR method
identify_outliers <- function(x) {
q75 <- quantile(x, 0.75, na.rm = TRUE)
q25 <- quantile(x, 0.25, na.rm = TRUE)
iqr <- q75 - q25
lower_bound <- q25 - 1.5 * iqr
upper_bound <- q75 + 1.5 * iqr
return(x < lower_bound | x > upper_bound)
# Apply the outlier identification function to each metric column
outliers <- archive_regr[, lapply(.SD, identify_outliers), .SDcols = scores_cols]
# Create a logical vector indicating rows to keep (non-outliers)
rows_to_keep <- !rowSums(outliers)
# Filter the dataset to remove outliers
archive_regr_clean <- archive_regr[rows_to_keep]
min_max_scale <- function(x) {
(x - min(x, na.rm = TRUE)) / (max(x, na.rm = TRUE) - min(x, na.rm = TRUE))
# Apply min-max scaling to the cleaned dataset
archive_regr_clean[, (normalized_cols) := lapply(.SD, min_max_scale), .SDcols = scores_cols]
# Perform Pareto front selection on the normalized columns
pareto_indices.xgb <- fastNonDominatedSorting(as.matrix(archive_regr_clean[, ..normalized_cols]))
# Extract Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_solutions.xgb <- archive_regr_clean[pareto_indices.xgb[[1]], ]
# Define the number of near-optimal solutions to include
N_near_optimal <- 50
# Function to calculate Euclidean distance between two points
euclidean_distance <- function(x, y) {
sqrt(sum((x - y) ^ 2))
# Extract normalized data for Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_data <- as.matrix(pareto_solutions.xgb[, ..normalized_cols])
# Extract normalized data for all solutions
all_data <- as.matrix(archive_regr_clean[, ..normalized_cols])
# Calculate the minimum distance of each solution to the Pareto front
min_distances <- apply(all_data, 1, function(x) {
apply(pareto_data, 1, function(y) euclidean_distance(x, y)) %>% min()
# Add the distances to the data table
archive_regr_clean[, distance_to_pareto := min_distances]
# Select top N near-optimal solutions based on distance to Pareto front.
near_optimal_solutions <- archive_regr_clean[order(distance_to_pareto)][1:N_near_optimal]
# Apply PCA on the combined solutions
pca_result_combined <- prcomp([, ..normalized_cols]))
loadings_pc1_combined <- pca_result_combined$rotation[, 1]
loadings_pc2_combined <- pca_result_combined$rotation[, 2]
variance_pc1_combined <- summary(pca_result_combined)$importance[2, 1]
variance_pc2_combined <- summary(pca_result_combined)$importance[2, 2]
combined_weights <- variance_pc1_combined * abs(loadings_pc1_combined) + variance_pc2_combined * abs(loadings_pc2_combined)
pareto_weights <- combined_weights / sum(combined_weights) # Normalize to sum to 1
# Use these weights to calculate composite scores for only Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_solutions.xgb[, composite_score := as.matrix(.SD) %*% pareto_weights, .SDcols = normalized_cols]
# Find the best set of hyperparameters based on the lowest composite score
best_index.xgb <- which.min(pareto_solutions.xgb$composite_score)
best_solution.xgb <- pareto_solutions.xgb[best_index.xgb, ]
saveRDS(pareto_weights, "pareto_weights.xgb.sptcv_cstf.strat.block_id.rds")
# pareto_weights <- readRDS("pareto_weights.sptcv_cstf.strat.block_id.rds")
print(pareto_weights[order(pareto_weights, decreasing = TRUE)])
# > print(pareto_weights[order(pareto_weights, decreasing = TRUE)])
# normalized_dynamic_rmse normalized_dynamic_mae
# 0.2383201 0.2023891
# normalized_dynamic_quantile_loss normalized_dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.2023891 0.2022076
# normalized_dynamic_mase
# 0.1546940
# Extract and print the best hyperparameters and their scores
best_hyperparameters.xgb <- best_solution.xgb[, ..param_cols]
best_metrics.xgb <- best_solution.xgb[, ..scores_cols]
names(best_hyperparameters.xgb) <- gsub("^regr.xgboost\\.", "", names(best_hyperparameters.xgb))
saveRDS(best_hyperparameters.xgb, "best_hyperparameters.xgb.sptcv_cstf.strat.block_id.rds")
saveRDS(best_metrics.xgb, "best_metrics.xgb.sptcv_cstf.strat.block_id.rds")
# Format the hyperparameters for printing
params.xgb <- sprintf(
"eta = %s\nmax_depth = %s\ncolsample_bytree = %s\ngamma = %s\nmin_child_weight = %s\nsubsample = %s\nscale_pos_weight = %s\nnrounds = %s",
# Format the metrics for printing
metrics.xgb <- sapply(names(best_metrics.xgb), function(col) {
sprintf("%s = %s", col, best_metrics.xgb[[col]])
# Combine hyperparameters and metrics into a single character vector
param_metrics_descriptions.xgb <- c("\nOptimal Hyperparameters:", params.xgb, "\nMetrics:", metrics.xgb)
# Print the parameters and metrics
cat("Best Parameters & Metrics for XGBoost Model with sptcv_cstf Cross-Validation:\n", paste(param_metrics_descriptions.xgb, collapse="\n"), "\n")
# Best Parameters & Metrics for XGBoost Model with sptcv_cstf Cross-Validation:
# Optimal Hyperparameters:
# eta = 0.117858583513857
# max_depth = 31
# colsample_bytree = 0.537448105402291
# gamma = 12.4770229764013
# min_child_weight = 1.18778453353862
# subsample = 0.754330933280289
# scale_pos_weight = 216.295086901635
# nrounds = 250
# Metrics:
# dynamic_quantile_loss = 3.19752443317712
# dynamic_huber_loss = 5.90517491781568
# dynamic_rmse = 10.5249847553958
# dynamic_mae = 6.39504886635424
# dynamic_mase = 5.26827955395558
# Save the formatted description to an RDS file
saveRDS(param_metrics_descriptions.xgb, "params_metrics.xgb.sptcv_cstf.strat.block_id.rds")
# param_metrics_descriptions.xgb <- readRDS("params_metrics.xgb.sptcv_cstf.strat.block_id.rds")
# Directly use the best solution to configure the learner
best_learner.xgb <- lrn("regr.xgboost")
best_learner.xgb$param_set$values <- as.list(best_hyperparameters.xgb)
set.seed(123) # Make sure to set the seed again here or else the results will not be reproducible
saveRDS(best_learner.xgb, "best_learner.xgb.sptcv_cstf.strat.block_id.after_training.rds")
# best_learner.xgb <- readRDS("best_learner.xgb.sptcv_cstf.strat.block_id.after_training.rds")
# Transform the test data using the pipeline in the same way the training data was transformed earlier
pipeline_task_regr_test <- pipeline$predict(list(task_regr_test))[[1]]
# Make predictions
test_predictions_regr <- best_learner.xgb$predict_newdata(newdata = pipeline_task_regr_test$data(), task = pipeline_task_regr_test)
saveRDS(test_predictions_regr, "test_predictions_regr-xgb.sptcv_cstf.strat.block_id.rds")
# test_predictions_regr <- readRDS("test_predictions_regr-xgb.sptcv_cstf.strat.block_id.rds")
# Core Metrics with which to Compare Models:
core_dynamic_measures_list <- list(
measure.dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_quantile_loss")),
measure.dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_huber_loss")),
measure.dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_rmse")),
measure.dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mae")),
measure.dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mase"))
saveRDS(core_dynamic_measures_list, "core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.sptcv_cstf.strat.block_id.rds")
# core_dynamic_measures_list <- readRDS("core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.sptcv_cstf.strat.block_id.rds")
# > print(core_dynamic_measures_list)
# [[1]]
# dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.1368929
# [[2]]
# dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.1141576
# [[3]]
# dynamic_rmse
# 0.7051739
# [[4]]
# dynamic_mae
# 0.2737859
# [[5]]
# dynamic_mase
# 4.513709
# Non-core metrics from predictions on unseen test data:
measures_list <- list(
# Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE)
measure.rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rmse")),
measure.dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_rmse")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_rmse")),
# Mean Squared Error (MSE)
measure.mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mse")),
measure.dynamic_mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mse")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mse")),
# Mean Absolute Error (MAE)
measure.mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mae")),
measure.dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mae")),
# Mean Absolute Scaled Error (MASE)
measure.mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mase")),
measure.dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mase")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mase")),
# Quantile Loss
measure.quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("quantile_loss")),
measure.dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_quantile_loss")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss")),
# Huber Loss
measure.huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("huber_loss")),
measure.dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_huber_loss")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss")),
# Logarithmic MedAE
measure.dynamic_logarithmic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_logarithmic_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae")),
# Sqrt MedAE
measure.dynamic_sqrt_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_sqrt_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae")),
# Logistic MedAE
measure.dynamic_logistic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_logistic_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae")),
# Polynomial MedAE
measure.dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae")),
measure.dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae")),
# Geometric Mean Absolute Error (GMAE)
measure.gmae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("gmae")),
# Log-Cosh Loss
measure.log_cosh_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("log_cosh_loss")),
# Other measures
measure.medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.medae")),
measure.medse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.medse")),
measure.msle <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.msle")),
measure.rmsle <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rmsle")),
measure.rae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rae")),
measure.rrse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rrse"))
saveRDS(measures_list, "measures_list.xgb.sptcv_cstf.strat.block_id.rds")
# measures_list <- readRDS("measures_list.xgb.sptcv_cstf.strat.block_id.rds")
# > print(measures_list)
# [[1]]
# regr.rmse
# 0.4787611
# [[2]]
# dynamic_rmse
# 0.7051739
# [[3]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_rmse
# 0.8405836
# [[4]]
# regr.mse
# 0.2292122
# [[5]]
# dynamic_mse
# 0.4972702
# [[6]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mse
# 0.7065808
# [[7]]
# regr.mae
# 0.2053339
# [[8]]
# dynamic_mae
# 0.2737859
# [[9]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mae
# 0.3395769
# [[10]]
# regr.mase
# 3.385191
# [[11]]
# dynamic_mase
# 4.513709
# [[12]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mase
# 5.598357
# [[13]]
# quantile_loss
# 0.102667
# [[14]]
# dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.1368929
# [[15]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.1724439
# [[16]]
# huber_loss
# 0.05931915
# [[17]]
# dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.1141576
# [[18]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.1815115
# [[19]]
# dynamic_logarithmic_medae
# 0.001856918
# [[20]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae
# 0.03615134
# [[21]]
# dynamic_sqrt_medae
# 0.04332711
# [[22]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae
# 0.04270198
# [[23]]
# dynamic_logistic_medae
# 0.06550057
# [[24]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae
# 0.07223986
# [[25]]
# dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae
# 0.0606871
# [[26]]
# dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae
# 0.04313685
# [[27]]
# gmae
# 0.1768465
# [[28]]
# log_cosh_loss
# 0.05546656
# [[29]]
# regr.medae
# 0.1231407
# [[30]]
# regr.medse
# 0.01516362
# [[31]]
# regr.msle
# 0.05346589
# [[32]]
# regr.rmsle
# 0.2312269
# [[33]]
# regr.rae
# 3.274323
# [[34]]
# regr.rrse
# 1.327669
LOGO, spcv_coords
, spcv_block
series, and
Cross-Validated Models:# Comparing each of the above models to find the best model. Based on the composite scores we will rank for best to worst performing models, we will take the best model and then also create two more models derived from it, and then rank all models' performance again:
# Define the paths for each metric and weight list object
measure_paths <- c(
weight_paths <- c(
# saveRDS(measure_paths, "measure_paths.rds")
# measure_paths <- readRDS("measure_paths.rds")
# saveRDS(weight_paths, "weight_paths.rds")
# weight_paths <- readRDS("weight_paths.rds")
# Function to process, compare, and rank models in terms of their core test set metrics saved in rds files
rank_model_performance <- function(measure_paths, weight_paths) {
# Initialize lists to store the results
core_dynamic_measures_list <- list()
weights_list <- list()
# Function to normalize values
min_max_scale <- function(x) {
(x - min(x, na.rm = TRUE)) / (max(x, na.rm = TRUE) - min(x, na.rm = TRUE))
# Load and process all metric sets
for (i in seq_along(measure_paths)) {
# Load core dynamic measures
core_dynamic_measures <- readRDS(measure_paths[i])
# Extract names from the attributes and assign them to the list
element_names <- sapply(core_dynamic_measures, function(x) names(x))
names(core_dynamic_measures) <- element_names
# Store the processed core dynamic measures in the list
core_dynamic_measures_list[[i]] <- core_dynamic_measures
# Load weights
weights <- readRDS(weight_paths[i])
# Remove the "normalized_" prefix from each element name
names(weights) <- gsub("^normalized_", "", names(weights))
# Store the processed weights in the list
weights_list[[i]] <- weights
# Gather all metric values by type
metric_values <- lapply(names(core_dynamic_measures_list[[1]]), function(metric_name) {
unlist(lapply(core_dynamic_measures_list, function(set) set[[metric_name]]))
names(metric_values) <- names(core_dynamic_measures_list[[1]])
# Normalize each metric type
normalized_metric_values <- lapply(metric_values, min_max_scale)
# Function to assign normalized values back to the sets
assign_normalized_values <- function(metric_name, normalized_values, metric_sets) {
counter <- 1
for (i in seq_along(metric_sets)) {
metric_sets[[i]][[metric_name]] <- normalized_values[counter]
counter <- counter + 1
# Assign normalized values back to each set
for (metric_name in names(core_dynamic_measures_list[[1]])) {
core_dynamic_measures_list <- assign_normalized_values(metric_name, normalized_metric_values[[metric_name]], core_dynamic_measures_list)
# Rename the object elements based on the measure_paths without the .rds suffix
object_names <- gsub("\\.rds$", "", basename(measure_paths))
# Assign back to variables for later use
for (i in seq_along(object_names)) {
assign(object_names[i], core_dynamic_measures_list[[i]], envir = .GlobalEnv)
# Compute composite scores for each model
composite_scores <- sapply(seq_along(core_dynamic_measures_list), function(i) {
normalized_metrics <- core_dynamic_measures_list[[i]]
weights <- weights_list[[i]]
# Ensure the order of weights matches the order of metrics
weights <- weights[names(normalized_metrics)]
# Multiply the metrics by their weights
weighted_metrics <- mapply(`*`, normalized_metrics, weights)
# Sum the weighted metrics to get the composite score
# Assign composite scores to their respective objects
names(composite_scores) <- object_names
# Order the composite scores from lowest to highest
ordered_indices <- order(composite_scores)
# Rearrange the internal elements of composite_scores to reflect proper rankings
composite_scores <- composite_scores[ordered_indices]
# Print the composite_scores to verify
# Example of appending to measure_paths and weight_paths
# measure_paths <- c(measure_paths, "")
# weight_paths <- c(weight_paths, "")
# saveRDS(measure_paths, "measure_paths.rds")
# measure_paths <- readRDS("measure_paths.rds")
# Now run the function with the updated paths
rank_model_performance(measure_paths, weight_paths)
# > rank_model_performance(measure_paths, weight_paths)
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range
# 0.04270959
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.sptcv_cstf.strat.block_id
# 0.07978097
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2_factor_range
# 0.08802429
# core_dynamic_measures_list.regr.custom_cv
# 0.09462228
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2.5_factor_range
# 0.09720351
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2.75_factor_range
# 0.13089406
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_coords
# 0.14963364
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.1.5_factor_range
# 0.21467543
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.3.5_factor_range
# 1.00000000
resampling with the range argument set
to 2.25 x the empirical range of spatial autocorrelation. We will
therefore use the 2.25 range factor to create 1) a
model and 2) a nested cross-validation
model. Then we will compare the composite scores
of not only the prior 9 models, but the 2 new models to determine the
best performing model.repeated_spcv_block
with 5 repetitions is theorized to
perform better than spcv_block
because it provides a more
robust evaluation by repeating the spatial partitioning process multiple
times. Each repetition generates different block arrangements, which
helps in capturing the variability and ensures that the model’s
performance is not overly dependent on a single spatial partitioning.
This repetition reduces the risk of overfitting and gives a more
reliable estimate of model generalization across various spatial
Cross-Validation (5 Repetitions):# XGBoost repeated_spcv_block regular resampling (5 repetitions), using the Pareto front:
# This version relies on the range of spatial autocorrelation found from the variogram data to be 12,165.72 m, but then for a cautious range argument for repeated_spcv_block multiplies this by 2.25 (the factor found to be optimal from the above comparison models) to try to ensure spatial auto correlation does not leak between folds. 12165.72 * 2.25 = 27373.
# According to documentation for this resampling technique, "Roberts et. al. (2017) suggest that blocks should be substantially larger than the range of spatial autocorrelation (in model residual) to obtain realistic error estimates, while a buffer with the size of the spatial autocorrelation range would result in a good estimation of error. This is because of the so-called edge effect (O'Sullivan & Unwin, 2014), whereby points located on the edges of the blocks of opposite sets are not separated spatially." (
data.attacks_train <- final_net.sf.attacks_train[, columns.xgb.attacks]
data.attacks_test <- final_net.sf.attacks_test[, columns.xgb.attacks]
for(col in columns.xgb.attacks) {
data.attacks_train[[col]] <- as.numeric(data.attacks_train[[col]])
data.attacks_test[[col]] <- as.numeric(data.attacks_test[[col]])
# Set the seed for reproducibility
data.regr.train <- data.attacks_train
data.regr.test <- data.attacks_test
data.regr.train$count_target <- as.numeric(data.attacks_train[["countAttacks"]])
data.regr.test$count_target <- as.numeric(data.attacks_test[["countAttacks"]])
data.regr.train <- data.regr.train %>% dplyr::select(-countAttacks, -NAME_2)
data.regr.test <- data.regr.test %>% dplyr::select(-countAttacks, -NAME_2)
data_centroids.regr.train <- st_centroid(data.regr.train)
data_centroids.regr.test <- st_centroid(data.regr.test)
projected_crs = "+proj=tmerc +lat_0=-0.6888125 +lon_0=29.0698245 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"
task_regr_train <- as_task_regr_st(data_centroids.regr.train, target = "count_target", coordinate_names = c("geometry"), crs = projected_crs, coords_as_features = FALSE, label= "count_model", drop_original_target = TRUE)
task_regr_train$set_col_roles("uniqueID", "order")
task_regr_test <- as_task_regr_st(data_centroids.regr.test, target = "count_target", coordinate_names = c("geometry"), crs = projected_crs, coords_as_features = FALSE, label= "count_model", drop_original_target = TRUE)
task_regr_test$set_col_roles("uniqueID", "order")
# Define a pipeline with scaling
pipeline <- po("scale", id = "scale")
pipeline_task_regr_train = pipeline$train(list(task_regr_train))[[1]]
resampling_regr <- rsmp("repeated_spcv_block", range =c(as.integer(27373), as.integer(27373), as.integer(27373), as.integer(27373), as.integer(27373)), folds = 10, repeats = 5) # If there were more time, I would increase repeats to a larger number like 5.
learner_regr_train <- lrn("regr.xgboost",
nrounds = to_tune(p_int(50, 2000, tags = "budget")),
eta = to_tune(1e-4, 1),
max_depth = to_tune(3, 40),
colsample_bytree = to_tune(0.2, 1),
gamma = to_tune(1e-3, 15),
min_child_weight = to_tune(1e-3, 10),
subsample = to_tune(0.2, 1),
scale_pos_weight = to_tune(1, 300)
graph_learner <- GraphLearner$new(pipeline %>>% learner_regr_train)
dynamic_measure_names <- c("dynamic_quantile_loss", "dynamic_huber_loss", "dynamic_rmse", "dynamic_mae", "dynamic_mase")
dynamic_measures <- msrs(dynamic_measure_names)
if (future::supportsMulticore()) {
future::plan(future::multicore, workers = 6)
} else {
future::plan(future::multisession, workers = 6)
instance.multi_tuning <- TuningInstanceBatchMultiCrit$new(
task = pipeline_task_regr_train,
learner = graph_learner,
resampling = resampling_regr,
measures = dynamic_measures,
terminator = trm("none"),
store_models = TRUE,
check_values = TRUE
tuner <- tnr("hyperband")
saveRDS(instance.multi_tuning, "instance.multi_tuning.xgb.repeated_spcv_block.rds", compress = TRUE)
# instance.multi_tuning <- readRDS("instance.multi_tuning.xgb.repeated_spcv_block.rds")
# Process results
archive_regr <-$archive)
saveRDS(archive_regr, "archive_regr.xgb.repeated_spcv_block.rds", compress=TRUE)
# archive_regr <- readRDS("archive_regr.xgb.repeated_spcv_block.rds")
param_cols <- c("regr.xgboost.eta", "regr.xgboost.max_depth", "regr.xgboost.colsample_bytree", "regr.xgboost.gamma", "regr.xgboost.min_child_weight",
"regr.xgboost.subsample", "regr.xgboost.scale_pos_weight", "regr.xgboost.nrounds")
scores_cols <- dynamic_measure_names
normalized_cols <- paste0("normalized_", scores_cols)
# Function to identify outliers using the IQR method
identify_outliers <- function(x) {
q75 <- quantile(x, 0.75, na.rm = TRUE)
q25 <- quantile(x, 0.25, na.rm = TRUE)
iqr <- q75 - q25
lower_bound <- q25 - 1.5 * iqr
upper_bound <- q75 + 1.5 * iqr
return(x < lower_bound | x > upper_bound)
# Apply the outlier identification function to each metric column
outliers <- archive_regr[, lapply(.SD, identify_outliers), .SDcols = scores_cols]
# Create a logical vector indicating rows to keep (non-outliers)
rows_to_keep <- !rowSums(outliers)
# Filter the dataset to remove outliers
archive_regr_clean <- archive_regr[rows_to_keep]
min_max_scale <- function(x) {
(x - min(x, na.rm = TRUE)) / (max(x, na.rm = TRUE) - min(x, na.rm = TRUE))
# Apply min-max scaling to the cleaned dataset
archive_regr_clean[, (normalized_cols) := lapply(.SD, min_max_scale), .SDcols = scores_cols]
# Perform Pareto front selection on the normalized columns
pareto_indices.xgb <- fastNonDominatedSorting(as.matrix(archive_regr_clean[, ..normalized_cols]))
# Extract Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_solutions.xgb <- archive_regr_clean[pareto_indices.xgb[[1]], ]
# Define the number of near-optimal solutions to include
N_near_optimal <- 50
# Function to calculate Euclidean distance between two points
euclidean_distance <- function(x, y) {
sqrt(sum((x - y) ^ 2))
# Extract normalized data for Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_data <- as.matrix(pareto_solutions.xgb[, ..normalized_cols])
# Extract normalized data for all solutions
all_data <- as.matrix(archive_regr_clean[, ..normalized_cols])
# Calculate the minimum distance of each solution to the Pareto front
min_distances <- apply(all_data, 1, function(x) {
apply(pareto_data, 1, function(y) euclidean_distance(x, y)) %>% min()
# Add the distances to the data table
archive_regr_clean[, distance_to_pareto := min_distances]
# Select top N near-optimal solutions based on distance to Pareto front.
near_optimal_solutions <- archive_regr_clean[order(distance_to_pareto)][1:N_near_optimal]
# Apply PCA on the combined solutions
pca_result_combined <- prcomp([, ..normalized_cols]))
loadings_pc1_combined <- pca_result_combined$rotation[, 1]
loadings_pc2_combined <- pca_result_combined$rotation[, 2]
variance_pc1_combined <- summary(pca_result_combined)$importance[2, 1]
variance_pc2_combined <- summary(pca_result_combined)$importance[2, 2]
combined_weights <- variance_pc1_combined * abs(loadings_pc1_combined) + variance_pc2_combined * abs(loadings_pc2_combined)
pareto_weights <- combined_weights / sum(combined_weights) # Normalize to sum to 1
# Use these weights to calculate composite scores for only Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_solutions.xgb[, composite_score := as.matrix(.SD) %*% pareto_weights, .SDcols = normalized_cols]
# Find the best set of hyperparameters based on the lowest composite score
best_index.xgb <- which.min(pareto_solutions.xgb$composite_score)
best_solution.xgb <- pareto_solutions.xgb[best_index.xgb, ]
saveRDS(pareto_weights, "pareto_weights.xgb.repeated_spcv_block.rds")
# pareto_weights <- readRDS("pareto_weights.repeated_spcv_block.rds")
print(pareto_weights[order(pareto_weights, decreasing = TRUE)])
# > print(pareto_weights[order(pareto_weights, decreasing = TRUE)])
# normalized_dynamic_rmse normalized_dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.2682567 0.1861763
# normalized_dynamic_mae normalized_dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.1861763 0.1797299
# normalized_dynamic_mase
# 0.1796608
# Extract and print the best hyperparameters and their scores
best_hyperparameters.xgb <- best_solution.xgb[, ..param_cols]
best_metrics.xgb <- best_solution.xgb[, ..scores_cols]
names(best_hyperparameters.xgb) <- gsub("^regr.xgboost\\.", "", names(best_hyperparameters.xgb))
saveRDS(best_hyperparameters.xgb, "best_hyperparameters.xgb.repeated_spcv_block.rds")
saveRDS(best_metrics.xgb, "best_metrics.xgb.repeated_spcv_block.rds")
# Format the hyperparameters for printing
params.xgb <- sprintf(
"eta = %s\nmax_depth = %s\ncolsample_bytree = %s\ngamma = %s\nmin_child_weight = %s\nsubsample = %s\nscale_pos_weight = %s\nnrounds = %s",
# Format the metrics for printing
metrics.xgb <- sapply(names(best_metrics.xgb), function(col) {
sprintf("%s = %s", col, best_metrics.xgb[[col]])
# Combine hyperparameters and metrics into a single character vector
param_metrics_descriptions.xgb <- c("\nOptimal Hyperparameters:", params.xgb, "\nMetrics:", metrics.xgb)
# Print the parameters and metrics
cat("Best Parameters & Metrics for XGBoost Model with repeated_spcv_block Cross-Validation:\n", paste(param_metrics_descriptions.xgb, collapse="\n"), "\n")
# Best Parameters & Metrics for XGBoost Model with repeated_spcv_block Cross-Validation:
# Optimal Hyperparameters:
# eta = 0.127776024586149
# max_depth = 33
# colsample_bytree = 0.782829012908042
# gamma = 9.9294841611858
# min_child_weight = 1.08898493568203
# subsample = 0.542139115557075
# scale_pos_weight = 154.464644462336
# nrounds = 125
# Metrics:
# dynamic_quantile_loss = 3.71124040057315
# dynamic_huber_loss = 6.94173755743534
# dynamic_rmse = 12.5275728951055
# dynamic_mae = 7.42248080114631
# dynamic_mase = 6.05957428576129
# Save the formatted description to an RDS file
saveRDS(param_metrics_descriptions.xgb, "params_metrics.xgb.repeated_spcv_block.rds")
# param_metrics_descriptions.xgb <- readRDS("params_metrics.xgb.repeated_spcv_block.rds")
# Directly use the best solution to configure the learner
best_learner.xgb <- lrn("regr.xgboost")
best_learner.xgb$param_set$values <- as.list(best_hyperparameters.xgb)
set.seed(123) # Make sure to set the seed again here or else the results will not be reproducible
saveRDS(best_learner.xgb, "best_learner.xgb.repeated_spcv_block.after_training.rds")
# best_learner.xgb <- readRDS("best_learner.xgb.repeated_spcv_block.after_training.rds")
pipeline_task_regr_test <- pipeline$predict(list(task_regr_test))[[1]]
test_predictions_regr <- best_learner.xgb$predict_newdata(newdata = pipeline_task_regr_test$data(), task = pipeline_task_regr_test)
saveRDS(test_predictions_regr, "test_predictions_regr.xgb.repeated_spcv_block.rds")
# test_predictions_regr <- readRDS("test_predictions_regr.xgb.repeated_spcv_block.rds")
# Core Metrics with which to Compare Models:
core_dynamic_measures_list.repeated_spcv_block <- list(
measure.dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_quantile_loss")),
measure.dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_huber_loss")),
measure.dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_rmse")),
measure.dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mae")),
measure.dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mase"))
saveRDS(core_dynamic_measures_list.repeated_spcv_block, "core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.repeated_spcv_block.rds")
# > print(core_dynamic_measures_list.repeated_spcv_block)
# [[1]]
# dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.1341609
# [[2]]
# dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.1218216
# [[3]]
# dynamic_rmse
# 0.8138742
# [[4]]
# dynamic_mae
# 0.2683217
# [[5]]
# dynamic_mase
# 4.423626
# Non-core metrics from predictions on unseen test data:
measures_list.repeated_spcv_block <- list(
# Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE)
measure.rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rmse")),
measure.dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_rmse")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_rmse")),
# Mean Squared Error (MSE)
measure.mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mse")),
measure.dynamic_mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mse")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mse")),
# Mean Absolute Error (MAE)
measure.mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mae")),
measure.dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mae")),
# Mean Absolute Scaled Error (MASE)
measure.mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mase")),
measure.dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mase")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mase")),
# Quantile Loss
measure.quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("quantile_loss")),
measure.dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_quantile_loss")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss")),
# Huber Loss
measure.huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("huber_loss")),
measure.dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_huber_loss")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss")),
# Logarithmic MedAE
measure.dynamic_logarithmic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_logarithmic_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae")),
# Sqrt MedAE
measure.dynamic_sqrt_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_sqrt_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae")),
# Logistic MedAE
measure.dynamic_logistic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_logistic_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae")),
# Polynomial MedAE
measure.dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae")),
measure.dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae")),
# Geometric Mean Absolute Error (GMAE)
measure.gmae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("gmae")),
# Log-Cosh Loss
measure.log_cosh_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("log_cosh_loss")),
# Other measures
measure.medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.medae")),
measure.medse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.medse")),
measure.msle <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.msle")),
measure.rmsle <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rmsle")),
measure.rae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rae")),
measure.rrse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rrse"))
saveRDS(measures_list.repeated_spcv_block, "measures_list.xgb.repeated_spcv_block.rds")
# measures_list.repeated_spcv_block <- readRDS("measures_list.xgb.repeated_spcv_block.rds")
# > print(measures_list.repeated_spcv_block)
# [[1]]
# regr.rmse
# 0.5290422
# [[2]]
# dynamic_rmse
# 0.8138742
# [[3]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_rmse
# 0.9917101
# [[4]]
# regr.mse
# 0.2798857
# [[5]]
# dynamic_mse
# 0.6623912
# [[6]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mse
# 0.9834889
# [[7]]
# regr.mae
# 0.1940097
# [[8]]
# dynamic_mae
# 0.2683217
# [[9]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mae
# 0.367746
# [[10]]
# regr.mase
# 3.198497
# [[11]]
# dynamic_mase
# 4.423626
# [[12]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mase
# 6.062761
# [[13]]
# quantile_loss
# 0.09700485
# [[14]]
# dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.1341609
# [[15]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.1515292
# [[16]]
# huber_loss
# 0.06139586
# [[17]]
# dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.1218216
# [[18]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.1876958
# [[19]]
# dynamic_logarithmic_medae
# 0.001022899
# [[20]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae
# 0.0146216
# [[21]]
# dynamic_sqrt_medae
# 0.03206469
# [[22]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae
# 0.02395063
# [[23]]
# dynamic_logistic_medae
# 0.05303738
# [[24]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae
# 0.05594159
# [[25]]
# dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae
# 0.03759343
# [[26]]
# dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae
# 0.0275456
# [[27]]
# gmae
# 0.1617875
# [[28]]
# log_cosh_loss
# 0.0575532
# [[29]]
# regr.medae
# 0.1009158
# [[30]]
# regr.medse
# 0.010184
# [[31]]
# regr.msle
# 0.05388904
# [[32]]
# regr.rmsle
# 0.2321401
# [[33]]
# regr.rae
# 3.093744
# [[34]]
# regr.rrse
# 1.467105
(2.25 x the empirical range) for XGBoost regression to predict attack
counts. There are two cross-validation loops used on the training data -
an inner loop and an outer loop. The outer cross-validation loop splits
the data into spatial folds and evaluates model performance, while the
inner loop tunes hyperparameters for each outer fold using
multi-objective optimization. The Pareto optimal front is calculated
with the help of PCA for both the inner loop and the outer loop.
Finally, it performs evaluation on test data. This method allows for a
more robust selection of hyperparameters and provides a more reliable
estimate of model performance. I set the number of folds = 5 for the
inner loop and the number of folds = 10 for the outer loop. K = 5 is
still robust, but limits the computational resources used.spcv_block
Cross-Validation:# XGBoost Nested Resampling for spcv_block (Range Argument = 2.25 x the Empirical Range)
data.attacks_train <- final_net.sf.attacks_train[, columns.xgb.attacks]
data.attacks_test <- final_net.sf.attacks_test[, columns.xgb.attacks]
for (col in columns.xgb.attacks) {
data.attacks_train[[col]] <- as.numeric(data.attacks_train[[col]])
data.attacks_test[[col]] <- as.numeric(data.attacks_test[[col]])
# Set the seed for reproducibility
data.regr.train <- data.attacks_train
data.regr.test <- data.attacks_test
data.regr.train$count_target <- as.numeric(data.attacks_train[["countAttacks"]])
data.regr.test$count_target <- as.numeric(data.attacks_test[["countAttacks"]])
data.regr.train.nested <- data.regr.train %>% dplyr::select(-countAttacks, -NAME_2)
data.regr.test <- data.regr.test %>% dplyr::select(-countAttacks, -NAME_2)
data_centroids.regr.train.nested <- st_centroid(data.regr.train.nested)
data_centroids.regr.test <- st_centroid(data.regr.test)
task_regr_train.nested <- as_task_regr_st(data_centroids.regr.train.nested, target = "count_target", coordinate_names = c("geometry"), crs = projected_crs, coords_as_features = FALSE, label = "count_model_train_task", drop_original_target = TRUE)
task_regr_train.nested$set_col_roles("uniqueID", "order")
task_regr_test <- as_task_regr_st(data_centroids.regr.test, target = "count_target", coordinate_names = c("geometry"), crs = projected_crs, coords_as_features = FALSE, label = "count_model_test_task", drop_original_target = TRUE)
task_regr_test$set_col_roles("uniqueID", "order")
# Define a pipeline with scaling
pipeline <- po("scale", id = "scale")
pipeline_task_regr_train.nested = pipeline$train(list(task_regr_train.nested))[[1]]
outer_resampling <- rsmp("spcv_block", range = 27373, folds = 10)
outer_resampling <- outer_resampling$clone()
# Function to identify outliers using the IQR method
identify_outliers <- function(x) {
q75 <- quantile(x, 0.75, na.rm = TRUE)
q25 <- quantile(x, 0.25, na.rm = TRUE)
iqr <- q75 - q25
lower_bound <- q25 - 1.5 * iqr
upper_bound <- q75 + 1.5 * iqr
return(x < lower_bound | x > upper_bound)
# Define min-max scaling function
min_max_scale <- function(x) {
(x - min(x, na.rm = TRUE)) / (max(x, na.rm = TRUE) - min(x, na.rm = TRUE))
dynamic_measure_names <- c("dynamic_quantile_loss", "dynamic_huber_loss", "dynamic_rmse", "dynamic_mae", "dynamic_mase")
dynamic_measures <- msrs(dynamic_measure_names)
# Specify columns to be normalized
scores_cols <- dynamic_measure_names
normalized_cols <- paste0("normalized_", scores_cols)
param_cols <- c("regr.xgboost.eta", "regr.xgboost.max_depth", "regr.xgboost.colsample_bytree", "regr.xgboost.gamma", "regr.xgboost.min_child_weight", "regr.xgboost.subsample", "regr.xgboost.scale_pos_weight", "regr.xgboost.nrounds")
param_cols.no_prefix <- c("eta", "max_depth", "colsample_bytree", "gamma", "min_child_weight", "subsample", "scale_pos_weight", "nrounds")
combined_archive <- data.table() # Initialize an empty data table to combine archives
combined_hyperparams <- data.table() # Initialize an empty data table to combine hyperparameters
combined_metrics <- data.table() # Initialize an empty data table to combine metrics
combined_near_optimal_solutions <- data.table() # Initialize an empty data table to combine near-optimal solutions
for (outer_fold in seq_len(outer_resampling$iters)) {
cat("Processing fold", outer_fold, "\n")
# Split the data into training and test sets for the outer fold
outer_train_task <- pipeline_task_regr_train.nested$clone(deep = TRUE)
outer_test_task <- pipeline_task_regr_train.nested$clone(deep = TRUE)
outer_train_indices <- outer_resampling$train_set(outer_fold)
outer_test_indices <- outer_resampling$test_set(outer_fold)
learner_regr_train <- lrn("regr.xgboost",
nrounds = to_tune(p_int(50, 2000, tags = "budget")),
eta = to_tune(1e-4, 1),
max_depth = to_tune(3, 40),
colsample_bytree = to_tune(0.2, 1),
gamma = to_tune(1e-3, 15),
min_child_weight = to_tune(1e-3, 10),
subsample = to_tune(0.2, 1),
scale_pos_weight = to_tune(1, 300)
graph_learner <- GraphLearner$new(pipeline %>>% learner_regr_train)
inner_resampling <- rsmp("spcv_block", range = 27373, folds = 5)
inner_resampling <- inner_resampling$clone()
# Create the tuning instance with the inner resampling
instance <- TuningInstanceBatchMultiCrit$new(
task = outer_train_task,
learner = graph_learner,
resampling = inner_resampling,
measures = dynamic_measures,
terminator = trm("none"),
store_models = TRUE,
check_values = TRUE
# Use a tuner
tuner <- mlr3tuning::tnr("hyperband")
# Process results to determine the Pareto optimal front and select the best hyperparameters using PCA
archive_regr <-$archive)
# Average metrics across inner folds
archive.averaged_metrics <- archive_regr[, lapply(.SD, mean), by = param_cols, .SDcols = scores_cols]
# Combine all averaged metrics from all the inner folds for the current outer fold
combined_archive <- rbind(combined_archive, archive.averaged_metrics)
# Apply the outlier identification function to each metric column
outliers <- combined_archive[, lapply(.SD, identify_outliers), .SDcols = scores_cols]
rows_to_keep <- !rowSums(outliers) # Create a logical vector indicating rows to keep (non-outliers)
combined_archive_clean <- combined_archive[rows_to_keep]
# Apply min-max scaling to the cleaned dataset
combined_archive_clean[, (normalized_cols) := lapply(.SD, min_max_scale), .SDcols = scores_cols]
# Save best hyperparameters for each outer fold
pareto_indices <- nsga2R::fastNonDominatedSorting(as.matrix(combined_archive_clean[, ..normalized_cols]))
# Extract Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_solutions <- combined_archive_clean[pareto_indices[[1]], ]
# Define the number of near-optimal solutions to include
N_near_optimal <- 50
# Function to calculate Euclidean distance between two points
euclidean_distance <- function(x, y) {
sqrt(sum((x - y) ^ 2))
# Extract normalized data for Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_data <- as.matrix(pareto_solutions[, ..normalized_cols])
# Extract normalized data for all solutions
all_data <- as.matrix(combined_archive_clean[, ..normalized_cols])
# Calculate the minimum distance of each solution to the Pareto front
min_distances <- apply(all_data, 1, function(x) {
apply(pareto_data, 1, function(y) euclidean_distance(x, y)) %>% min()
# Add the distances to the data table
combined_archive_clean[, distance_to_pareto := min_distances]
# Determine the number of near-optimal solutions available
N_available <- min(N_near_optimal, nrow(combined_archive_clean))
# Select top N near-optimal solutions based on distance to Pareto front
near_optimal_solutions <- combined_archive_clean[order(distance_to_pareto)][1:N_available]
# Accumulate near-optimal solutions across all outer folds
combined_near_optimal_solutions <- rbind(combined_near_optimal_solutions, near_optimal_solutions)
# Apply PCA on the combined solutions
pca_result_combined <- prcomp([, ..normalized_cols]))
loadings_pc1_combined <- pca_result_combined$rotation[, 1]
loadings_pc2_combined <- pca_result_combined$rotation[, 2]
variance_pc1_combined <- summary(pca_result_combined)$importance[2, 1]
variance_pc2_combined <- summary(pca_result_combined)$importance[2, 2]
combined_weights <- variance_pc1_combined * abs(loadings_pc1_combined) + variance_pc2_combined * abs(loadings_pc2_combined)
pareto_weights <- combined_weights / sum(combined_weights) # Normalize to sum to 1
# Use these weights to calculate composite scores for only Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_solutions[, composite_score := as.matrix(.SD) %*% pareto_weights, .SDcols = normalized_cols]
# Find the best set of hyperparameters based on the lowest composite score
best_index.xgb <- which.min(pareto_solutions$composite_score)
best_solution.xgb <- pareto_solutions[best_index.xgb, ]
# Save best hyperparameters for each outer fold
best_hyperparams <- best_solution.xgb[, ..param_cols]
best_hyperparams$early_stopping_set <- "none"
names(best_hyperparams) <- gsub("^regr.xgboost\\.", "", names(best_hyperparams))
combined_hyperparams <- rbind(combined_hyperparams, best_hyperparams, fill = TRUE)
# Train the final model on the outer training set using the best hyperparameters
final_learner.outer <- lrn("regr.xgboost")
final_learner.outer$param_set$values <- as.list(best_hyperparams)
# Apply the pipeline to the outer test set
pipeline_task_outer_test <- pipeline$predict(list(outer_test_task))[[1]]
# Evaluate the model on the outer test set
prediction <- final_learner.outer$predict(pipeline_task_outer_test)
# Save the performance metrics
performance <-$score(dynamic_measures)))
data.table::setnames(performance, colnames(performance), scores_cols)
combined_metrics <- rbind(combined_metrics, performance)
cat("Completed fold", outer_fold, "\n")
combined_hyperparams[, early_stopping_set := NULL]
combined_params_metrics <- cbind(combined_hyperparams, combined_metrics)
combined_params_metrics[, (normalized_cols) := lapply(.SD, min_max_scale), .SDcols = scores_cols]
# Apply min-max scaling to the combined near-optimal solutions
combined_near_optimal_solutions[, (normalized_cols) := lapply(.SD, min_max_scale), .SDcols = scores_cols]
pareto_indices.outer_loop <- nsga2R::fastNonDominatedSorting(as.matrix(combined_params_metrics[, ..normalized_cols]))
pareto_solutions.outer_loop <- combined_params_metrics[pareto_indices.outer_loop[[1]], ]
# Define the number of near-optimal solutions to include
N_available.outer <- min(N_near_optimal, nrow(combined_near_optimal_solutions))
# Extract normalized data for Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_data.outer <- as.matrix(pareto_solutions.outer_loop[, ..normalized_cols])
# Extract normalized data for all solutions
combined_near_pareto_data.outer <- as.matrix(combined_near_optimal_solutions[, ..normalized_cols])
min_distances_outer <- apply(combined_near_pareto_data.outer, 1, function(x) {
apply(pareto_data.outer, 1, function(y) euclidean_distance(x, y)) %>% min()
# Add the distances to the data table
combined_near_optimal_solutions[, distance_to_pareto := min_distances_outer]
# Select top near-optimal solutions based on distance to Pareto front
near_optimal_solutions.outer <- combined_near_optimal_solutions[order(distance_to_pareto)][1:N_available.outer]
# Apply PCA on the combined solutions
pca_result_combined.outer <- prcomp([, ..normalized_cols]))
loadings_pc1_combined.outer <- pca_result_combined.outer$rotation[, 1]
loadings_pc2_combined.outer <- pca_result_combined.outer$rotation[, 2]
variance_pc1_combined.outer <- summary(pca_result_combined.outer)$importance[2, 1]
variance_pc2_combined.outer <- summary(pca_result_combined.outer)$importance[2, 2]
combined_weights.outer <- variance_pc1_combined.outer * abs(loadings_pc1_combined.outer) + variance_pc2_combined.outer * abs(loadings_pc2_combined.outer)
pareto_weights.outer <- combined_weights.outer / sum(combined_weights.outer) # Normalize to sum to 1
# Use these weights based from the nearest Pareto optimal solutions to calculate composite scores for only Pareto optimal solutions - not for near Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_solutions.outer_loop[, composite_score := as.matrix(.SD) %*% pareto_weights.outer, .SDcols = normalized_cols]
# Find the best set of hyperparameters based on the lowest composite score
best_index.outer <- which.min(pareto_solutions.outer_loop$composite_score)
best_solution.outer <- pareto_solutions.outer_loop[best_index.outer, ]
saveRDS(pareto_weights.outer, "pareto_weights.xgb.nested.spcv_block.outer_pareto.rds")
print(pareto_weights.outer[order(pareto_weights.outer, decreasing = TRUE)])
# Extract and print the best hyperparameters and their scores
best_hyperparams.outer_pareto <- best_solution.outer[, ..param_cols.no_prefix]
best_hyperparams.outer_pareto$early_stopping_set <- "none"
best_metrics.outer_pareto <- best_solution.outer[, ..scores_cols]
saveRDS(best_hyperparams.outer_pareto, "best_hyperparams.xgb.nested.spcv_block.outer_pareto.rds")
saveRDS(best_metrics.outer_pareto, "best_metrics.xgb.nested.spcv_block.outer_pareto.rds")
# Format the hyperparameters for printing
params.outer_pareto <- sprintf(
"eta = %s\nmax_depth = %s\ncolsample_bytree = %s\ngamma = %s\nmin_child_weight = %s\nsubsample = %s\nscale_pos_weight = %s\nnrounds = %s",
# Format the metrics for printing
metrics.outer_pareto <- sapply(names(best_metrics.outer_pareto), function(col) {
sprintf("%s = %s", col, best_metrics.outer_pareto[[col]])
# Combine hyperparameters and metrics into a single character vector
descriptions.xgb.nested.outer_pareto <- c("\nOptimal Hyperparameters:", params.outer_pareto, "\nMetrics:", metrics.outer_pareto)
# Print the parameters and metrics
cat("Best Parameters & Metrics for XGBoost Model with Nested spcv_block Cross-Validation (via Pareto Front Inner & Outer Loop Optimal Parameters):\n", paste(descriptions.xgb.nested.outer_pareto, collapse="\n"), "\n")
# Best Parameters & Metrics for XGBoost Model with Nested spcv_block Cross-Validation (via Pareto Front Inner & Outer Loop Optimal Parameters):
# Optimal Hyperparameters:
# eta = 0.171781324033625
# max_depth = 28
# colsample_bytree = 0.517267675697804
# gamma = 11.6862091759238
# min_child_weight = 1.47133619746915
# subsample = 0.620823728106916
# scale_pos_weight = 269.124866109574
# nrounds = 125
# Metrics:
# dynamic_quantile_loss = 0.835779629299017
# dynamic_huber_loss = 1.2679484811956
# dynamic_rmse = 2.97599531615214
# dynamic_mae = 1.67155925859803
# dynamic_mase = 3.6565358781832
# Save the formatted description to an RDS file
# saveRDS(descriptions.xgb.nested.outer_pareto, "params_metrics.descriptions.xgb.nested.outer_pareto.rds")
# descriptions.xgb.nested.outer_pareto <- readRDS("params_metrics.descriptions.xgb.nested.outer_pareto.rds")
# Directly use the best solution to configure the learner
final_learner <- lrn("regr.xgboost")
final_learner$param_set$values <- as.list(best_hyperparams.outer_pareto)
set.seed(123) # Make sure to set the seed again here or else the results will not be reproducible
saveRDS(final_learner, "final_learner.xgb.nested.spcv_block.outer_pareto.after_training.rds")
# final_learner <- readRDS("final_learner.xgb.nested.spcv_block.outer_pareto.after_training.rds")
# Transform the test data using the pipeline in the same way the training data was transformed earlier
pipeline_task_regr_test <- pipeline$predict(list(task_regr_test))[[1]]
# Make predictions
test_predictions_regr <- final_learner$predict_newdata(newdata = pipeline_task_regr_test$data(), task = pipeline_task_regr_test)
saveRDS(test_predictions_regr, "test_predictions_regr.xgb.nested.spcv_block.outer_pareto.rds")
# test_predictions_regr <- readRDS("test_predictions_regr.xgb.nested.spcv_block.outer_pareto.rds")
# Core Metrics with which to Compare Models:
core_dynamic_measures_list.nested.spcv_block <- list(
measure.dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_quantile_loss")),
measure.dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_huber_loss")),
measure.dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_rmse")),
measure.dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mae")),
measure.dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mase"))
saveRDS(core_dynamic_measures_list.nested.spcv_block, "core_dynamic_measures_list.nested.spcv_block.rds")
# > print(core_dynamic_measures_list.nested.spcv_block)
# [[1]]
# dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.1755202
# [[2]]
# dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.1484925
# [[3]]
# dynamic_rmse
# 0.8876999
# [[4]]
# dynamic_mae
# 0.3510405
# [[5]]
# dynamic_mase
# 5.78735
# Non-core metrics from predictions on unseen test data:
measures_list.nested.spcv_block <- list(
# Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE)
measure.rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rmse")),
measure.dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_rmse")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_rmse")),
# Mean Squared Error (MSE)
measure.mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mse")),
measure.dynamic_mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mse")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mse")),
# Mean Absolute Error (MAE)
measure.mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mae")),
measure.dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mae")),
# Mean Absolute Scaled Error (MASE)
measure.mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mase")),
measure.dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mase")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mase")),
# Quantile Loss
measure.quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("quantile_loss")),
measure.dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_quantile_loss")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss")),
# Huber Loss
measure.huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("huber_loss")),
measure.dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_huber_loss")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss")),
# Logarithmic MedAE
measure.dynamic_logarithmic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_logarithmic_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae")),
# Sqrt MedAE
measure.dynamic_sqrt_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_sqrt_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae")),
# Logistic MedAE
measure.dynamic_logistic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_logistic_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae")),
# Polynomial MedAE
measure.dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae")),
measure.dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae")),
# Geometric Mean Absolute Error (GMAE)
measure.gmae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("gmae")),
# Log-Cosh Loss
measure.log_cosh_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("log_cosh_loss")),
# Other measures
measure.medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.medae")),
measure.medse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.medse")),
measure.msle <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.msle")),
measure.rmsle <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rmsle")),
measure.rae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rae")),
measure.rrse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rrse"))
saveRDS(measures_list.nested.spcv_block, "measures_list.nested.spcv_block.rds")
# measures_list.nested.spcv_block <- readRDS("measures_list.nested.spcv_block.rds")
# > print(measures_list.nested.spcv_block)
# [[1]]
# regr.rmse
# 0.5901356
# [[2]]
# dynamic_rmse
# 0.8876999
# [[3]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_rmse
# 1.008018
# [[4]]
# regr.mse
# 0.34826
# [[5]]
# dynamic_mse
# 0.7880111
# [[6]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mse
# 1.0161
# [[7]]
# regr.mae
# 0.272972
# [[8]]
# dynamic_mae
# 0.3510405
# [[9]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mae
# 0.4040648
# [[10]]
# regr.mase
# 4.500291
# [[11]]
# dynamic_mase
# 5.78735
# [[12]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mase
# 6.661523
# [[13]]
# quantile_loss
# 0.136486
# [[14]]
# dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.1755202
# [[15]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.2367682
# [[16]]
# huber_loss
# 0.08401235
# [[17]]
# dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.1484925
# [[18]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.2617437
# [[19]]
# dynamic_logarithmic_medae
# 0.006035902
# [[20]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae
# 0.0639294
# [[21]]
# dynamic_sqrt_medae
# 0.07839049
# [[22]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae
# 0.07736464
# [[23]]
# dynamic_logistic_medae
# 0.09995252
# [[24]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae
# 0.1106768
# [[25]]
# dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae
# 0.1028117
# [[26]]
# dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae
# 0.07785171
# [[27]]
# gmae
# 0.2361495
# [[28]]
# log_cosh_loss
# 0.0790236
# [[29]]
# regr.medae
# 0.1829431
# [[30]]
# regr.medse
# 0.03346817
# [[31]]
# regr.msle
# 0.07847667
# [[32]]
# regr.rmsle
# 0.2801369
# [[33]]
# regr.rae
# 4.352903
# [[34]]
# regr.rrse
# 1.636526
and the nested
models. Then we will rank all models’ composite
scores once again to find the best performing model.# Appending new models to measure_paths and weight_paths
measure_paths <- c(measure_paths, "core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.repeated_spcv_block.rds",
weight_paths <- c(weight_paths, "pareto_weights.xgb.repeated_spcv_block.rds",
# saveRDS(measure_paths, "measure_paths.rds")
# measure_paths <- readRDS("measure_paths.rds")
# saveRDS(weight_paths, "weight_paths.rds")
# weight_paths <- readRDS("weight_paths.rds")
# Now run the function with the updated paths
rank_model_performance(measure_paths, weight_paths)
# > rank_model_performance(measure_paths, weight_paths)
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range
# 0.04270959
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.sptcv_cstf.strat.block_id
# 0.07978097
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2_factor_range
# 0.08802429
# core_dynamic_measures_list.regr.custom_cv
# 0.09462228
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2.5_factor_range
# 0.09720351
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.repeated_spcv_block
# 0.12749315
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2.75_factor_range
# 0.13089406
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_coords
# 0.14963364
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.1.5_factor_range
# 0.21467543
# core_dynamic_measures_list.nested.spcv_block
# 0.29349961
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.3.5_factor_range
# 1.00000000
and nested spcv_block
models did not improve overall
performance beyond what the spcv_block
model achieved when
the range argument = 2.25 x the empirical range of spatial
autocorrelation. The latter is so far still found to be the best
performing model.spcv_block
cross-validation where the range
argument = 2.25 x the empirical range of spatial autocorrelation - we
will first use one feature selection algorithm and then
use two different feature importance algorithms to
subset the original feature set, to see if our best model’s performance
can be improved even further.spcv_block
Cross-Validation (Range Argument = 2.25 x
the Empirical Range)columns.xgb.attacks <- c("uniqueID",
data.attacks_train.fs <- final_net.sf.attacks_train[, columns.xgb.attacks]
data.attacks_test.fs <- final_net.sf.attacks_test[, columns.xgb.attacks]
for(col in columns.xgb.attacks) {
data.attacks_train.fs[[col]] <- as.numeric(data.attacks_train.fs[[col]])
data.attacks_test.fs[[col]] <- as.numeric(data.attacks_test.fs[[col]])
# Set the seed for reproducibility
data.regr.train <- data.attacks_train.fs
data.regr.test <- data.attacks_test.fs
data.regr.train$count_target <- as.numeric(data.attacks_train.fs[["countAttacks"]])
data.regr.test$count_target <- as.numeric(data.attacks_test.fs[["countAttacks"]])
data.regr.train <- data.regr.train %>% dplyr::select(-countAttacks, -NAME_2)
data.regr.test <- data.regr.test %>% dplyr::select(-countAttacks, -NAME_2)
data_centroids.regr.train <- st_centroid(data.regr.train)
data_centroids.regr.test <- st_centroid(data.regr.test)
projected_crs = "+proj=tmerc +lat_0=-0.6888125 +lon_0=29.0698245 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"
task_regr_train <- as_task_regr_st(data_centroids.regr.train, target = "count_target", coordinate_names = c("geometry"), crs = projected_crs, coords_as_features = FALSE, label= "count_model", drop_original_target = TRUE)
task_regr_train$set_col_roles("uniqueID", "order")
task_regr_test <- as_task_regr_st(data_centroids.regr.test, target = "count_target", coordinate_names = c("geometry"), crs = projected_crs, coords_as_features = FALSE, label= "count_model", drop_original_target = TRUE)
task_regr_test$set_col_roles("uniqueID", "order")
# Define a pipeline with scaling
pipeline <- po("scale", id = "scale")
pipeline_task_regr_train = pipeline$train(list(task_regr_train))[[1]]
resampling <- rsmp("spcv_block", range = 27373, folds = 10)
resampling_regr <- resampling$clone()
best_hyperparameters.xgb <- readRDS("best_hyperparameters.xgb.spcv_block.regular.2.25_factor_range.rds")
learner_fs <- lrn("regr.xgboost")
learner_fs$param_set$values <- as.list(best_hyperparameters.xgb)
# Feature Selection with the random search algorithm:
resampling_fs <- resampling$clone()
set.seed(123) # Make sure to set the seed again here or else the results will not be reproducible
dynamic_measure_names <- c("dynamic_quantile_loss", "dynamic_huber_loss", "dynamic_rmse", "dynamic_mae", "dynamic_mase")
dynamic_measures <- msrs(dynamic_measure_names)
instance_regr_fs = FSelectInstanceMultiCrit$new(
task = pipeline_task_regr_train,
learner = learner_fs,
resampling = resampling_fs,
measure = dynamic_measures,
terminator = trm("evals", n_evals = 500), # Total random feature set models to be evaluated
store_models = TRUE)
fs_best <- fs("random_search", batch_size = 50) # runs 50 models at a time
saveRDS(instance_regr_fs, "instance_regr_fs.xgb.rds", compress = TRUE)
# instance_regr_fs <- readRDS("instance_regr_fs.xgb.rds")
# Retrieve the archive of all evaluated feature sets
archive <-$archive)
feature_col <- c("features")
scores_cols <- dynamic_measure_names
normalized_cols <- paste0("normalized_", scores_cols)
# Function to identify outliers using the IQR method
identify_outliers <- function(x) {
q75 <- quantile(x, 0.75, na.rm = TRUE)
q25 <- quantile(x, 0.25, na.rm = TRUE)
iqr <- q75 - q25
lower_bound <- q25 - 1.5 * iqr
upper_bound <- q75 + 1.5 * iqr
return(x < lower_bound | x > upper_bound)
# Apply the outlier identification function to each metric column
outliers <- archive[, lapply(.SD, identify_outliers), .SDcols = scores_cols]
# Create a logical vector indicating rows to keep (non-outliers)
rows_to_keep <- !rowSums(outliers)
# Filter the dataset to remove outliers
archive_clean <- archive[rows_to_keep]
min_max_scale <- function(x) {
(x - min(x, na.rm = TRUE)) / (max(x, na.rm = TRUE) - min(x, na.rm = TRUE))
# Apply min-max scaling to the cleaned dataset
archive_clean[, (normalized_cols) := lapply(.SD, min_max_scale), .SDcols = scores_cols]
# Perform Pareto front selection on the normalized columns
pareto_indices.xgb <- fastNonDominatedSorting(as.matrix(archive_clean[, ..normalized_cols]))
# Extract Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_solutions.xgb <- archive_clean[pareto_indices.xgb[[1]], ]
# Assigning the Pareto front solutions directly to a learner
# Filter out only the hyperparameter columns necessary for the learner
pareto_features.xgb <- pareto_solutions.xgb[, ..feature_col, with = FALSE]
# Define the number of near-optimal solutions to include
N_near_optimal <- 50
# Function to calculate Euclidean distance between two points
euclidean_distance <- function(x, y) {
sqrt(sum((x - y) ^ 2))
# Extract normalized data for Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_data <- as.matrix(pareto_solutions.xgb[, ..normalized_cols])
# Extract normalized data for all solutions
all_data <- as.matrix(archive_clean[, ..normalized_cols])
# Calculate the minimum distance of each solution to the Pareto front
min_distances <- apply(all_data, 1, function(x) {
apply(pareto_data, 1, function(y) euclidean_distance(x, y)) %>% min()
# Add the distances to the data table
archive_clean[, distance_to_pareto := min_distances]
# Select top N near-optimal solutions based on distance to Pareto front.
near_optimal_solutions <- archive_clean[order(distance_to_pareto)][1:N_near_optimal]
# Apply PCA on the combined solutions
pca_result_combined <- prcomp([, ..normalized_cols]))
loadings_pc1_combined <- pca_result_combined$rotation[, 1]
loadings_pc2_combined <- pca_result_combined$rotation[, 2]
variance_pc1_combined <- summary(pca_result_combined)$importance[2, 1]
variance_pc2_combined <- summary(pca_result_combined)$importance[2, 2]
combined_weights <- variance_pc1_combined * abs(loadings_pc1_combined) + variance_pc2_combined * abs(loadings_pc2_combined)
pareto_weights <- combined_weights / sum(combined_weights) # Normalize to sum to 1
saveRDS(pareto_weights, "pareto_weights.xgb.fs.rds")
# pareto_weights <- readRDS("pareto_weights.xgb.fs.rds")
# Use these weights to calculate composite scores for only Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_solutions.xgb[, composite_score := as.matrix(.SD) %*% pareto_weights, .SDcols = normalized_cols]
# Find the best set of hyperparameters based on the lowest composite score
best_index.xgb <- which.min(pareto_solutions.xgb$composite_score)
best_solution.xgb <- pareto_solutions.xgb[best_index.xgb, ]
# Extract and print the best hyperparameters and their scores
best_features.xgb <- best_solution.xgb[, ..feature_col]
best_metrics.xgb <- best_solution.xgb[, ..scores_cols]
saveRDS(best_features.xgb, "best_features.xgb.fs.rds")
# best_features.xgb <- readRDS("best_features.xgb.fs.rds")
saveRDS(best_metrics.xgb, "best_metrics.xgb.fs.rds")
# best_metrics.xgb <- readRDS("best_metrics.xgb.fs.rds")
# Extract the feature names from the list within the data.table
features_list <- best_features.xgb$features[[1]]
# Format the features for printing
features_formatted <- paste(features_list, collapse = "\n")
# Format the metrics for printing
metrics_formatted <- sapply(names(best_metrics.xgb), function(col) {
sprintf("%s = %s", col, best_metrics.xgb[[col]])
# Combine hyperparameters and metrics into a single character vector
feature_metrics_descriptions.xgb <- c("\nOptimal Features:", features_formatted, "\nMetrics:", metrics_formatted)
print(length(features_list)) # 26 features were found to perform best on the training data using the optimally determined hyperparameters
# Print the parameters and metrics
cat("Optimal Features & Metrics for XGBoost Subsetted Model Using Random Search Feature Selection:\n", paste(feature_metrics_descriptions.xgb, collapse="\n"), "\n")
# Optimal Features & Metrics for XGBoost Subsetted Model Using Random Search Feature Selection:
# Optimal Features:
# attacks.HiSig
# attacks.HiSig.dist
# dist_to_nearest_camp
# dist_to_nearest_road
# mean_altitude
# mean_forest_height
# mean_pop_density
# mean_time_to_nearest_city
# min_distance_to_border
# num_of_min_groups
# total_3t_mines
# total_armed_clashes
# total_direct_strikes
# total_events_with_f_forces
# total_events_with_monusco
# total_events_with_s_forces
# total_gold_mines
# total_land_seizures
# total_mines
# unique_nsags
# weighted_harmonic_avg_distance_to_3t_mines
# weighted_harmonic_avg_distance_to_armed_clashes
# weighted_harmonic_avg_distance_to_gold_mines
# weighted_harmonic_avg_distance_to_land_seizures
# weighted_harmonic_avg_distances.f_forces
# weighted_harmonic_avg_distances.monusco
# Metrics:
# dynamic_quantile_loss = 3.56362686513082
# dynamic_huber_loss = 6.695289352725
# dynamic_rmse = 11.6759851999157
# dynamic_mae = 7.12725373026163
# dynamic_mase = 5.88211124404592
# Update tasks with selected features and retrain model
# Train the pipeline with selected features
pipeline_task_regr_train <- pipeline$train(list(task_regr_train))[[1]]
saveRDS(pipeline_task_regr_train, "pipeline_task_regr_train.xgb.fs.rds")
# Directly use the best solution to configure the learner
best_learner.xgb <- lrn("regr.xgboost")
best_learner.xgb$param_set$values <- as.list(best_hyperparameters.xgb)
set.seed(123) # Make sure to set the seed again here or else the results will not be reproducible
saveRDS(best_learner.xgb, "best_learner.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.after_training.fs.rds")
# best_learner.xgb <- readRDS("best_learner.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.after_training.fs.rds")
# Transform the test data using the pipeline in the same way the training data was transformed earlier
pipeline_task_regr_test <- pipeline$predict(list(task_regr_test))[[1]]
# Make predictions
test_predictions_regr <- best_learner.xgb$predict_newdata(newdata = pipeline_task_regr_test$data(), task = pipeline_task_regr_test)
saveRDS(test_predictions_regr, "test_predictions_regr-xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.fs.rds")
# test_predictions_regr <- readRDS("test_predictions_regr-xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.fs.rds")
# Core Metrics with which to Compare Models:
core_dynamic_measures_list.spcv_block <- list(
measure.dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_quantile_loss")),
measure.dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_huber_loss")),
measure.dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_rmse")),
measure.dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mae")),
measure.dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mase"))
saveRDS(core_dynamic_measures_list.spcv_block, "core_dynamic_measures_list.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.fs.rds")
# core_dynamic_measures_list.spcv_block <- readRDS("core_dynamic_measures_list.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.fs.rds")
# > print(core_dynamic_measures_list.spcv_block)
# [[1]]
# dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.1473809
# [[2]]
# dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.1622136
# [[3]]
# dynamic_rmse
# 1.032072
# [[4]]
# dynamic_mae
# 0.2947619
# [[5]]
# dynamic_mase
# 4.859525
# We can easily see just by comparing each of the above metrics to those of our best model (the regular spcv_block 2.25 x the empirical range model) that although the feature selection subsetted model was found to perform better during hyperparameter tuning on training data, on test data it performs more poorly.
# Recall that our best model had the following core dynamic metric scores:
# dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.1057474
# dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.1153928
# dynamic_rmse
# 0.7940919
# dynamic_mae
# 0.2114949
# dynamic_mase
# 3.486763
# Non-core metrics from predictions on unseen test data:
measures_list.spcv_block <- list(
# Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE)
measure.rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rmse")),
measure.dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_rmse")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_rmse")),
# Mean Squared Error (MSE)
measure.mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mse")),
measure.dynamic_mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mse")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mse")),
# Mean Absolute Error (MAE)
measure.mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mae")),
measure.dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mae")),
# Mean Absolute Scaled Error (MASE)
measure.mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mase")),
measure.dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mase")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mase")),
# Quantile Loss
measure.quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("quantile_loss")),
measure.dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_quantile_loss")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss")),
# Huber Loss
measure.huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("huber_loss")),
measure.dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_huber_loss")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss")),
# Logarithmic MedAE
measure.dynamic_logarithmic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_logarithmic_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae")),
# Sqrt MedAE
measure.dynamic_sqrt_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_sqrt_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae")),
# Logistic MedAE
measure.dynamic_logistic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_logistic_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae")),
# Polynomial MedAE
measure.dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae")),
measure.dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae")),
# Geometric Mean Absolute Error (GMAE)
measure.gmae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("gmae")),
# Log-Cosh Loss
measure.log_cosh_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("log_cosh_loss")),
# Other measures
measure.medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.medae")),
measure.medse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.medse")),
measure.msle <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.msle")),
measure.rmsle <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rmsle")),
measure.rae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rae")),
measure.rrse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rrse"))
saveRDS(measures_list.spcv_block, "measures_list.spcv_block.fs.rds")
# measures_list.spcv_block <- readRDS("measures_list.spcv_block.fs.rds")
# I will type "(Better)" or "(Worse)" under each metric output below to show whether the feature selection subsetted version of our best model performed better or worse on unseen test data. Of the 34 scored metrics, 23 of the feature selection subsetted model performed worse, while 9 performed better.
# > print(measures_list.spcv_block)
# [[1]]
# regr.rmse
# 0.7112527 (Worse)
# [[2]]
# dynamic_rmse
# 1.032072 (Worse)
# [[3]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_rmse
# 1.099905 (Worse)
# [[4]]
# regr.mse
# 0.5058804 (Worse)
# [[5]]
# dynamic_mse
# 1.065173 (Worse)
# [[6]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mse
# 1.209792 (Worse)
# [[7]]
# regr.mae
# 0.2199549 (Worse)
# [[8]]
# dynamic_mae
# 0.2947619 (Worse)
# [[9]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mae
# 0.3385343 (Worse)
# [[10]]
# regr.mase
# 3.626236 (Worse)
# [[11]]
# dynamic_mase
# 4.859525 (Worse)
# [[12]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mase
# 5.581169 (Worse)
# [[13]]
# quantile_loss
# 0.1099774 (Worse)
# [[14]]
# dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.1473809 (Worse)
# [[15]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.1991852 (Worse)
# [[16]]
# huber_loss
# 0.09931581 (Worse)
# [[17]]
# dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.1622136 (Worse)
# [[18]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.2925823 (Worse)
# [[19]]
# dynamic_logarithmic_medae
# 0.00004891316 (Better)
# [[20]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae
# 0.006401785 (Worse)
# [[21]]
# dynamic_sqrt_medae
# 0.006996133 (Better)
# [[22]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae
# 0.006996133 (Better)
# [[23]]
# dynamic_logistic_medae
# 0.01862427 (Better)
# [[24]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae
# 0.02003351 (Better)
# [[25]]
# dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae
# 0.01214278 (Better)
# [[26]]
# dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae
# 0.006996133 (Better)
# [[27]]
# gmae
# 0.1626341 (Worse)
# [[28]]
# log_cosh_loss
# 0.09214121 (Worse)
# [[29]]
# regr.medae
# 0.03657958 (Better)
# [[30]]
# regr.medse
# 0.001338066 (Better)
# [[31]]
# regr.msle
# NaN
# [[32]]
# regr.rmsle
# NaN
# [[33]]
# regr.rae
# 3.507474 (Worse)
# [[34]]
# regr.rrse
# 1.9724 (Worse)
# Now that we know which XGBoost model performs best, we can find the best features to use for subsetting the model:
# Load the fully trained model that performed best
best_learner.xgb <- readRDS("best_learner.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.after_training.rds")
model_regr_feature_imp <- best_learner.xgb$model
imp_matrix_regr <- xgb.importance(model = model_regr_feature_imp)
# saveRDS(imp_matrix_regr, "imp_matrix_regr.xgb.best_model.rds")
# imp_matrix_regr <- readRDS("imp_matrix_regr.xgb.best_model.rds")
saveRDS(model_regr_feature_imp, "model_regr_feature_imp.xgb.best_model.rds")
# Order by importance
imp_matrix_regr <- imp_matrix_regr[order(imp_matrix_regr$Gain, decreasing = TRUE), ]
# Calculate cumulative importance
imp_matrix_regr$cumsum <- cumsum(imp_matrix_regr$Gain) / sum(imp_matrix_regr$Gain)
# Set a cumulative importance threshold
threshold <- 0.90
# Identify features to keep
features_to_keep.gain <- imp_matrix_regr$Feature[imp_matrix_regr$cumsum <= threshold]
# saveRDS(imp_matrix_regr, "imp_matrix_regr.cumsum_added.rds")
# imp_matrix_regr <- readRDS("imp_matrix_regr.cumsum_added.rds")
# saveRDS(features_to_keep.gain, "features_to_keep.gain.rds")
# features_to_keep.gain <- readRDS("features_to_keep.gain.rds")
# Print the features to keep
# > print(features_to_keep.gain)
# [1] "total_events_with_s_forces"
# [2] "total_events_with_monusco"
# [3] "total_armed_clashes"
# [4] "unique_nsags"
# [5] "total_direct_strikes"
# [6] "total_events_with_f_forces"
# [7] "total_land_seizures"
# [8] "mean_altitude"
# [9] "weighted_harmonic_avg_distances.f_forces"
# [10] "mean_light"
# [11] "weighted_harmonic_avg_distance_to_gold_mines"
# Plotting the feature importance
ggplot(imp_matrix_regr, aes(x = reorder(Feature, Gain), y = Gain, fill = factor(cumsum <= threshold, levels = c(TRUE, FALSE)))) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
coord_flip() +
labs(x = "Feature", y = "Importance (Gain)", title = "Gain Feature Importance with Cumulative Threshold") +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("TRUE" = "cyan", "FALSE" = "salmon"),
name = "Cumulative Sum of Gain ≥ 90% Threshold",
labels = c("Above Threshold", "Below Threshold")) +
theme_minimal() +
plot.title = element_text(face = "bold")
, which consist of the following:[1] “total_events_with_s_forces” [2] “total_events_with_monusco” [3] “total_armed_clashes” [4] “unique_nsags” [5] “total_direct_strikes” [6] “total_events_with_f_forces” [7] “total_land_seizures” [8] “mean_altitude” [9] “weighted_harmonic_avg_distances.f_forces” [10] “mean_light” [11] “weighted_harmonic_avg_distance_to_gold_mines”
, which I will later use to subset
the original features to rerun my best performing model to see if
performance will be improved.[1] “mean_altitude”
[2] “weighted_harmonic_avg_distance_to_land_seizures” [3]
[4] “weighted_harmonic_avg_distances.monusco”
[5] “dist_to_nearest_camp”
[6] “total_land_seizures”
[7] “total_armed_mines”
[8] “total_direct_strikes”
[9] “total_mines”
with the features in
, with the resulting object named
, and will then run a version of
my best model with only these combined features. As seen in the code
chunk below, they include the following:[1] “total_events_with_s_forces”
[2] “total_events_with_monusco”
[3] “total_armed_clashes”
[4] “unique_nsags”
[5] “total_direct_strikes”
[6] “total_events_with_f_forces”
[7] “total_land_seizures”
[8] “mean_altitude”
[9] “weighted_harmonic_avg_distances.f_forces”
[10] “mean_light”
[11] “weighted_harmonic_avg_distance_to_gold_mines”
[12] “weighted_harmonic_avg_distance_to_land_seizures” [13]
[14] “weighted_harmonic_avg_distances.monusco”
[15] “dist_to_nearest_camp”
[16] “total_armed_mines”
[17] “total_mines”
weights.xgb <- readRDS("pareto_weights.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.rds")
# Check the weights near and on the pareto optimal front - they will tell you which metric contained the most variance, and therefore which metric was most important for measuring performance. Use this metric to create a custom iml library-based permutation importance loss function.
print(weights.xgb[order(weights.xgb, decreasing = TRUE)])
# > print(weights.xgb[order(weights.xgb, decreasing = TRUE)])
# normalized_dynamic_rmse normalized_dynamic_mae
# 0.2980289 0.1838712
# normalized_dynamic_quantile_loss normalized_dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.1838712 0.1798773
# normalized_dynamic_mase
# 0.1543513
# For the iml library, features and target should be separated
pipeline_task_regr_test <- readRDS("pipeline_task_regr_test.spcv_block.2.25.transformed_after_training.rds")
scaled.data_centroids.regr.test_features <-$data()) %>%
scaled.data_centroids.regr.test_target <-$data()$count_target)
# Define the predictor:
predictor <- Predictor$new(
model = best_learner.xgb,
data = scaled.data_centroids.regr.test_features,
y = scaled.data_centroids.regr.test_target, = function(model, newdata) {
predict(model, newdata)
# Define the custom Dynamic RMSE function
dynamic_rmse <- function(prediction, truth, ...) {
# Adjust weights based on observed count
weights <- ifelse(truth > 0, 1 + truth, 1)
# Calculate RMSE with the dynamic weights
calculate_d_rmse <- sqrt(mean((truth - prediction)^2 * weights))
set.seed(123) # It is once again critical to set the seed here to ensure reproducible results
# Calculate feature importance using the custom Dynamic RMSE function
perm_imp_dynamic_rmse <- FeatureImp$new(
predictor = predictor,
loss = dynamic_rmse,
compare = "ratio",
n.repetitions = 100 # 100 would be considered a good value here. 150 ensures an even more robust result
saveRDS(perm_imp_dynamic_rmse, "perm_imp_dynamic_rmse.best_model.xgb.rds")
saveRDS(perm_imp_dynamic_rmse[["results"]], "perm_imp_dynamic_rmse.results.best_model.xgb.rds")
# perm_imp_dynamic_rmse <- readRDS("perm_imp_dynamic_rmse.best_model.xgb.rds")
# Access the 'results' element
perm_imp_results <- perm_imp_dynamic_rmse$results
# Filter the data frame to show only 'feature' and 'importance' columns where 'importance' > 1
perm_imp_results.filtered <- perm_imp_results[perm_imp_results$importance > 1, c("feature", "importance")]
# Display the filtered DataFrame
# > print(perm_imp_results.filtered)
# feature importance
# 1 mean_altitude 1.280100
# 2 weighted_harmonic_avg_distance_to_land_seizures 1.058045
# 3 weighted_harmonic_avg_distance_to_NSAGs 1.042984
# 4 weighted_harmonic_avg_distances.monusco 1.027952
# 5 dist_to_nearest_camp 1.006122
# 6 total_land_seizures 1.002465
# 7 total_armed_mines 1.000107
# 8 total_direct_strikes 1.000037
# 9 total_mines 1.000014
# Combine the features found above, without duplicating feature names:
features_to_keep.perm_imp <- perm_imp_results[perm_imp_results$importance > 1, c("feature")]
saveRDS(features_to_keep.perm_imp, "features_to_keep.perm_imp.rds")
# features_to_keep.perm_imp <- readRDS("features_to_keep.perm_imp.rds")
# > print(features_to_keep.perm_imp)
# [1] "mean_altitude"
# [2] "weighted_harmonic_avg_distance_to_land_seizures"
# [3] "weighted_harmonic_avg_distance_to_NSAGs"
# [4] "weighted_harmonic_avg_distances.monusco"
# [5] "dist_to_nearest_camp"
# [6] "total_land_seizures"
# [7] "total_armed_mines"
# [8] "total_direct_strikes"
# [9] "total_mines"
# Combine all vectors without duplicates
features_to_keep.combined <- union(features_to_keep.gain,
# The combined vector of important features:
# > print(features_to_keep.combined)
# [1] "total_events_with_s_forces"
# [2] "total_events_with_monusco"
# [3] "total_armed_clashes"
# [4] "unique_nsags"
# [5] "total_direct_strikes"
# [6] "total_events_with_f_forces"
# [7] "total_land_seizures"
# [8] "mean_altitude"
# [9] "weighted_harmonic_avg_distances.f_forces"
# [10] "mean_light"
# [11] "weighted_harmonic_avg_distance_to_gold_mines"
# [12] "weighted_harmonic_avg_distance_to_land_seizures"
# [13] "weighted_harmonic_avg_distance_to_NSAGs"
# [14] "weighted_harmonic_avg_distances.monusco"
# [15] "dist_to_nearest_camp"
# [16] "total_armed_mines"
# [17] "total_mines"
# We started with 33 features in total, and we have reduced the number of features to 17.
# To this we add the following critical column names:
features_to_keep.combined <- union(c("uniqueID", "NAME_2", "countAttacks"), features_to_keep.combined)
# Before proceeding, I must acknowledge that if time had permitted it would have been better to perform feature selection exactly at the same time as hyperparameter tuning occurs, as this would examine the performance of a large variety of combinations of feature sets and hyperparameter values for each of these feature sets simultaneously.
png("perm_imp_dynamic_rmse.png", width = 800, height = 800)
# Generate the feature importance plot first
feature_imp_plot <- plot(perm_imp_dynamic_rmse)
# Now modify the plot to add the correct x-axis label and a title
feature_imp_plot +
ggtitle("Permutation Feature Importance: Dynamic RMSE") + # Add the title
theme(plot.title = element_text(face = "bold", size = 14)) + # Make the title bold
scale_x_continuous(name = "Feature Importance (Weighted Dynamic RMSE)") + # Force new x-axis label
theme(axis.title.x = element_text(size = 12))
features_to_keep.gain <- union(c("uniqueID", "NAME_2", "countAttacks"), features_to_keep.gain)
data.attacks_train.sub <- final_net.sf.attacks_train[, features_to_keep.gain]
data.attacks_test.sub <- final_net.sf.attacks_test[, features_to_keep.gain]
# Set the seed for reproducibility
data.regr.train <- data.attacks_train.sub
data.regr.test <- data.attacks_test.sub
data.regr.train$count_target <- as.numeric(data.attacks_train[["countAttacks"]])
data.regr.test$count_target <- as.numeric(data.attacks_test[["countAttacks"]])
data.regr.train <- data.regr.train %>% dplyr::select(-countAttacks, -NAME_2)
data.regr.test <- data.regr.test %>% dplyr::select(-countAttacks, -NAME_2)
data_centroids.regr.train <- st_centroid(data.regr.train)
data_centroids.regr.test <- st_centroid(data.regr.test)
projected_crs = "+proj=tmerc +lat_0=-0.6888125 +lon_0=29.0698245 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"
task_regr_train <- as_task_regr_st(data_centroids.regr.train, target = "count_target", coordinate_names = c("geometry"), crs = projected_crs, coords_as_features = FALSE, label= "count_model", drop_original_target = TRUE)
task_regr_train$set_col_roles("uniqueID", "order")
task_regr_test <- as_task_regr_st(data_centroids.regr.test, target = "count_target", coordinate_names = c("geometry"), crs = projected_crs, coords_as_features = FALSE, label= "count_model", drop_original_target = TRUE)
task_regr_test$set_col_roles("uniqueID", "order")
# Define a pipeline with scaling
pipeline <- po("scale", id = "scale")
pipeline_task_regr_train = pipeline$train(list(task_regr_train))[[1]]
resampling_regr <- rsmp("spcv_block", range = 27373, folds = 10)
learner_regr_train <- lrn("regr.xgboost",
nrounds = to_tune(p_int(50, 2000, tags = "budget")),
eta = to_tune(1e-4, 1),
max_depth = to_tune(3, 40),
colsample_bytree = to_tune(0.2, 1),
gamma = to_tune(1e-3, 15),
min_child_weight = to_tune(1e-3, 10),
subsample = to_tune(0.2, 1),
scale_pos_weight = to_tune(1, 300)
graph_learner <- GraphLearner$new(pipeline %>>% learner_regr_train)
dynamic_measure_names <- c("dynamic_quantile_loss", "dynamic_huber_loss", "dynamic_rmse", "dynamic_mae", "dynamic_mase")
dynamic_measures <- msrs(dynamic_measure_names)
if (future::supportsMulticore()) {
future::plan(future::multicore, workers = 6)
} else {
future::plan(future::multisession, workers = 6)
instance.multi_tuning <- TuningInstanceBatchMultiCrit$new(
task = pipeline_task_regr_train,
learner = graph_learner,
resampling = resampling_regr,
measures = dynamic_measures,
terminator = trm("none"),
store_models = TRUE,
check_values = TRUE
tuner <- tnr("hyperband")
saveRDS(instance.multi_tuning, "instance.multi_tuning-xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.gain.rds", compress = TRUE)
# instance.multi_tuning <- readRDS("instance.multi_tuning-xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.gain.rds")
# Process results
archive_regr <-$archive)
saveRDS(archive_regr, "archive_regr-xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.gain.rds", compress=TRUE)
archive_regr <- readRDS("archive_regr-xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.gain.rds")
param_cols <- c("regr.xgboost.eta", "regr.xgboost.max_depth", "regr.xgboost.colsample_bytree", "regr.xgboost.gamma", "regr.xgboost.min_child_weight",
"regr.xgboost.subsample", "regr.xgboost.scale_pos_weight", "regr.xgboost.nrounds")
scores_cols <- dynamic_measure_names
normalized_cols <- paste0("normalized_", scores_cols)
# Function to identify outliers using the IQR method
identify_outliers <- function(x) {
q75 <- quantile(x, 0.75, na.rm = TRUE)
q25 <- quantile(x, 0.25, na.rm = TRUE)
iqr <- q75 - q25
lower_bound <- q25 - 1.5 * iqr
upper_bound <- q75 + 1.5 * iqr
return(x < lower_bound | x > upper_bound)
# Apply the outlier identification function to each metric column
outliers <- archive_regr[, lapply(.SD, identify_outliers), .SDcols = scores_cols]
# Create a logical vector indicating rows to keep (non-outliers)
rows_to_keep <- !rowSums(outliers)
# Filter the dataset to remove outliers
archive_regr_clean <- archive_regr[rows_to_keep]
min_max_scale <- function(x) {
(x - min(x, na.rm = TRUE)) / (max(x, na.rm = TRUE) - min(x, na.rm = TRUE))
# Apply min-max scaling to the cleaned dataset
archive_regr_clean[, (normalized_cols) := lapply(.SD, min_max_scale), .SDcols = scores_cols]
# Perform Pareto front selection on the normalized columns
pareto_indices.xgb <- fastNonDominatedSorting(as.matrix(archive_regr_clean[, ..normalized_cols]))
# Extract Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_solutions.xgb <- archive_regr_clean[pareto_indices.xgb[[1]], ]
# Define the number of near-optimal solutions to include
N_near_optimal <- 50
# Function to calculate Euclidean distance between two points
euclidean_distance <- function(x, y) {
sqrt(sum((x - y) ^ 2))
# Extract normalized data for Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_data <- as.matrix(pareto_solutions.xgb[, ..normalized_cols])
# Extract normalized data for all solutions
all_data <- as.matrix(archive_regr_clean[, ..normalized_cols])
# Calculate the minimum distance of each solution to the Pareto front
min_distances <- apply(all_data, 1, function(x) {
apply(pareto_data, 1, function(y) euclidean_distance(x, y)) %>% min()
# Add the distances to the data table
archive_regr_clean[, distance_to_pareto := min_distances]
# Select top N near-optimal solutions based on distance to Pareto front.
near_optimal_solutions <- archive_regr_clean[order(distance_to_pareto)][1:N_near_optimal]
# Apply PCA on the combined solutions
pca_result_combined <- prcomp([, ..normalized_cols]))
loadings_pc1_combined <- pca_result_combined$rotation[, 1]
loadings_pc2_combined <- pca_result_combined$rotation[, 2]
variance_pc1_combined <- summary(pca_result_combined)$importance[2, 1]
variance_pc2_combined <- summary(pca_result_combined)$importance[2, 2]
combined_weights <- variance_pc1_combined * abs(loadings_pc1_combined) + variance_pc2_combined * abs(loadings_pc2_combined)
pareto_weights <- combined_weights / sum(combined_weights) # Normalize to sum to 1
# Use these weights to calculate composite scores for only Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_solutions.xgb[, composite_score := as.matrix(.SD) %*% pareto_weights, .SDcols = normalized_cols]
# Find the best set of hyperparameters based on the lowest composite score
best_index.xgb <- which.min(pareto_solutions.xgb$composite_score)
best_solution.xgb <- pareto_solutions.xgb[best_index.xgb, ]
saveRDS(pareto_weights, "pareto_weights.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.gain.rds")
# pareto_weights <- readRDS("pareto_weights.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.gain.rds")
print(pareto_weights[order(pareto_weights, decreasing = TRUE)])
# Extract and print the best hyperparameters and their scores
best_hyperparameters.xgb <- best_solution.xgb[, ..param_cols]
best_metrics.xgb <- best_solution.xgb[, ..scores_cols]
names(best_hyperparameters.xgb) <- gsub("^regr.xgboost\\.", "", names(best_hyperparameters.xgb))
saveRDS(best_hyperparameters.xgb, "best_hyperparameters.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.gain.rds")
saveRDS(best_metrics.xgb, "best_metrics.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.gain.rds")
# Format the hyperparameters for printing
params.xgb <- sprintf(
"eta = %s\nmax_depth = %s\ncolsample_bytree = %s\ngamma = %s\nmin_child_weight = %s\nsubsample = %s\nscale_pos_weight = %s\nnrounds = %s",
# Format the metrics for printing
metrics.xgb <- sapply(names(best_metrics.xgb), function(col) {
sprintf("%s = %s", col, best_metrics.xgb[[col]])
# Combine hyperparameters and metrics into a single character vector
param_metrics_descriptions.xgb <- c("\nOptimal Hyperparameters:", params.xgb, "\nMetrics:", metrics.xgb)
# Print the parameters and metrics
cat("Best Parameters & Metrics for XGBoost Subsetted Model with spcv_block Cross-Validation with a Factor of 2.25 x the Empirical Range Using XGBoost Gain:\n", paste(param_metrics_descriptions.xgb, collapse="\n"), "\n")
# Best Parameters & Metrics for XGBoost Subsetted Model with spcv_block Cross-Validation with a Factor of 2.25 x the Empirical Range Using XGBoost Gain:
# Optimal Hyperparameters:
# eta = 0.643682367532304
# max_depth = 12
# colsample_bytree = 0.954597762227058
# gamma = 14.1496603342169
# min_child_weight = 1.53432851467538
# subsample = 0.678017574548721
# scale_pos_weight = 131.170994270127
# nrounds = 250
# Metrics:
# dynamic_quantile_loss = 3.61616103174115
# dynamic_huber_loss = 6.72566349302589
# dynamic_rmse = 12.2320288183564
# dynamic_mae = 7.2323220634823
# dynamic_mase = 6.34318920603685
# Save the formatted description to an RDS file
saveRDS(param_metrics_descriptions.xgb, "params_metrics.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.gain.rds")
# param_metrics_descriptions.xgb <- readRDS("params_metrics.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.gain.rds")
# Directly use the best solution to configure the learner
best_learner.xgb <- lrn("regr.xgboost")
best_learner.xgb$param_set$values <- as.list(best_hyperparameters.xgb)
set.seed(123) # Make sure to set the seed again here or else the results will not be reproducible
saveRDS(best_learner.xgb, "best_learner.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.gain.after_training.rds")
# best_learner.xgb <- readRDS("best_learner.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.gain.after_training.rds")
# Transform the test data using the pipeline in the same way the training data was transformed earlier
pipeline_task_regr_test <- pipeline$predict(list(task_regr_test))[[1]]
# Make predictions
test_predictions_regr <- best_learner.xgb$predict_newdata(newdata = pipeline_task_regr_test$data(), task = pipeline_task_regr_test)
saveRDS(test_predictions_regr, "test_predictions_regr-xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.gain.rds")
# test_predictions_regr <- readRDS("test_predictions_regr-xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.gain.rds")
# Core Metrics with which to Compare Models:
core_dynamic_measures_list.spcv_block <- list(
measure.dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_quantile_loss")),
measure.dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_huber_loss")),
measure.dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_rmse")),
measure.dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mae")),
measure.dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mase"))
saveRDS(core_dynamic_measures_list.spcv_block, "core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.gain.rds")
# core_dynamic_measures_list.spcv_block <- readRDS("core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.gain.rds")
# Notably, once again all 5 tuning metrics of the Gain subsetted model are worse than the non-subsetted model.
# > print(core_dynamic_measures_list.spcv_block)
# [[1]]
# dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.1674986
# [[2]]
# dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.1576851
# [[3]]
# dynamic_rmse
# 0.9551795
# [[4]]
# dynamic_mae
# 0.3349972
# [[5]]
# dynamic_mase
# 5.522856
# Non-core metrics from predictions on unseen test data:
measures_list.spcv_block <- list(
# Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE)
measure.rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rmse")),
measure.dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_rmse")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_rmse")),
# Mean Squared Error (MSE)
measure.mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mse")),
measure.dynamic_mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mse")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mse")),
# Mean Absolute Error (MAE)
measure.mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mae")),
measure.dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mae")),
# Mean Absolute Scaled Error (MASE)
measure.mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mase")),
measure.dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mase")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mase")),
# Quantile Loss
measure.quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("quantile_loss")),
measure.dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_quantile_loss")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss")),
# Huber Loss
measure.huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("huber_loss")),
measure.dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_huber_loss")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss")),
# Logarithmic MedAE
measure.dynamic_logarithmic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_logarithmic_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae")),
# Sqrt MedAE
measure.dynamic_sqrt_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_sqrt_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae")),
# Logistic MedAE
measure.dynamic_logistic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_logistic_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae")),
# Polynomial MedAE
measure.dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae")),
measure.dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae")),
# Geometric Mean Absolute Error (GMAE)
measure.gmae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("gmae")),
# Log-Cosh Loss
measure.log_cosh_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("log_cosh_loss")),
# Other measures
measure.medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.medae")),
measure.medse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.medse")),
measure.msle <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.msle")),
measure.rmsle <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rmsle")),
measure.rae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rae")),
measure.rrse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rrse"))
saveRDS(measures_list.spcv_block, "measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.gain.rds")
# measures_list.spcv_block <- readRDS("measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.gain.rds")
# Below, I once again denote whether each test set metric score performs better or worse than the non-subsetted best model:
# > print(measures_list.spcv_block)
# [[1]]
# regr.rmse
# 0.5139954 (Slightly better)
# [[2]]
# dynamic_rmse
# 0.9551795 (Worse)
# [[3]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_rmse
# 1.273425 (Worse)
# [[4]]
# regr.mse
# 0.2641912 (Slightly better)
# [[5]]
# dynamic_mse
# 0.9123679 (Worse)
# [[6]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mse
# 1.621612 (Worse)
# [[7]]
# regr.mae
# 0.2415807 (Worse)
# [[8]]
# dynamic_mae
# 0.3349972 (Worse)
# [[9]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mae
# 0.4528566 (Worse)
# [[10]]
# regr.mase
# 3.982766 (Worse)
# [[11]]
# dynamic_mase
# 5.522856 (Worse)
# [[12]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mase
# 7.465918 (Worse)
# [[13]]
# quantile_loss
# 0.1207903 (Worse)
# [[14]]
# dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.1674986 (Worse)
# [[15]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.1923183 (Worse)
# [[16]]
# huber_loss
# 0.07777908 (Worse)
# [[17]]
# dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.1576851 (Worse)
# [[18]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.2266305 (Worse)
# [[19]]
# dynamic_logarithmic_medae
# 0.001136498 (Worse)
# [[20]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae
# 0.0241329 (Worse)
# [[21]]
# dynamic_sqrt_medae
# 0.03380381 (Worse)
# [[22]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae
# 0.0296876 (Worse)
# [[23]]
# dynamic_logistic_medae
# 0.05500338 (Worse)
# [[24]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae
# 0.06065145 (Worse)
# [[25]]
# dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae
# 0.04409607 (Worse)
# [[26]]
# dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae
# 0.03264673 (Worse)
# [[27]]
# gmae
# 0.2059591 (Worse)
# [[28]]
# log_cosh_loss
# 0.07179341 (Worse)
# [[29]]
# regr.medae
# 0.1045467 (Worse)
# [[30]]
# regr.medse
# 0.01093002 (Worse)
# [[31]]
# regr.msle
# NaN
# [[32]]
# regr.rmsle
# NaN
# [[33]]
# regr.rae
# 3.852327 (Worse)
# [[34]]
# regr.rrse
# 1.425379 (Slightly better)
features_to_keep.perm_imp <- union(c("uniqueID", "NAME_2", "countAttacks"), features_to_keep.perm_imp)
data.attacks_train.sub <- final_net.sf.attacks_train[, features_to_keep.perm_imp]
data.attacks_test.sub <- final_net.sf.attacks_test[, features_to_keep.perm_imp]
# Set the seed for reproducibility
data.regr.train <- data.attacks_train.sub
data.regr.test <- data.attacks_test.sub
data.regr.train$count_target <- as.numeric(data.attacks_train[["countAttacks"]])
data.regr.test$count_target <- as.numeric(data.attacks_test[["countAttacks"]])
data.regr.train <- data.regr.train %>% dplyr::select(-countAttacks, -NAME_2)
data.regr.test <- data.regr.test %>% dplyr::select(-countAttacks, -NAME_2)
data_centroids.regr.train <- st_centroid(data.regr.train)
data_centroids.regr.test <- st_centroid(data.regr.test)
projected_crs = "+proj=tmerc +lat_0=-0.6888125 +lon_0=29.0698245 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"
task_regr_train <- as_task_regr_st(data_centroids.regr.train, target = "count_target", coordinate_names = c("geometry"), crs = projected_crs, coords_as_features = FALSE, label= "count_model", drop_original_target = TRUE)
task_regr_train$set_col_roles("uniqueID", "order")
task_regr_test <- as_task_regr_st(data_centroids.regr.test, target = "count_target", coordinate_names = c("geometry"), crs = projected_crs, coords_as_features = FALSE, label= "count_model", drop_original_target = TRUE)
task_regr_test$set_col_roles("uniqueID", "order")
# Define a pipeline with scaling
pipeline <- po("scale", id = "scale")
pipeline_task_regr_train = pipeline$train(list(task_regr_train))[[1]]
resampling_regr <- rsmp("spcv_block", range = 27373, folds = 10)
learner_regr_train <- lrn("regr.xgboost",
nrounds = to_tune(p_int(50, 2000, tags = "budget")),
eta = to_tune(1e-4, 1),
max_depth = to_tune(3, 40),
colsample_bytree = to_tune(0.2, 1),
gamma = to_tune(1e-3, 15),
min_child_weight = to_tune(1e-3, 10),
subsample = to_tune(0.2, 1),
scale_pos_weight = to_tune(1, 300)
graph_learner <- GraphLearner$new(pipeline %>>% learner_regr_train)
dynamic_measure_names <- c("dynamic_quantile_loss", "dynamic_huber_loss", "dynamic_rmse", "dynamic_mae", "dynamic_mase")
dynamic_measures <- msrs(dynamic_measure_names)
if (future::supportsMulticore()) {
future::plan(future::multicore, workers = 6)
} else {
future::plan(future::multisession, workers = 6)
instance.multi_tuning <- TuningInstanceBatchMultiCrit$new(
task = pipeline_task_regr_train,
learner = graph_learner,
resampling = resampling_regr,
measures = dynamic_measures,
terminator = trm("none"),
store_models = TRUE,
check_values = TRUE
tuner <- tnr("hyperband")
saveRDS(instance.multi_tuning, "instance.multi_tuning-xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.perm_imp.rds", compress = TRUE)
# instance.multi_tuning <- readRDS("instance.multi_tuning-xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.perm_imp.rds")
# Process results
archive_regr <-$archive)
saveRDS(archive_regr, "archive_regr-xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.perm_imp.rds", compress=TRUE)
# archive_regr <- readRDS("archive_regr-xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.perm_imp.rds")
param_cols <- c("regr.xgboost.eta", "regr.xgboost.max_depth", "regr.xgboost.colsample_bytree", "regr.xgboost.gamma", "regr.xgboost.min_child_weight",
"regr.xgboost.subsample", "regr.xgboost.scale_pos_weight", "regr.xgboost.nrounds")
scores_cols <- dynamic_measure_names
normalized_cols <- paste0("normalized_", scores_cols)
# Function to identify outliers using the IQR method
identify_outliers <- function(x) {
q75 <- quantile(x, 0.75, na.rm = TRUE)
q25 <- quantile(x, 0.25, na.rm = TRUE)
iqr <- q75 - q25
lower_bound <- q25 - 1.5 * iqr
upper_bound <- q75 + 1.5 * iqr
return(x < lower_bound | x > upper_bound)
# Apply the outlier identification function to each metric column
outliers <- archive_regr[, lapply(.SD, identify_outliers), .SDcols = scores_cols]
# Create a logical vector indicating rows to keep (non-outliers)
rows_to_keep <- !rowSums(outliers)
# Filter the dataset to remove outliers
archive_regr_clean <- archive_regr[rows_to_keep]
min_max_scale <- function(x) {
(x - min(x, na.rm = TRUE)) / (max(x, na.rm = TRUE) - min(x, na.rm = TRUE))
# Apply min-max scaling to the cleaned dataset
archive_regr_clean[, (normalized_cols) := lapply(.SD, min_max_scale), .SDcols = scores_cols]
# Perform Pareto front selection on the normalized columns
pareto_indices.xgb <- fastNonDominatedSorting(as.matrix(archive_regr_clean[, ..normalized_cols]))
# Extract Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_solutions.xgb <- archive_regr_clean[pareto_indices.xgb[[1]], ]
# Define the number of near-optimal solutions to include
N_near_optimal <- 50
# Function to calculate Euclidean distance between two points
euclidean_distance <- function(x, y) {
sqrt(sum((x - y) ^ 2))
# Extract normalized data for Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_data <- as.matrix(pareto_solutions.xgb[, ..normalized_cols])
# Extract normalized data for all solutions
all_data <- as.matrix(archive_regr_clean[, ..normalized_cols])
# Calculate the minimum distance of each solution to the Pareto front
min_distances <- apply(all_data, 1, function(x) {
apply(pareto_data, 1, function(y) euclidean_distance(x, y)) %>% min()
# Add the distances to the data table
archive_regr_clean[, distance_to_pareto := min_distances]
# Select top N near-optimal solutions based on distance to Pareto front.
near_optimal_solutions <- archive_regr_clean[order(distance_to_pareto)][1:N_near_optimal]
# Apply PCA on the combined solutions
pca_result_combined <- prcomp([, ..normalized_cols]))
loadings_pc1_combined <- pca_result_combined$rotation[, 1]
loadings_pc2_combined <- pca_result_combined$rotation[, 2]
variance_pc1_combined <- summary(pca_result_combined)$importance[2, 1]
variance_pc2_combined <- summary(pca_result_combined)$importance[2, 2]
combined_weights <- variance_pc1_combined * abs(loadings_pc1_combined) + variance_pc2_combined * abs(loadings_pc2_combined)
pareto_weights <- combined_weights / sum(combined_weights) # Normalize to sum to 1
# Use these weights to calculate composite scores for only Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_solutions.xgb[, composite_score := as.matrix(.SD) %*% pareto_weights, .SDcols = normalized_cols]
# Find the best set of hyperparameters based on the lowest composite score
best_index.xgb <- which.min(pareto_solutions.xgb$composite_score)
best_solution.xgb <- pareto_solutions.xgb[best_index.xgb, ]
saveRDS(pareto_weights, "pareto_weights.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.perm_imp.rds")
# pareto_weights <- readRDS("pareto_weights.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.perm_imp.rds")
print(pareto_weights[order(pareto_weights, decreasing = TRUE)])
# Extract and print the best hyperparameters and their scores
best_hyperparameters.xgb <- best_solution.xgb[, ..param_cols]
best_metrics.xgb <- best_solution.xgb[, ..scores_cols]
names(best_hyperparameters.xgb) <- gsub("^regr.xgboost\\.", "", names(best_hyperparameters.xgb))
saveRDS(best_hyperparameters.xgb, "best_hyperparameters.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.perm_imp.rds")
saveRDS(best_metrics.xgb, "best_metrics.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.perm_imp.rds")
# Format the hyperparameters for printing
params.xgb <- sprintf(
"eta = %s\nmax_depth = %s\ncolsample_bytree = %s\ngamma = %s\nmin_child_weight = %s\nsubsample = %s\nscale_pos_weight = %s\nnrounds = %s",
# Format the metrics for printing
metrics.xgb <- sapply(names(best_metrics.xgb), function(col) {
sprintf("%s = %s", col, best_metrics.xgb[[col]])
# Combine hyperparameters and metrics into a single character vector
param_metrics_descriptions.xgb <- c("\nOptimal Hyperparameters:", params.xgb, "\nMetrics:", metrics.xgb)
# Print the parameters and metrics
cat("Best Parameters & Metrics for XGBoost Subsetted Model (Permutation Importance) with spcv_block Cross-Validation with a Factor of 2.25 x the Empirical Range Using XGBoost Gain:\n", paste(param_metrics_descriptions.xgb, collapse="\n"), "\n")
# Best Parameters & Metrics for XGBoost Subsetted Model (Permutation Importance) with spcv_block Cross-Validation with a Factor of 2.25 x the Empirical Range Using XGBoost Gain:
# Optimal Hyperparameters:
# eta = 0.271060458491556
# max_depth = 11
# colsample_bytree = 0.947688123770058
# gamma = 8.18033684212784
# min_child_weight = 8.42622329470422
# subsample = 0.405552423559129
# scale_pos_weight = 296.005780209554
# nrounds = 62
# Metrics:
# dynamic_quantile_loss = 5.92321452354083
# dynamic_huber_loss = 11.2416453659616
# dynamic_rmse = 19.4827860241996
# dynamic_mae = 11.8464290470817
# dynamic_mase = 10.0883357995053
# Save the formatted description to an RDS file
saveRDS(param_metrics_descriptions.xgb, "params_metrics.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.perm_imp.rds")
# param_metrics_descriptions.xgb <- readRDS("params_metrics.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.perm_imp.rds")
# Directly use the best solution to configure the learner
best_learner.xgb <- lrn("regr.xgboost")
best_learner.xgb$param_set$values <- as.list(best_hyperparameters.xgb)
set.seed(123) # Make sure to set the seed again here or else the results will not be reproducible
saveRDS(best_learner.xgb, "best_learner.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.perm_imp.after_training.rds")
# best_learner.xgb <- readRDS("best_learner.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.perm_imp.after_training.rds")
# Transform the test data using the pipeline in the same way the training data was transformed earlier
pipeline_task_regr_test <- pipeline$predict(list(task_regr_test))[[1]]
# Make predictions
test_predictions_regr <- best_learner.xgb$predict_newdata(newdata = pipeline_task_regr_test$data(), task = pipeline_task_regr_test)
saveRDS(test_predictions_regr, "test_predictions_regr-xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.perm_imp.rds")
# test_predictions_regr <- readRDS("test_predictions_regr-xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.perm_imp.rds")
# Core Metrics with which to Compare Models:
core_dynamic_measures_list.spcv_block <- list(
measure.dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_quantile_loss")),
measure.dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_huber_loss")),
measure.dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_rmse")),
measure.dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mae")),
measure.dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mase"))
saveRDS(core_dynamic_measures_list.spcv_block, "core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.perm_imp.rds")
# core_dynamic_measures_list.spcv_block <- readRDS("core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.perm_imp.rds")
# Again, all 5 tuning metrics of the dynamic_rmse permutation importance subsetted model are worse than the non-subsetted model. They are also worse then Gain subsetted model.
# > print(core_dynamic_measures_list.spcv_block)
# [[1]]
# dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.2998319
# [[2]]
# dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.336149
# [[3]]
# dynamic_rmse
# 1.575384
# [[4]]
# dynamic_mae
# 0.5996637
# [[5]]
# dynamic_mase
# 9.886221
# Non-core metrics from predictions on unseen test data:
measures_list.spcv_block <- list(
# Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE)
measure.rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rmse")),
measure.dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_rmse")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_rmse")),
# Mean Squared Error (MSE)
measure.mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mse")),
measure.dynamic_mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mse")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mse")),
# Mean Absolute Error (MAE)
measure.mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mae")),
measure.dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mae")),
# Mean Absolute Scaled Error (MASE)
measure.mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mase")),
measure.dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mase")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mase")),
# Quantile Loss
measure.quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("quantile_loss")),
measure.dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_quantile_loss")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss")),
# Huber Loss
measure.huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("huber_loss")),
measure.dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_huber_loss")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss")),
# Logarithmic MedAE
measure.dynamic_logarithmic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_logarithmic_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae")),
# Sqrt MedAE
measure.dynamic_sqrt_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_sqrt_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae")),
# Logistic MedAE
measure.dynamic_logistic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_logistic_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae")),
# Polynomial MedAE
measure.dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae")),
measure.dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae")),
# Geometric Mean Absolute Error (GMAE)
measure.gmae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("gmae")),
# Log-Cosh Loss
measure.log_cosh_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("log_cosh_loss")),
# Other measures
measure.medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.medae")),
measure.medse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.medse")),
measure.msle <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.msle")),
measure.rmsle <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rmsle")),
measure.rae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rae")),
measure.rrse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rrse"))
saveRDS(measures_list.spcv_block, "measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.perm_imp.rds")
# measures_list.spcv_block <- readRDS("measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.perm_imp.rds")
# > print(measures_list.spcv_block)
# [[1]]
# regr.rmse
# 1.086971
# [[2]]
# dynamic_rmse
# 1.575384
# [[3]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_rmse
# 1.754457
# [[4]]
# regr.mse
# 1.181506
# [[5]]
# dynamic_mse
# 2.481834
# [[6]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mse
# 3.078119
# [[7]]
# regr.mae
# 0.4671672
# [[8]]
# dynamic_mae
# 0.5996637
# [[9]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mae
# 0.7494423
# [[10]]
# regr.mase
# 7.701846
# [[11]]
# dynamic_mase
# 9.886221
# [[12]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mase
# 12.35551
# [[13]]
# quantile_loss
# 0.2335836
# [[14]]
# dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.2998319
# [[15]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.3748585
# [[16]]
# huber_loss
# 0.2184438
# [[17]]
# dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.336149
# [[18]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.5753854
# [[19]]
# dynamic_logarithmic_medae
# 0.0177584
# [[20]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae
# 0.0974097
# [[21]]
# dynamic_sqrt_medae
# 0.1355346
# [[22]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae
# 0.1279755
# [[23]]
# dynamic_logistic_medae
# 0.1492975
# [[24]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae
# 0.1632901
# [[25]]
# dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae
# 0.1631177
# [[26]]
# dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae
# 0.1321278
# [[27]]
# gmae
# 0.366103
# [[28]]
# log_cosh_loss
# 0.2041481
# [[29]]
# regr.medae
# 0.2638559
# [[30]]
# regr.medse
# 0.06961995
# [[31]]
# regr.msle
# NaN
# [[32]]
# regr.rmsle
# NaN
# [[33]]
# regr.rae
# 7.449604
# [[34]]
# regr.rrse
# 3.014317
features_to_keep.gain <- readRDS("features_to_keep.gain.rds")
features_to_keep.perm_imp <- readRDS("features_to_keep.perm_imp.rds")
features_to_keep.combined <- union(features_to_keep.gain,
features_to_keep.combined <- union(c("uniqueID", "NAME_2", "countAttacks"), features_to_keep.combined)
data.attacks_train.sub <- final_net.sf.attacks_train[, features_to_keep.combined]
data.attacks_test.sub <- final_net.sf.attacks_test[, features_to_keep.combined]
# Set the seed for reproducibility
data.regr.train <- data.attacks_train.sub
data.regr.test <- data.attacks_test.sub
data.regr.train$count_target <- as.numeric(data.attacks_train[["countAttacks"]])
data.regr.test$count_target <- as.numeric(data.attacks_test[["countAttacks"]])
data.regr.train <- data.regr.train %>% dplyr::select(-countAttacks, -NAME_2)
data.regr.test <- data.regr.test %>% dplyr::select(-countAttacks, -NAME_2)
data_centroids.regr.train <- st_centroid(data.regr.train)
data_centroids.regr.test <- st_centroid(data.regr.test)
projected_crs = "+proj=tmerc +lat_0=-0.6888125 +lon_0=29.0698245 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"
task_regr_train <- as_task_regr_st(data_centroids.regr.train, target = "count_target", coordinate_names = c("geometry"), crs = projected_crs, coords_as_features = FALSE, label= "count_model", drop_original_target = TRUE)
task_regr_train$set_col_roles("uniqueID", "order")
task_regr_test <- as_task_regr_st(data_centroids.regr.test, target = "count_target", coordinate_names = c("geometry"), crs = projected_crs, coords_as_features = FALSE, label= "count_model", drop_original_target = TRUE)
task_regr_test$set_col_roles("uniqueID", "order")
# Define a pipeline with scaling
pipeline <- po("scale", id = "scale")
pipeline_task_regr_train = pipeline$train(list(task_regr_train))[[1]]
resampling_regr <- rsmp("spcv_block", range = 27373, folds = 10)
learner_regr_train <- lrn("regr.xgboost",
nrounds = to_tune(p_int(50, 2000, tags = "budget")),
eta = to_tune(1e-4, 1),
max_depth = to_tune(3, 40),
colsample_bytree = to_tune(0.2, 1),
gamma = to_tune(1e-3, 15),
min_child_weight = to_tune(1e-3, 10),
subsample = to_tune(0.2, 1),
scale_pos_weight = to_tune(1, 300)
graph_learner <- GraphLearner$new(pipeline %>>% learner_regr_train)
dynamic_measure_names <- c("dynamic_quantile_loss", "dynamic_huber_loss", "dynamic_rmse", "dynamic_mae", "dynamic_mase")
dynamic_measures <- msrs(dynamic_measure_names)
if (future::supportsMulticore()) {
future::plan(future::multicore, workers = 6)
} else {
future::plan(future::multisession, workers = 6)
instance.multi_tuning <- TuningInstanceBatchMultiCrit$new(
task = pipeline_task_regr_train,
learner = graph_learner,
resampling = resampling_regr,
measures = dynamic_measures,
terminator = trm("none"),
store_models = TRUE,
check_values = TRUE
tuner <- tnr("hyperband")
saveRDS(instance.multi_tuning, "instance.multi_tuning-xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.gain_and_perm_imp.rds", compress = TRUE)
# instance.multi_tuning <- readRDS("instance.multi_tuning-xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.gain_and_perm_imp.rds")
# Process results
archive_regr <-$archive)
saveRDS(archive_regr, "archive_regr-xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.gain_and_perm_imp.rds", compress=TRUE)
# archive_regr <- readRDS("archive_regr-xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.gain_and_perm_imp.rds")
param_cols <- c("regr.xgboost.eta", "regr.xgboost.max_depth", "regr.xgboost.colsample_bytree", "regr.xgboost.gamma", "regr.xgboost.min_child_weight",
"regr.xgboost.subsample", "regr.xgboost.scale_pos_weight", "regr.xgboost.nrounds")
scores_cols <- dynamic_measure_names
normalized_cols <- paste0("normalized_", scores_cols)
# Function to identify outliers using the IQR method
identify_outliers <- function(x) {
q75 <- quantile(x, 0.75, na.rm = TRUE)
q25 <- quantile(x, 0.25, na.rm = TRUE)
iqr <- q75 - q25
lower_bound <- q25 - 1.5 * iqr
upper_bound <- q75 + 1.5 * iqr
return(x < lower_bound | x > upper_bound)
# Apply the outlier identification function to each metric column
outliers <- archive_regr[, lapply(.SD, identify_outliers), .SDcols = scores_cols]
# Create a logical vector indicating rows to keep (non-outliers)
rows_to_keep <- !rowSums(outliers)
# Filter the dataset to remove outliers
archive_regr_clean <- archive_regr[rows_to_keep]
min_max_scale <- function(x) {
(x - min(x, na.rm = TRUE)) / (max(x, na.rm = TRUE) - min(x, na.rm = TRUE))
# Apply min-max scaling to the cleaned dataset
archive_regr_clean[, (normalized_cols) := lapply(.SD, min_max_scale), .SDcols = scores_cols]
# Perform Pareto front selection on the normalized columns
pareto_indices.xgb <- fastNonDominatedSorting(as.matrix(archive_regr_clean[, ..normalized_cols]))
# Extract Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_solutions.xgb <- archive_regr_clean[pareto_indices.xgb[[1]], ]
# Define the number of near-optimal solutions to include
N_near_optimal <- 50
# Function to calculate Euclidean distance between two points
euclidean_distance <- function(x, y) {
sqrt(sum((x - y) ^ 2))
# Extract normalized data for Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_data <- as.matrix(pareto_solutions.xgb[, ..normalized_cols])
# Extract normalized data for all solutions
all_data <- as.matrix(archive_regr_clean[, ..normalized_cols])
# Calculate the minimum distance of each solution to the Pareto front
min_distances <- apply(all_data, 1, function(x) {
apply(pareto_data, 1, function(y) euclidean_distance(x, y)) %>% min()
# Add the distances to the data table
archive_regr_clean[, distance_to_pareto := min_distances]
# Select top N near-optimal solutions based on distance to Pareto front.
near_optimal_solutions <- archive_regr_clean[order(distance_to_pareto)][1:N_near_optimal]
# Apply PCA on the combined solutions
pca_result_combined <- prcomp([, ..normalized_cols]))
loadings_pc1_combined <- pca_result_combined$rotation[, 1]
loadings_pc2_combined <- pca_result_combined$rotation[, 2]
variance_pc1_combined <- summary(pca_result_combined)$importance[2, 1]
variance_pc2_combined <- summary(pca_result_combined)$importance[2, 2]
combined_weights <- variance_pc1_combined * abs(loadings_pc1_combined) + variance_pc2_combined * abs(loadings_pc2_combined)
pareto_weights <- combined_weights / sum(combined_weights) # Normalize to sum to 1
# Use these weights to calculate composite scores for only Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_solutions.xgb[, composite_score := as.matrix(.SD) %*% pareto_weights, .SDcols = normalized_cols]
# Find the best set of hyperparameters based on the lowest composite score
best_index.xgb <- which.min(pareto_solutions.xgb$composite_score)
best_solution.xgb <- pareto_solutions.xgb[best_index.xgb, ]
saveRDS(pareto_weights, "pareto_weights.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.gain_and_perm_imp.rds")
# pareto_weights <- readRDS("pareto_weights.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.gain_and_perm_imp.rds")
print(pareto_weights[order(pareto_weights, decreasing = TRUE)])
# > print(pareto_weights[order(pareto_weights, decreasing = TRUE)])
# normalized_dynamic_rmse normalized_dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.2350326 0.1998539
# normalized_dynamic_mae normalized_dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.1998539 0.1912364
# normalized_dynamic_mase
# 0.1740233
# Extract and print the best hyperparameters and their scores
best_hyperparameters.xgb <- best_solution.xgb[, ..param_cols]
best_metrics.xgb <- best_solution.xgb[, ..scores_cols]
names(best_hyperparameters.xgb) <- gsub("^regr.xgboost\\.", "", names(best_hyperparameters.xgb))
saveRDS(best_hyperparameters.xgb, "best_hyperparameters.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.gain_and_perm_imp.rds")
saveRDS(best_metrics.xgb, "best_metrics.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.gain_and_perm_imp.rds")
# Format the hyperparameters for printing
params.xgb <- sprintf(
"eta = %s\nmax_depth = %s\ncolsample_bytree = %s\ngamma = %s\nmin_child_weight = %s\nsubsample = %s\nscale_pos_weight = %s\nnrounds = %s",
# Format the metrics for printing
metrics.xgb <- sapply(names(best_metrics.xgb), function(col) {
sprintf("%s = %s", col, best_metrics.xgb[[col]])
# Combine hyperparameters and metrics into a single character vector
param_metrics_descriptions.xgb <- c("\nOptimal Hyperparameters:", params.xgb, "\nMetrics:", metrics.xgb)
# Print the parameters and metrics
cat("Best Parameters & Metrics for XGBoost Subsetted Model (Permutation Importance) with spcv_block Cross-Validation with a Factor of 2.25 x the Empirical Range Using XGBoost Gain:\n", paste(param_metrics_descriptions.xgb, collapse="\n"), "\n")
# Best Parameters & Metrics for XGBoost Subsetted Model (Permutation Importance) with spcv_block Cross-Validation with a Factor of 2.25 x the Empirical Range Using XGBoost Gain:
# Optimal Hyperparameters:
# eta = 0.417465680187428
# max_depth = 29
# colsample_bytree = 0.935891483724117
# gamma = 6.8485695738541
# min_child_weight = 1.2716241538988
# subsample = 0.589155892841518
# scale_pos_weight = 155.13998625055
# nrounds = 62
# Metrics:
# dynamic_quantile_loss = 3.89986761335331
# dynamic_huber_loss = 7.31857868919404
# dynamic_rmse = 13.7598800532512
# dynamic_mae = 7.79973522670662
# dynamic_mase = 6.62015645362301
# Save the formatted description to an RDS file
saveRDS(param_metrics_descriptions.xgb, "params_metrics.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.gain_and_perm_imp.rds")
# param_metrics_descriptions.xgb <- readRDS("params_metrics.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.gain_and_perm_imp.rds")
# Directly use the best solution to configure the learner
best_learner.xgb <- lrn("regr.xgboost")
best_learner.xgb$param_set$values <- as.list(best_hyperparameters.xgb)
set.seed(123) # Make sure to set the seed again here or else the results will not be reproducible
saveRDS(best_learner.xgb, "best_learner.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.gain_and_perm_imp.after_training.rds")
# best_learner.xgb <- readRDS("best_learner.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.gain_and_perm_imp.after_training.rds")
# Transform the test data using the pipeline in the same way the training data was transformed earlier
pipeline_task_regr_test <- pipeline$predict(list(task_regr_test))[[1]]
# Make predictions
test_predictions_regr <- best_learner.xgb$predict_newdata(newdata = pipeline_task_regr_test$data(), task = pipeline_task_regr_test)
saveRDS(test_predictions_regr, "test_predictions_regr-xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.gain_and_perm_imp.rds")
# test_predictions_regr <- readRDS("test_predictions_regr-xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.gain_and_perm_imp.rds")
# Core Metrics with which to Compare Models:
core_dynamic_measures_list.spcv_block <- list(
measure.dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_quantile_loss")),
measure.dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_huber_loss")),
measure.dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_rmse")),
measure.dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mae")),
measure.dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mase"))
saveRDS(core_dynamic_measures_list.spcv_block, "core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.gain_and_perm_imp.rds")
# core_dynamic_measures_list.spcv_block <- readRDS("core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.gain_and_perm_imp.rds")
# > print(core_dynamic_measures_list.spcv_block)
# [[1]]
# dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.1453179
# [[2]]
# dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.1409149
# [[3]]
# dynamic_rmse
# 0.8822716
# [[4]]
# dynamic_mae
# 0.2906359
# [[5]]
# dynamic_mase
# 4.791503
# Non-core metrics from predictions on unseen test data:
measures_list.spcv_block <- list(
# Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE)
measure.rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rmse")),
measure.dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_rmse")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_rmse")),
# Mean Squared Error (MSE)
measure.mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mse")),
measure.dynamic_mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mse")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mse")),
# Mean Absolute Error (MAE)
measure.mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mae")),
measure.dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mae")),
# Mean Absolute Scaled Error (MASE)
measure.mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mase")),
measure.dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mase")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mase")),
# Quantile Loss
measure.quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("quantile_loss")),
measure.dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_quantile_loss")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss")),
# Huber Loss
measure.huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("huber_loss")),
measure.dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_huber_loss")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss")),
# Logarithmic MedAE
measure.dynamic_logarithmic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_logarithmic_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae")),
# Sqrt MedAE
measure.dynamic_sqrt_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_sqrt_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae")),
# Logistic MedAE
measure.dynamic_logistic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_logistic_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae")),
# Polynomial MedAE
measure.dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae")),
measure.dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae")),
# Geometric Mean Absolute Error (GMAE)
measure.gmae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("gmae")),
# Log-Cosh Loss
measure.log_cosh_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("log_cosh_loss")),
# Other measures
measure.medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.medae")),
measure.medse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.medse")),
measure.msle <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.msle")),
measure.rmsle <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rmsle")),
measure.rae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rae")),
measure.rrse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rrse"))
saveRDS(measures_list.spcv_block, "measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.gain_and_perm_imp.rds")
# measures_list.spcv_block <- readRDS("measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.gain_and_perm_imp.rds")
# Below, notice that every single metric is again worse than both the non-subsetted model.
# > print(measures_list.spcv_block)
# [[1]]
# regr.rmse
# 0.5316675 (Slightly worse than best model; better than fs model)
# [[2]]
# dynamic_rmse
# 0.8822716 (Worse than best model, but better than fs model)
# [[3]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_rmse
# 1.122014 (Worse than best model, and fs model)
# [[4]]
# regr.mse
# 0.2826703 (Slightly worse than best model; better than fs model)
# [[5]]
# dynamic_mse
# 0.7784032 (Worse than best model; better than fs model)
# [[6]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mse
# 1.258915 (Worse than best model, and fs model)
# [[7]]
# regr.mae
# 0.2074786 (Worse than best model, but better than fs model)
# [[8]]
# dynamic_mae
# 0.2906359 (Worse than best model, but slightly better than fs model)
# [[9]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mae
# 0.3954402 (Worse than best model, and fs model)
# [[10]]
# regr.mase
# 3.420549 (Worse than best model, but better than fs model)
# [[11]]
# dynamic_mase
# 4.791503 (Worse than best model, but slightly better than fs model)
# [[12]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mase
# 6.519336 (Worse than best model, and fs model)
# [[13]]
# quantile_loss
# 0.1037393 (Worse than best model, but better than fs model)
# [[14]]
# dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.1453179 (Worse than best model, but slightly better than fs model)
# [[15]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.1655748 (Worse than best model, but better than fs model)
# [[16]]
# huber_loss
# 0.0708973 (Worse than best model, but better than fs model)
# [[17]]
# dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.1409149 (Worse than best model, but better than fs model)
# [[18]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.2084485 (Worse than best model, but better than fs model)
# [[19]]
# dynamic_logarithmic_medae
# 0.0002884544 (Worse than best model, and fs model)
# [[20]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae
# 0.009294158 (Slightly worse than best model, and fs model)
# [[21]]
# dynamic_sqrt_medae
# 0.01700744 (Worse than best model, and fs model)
# [[22]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae
# 0.01272796 (Worse than best model, and fs model)
# [[23]]
# dynamic_logistic_medae
# 0.03419493 (Worse than best model, and fs model)
# [[24]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae
# 0.0359259 (Worse than best model, and slightly worse than fs model)
# [[25]]
# dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae
# 0.0217752 (Worse than best model, and fs model)
# [[26]]
# dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae
# 0.01491473 (Worse than best model and fs model)
# [[27]]
# gmae
# 0.1704841 (Worse than best model and fs model)
# [[28]]
# log_cosh_loss
# 0.06603642 (Worse than best model and fs model)
# [[29]]
# regr.medae
# 0.06597406 (Worse than best model and fs model)
# [[30]]
# regr.medse
# 0.004352576 (Worse than best model and fs model)
# [[31]]
# regr.msle
# NaN
# [[32]]
# regr.rmsle
# NaN
# [[33]]
# regr.rae
# 3.308523 (Worse than best model, but better than fs model)
# [[34]]
# regr.rrse
# 1.474386 (Slightly worse than best model, and worse than fs model)
# Appending new models to measure_paths and weight_paths
measure_paths <- c(measure_paths, "core_dynamic_measures_list.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.fs.rds",
weight_paths <- c(weight_paths, "pareto_weights.xgb.fs.rds",
# saveRDS(measure_paths, "measure_paths.rds")
# measure_paths <- readRDS("measure_paths.rds")
# saveRDS(weight_paths, "weight_paths.rds")
# weight_paths <- readRDS("weight_paths.rds")
# Run the function to rank the model performance levels in terms of composite scores
rank_model_performance(measure_paths, weight_paths)
# > rank_model_performance(measure_paths, weight_paths)
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range
# 0.03145090
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2.5_factor_range
# 0.07717730
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.sptcv_cstf.strat.block_id
# 0.07978097
# core_dynamic_measures_list.regr.custom_cv
# 0.08072669
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2_factor_range
# 0.08228788
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.repeated_spcv_block
# 0.11510459
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2.75_factor_range
# 0.12149157
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_coords
# 0.12411996
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.gain_and_perm_imp ***
# 0.17997196
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.1.5_factor_range
# 0.19229655
# core_dynamic_measures_list.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.fs ***
# 0.24764049
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.gain ***
# 0.27654032
# core_dynamic_measures_list.nested.spcv_block
# 0.28121722
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.3.5_factor_range
# 0.90541603
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.perm_imp ***
# 0.96669887
Cross-Validation (2.25 x the Empirical
Range):# "spcv_block" (2.25 x the empirical range) resampling version of the Support Vector Machines (SVM) regression model
columns.svm.attacks <- columns.xgb.attacks
data.attacks_train <- final_net.sf.attacks_train[, columns.svm.attacks]
data.attacks_test <- final_net.sf.attacks_test[, columns.svm.attacks]
for(col in columns.svm.attacks) {
data.attacks_train[[col]] <- as.numeric(data.attacks_train[[col]])
data.attacks_test[[col]] <- as.numeric(data.attacks_test[[col]])
# Set the seed for reproducibility
data.regr.train <- data.attacks_train
data.regr.test <- data.attacks_test
data.regr.train$count_target <- as.numeric(data.attacks_train[["countAttacks"]])
data.regr.test$count_target <- as.numeric(data.attacks_test[["countAttacks"]])
data.regr.train <- data.regr.train %>% dplyr::select(-countAttacks, -NAME_2)
data.regr.test <- data.regr.test %>% dplyr::select(-countAttacks, -NAME_2)
data_centroids.regr.train <- st_centroid(data.regr.train)
data_centroids.regr.test <- st_centroid(data.regr.test)
projected_crs = "+proj=tmerc +lat_0=-0.6888125 +lon_0=29.0698245 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"
task_regr_train <- as_task_regr_st(data_centroids.regr.train, target = "count_target", coordinate_names = c("geometry"), crs = projected_crs, coords_as_features = FALSE, label= "count_model", drop_original_target = TRUE)
task_regr_train$set_col_roles("uniqueID", "order")
task_regr_test <- as_task_regr_st(data_centroids.regr.test, target = "count_target", coordinate_names = c("geometry"), crs = projected_crs, coords_as_features = FALSE, label= "count_model", drop_original_target = TRUE)
task_regr_test$set_col_roles("uniqueID", "order")
# Define a pipeline with scaling
pipeline <- po("scale", id = "scale", param_vals = list(robust = FALSE))
pipeline_task_regr_train = pipeline$train(list(task_regr_train))[[1]]
resampling_regr <- rsmp("spcv_block", range = 27373, folds = 10)
learner_regr_train = lrn("regr.svm", id = "svm_regr")
graph_learner <- GraphLearner$new(pipeline %>>% learner_regr_train)
# Impact of Gamma:
# Low Gamma: A low value (e.g., 0.01) means the model is more influenced by points farther away from the boundary, leading to a smoother decision boundary.
# High Gamma: A higher value (e.g., 0.5) means the model is more influenced by points close to the boundary, leading to a more complex decision boundary that can fit the training data very closely.
# Though a tuning range for gamma such as (0.01, 0.5) is common, there is a risk of overfitting the higher the value of gamma. A broader range like this will also increase computational costs. Therefore, I will use a more focused range (0.01, 0.25).
# Initially, I noticed that when tuning gamma values larger than about 0.016 tended to take very lengthy periods of time for tuning and often did not result in high performing metrics. I therefore lowered the bottom of my tuning range for gamma to 0.001 and the upper limit to 0.02. It is often the case that using lower gamma values tends to result in models that generalize better to unseen test data.
param_set <- ps(
svm_regr.type = p_fct(levels = c("eps-regression")),
svm_regr.kernel = p_fct(levels = c("polynomial", "radial")),
svm_regr.cost = p_dbl(lower = 1, upper = 50),
svm_regr.gamma = p_dbl(lower = 0.001, upper = 0.02, tags = "budget"), = p_int(lower = 1, upper = 3, depends = quote(svm_regr.kernel == "polynomial")),
svm_regr.epsilon = p_dbl(lower = 0.01, upper = 0.1)
dynamic_measure_names <- c("dynamic_quantile_loss", "dynamic_huber_loss", "dynamic_rmse", "dynamic_mae", "dynamic_mase")
dynamic_measures <- msrs(dynamic_measure_names)
if (future::supportsMulticore()) {
future::plan(future::multicore, workers = 6)
} else {
future::plan(future::multisession, workers = 6)
instance.multi_tuning <- TuningInstanceBatchMultiCrit$new(
task = pipeline_task_regr_train,
learner = graph_learner,
resampling = resampling_regr,
measures = dynamic_measures,
terminator = trm("none"),
store_models = TRUE,
check_values = TRUE,
search_space = param_set
tuner <- tnr("hyperband")
saveRDS(instance.multi_tuning, "instance.multi_tuning-svm.rds", compress = TRUE)
# instance.multi_tuning <- readRDS("instance.multi_tuning-svm.rds")
# Process results
archive_regr <-$archive)
saveRDS(archive_regr, "archive_regr-svm.rds", compress=TRUE)
# archive_regr <- readRDS("archive_regr-svm.rds")
param_cols <- c("svm_regr.type", "svm_regr.kernel", "", "svm_regr.cost", "svm_regr.gamma", "svm_regr.epsilon")
scores_cols <- dynamic_measure_names
normalized_cols <- paste0("normalized_", scores_cols)
# Function to identify outliers using the IQR method
identify_outliers <- function(x) {
q75 <- quantile(x, 0.75, na.rm = TRUE)
q25 <- quantile(x, 0.25, na.rm = TRUE)
iqr <- q75 - q25
lower_bound <- q25 - 1.5 * iqr
upper_bound <- q75 + 1.5 * iqr
return(x < lower_bound | x > upper_bound)
# Apply the outlier identification function to each metric column
outliers <- archive_regr[, lapply(.SD, identify_outliers), .SDcols = scores_cols]
# Create a logical vector indicating rows to keep (non-outliers)
rows_to_keep <- !rowSums(outliers)
# Filter the dataset to remove outliers
archive_regr_clean <- archive_regr[rows_to_keep]
min_max_scale <- function(x) {
(x - min(x, na.rm = TRUE)) / (max(x, na.rm = TRUE) - min(x, na.rm = TRUE))
# Apply min-max scaling to the cleaned dataset
archive_regr_clean[, (normalized_cols) := lapply(.SD, min_max_scale), .SDcols = scores_cols]
# Perform Pareto front selection on the normalized columns
pareto_indices.svm <- fastNonDominatedSorting(as.matrix(archive_regr_clean[, ..normalized_cols]))
# Extract Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_solutions.svm <- archive_regr_clean[pareto_indices.svm[[1]], ]
# Define the number of near-optimal solutions to include
N_near_optimal <- 50
# Function to calculate Euclidean distance between two points
euclidean_distance <- function(x, y) {
sqrt(sum((x - y) ^ 2))
# Extract normalized data for Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_data <- as.matrix(pareto_solutions.svm[, ..normalized_cols])
# Extract normalized data for all solutions
all_data <- as.matrix(archive_regr_clean[, ..normalized_cols])
# Calculate the minimum distance of each solution to the Pareto front
min_distances <- apply(all_data, 1, function(x) {
apply(pareto_data, 1, function(y) euclidean_distance(x, y)) %>% min()
# Add the distances to the data table
archive_regr_clean[, distance_to_pareto := min_distances]
near_optimal_solutions <- archive_regr_clean[order(distance_to_pareto)][1:N_near_optimal]
# Apply PCA on the combined solutions
pca_result_combined <- prcomp([, ..normalized_cols]))
loadings_pc1_combined <- pca_result_combined$rotation[, 1]
loadings_pc2_combined <- pca_result_combined$rotation[, 2]
variance_pc1_combined <- summary(pca_result_combined)$importance[2, 1]
variance_pc2_combined <- summary(pca_result_combined)$importance[2, 2]
combined_weights <- variance_pc1_combined * abs(loadings_pc1_combined) + variance_pc2_combined * abs(loadings_pc2_combined)
pareto_weights <- combined_weights / sum(combined_weights) # Normalize to sum to 1
# Use these weights to calculate composite scores for only Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_solutions.svm[, composite_score := as.matrix(.SD) %*% pareto_weights, .SDcols = normalized_cols]
# Find the best set of hyperparameters based on the lowest composite score
best_index.svm <- which.min(pareto_solutions.svm$composite_score)
best_solution.svm <- pareto_solutions.svm[best_index.svm, ]
saveRDS(pareto_weights, "pareto_weights.svm.rds")
# pareto_weights <- readRDS("pareto_weights.svm.rds")
print(pareto_weights[order(pareto_weights, decreasing = TRUE)])
# > print(pareto_weights[order(pareto_weights, decreasing = TRUE)])
# normalized_dynamic_mase normalized_dynamic_rmse
# 0.2015676 0.2004261
# normalized_dynamic_quantile_loss normalized_dynamic_mae
# 0.1995478 0.1995478
# normalized_dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.1989106
# Extract and print the best hyperparameters and their scores
best_hyperparameters.svm <- best_solution.svm[, ..param_cols]
best_metrics.svm <- best_solution.svm[, ..scores_cols]
names(best_hyperparameters.svm) <- gsub("^svm_regr\\.", "", names(best_hyperparameters.svm))
saveRDS(best_hyperparameters.svm, "best_hyperparameters.svm.rds")
saveRDS(best_metrics.svm, "best_metrics.svm.rds")
# Format the hyperparameters for printing
params.svm<- sprintf(
"type = %s\nkernel = %s\ndegree = %s\ncost = %s\ngamma = %s\nepsilon = %s",
# Format the metrics for printing
metrics.svm <- sapply(names(best_metrics.svm), function(col) {
sprintf("%s = %s", col, best_metrics.svm[[col]])
# Combine hyperparameters and metrics into a single character vector
param_metrics_descriptions.svm <- c("\nOptimal Hyperparameters:", params.svm, "\nMetrics:", metrics.svm)
# Print the parameters and metrics
cat("Best Parameters & Metrics for SVM's Model with spcv_block (2.25 x the Range) Cross-Validation:\n", paste(param_metrics_descriptions.svm, collapse="\n"), "\n")
# Best Parameters & Metrics for SVM's Model with spcv_block (2.25 x the Range) Cross-Validation:
# Optimal Hyperparameters:
# type = eps-regression
# kernel = polynomial
# degree = 1
# cost = 38.6423502897378
# gamma = 0.00125
# epsilon = 0.0480264914850704
# Metrics:
# dynamic_quantile_loss = 3.19396095341677
# dynamic_huber_loss = 5.95989405788684
# dynamic_rmse = 10.5476558171911
# dynamic_mae = 6.38792190683354
# dynamic_mase = 5.64624623763413
# Save the formatted description to an RDS file
saveRDS(param_metrics_descriptions.svm, "params_metrics.svm.rds")
# param_metrics_descriptions.svm <- readRDS("params_metrics.svm.rds")
# Directly use the best solution to configure the learner
best_learner.svm <- lrn("regr.svm")
best_learner.svm$param_set$values <- as.list(best_hyperparameters.svm)
set.seed(123) # Make sure to set the seed again here or else the results will not be reproducible
saveRDS(best_learner.svm, "best_learner.svm.after_training.rds")
# best_learner.svm <- readRDS("best_learner.svm.after_training.rds")
# Transform the test data using the pipeline in the same way the training data was transformed earlier
pipeline_task_regr_test <- pipeline$predict(list(task_regr_test))[[1]]
# Make predictions
test_predictions_regr <- best_learner.svm$predict_newdata(newdata = pipeline_task_regr_test$data(), task = pipeline_task_regr_test)
saveRDS(test_predictions_regr, "test_predictions_regr-svm.rds")
# test_predictions_regr <- readRDS("test_predictions_regr-svm.rds")
# Core Metrics with which to Compare Models:
core_dynamic_measures_list.spcv_block <- list(
measure.dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_quantile_loss")),
measure.dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_huber_loss")),
measure.dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_rmse")),
measure.dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mae")),
measure.dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mase"))
saveRDS(core_dynamic_measures_list.spcv_block, "core_dynamic_measures_list.svm.rds")
# core_dynamic_measures_list.spcv_block <- readRDS("core_dynamic_measures_list.svm.rds")
# > print(core_dynamic_measures_list.spcv_block)
# [[1]]
# dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.1141303
# [[2]]
# dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.105758
# [[3]]
# dynamic_rmse
# 0.7511474
# [[4]]
# dynamic_mae
# 0.2282607
# [[5]]
# dynamic_mase
# 3.763168
# Non-core metrics from predictions on unseen test data:
measures_list.spcv_block <- list(
# Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE)
measure.rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rmse")),
measure.dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_rmse")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_rmse")),
# Mean Squared Error (MSE)
measure.mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mse")),
measure.dynamic_mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mse")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mse")),
# Mean Absolute Error (MAE)
measure.mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mae")),
measure.dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mae")),
# Mean Absolute Scaled Error (MASE)
measure.mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mase")),
measure.dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mase")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mase")),
# Quantile Loss
measure.quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("quantile_loss")),
measure.dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_quantile_loss")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss")),
# Huber Loss
measure.huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("huber_loss")),
measure.dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_huber_loss")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss")),
# Logarithmic MedAE
measure.dynamic_logarithmic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_logarithmic_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae")),
# Sqrt MedAE
measure.dynamic_sqrt_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_sqrt_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae")),
# Logistic MedAE
measure.dynamic_logistic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_logistic_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae")),
# Polynomial MedAE
measure.dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae")),
measure.dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae")),
# Geometric Mean Absolute Error (GMAE)
measure.gmae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("gmae")),
# Log-Cosh Loss
measure.log_cosh_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("log_cosh_loss")),
# Other measures
measure.medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.medae")),
measure.medse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.medse")),
measure.msle <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.msle")),
measure.rmsle <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rmsle")),
measure.rae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rae")),
measure.rrse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rrse"))
saveRDS(measures_list.spcv_block, "measures_list.svm.rds")
# measures_list.spcv_block <- readRDS("measures_list.svm.rds")
# > print(measures_list.spcv_block)
# [[1]]
# regr.rmse
# 0.369357
# [[2]]
# dynamic_rmse
# 0.7511474
# [[3]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_rmse
# 1.025195
# [[4]]
# regr.mse
# 0.1364246
# [[5]]
# dynamic_mse
# 0.5642225
# [[6]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mse
# 1.051025
# [[7]]
# regr.mae
# 0.1430162
# [[8]]
# dynamic_mae
# 0.2282607
# [[9]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mae
# 0.3338237
# [[10]]
# regr.mase
# 2.357804
# [[11]]
# dynamic_mase
# 3.763168
# [[12]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mase
# 5.50351
# [[13]]
# quantile_loss
# 0.07150808
# [[14]]
# dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.1141303
# [[15]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.118414
# [[16]]
# huber_loss
# 0.0348253
# [[17]]
# dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.105758
# [[18]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.1289977
# [[19]]
# dynamic_logarithmic_medae
# 0.001015266
# [[20]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae
# 0.02709281
# [[21]]
# dynamic_sqrt_medae
# 0.03194374
# [[22]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae
# 0.03124142
# [[23]]
# dynamic_logistic_medae
# 0.05288317
# [[24]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae
# 0.05793848
# [[25]]
# dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae
# 0.04598499
# [[26]]
# dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae
# 0.03151321
# [[27]]
# gmae
# 0.1250233
# [[28]]
# log_cosh_loss
# 0.03260527
# [[29]]
# regr.medae
# 0.1006105
# [[30]]
# regr.medse
# 0.01012247
# [[31]]
# regr.msle
# NaN
# [[32]]
# regr.rmsle
# NaN
# [[33]]
# regr.rae
# 2.280584
# [[34]]
# regr.rrse
# 1.024277
Cross-Validation (2.25 x the Empirical Range) -
Version 2:setwd("C:/Users/Owner/Desktop/RB/ds_projects/e_drc_geo_ml/")
param_set.2 <- ps(
svm_regr.type = p_fct(levels = c("eps-regression")),
svm_regr.kernel = p_fct(levels = c("polynomial")),
svm_regr.cost = p_dbl(lower = 1, upper = 50),
svm_regr.gamma = p_dbl(lower = 0.00001, upper = 0.00125, tags = "budget"), = p_int(lower = 1, upper = 1, depends = quote(svm_regr.kernel == "polynomial")),
svm_regr.epsilon = p_dbl(lower = 0.01, upper = 0.1)
if (future::supportsMulticore()) {
future::plan(future::multicore, workers = 6)
} else {
future::plan(future::multisession, workers = 6)
instance.multi_tuning <- TuningInstanceBatchMultiCrit$new(
task = pipeline_task_regr_train,
learner = graph_learner,
resampling = resampling_regr,
measures = dynamic_measures,
terminator = trm("none"),
store_models = TRUE,
check_values = TRUE,
search_space = param_set.2
tuner <- tnr("hyperband")
saveRDS(instance.multi_tuning, "instance.multi_tuning-svm.2.rds", compress = TRUE)
# instance.multi_tuning <- readRDS("instance.multi_tuning-svm.2.rds")
# Process results
archive_regr <-$archive)
saveRDS(archive_regr, "archive_regr-svm.2.rds", compress=TRUE)
# archive_regr <- readRDS("archive_regr-svm.2.rds")
param_cols <- c("svm_regr.type", "svm_regr.kernel", "", "svm_regr.cost", "svm_regr.gamma", "svm_regr.epsilon")
scores_cols <- dynamic_measure_names
normalized_cols <- paste0("normalized_", scores_cols)
# Function to identify outliers using the IQR method
identify_outliers <- function(x) {
q75 <- quantile(x, 0.75, na.rm = TRUE)
q25 <- quantile(x, 0.25, na.rm = TRUE)
iqr <- q75 - q25
lower_bound <- q25 - 1.5 * iqr
upper_bound <- q75 + 1.5 * iqr
return(x < lower_bound | x > upper_bound)
# Apply the outlier identification function to each metric column
outliers <- archive_regr[, lapply(.SD, identify_outliers), .SDcols = scores_cols]
# Create a logical vector indicating rows to keep (non-outliers)
rows_to_keep <- !rowSums(outliers)
# Filter the dataset to remove outliers
archive_regr_clean <- archive_regr[rows_to_keep]
min_max_scale <- function(x) {
(x - min(x, na.rm = TRUE)) / (max(x, na.rm = TRUE) - min(x, na.rm = TRUE))
# Apply min-max scaling to the cleaned dataset
archive_regr_clean[, (normalized_cols) := lapply(.SD, min_max_scale), .SDcols = scores_cols]
# Perform Pareto front selection on the normalized columns
pareto_indices.svm <- fastNonDominatedSorting(as.matrix(archive_regr_clean[, ..normalized_cols]))
# Extract Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_solutions.svm <- archive_regr_clean[pareto_indices.svm[[1]], ]
# Define the number of near-optimal solutions to include
N_near_optimal <- 50
# Function to calculate Euclidean distance between two points
euclidean_distance <- function(x, y) {
sqrt(sum((x - y) ^ 2))
# Extract normalized data for Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_data <- as.matrix(pareto_solutions.svm[, ..normalized_cols])
# Extract normalized data for all solutions
all_data <- as.matrix(archive_regr_clean[, ..normalized_cols])
# Calculate the minimum distance of each solution to the Pareto front
min_distances <- apply(all_data, 1, function(x) {
apply(pareto_data, 1, function(y) euclidean_distance(x, y)) %>% min()
# Add the distances to the data table
archive_regr_clean[, distance_to_pareto := min_distances]
near_optimal_solutions <- archive_regr_clean[order(distance_to_pareto)][1:N_near_optimal]
# Apply PCA on the combined solutions
pca_result_combined <- prcomp([, ..normalized_cols]))
loadings_pc1_combined <- pca_result_combined$rotation[, 1]
loadings_pc2_combined <- pca_result_combined$rotation[, 2]
variance_pc1_combined <- summary(pca_result_combined)$importance[2, 1]
variance_pc2_combined <- summary(pca_result_combined)$importance[2, 2]
combined_weights <- variance_pc1_combined * abs(loadings_pc1_combined) + variance_pc2_combined * abs(loadings_pc2_combined)
pareto_weights <- combined_weights / sum(combined_weights) # Normalize to sum to 1
# Use these weights to calculate composite scores for only Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_solutions.svm[, composite_score := as.matrix(.SD) %*% pareto_weights, .SDcols = normalized_cols]
# Find the best set of hyperparameters based on the lowest composite score
best_index.svm <- which.min(pareto_solutions.svm$composite_score)
best_solution.svm <- pareto_solutions.svm[best_index.svm, ]
saveRDS(pareto_weights, "pareto_weights.svm.2.rds")
# pareto_weights <- readRDS("pareto_weights.svm.2.rds")
print(pareto_weights[order(pareto_weights, decreasing = TRUE)])
# > print(pareto_weights[order(pareto_weights, decreasing = TRUE)])
# normalized_dynamic_huber_loss normalized_dynamic_mae
# 0.2093347 0.2038819
# normalized_dynamic_quantile_loss normalized_dynamic_mase
# 0.2038819 0.1999108
# normalized_dynamic_rmse
# 0.1829907
# Extract and print the best hyperparameters and their scores
best_hyperparameters.svm <- best_solution.svm[, ..param_cols]
best_metrics.svm <- best_solution.svm[, ..scores_cols]
names(best_hyperparameters.svm) <- gsub("^svm_regr\\.", "", names(best_hyperparameters.svm))
saveRDS(best_hyperparameters.svm, "best_hyperparameters.svm.2.rds")
saveRDS(best_metrics.svm, "best_metrics.svm.2.rds")
# Format the hyperparameters for printing
params.svm<- sprintf(
"type = %s\nkernel = %s\ndegree = %s\ncost = %s\ngamma = %s\nepsilon = %s",
# Format the metrics for printing
metrics.svm <- sapply(names(best_metrics.svm), function(col) {
sprintf("%s = %s", col, best_metrics.svm[[col]])
# Combine hyperparameters and metrics into a single character vector
param_metrics_descriptions.svm <- c("\nOptimal Hyperparameters:", params.svm, "\nMetrics:", metrics.svm)
# Print the parameters and metrics
cat("Best Parameters & Metrics for SVM's Model with spcv_block (2.25 x the Range) Cross-Validation:\n", paste(param_metrics_descriptions.svm, collapse="\n"), "\n")
# Best Parameters & Metrics for SVM's Model with spcv_block (2.25 x the Range) Cross-Validation:
# Optimal Hyperparameters:
# type = eps-regression
# kernel = polynomial
# degree = 1
# cost = 36.282472435385
# gamma = 0.00125
# epsilon = 0.0211471886234358
# Metrics:
# dynamic_quantile_loss = 3.17169345401333
# dynamic_huber_loss = 5.94766404498096
# dynamic_rmse = 10.5130284517588
# dynamic_mae = 6.34338690802665
# dynamic_mase = 5.60004202042737
# Save the formatted description to an RDS file
saveRDS(param_metrics_descriptions.svm, "params_metrics.svm.2.rds")
# param_metrics_descriptions.svm <- readRDS("params_metrics.svm.2.rds")
# Directly use the best solution to configure the learner
best_learner.svm <- lrn("regr.svm")
best_learner.svm$param_set$values <- as.list(best_hyperparameters.svm)
set.seed(123) # Make sure to set the seed again here or else the results will not be reproducible
saveRDS(best_learner.svm, "best_learner.svm.after_training.2.rds")
# best_learner.svm <- readRDS("best_learner.svm.after_training.2.rds")
# Transform the test data using the pipeline in the same way the training data was transformed earlier
pipeline_task_regr_test <- pipeline$predict(list(task_regr_test))[[1]]
# Make predictions
test_predictions_regr <- best_learner.svm$predict_newdata(newdata = pipeline_task_regr_test$data(), task = pipeline_task_regr_test)
saveRDS(test_predictions_regr, "test_predictions_regr-svm.2.rds")
# test_predictions_regr <- readRDS("test_predictions_regr-svm.2.rds")
# Core Metrics with which to Compare Models:
core_dynamic_measures_list.spcv_block <- list(
measure.dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_quantile_loss")),
measure.dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_huber_loss")),
measure.dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_rmse")),
measure.dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mae")),
measure.dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mase"))
saveRDS(core_dynamic_measures_list.spcv_block, "core_dynamic_measures_list.svm.2.rds")
# core_dynamic_measures_list.spcv_block <- readRDS("core_dynamic_measures_list.svm.2.rds")
# [[1]]
# dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.08258392
# [[2]]
# dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.1005424
# [[3]]
# dynamic_rmse
# 0.7499635
# [[4]]
# dynamic_mae
# 0.1651678
# [[5]]
# dynamic_mase
# 2.723002
# Let's compare these results to the best results so far (XGBoost non-subsetted model with spcv_block resampling using 2.25 x the empirical spatial autocorrelation range):
# > readRDS("core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.rds")
# [[1]]
# dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.1057474
# [[2]]
# dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.1153928
# [[3]]
# dynamic_rmse
# 0.7940919
# [[4]]
# dynamic_mae
# 0.2114949
# [[5]]
# dynamic_mase
# 3.486763
# We can already see that our SVM's results surpass the XGBoost model results in performance for all core metrics, and we will later also empirically examine if the SVM's model ranks better in terms of its composite score.
# Non-core metrics from predictions on unseen test data:
measures_list.spcv_block <- list(
# Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE)
measure.rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rmse")),
measure.dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_rmse")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_rmse")),
# Mean Squared Error (MSE)
measure.mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mse")),
measure.dynamic_mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mse")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mse")),
# Mean Absolute Error (MAE)
measure.mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mae")),
measure.dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mae")),
# Mean Absolute Scaled Error (MASE)
measure.mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mase")),
measure.dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mase")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mase")),
# Quantile Loss
measure.quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("quantile_loss")),
measure.dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_quantile_loss")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss")),
# Huber Loss
measure.huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("huber_loss")),
measure.dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_huber_loss")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss")),
# Logarithmic MedAE
measure.dynamic_logarithmic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_logarithmic_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae")),
# Sqrt MedAE
measure.dynamic_sqrt_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_sqrt_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae")),
# Logistic MedAE
measure.dynamic_logistic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_logistic_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae")),
# Polynomial MedAE
measure.dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae")),
measure.dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae")),
# Geometric Mean Absolute Error (GMAE)
measure.gmae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("gmae")),
# Log-Cosh Loss
measure.log_cosh_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("log_cosh_loss")),
# Other measures
measure.medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.medae")),
measure.medse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.medse")),
measure.msle <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.msle")),
measure.rmsle <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rmsle")),
measure.rae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rae")),
measure.rrse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rrse"))
saveRDS(measures_list.spcv_block, "measures_list.svm.2.rds")
# measures_list.spcv_block <- readRDS("measures_list.svm.2.rds")
# > print(measures_list.spcv_block)
# [[1]]
# regr.rmse
# 0.3521219
# [[2]]
# dynamic_rmse
# 0.7499635
# [[3]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_rmse
# 1.031099
# [[4]]
# regr.mse
# 0.1239898
# [[5]]
# dynamic_mse
# 0.5624453
# [[6]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mse
# 1.063166
# [[7]]
# regr.mae
# 0.07793795
# [[8]]
# dynamic_mae
# 0.1651678
# [[9]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mae
# 0.2735539
# [[10]]
# regr.mase
# 1.284906
# [[11]]
# dynamic_mase
# 2.723002
# [[12]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mase
# 4.509885
# [[13]]
# quantile_loss
# 0.03896898
# [[14]]
# dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.08258392
# [[15]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.06968284
# [[16]]
# huber_loss
# 0.02787439
# [[17]]
# dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.1005424
# [[18]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.1160446
# [[19]]
# dynamic_logarithmic_medae
# 0.00005152229
# [[20]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae
# 0.005648544
# [[21]]
# dynamic_sqrt_medae
# 0.007180387
# [[22]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae
# 0.006219696
# [[23]]
# dynamic_logistic_medae
# 0.0189558
# [[24]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae
# 0.02015615
# [[25]]
# dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae
# 0.01112098
# [[26]]
# dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae
# 0.006590236
# [[27]]
# gmae
# 0.06060375
# [[28]]
# log_cosh_loss
# 0.02570742
# [[29]]
# regr.medae
# 0.03721905
# [[30]]
# regr.medse
# 0.001385257
# [[31]]
# regr.msle
# NaN
# [[32]]
# regr.rmsle
# NaN
# [[33]]
# regr.rae
# 1.242825
# [[34]]
# regr.rrse
# 0.9764815
spatial cross-validation with the range argument
= 2.25 x the empirical range of spatial autocorrelation.spcv_block
Cross-Validation (2.25 x the Empirical Range):# Random Forest with spcv_block spatial resampling with 2.25 x the empirical range used as the range for creating blocks in folds:
# Empirical range = 12165.72
# 12165.72 * 2.25 = 27373
columns.rf.attacks <- columns.xgb.attacks
data.attacks_train <- final_net.sf.attacks_train[, columns.rf.attacks]
data.attacks_test <- final_net.sf.attacks_test[, columns.rf.attacks]
for(col in columns.rf.attacks) {
data.attacks_train[[col]] <- as.numeric(data.attacks_train[[col]])
data.attacks_test[[col]] <- as.numeric(data.attacks_test[[col]])
# Set the seed for reproducibility
data.regr.train <- data.attacks_train
data.regr.test <- data.attacks_test
data.regr.train$count_target <- as.numeric(data.attacks_train[["countAttacks"]])
data.regr.test$count_target <- as.numeric(data.attacks_test[["countAttacks"]])
data.regr.train <- data.regr.train %>% dplyr::select(-countAttacks, -NAME_2)
data.regr.test <- data.regr.test %>% dplyr::select(-countAttacks, -NAME_2)
data_centroids.regr.train <- st_centroid(data.regr.train)
data_centroids.regr.test <- st_centroid(data.regr.test)
projected_crs = "+proj=tmerc +lat_0=-0.6888125 +lon_0=29.0698245 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"
task_regr_train <- as_task_regr_st(data_centroids.regr.train, target = "count_target", coordinate_names = c("geometry"), crs = projected_crs, coords_as_features = FALSE, label= "count_model", drop_original_target = TRUE)
task_regr_train$set_col_roles("uniqueID", "order")
task_regr_test <- as_task_regr_st(data_centroids.regr.test, target = "count_target", coordinate_names = c("geometry"), crs = projected_crs, coords_as_features = FALSE, label= "count_model", drop_original_target = TRUE)
task_regr_test$set_col_roles("uniqueID", "order")
# Define a pipeline with scaling
pipeline <- po("scale", id = "scale")
pipeline_task_regr_train = pipeline$train(list(task_regr_train))[[1]]
resampling_regr <- rsmp("spcv_block", range = 27373, folds = 10)
learner_regr_train <- lrn("regr.randomForest",
ntree = to_tune(p_int(50, 2000, tags = "budget")),
mtry = to_tune(2, 33),
nodesize = to_tune(1, 60),
maxnodes = to_tune(1, 30),
importance = "nudepurity")
graph_learner <- GraphLearner$new(pipeline %>>% learner_regr_train)
dynamic_measure_names <- c("dynamic_quantile_loss", "dynamic_huber_loss", "dynamic_rmse", "dynamic_mae", "dynamic_mase")
dynamic_measures <- msrs(dynamic_measure_names)
if (future::supportsMulticore()) {
future::plan(future::multicore, workers = 6)
} else {
future::plan(future::multisession, workers = 6)
instance.multi_tuning <- TuningInstanceBatchMultiCrit$new(
task = pipeline_task_regr_train,
learner = graph_learner,
resampling = resampling_regr,
measures = dynamic_measures,
terminator = trm("none"),
store_models = TRUE,
check_values = TRUE
tuner <- tnr("hyperband")
saveRDS(instance.multi_tuning, "instance.multi_tuning.rf.rds", compress = TRUE)
# instance.multi_tuning <- readRDS("instance.multi_tuning.rf.rds")
# Process results
archive_regr <-$archive)
saveRDS(archive_regr, "archive_regr.rf.rds", compress=TRUE)
# archive_regr <- readRDS("archive_regr.rf.rds")
param_cols <- c("regr.randomForest.ntree", "regr.randomForest.mtry", "regr.randomForest.nodesize", "regr.randomForest.maxnodes")
scores_cols <- dynamic_measure_names
normalized_cols <- paste0("normalized_", scores_cols)
# Function to identify outliers using the IQR method
identify_outliers <- function(x) {
q75 <- quantile(x, 0.75, na.rm = TRUE)
q25 <- quantile(x, 0.25, na.rm = TRUE)
iqr <- q75 - q25
lower_bound <- q25 - 1.5 * iqr
upper_bound <- q75 + 1.5 * iqr
return(x < lower_bound | x > upper_bound)
# Apply the outlier identification function to each metric column
outliers <- archive_regr[, lapply(.SD, identify_outliers), .SDcols = scores_cols]
# Create a logical vector indicating rows to keep (non-outliers)
rows_to_keep <- !rowSums(outliers)
# Filter the dataset to remove outliers
archive_regr_clean <- archive_regr[rows_to_keep]
min_max_scale <- function(x) {
(x - min(x, na.rm = TRUE)) / (max(x, na.rm = TRUE) - min(x, na.rm = TRUE))
# Apply min-max scaling to the cleaned dataset
archive_regr_clean[, (normalized_cols) := lapply(.SD, min_max_scale), .SDcols = scores_cols]
# Perform Pareto front selection on the normalized columns
pareto_indices.rf <- fastNonDominatedSorting(as.matrix(archive_regr_clean[, ..normalized_cols]))
# Extract Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_solutions.rf <- archive_regr_clean[pareto_indices.rf[[1]], ]
# Define the number of near-optimal solutions to include
N_near_optimal <- 50
# Function to calculate Euclidean distance between two points
euclidean_distance <- function(x, y) {
sqrt(sum((x - y) ^ 2))
# Extract normalized data for Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_data <- as.matrix(pareto_solutions.rf[, ..normalized_cols])
# Extract normalized data for all solutions
all_data <- as.matrix(archive_regr_clean[, ..normalized_cols])
# Calculate the minimum distance of each solution to the Pareto front
min_distances <- apply(all_data, 1, function(x) {
apply(pareto_data, 1, function(y) euclidean_distance(x, y)) %>% min()
}) # The apply() function processes each row in order, ensuring the resulting distances maintain the same order as the input rows.
# Add the distances to the data table
archive_regr_clean[, distance_to_pareto := min_distances]
# Select top N near-optimal solutions based on distance to Pareto front. The actual Pareto optimal solutions on the front will also be included in this object
near_optimal_solutions <- archive_regr_clean[order(distance_to_pareto)][1:N_near_optimal]
# Apply PCA on the combined solutions
pca_result_combined <- prcomp([, ..normalized_cols]))
loadings_pc1_combined <- pca_result_combined$rotation[, 1]
loadings_pc2_combined <- pca_result_combined$rotation[, 2]
variance_pc1_combined <- summary(pca_result_combined)$importance[2, 1]
variance_pc2_combined <- summary(pca_result_combined)$importance[2, 2]
combined_weights <- variance_pc1_combined * abs(loadings_pc1_combined) + variance_pc2_combined * abs(loadings_pc2_combined)
pareto_weights <- combined_weights / sum(combined_weights) # Normalize to sum to 1
# Use these weights to calculate composite scores for only Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_solutions.rf[, composite_score := as.matrix(.SD) %*% pareto_weights, .SDcols = normalized_cols]
# Find the best set of hyperparameters based on the lowest composite score
best_index.rf <- which.min(pareto_solutions.rf$composite_score)
best_solution.rf <- pareto_solutions.rf[best_index.rf, ]
saveRDS(pareto_weights, "pareto_weights.rf.rds")
# pareto_weights <- readRDS("pareto_weights.rf.rds")
print(pareto_weights[order(pareto_weights, decreasing = TRUE)])
# > print(pareto_weights[order(pareto_weights, decreasing = TRUE)])
# normalized_dynamic_huber_loss normalized_dynamic_rmse
# 0.2095763 0.2044578
# normalized_dynamic_mae normalized_dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.2028355 0.2028355
# normalized_dynamic_mase
# 0.1802949
# Extract and print the best hyperparameters and their scores
best_hyperparameters.rf <- best_solution.rf[, ..param_cols]
best_metrics.rf <- best_solution.rf[, ..scores_cols]
names(best_hyperparameters.rf) <- gsub("^regr.randomForest\\.", "", names(best_hyperparameters.rf))
saveRDS(best_hyperparameters.rf, "best_hyperparameters.rf.rds")
saveRDS(best_metrics.rf, "best_metrics.rf.rds")
# Format the hyperparameters for printing
params.rf<- sprintf(
"ntree = %s\nmtry = %s\nnodesize = %s\nmaxnodes = %s",
# Format the metrics for printing
metrics.rf <- sapply(names(best_metrics.rf), function(col) {
sprintf("%s = %s", col, best_metrics.rf[[col]])
# Combine hyperparameters and metrics into a single character vector
param_metrics_descriptions.rf <- c("\nOptimal Hyperparameters:", params.rf, "\nMetrics:", metrics.rf)
# Print the parameters and metrics
cat("Best Parameters & Metrics for Random Forest Model with spcv_block (2.25 x the Range) Cross-Validation:\n", paste(param_metrics_descriptions.rf, collapse="\n"), "\n")
# Best Parameters & Metrics for Random Forest Model with spcv_block (2.25 x the Range) Cross-Validation:
# Optimal Hyperparameters:
# ntree = 62
# mtry = 21
# nodesize = 3
# maxnodes = 15
# Metrics:
# dynamic_quantile_loss = 4.00766383564622
# dynamic_huber_loss = 7.63109001855245
# dynamic_rmse = 14.4267215179122
# dynamic_mae = 8.01532767129243
# dynamic_mase = 6.78574080959456
# Save the formatted description to an RDS file
saveRDS(param_metrics_descriptions.rf, "params_metrics.rf.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.rds")
# param_metrics_descriptions.rf <- readRDS("params_metrics.rf.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.rds")
# Directly use the best solution to configure the learner
best_learner.rf <- lrn("regr.randomForest")
best_learner.rf$param_set$values <- as.list(best_hyperparameters.rf)
set.seed(123) # Make sure to set the seed again here or else the results will not be reproducible
saveRDS(best_learner.rf, "best_learner_after_training.rf.rds")
# best_learner.rf <- readRDS("best_learner_after_training.rf.rds")
# Transform the test data using the pipeline in the same way the training data was transformed earlier
pipeline_task_regr_test <- pipeline$predict(list(task_regr_test))[[1]]
# Make predictions
test_predictions_regr <- best_learner.rf$predict_newdata(newdata = pipeline_task_regr_test$data(), task = pipeline_task_regr_test)
saveRDS(test_predictions_regr, "test_predictions_regr.rf.rds")
# test_predictions_regr <- readRDS("test_predictions_regr.rf.rds")
# Core Metrics with which to Compare Models:
core_dynamic_measures_list.spcv_block <- list(
measure.dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_quantile_loss")),
measure.dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_huber_loss")),
measure.dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_rmse")),
measure.dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mae")),
measure.dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mase"))
saveRDS(core_dynamic_measures_list.spcv_block, "core_dynamic_measures_list.rf.rds")
> print(core_dynamic_measures_list.spcv_block)
# [[1]]
# dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.07257509
# [[2]]
# dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.09239028
# [[3]]
# dynamic_rmse
# 0.7309357
# [[4]]
# dynamic_mae
# 0.1451502
# [[5]]
# dynamic_mase
# 2.392986
# Non-core metrics from predictions on unseen test data:
measures_list.spcv_block <- list(
# Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE)
measure.rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rmse")),
measure.dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_rmse")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_rmse")),
# Mean Squared Error (MSE)
measure.mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mse")),
measure.dynamic_mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mse")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mse")),
# Mean Absolute Error (MAE)
measure.mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mae")),
measure.dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mae")),
# Mean Absolute Scaled Error (MASE)
measure.mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mase")),
measure.dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mase")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mase")),
# Quantile Loss
measure.quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("quantile_loss")),
measure.dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_quantile_loss")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss")),
# Huber Loss
measure.huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("huber_loss")),
measure.dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_huber_loss")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss")),
# Logarithmic MedAE
measure.dynamic_logarithmic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_logarithmic_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae")),
# Sqrt MedAE
measure.dynamic_sqrt_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_sqrt_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae")),
# Logistic MedAE
measure.dynamic_logistic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_logistic_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae")),
# Polynomial MedAE
measure.dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae")),
measure.dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae")),
# Geometric Mean Absolute Error (GMAE)
measure.gmae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("gmae")),
# Log-Cosh Loss
measure.log_cosh_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("log_cosh_loss")),
# Other measures
measure.medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.medae")),
measure.medse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.medse")),
measure.msle <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.msle")),
measure.rmsle <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rmsle")),
measure.rae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rae")),
measure.rrse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rrse"))
saveRDS(measures_list.spcv_block, "measures_list.rf.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.rds")
# measures_list.spcv_block <- readRDS("measures_list.rf.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.rds")
# > print(measures_list.spcv_block)
# [[1]]
# regr.rmse
# 0.3889256
# [[2]]
# dynamic_rmse
# 0.7309357
# [[3]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_rmse
# 0.9557167
# [[4]]
# regr.mse
# 0.1512631
# [[5]]
# dynamic_mse
# 0.534267
# [[6]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mse
# 0.9133944
# [[7]]
# regr.mae
# 0.07153252
# [[8]]
# dynamic_mae
# 0.1451502
# [[9]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mae
# 0.2189647
# [[10]]
# regr.mase
# 1.179305
# [[11]]
# dynamic_mase
# 2.392986
# [[12]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mase
# 3.609913
# [[13]]
# quantile_loss
# 0.03576626
# [[14]]
# dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.07257509
# [[15]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.07195536
# [[16]]
# huber_loss
# 0.03215238
# [[17]]
# dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.09239028
# [[18]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.124338
# [[19]]
# dynamic_logarithmic_medae
# 0.0000124553
# [[20]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae
# 0.003285468
# [[21]]
# dynamic_sqrt_medae
# 0.00352968
# [[22]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae
# 0.00352968
# [[23]]
# dynamic_logistic_medae
# 0.01172551
# [[24]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae
# 0.01247188
# [[25]]
# dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae
# 0.006610118
# [[26]]
# dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae
# 0.00352968
# [[27]]
# gmae
# 0.05118866
# [[28]]
# log_cosh_loss
# 0.02944867
# [[29]]
# regr.medae
# 0.02318232
# [[30]]
# regr.medse
# 0.00053742
# [[31]]
# regr.msle
# 0.01916722
# [[32]]
# regr.rmsle
# 0.1384457
# [[33]]
# regr.rae
# 1.140681
# [[34]]
# regr.rrse
# 1.078543
# Comparison of models:
# Appending new models to measure_paths and weight_paths
measure_paths <- c(measure_paths, "core_dynamic_measures_list.svm.rds", "core_dynamic_measures_list.svm.2.rds", "core_dynamic_measures_list.rf.rds")
weight_paths <- c(weight_paths, "pareto_weights.svm.rds", "pareto_weights.svm.2.rds", "pareto_weights.rf.rds")
# saveRDS(measure_paths, "measure_paths.rds")
# measure_paths <- readRDS("measure_paths.rds")
# saveRDS(weight_paths, "weight_paths.rds")
# weight_paths <- readRDS("weight_paths.rds")
# Run the function to rank the model performance levels in terms of composite scores
rank_model_performance(measure_paths, weight_paths)
# The output shows that the Random Forest model outperforms every other model
# > rank_model_performance(measure_paths, weight_paths)
# core_dynamic_measures_list.rf
# 0.006632951
# core_dynamic_measures_list.svm.2
# 0.041622130
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range
# 0.119199723
# core_dynamic_measures_list.svm
# 0.124969067
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.sptcv_cstf.strat.block_id
# 0.159229493
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2.5_factor_range
# 0.163611950
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2_factor_range
# 0.167656748
# core_dynamic_measures_list.regr.custom_cv
# 0.168407443
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.repeated_spcv_block
# 0.196121225
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_coords
# 0.202524185
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2.75_factor_range
# 0.202704228
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.gain_and_perm_imp
# 0.258862908
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.1.5_factor_range
# 0.268724410
# core_dynamic_measures_list.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.fs
# 0.322058894
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.gain
# 0.340036707
# core_dynamic_measures_list.nested.spcv_block
# 0.355104299
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.3.5_factor_range
# 0.905416032
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.perm_imp
# 0.971258999
# Summarize the data for actual attacks
attacks_by_territory_actual <- final_net.sf.attacks_test %>%
group_by(NAME_2) %>%
summarise(total_attacks = sum(countAttacks, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
filter(NAME_2 %in% districts_to_label)
# Summarize the data for predicted attacks
attacks_by_territory_predicted <- final_net_combined.rf %>%
filter(type == "Predicted") %>%
group_by(NAME_2) %>%
summarise(total_attacks = sum(value, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
filter(NAME_2 %in% districts_to_label)
# Combine the two datasets for plotting
combined_attacks <- attacks_by_territory_actual %>%
rename(Actual = total_attacks) %>%
left_join(attacks_by_territory_predicted %>% %>%
dplyr::select(-geometry) %>%
rename(Predicted = total_attacks), by = "NAME_2") %>%
tidyr::gather(key = "Type", value = "Total_Attacks", Actual, Predicted)
# Rearrange the order of bars
combined_attacks$NAME_2 <- factor(combined_attacks$NAME_2, levels = c("Beni", "Irumu", "Djugu", "Rutshuru", "Mambasa", "Goma", "Uvira", "Fizi", "Masisi", "Kalehe"))
# Data for the vertical separators
separator_positions <- data.frame(
x = seq(1.5, length(levels(combined_attacks$NAME_2)) - 0.5, by = 1)
saveRDS(combined_attacks, "combined_attacks.abs_diffs.rf.spcv_block.2.25.rds")
saveRDS(separator_positions, "separator_positions.abs_diffs.rf.spcv_block.2.25.rds")
# Create the bar chart with modifications
ggplot(combined_attacks, aes(x = NAME_2, y = Total_Attacks, fill = Type)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge") +
geom_text(aes(label = round(Total_Attacks)),
vjust = 1.5,
color = "black",
position = position_dodge(width = 0.9),
fontface = "bold",
size = 4) + # Add the value labels at the top of each bar
title = stringr::str_wrap("Comparison of Actual vs Predicted Attacks on Civilians in the Eastern DRC in the 10 Most Dangerous Territories", width = 80),
subtitle = "(Random Forest with Regular spcv_block Resampling)",
x = "Territory",
y = "Total Attacks",
fill = NULL # Remove the legend title "Type" - Will just leave "Actual" and "Predicted"
) +
theme_fivethirtyeight() +
theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 16, hjust = 0.5, face = "bold", lineheight = 1.2), # Center the title and adjust line height for wrapping
plot.subtitle = element_text(size = 13, hjust = 0.5, face = "bold"),
axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 0, hjust = 0.5, face = "bold", size = 12, margin = margin(t = -20, b = 10)), # Moves x-axis labels up
axis.title.x = element_text(vjust = -3, face = "bold", size = 15), # Move x-axis label down and make it bold
# legend.position = c(0.5, -0.15), # Move the legend to a custom position
legend.margin = margin(t = 25), # Add margin on top of the legend
legend.text = element_text(size = 12, face = "bold"), # Increase text size and make it bold
plot.margin = unit(c(20, 20, 40, 20), unit = "pt") # expands the plot's bottom location to 40 units
) +
# Add the vertical separators at the bottom of the plot
geom_segment(data = separator_positions, aes(x = x, xend = x, y = -0.5, yend = 0),
inherit.aes = FALSE, color = "black", linewidth = 1.5, margin = margin(t = 20)) +
# Adjust the y-axis to allow space for the separators without affecting the bars
scale_y_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(0.05, 0.05)))
. As a result, mlr3’s implementation - similar to
the previously discussed problem with mlr3’s custom_cv
LOGO cross-validation - could lead to data leakage across folds during
base model cross-validation, biasing prediction results. Therefore, the
code implementation below is for demonstration purposes only. I would
only recommend this being attempted for production if at some point the
mlr3 developers integrate spatially aware resampling for the base
learners.# Load these objects if not already loaded:
# final_net.sf.attacks_train <- readRDS(file = "final_net.sf.attacks_train-after_adding_HiSig_and_HiSig.dist.rds")
# final_net.sf.attacks_test <- readRDS(file = "final_net.sf.attacks_test-after_adding_HiSig_and_HiSig.dist.rds")
columns.rf.attacks <- columns.xgb.attacks
data.attacks_train <- final_net.sf.attacks_train[, columns.rf.attacks]
data.attacks_test <- final_net.sf.attacks_test[, columns.rf.attacks]
# Convert all columns to numeric
for(col in columns.rf.attacks) {
data.attacks_train[[col]] <- as.numeric(data.attacks_train[[col]])
data.attacks_test[[col]] <- as.numeric(data.attacks_test[[col]])
# Set the seed for reproducibility
# Prepare training and testing data
data.regr.train <- data.attacks_train
data.regr.test <- data.attacks_test
data.regr.train$count_target <- as.numeric(data.attacks_train[["countAttacks"]])
data.regr.test$count_target <- as.numeric(data.attacks_test[["countAttacks"]])
data.regr.train <- data.regr.train %>% dplyr::select(-countAttacks, -NAME_2)
data.regr.test <- data.regr.test %>% dplyr::select(-countAttacks, -NAME_2)
data_centroids.regr.train <- st_centroid(data.regr.train)
data_centroids.regr.test <- st_centroid(data.regr.test)
# Define the CRS for the task
projected_crs = "+proj=tmerc +lat_0=-0.6888125 +lon_0=29.0698245 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"
# Create the task
task_regr_train <- as_task_regr_st(data_centroids.regr.train, target = "count_target", coordinate_names = c("geometry"), crs = projected_crs, coords_as_features = FALSE, label = "count_model", drop_original_target = TRUE)
task_regr_train$set_col_roles("uniqueID", "order")
task_regr_test <- as_task_regr_st(data_centroids.regr.test, target = "count_target", coordinate_names = c("geometry"), crs = projected_crs, coords_as_features = FALSE, label = "count_model", drop_original_target = TRUE)
task_regr_test$set_col_roles("uniqueID", "order")
# Define a scaling pipeline
pipeline <- po("scale", id = "scale")
pipeline_task_regr_train = pipeline$train(list(task_regr_train))[[1]]
resampling_regr <- rsmp("spcv_block", range = 27373, folds = 10)
learner_svm <- lrn("regr.svm")
learner_xgb <- lrn("regr.xgboost")
learner_rf <- lrn("regr.randomForest", importance = "nudepurity")
level0 <- gunion(list(
po("scale", id = "scale_svm") %>>%
po("learner_cv", learner_svm, resampling.folds = 5, id = "svm_cv"),
po("scale", id = "scale_xgb") %>>%
po("learner_cv", learner_xgb, resampling.folds = 5, id = "xgb_cv"),
po("copy", id = "orig_features", outnum = 1) # Pass through original features
)) %>>%
po("featureunion", id = "union0")
# Scale only the original features (not the output of union0)
final_ensemble <- level0 %>>%
po("branch", options = c("orig", "combined"), id = "feature_branch") %>>%
po("nop", id = "combined_features"), # Do nothing for combined features (svm_cv and xgb_cv)
po("scale", id = "scale_orig_features") # Scale original features before using in RF
)) %>>%
po("unbranch", id = "unbranch_features") %>>%
saveRDS(final_ensemble, "final_ensemble.rds")
# The po("unbranch") operation merges the two branches back together, allowing learner_rf to use both the scaled original features and the combined features (scm_cv and xgb_cv) without scaling the combined features twice (since the scm_cv and xgb_cv models' respective features were already scaled before their hyperparameters were tuned with k-fold cross-validation).
# I use this pipeline setup to ensure that the original features are scaled properly without affecting the predictions from base models in a stacking ensemble that are later used as features for the meta learner.
# Problem of Double Scaling: By scaling both the individual learners at Level 0 and then scaling again after combining features at Level 1, the data would be scaled twice. This can introduce issues like distorting the relative importance of features.
final_ensemble$plot(html = FALSE)
# Convert to GraphLearner
graph_learner <- as_learner(final_ensemble)
# Define the search space for all models, including level 0 and level 1 learners
search_space = ps(
svm_cv.gamma = p_dbl(0.00001, 0.00125),
svm_cv.type = p_fct(levels = c("eps-regression")),
svm_cv.kernel = p_fct(levels = c("polynomial")),
svm_cv.cost = p_dbl(1, 50), = p_int(1, 1, depends = quote(svm_cv.kernel == "polynomial")),
svm_cv.epsilon = p_dbl(0.01, 0.1),
xgb_cv.nrounds = p_int(50, 2000),
xgb_cv.eta = p_dbl(1e-4, 1),
xgb_cv.max_depth = p_int(3, 40),
xgb_cv.colsample_bytree = p_dbl(0.2, 1),
xgb_cv.gamma = p_dbl(1e-3, 15),
xgb_cv.min_child_weight = p_dbl(1e-3, 10),
xgb_cv.subsample = p_dbl(0.2, 1),
xgb_cv.scale_pos_weight = p_int(1, 300),
regr.randomForest.ntree = p_int(50, 2000, tags = "budget"),
regr.randomForest.mtry = p_int(2, 33),
regr.randomForest.nodesize = p_int(1, 60),
regr.randomForest.maxnodes = p_int(1, 30)
dynamic_measure_names <- c("dynamic_quantile_loss", "dynamic_huber_loss", "dynamic_rmse", "dynamic_mae", "dynamic_mase")
dynamic_measures <- msrs(dynamic_measure_names)
if (future::supportsMulticore()) {
future::plan(future::multicore, workers = 6)
} else {
future::plan(future::multisession, workers = 6)
# Set up the tuning instance
instance.multi_tuning <- TuningInstanceBatchMultiCrit$new(
task = pipeline_task_regr_train,
learner = graph_learner,
resampling = resampling_regr,
measures = dynamic_measures,
terminator = trm("none"),
search_space = search_space,
store_models = TRUE,
check_values = TRUE
# Run the tuner
tuner <- tnr("hyperband")
saveRDS(instance.multi_tuning, "instance.multi_tuning.stacked.scaled.rds", compress = TRUE)
# instance.multi_tuning <- readRDS("instance.multi_tuning.stacked.scaled.rds")
archive_regr <-$archive)
saveRDS(archive_regr, "archive_regr.stacked.scaled.rds", compress = TRUE)
# archive_regr <- readRDS("archive_regr.stacked.scaled.rds")
param_cols <- c("svm_cv.gamma", "svm_cv.type", "svm_cv.kernel", "svm_cv.cost", "", "svm_cv.epsilon", "xgb_cv.nrounds", "xgb_cv.eta", "xgb_cv.max_depth", "xgb_cv.colsample_bytree", "xgb_cv.gamma", "xgb_cv.min_child_weight", "xgb_cv.subsample", "xgb_cv.scale_pos_weight", "regr.randomForest.ntree", "regr.randomForest.mtry", "regr.randomForest.nodesize", "regr.randomForest.maxnodes")
scores_cols <- dynamic_measure_names
normalized_cols <- paste0("normalized_", scores_cols)
# Function to identify outliers using the IQR method
identify_outliers <- function(x) {
q75 <- quantile(x, 0.75, na.rm = TRUE)
q25 <- quantile(x, 0.25, na.rm = TRUE)
iqr <- q75 - q25
lower_bound <- q25 - 1.5 * iqr
upper_bound <- q75 + 1.5 * iqr
return(x < lower_bound | x > upper_bound)
# Apply the outlier identification function to each metric column
outliers <- archive_regr[, lapply(.SD, identify_outliers), .SDcols = scores_cols]
# Create a logical vector indicating rows to keep (non-outliers)
rows_to_keep <- !rowSums(outliers)
# Filter the dataset to remove outliers
archive_regr_clean <- archive_regr[rows_to_keep]
min_max_scale <- function(x) {
(x - min(x, na.rm = TRUE)) / (max(x, na.rm = TRUE) - min(x, na.rm = TRUE))
# Apply min-max scaling to the cleaned dataset
archive_regr_clean[, (normalized_cols) := lapply(.SD, min_max_scale), .SDcols = scores_cols]
# Perform Pareto front selection on the normalized columns
pareto_indices.stacked <- fastNonDominatedSorting(as.matrix(archive_regr_clean[, ..normalized_cols]))
# Extract Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_solutions.stacked <- archive_regr_clean[pareto_indices.stacked[[1]], ]
# Define the number of near-optimal solutions to include
N_near_optimal <- 50
# Function to calculate Euclidean distance between two points
euclidean_distance <- function(x, y) {
sqrt(sum((x - y) ^ 2))
# Extract normalized data for Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_data <- as.matrix(pareto_solutions.stacked[, ..normalized_cols])
# Extract normalized data for all solutions
all_data <- as.matrix(archive_regr_clean[, ..normalized_cols])
# Calculate the minimum distance of each solution to the Pareto front
min_distances <- apply(all_data, 1, function(x) {
apply(pareto_data, 1, function(y) euclidean_distance(x, y)) %>% min()
}) # The apply() function processes each row in order, ensuring the resulting distances maintain the same order as the input rows.
# Add the distances to the data table
archive_regr_clean[, distance_to_pareto := min_distances]
# Select top N near-optimal solutions based on distance to Pareto front. The actual Pareto optimal solutions on the front will also be included in this object
near_optimal_solutions <- archive_regr_clean[order(distance_to_pareto)][1:N_near_optimal]
# Apply PCA on the combined solutions
pca_result_combined <- prcomp([, ..normalized_cols]))
loadings_pc1_combined <- pca_result_combined$rotation[, 1]
loadings_pc2_combined <- pca_result_combined$rotation[, 2]
variance_pc1_combined <- summary(pca_result_combined)$importance[2, 1]
variance_pc2_combined <- summary(pca_result_combined)$importance[2, 2]
combined_weights <- variance_pc1_combined * abs(loadings_pc1_combined) + variance_pc2_combined * abs(loadings_pc2_combined)
pareto_weights <- combined_weights / sum(combined_weights) # Normalize to sum to 1
# Use these weights to calculate composite scores for only Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_solutions.stacked[, composite_score := as.matrix(.SD) %*% pareto_weights, .SDcols = normalized_cols]
# Find the best set of hyperparameters based on the lowest composite score
best_index.stacked <- which.min(pareto_solutions.stacked$composite_score)
best_solution.stacked <- pareto_solutions.stacked[best_index.stacked, ]
saveRDS(pareto_weights, "pareto_weights.stacked.scaled.rds")
# pareto_weights <- readRDS("pareto_weights.stacked.scaled.rds")
print(pareto_weights[order(pareto_weights, decreasing = TRUE)])
# > print(pareto_weights[order(pareto_weights, decreasing = TRUE)])
# normalized_dynamic_rmse normalized_dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.2225529 0.2073997
# normalized_dynamic_mae normalized_dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.1966872 0.1966872
# normalized_dynamic_mase
# 0.1766730
# Extract and print the best hyperparameters and their scores
best_hyperparameters.stacked <- best_solution.stacked[, ..param_cols]
best_metrics.stacked <- best_solution.stacked[, ..scores_cols]
svm_columns <- grep("^svm_cv\\.", names(best_hyperparameters.stacked), value = TRUE)
# Extract these columns and save them in a new data.table or data.frame
best_hyperparameters.level0.svm <- best_hyperparameters.stacked[, ..svm_columns]
# Remove svm_cv. as the prefix
names(best_hyperparameters.level0.svm) <- gsub("^svm_cv\\.", "", names(best_hyperparameters.level0.svm))
xgb_columns <- grep("^xgb_cv\\.", names(best_hyperparameters.stacked), value = TRUE)
# Extract these columns and save them in a new data.table or data.frame
best_hyperparameters.level0.xgb <- best_hyperparameters.stacked[, ..xgb_columns]
names(best_hyperparameters.level0.xgb) <- gsub("^xgb_cv\\.", "", names(best_hyperparameters.level0.xgb))
rf_columns <- grep("^regr.randomForest\\.", names(best_hyperparameters.stacked), value = TRUE)
# Extract these columns and save them in a new data.table or data.frame
best_hyperparameters.level1.rf <- best_hyperparameters.stacked[, ..rf_columns]
names(best_hyperparameters.level1.rf) <- gsub("^regr.randomForest\\.", "", names(best_hyperparameters.level1.rf))
learner_svm.test <- lrn("regr.svm")
learner_xgb.test <- lrn("regr.xgboost")
learner_rf.test <- lrn("regr.randomForest", importance = "nudepurity")
# Ensure the logical vector matches the columns
# Configure level 0 models with the best hyperparameters
learner_svm.test$param_set$values <- as.list(best_hyperparameters.level0.svm)
learner_xgb.test$param_set$values <- as.list(best_hyperparameters.level0.xgb)
learner_rf.test$param_set$values <- as.list(best_hyperparameters.level1.rf)
# Create the test pipeline with the best hyperparameters from tuning
level0.test <- gunion(list(
po("scale", id = "scale_svm.test") %>>%
po("learner_cv", learner_svm.test, resampling.folds = 5, id = "svm.test"),
po("scale", id = "scale_xgb.test") %>>%
po("learner_cv", learner_xgb.test, resampling.folds = 5, id = "xgb.test"),
po("copy", id = "orig_features.test", outnum = 1) # Pass through original features
)) %>>%
po("featureunion", id = "union0.test") # Combine features
# Create the final ensemble with the trained level 1 random forest
final_ensemble.test <- level0.test %>>%
po("branch", options = c("orig", "combined"), id = "feature_branch.test") %>>%
po("nop", id = "combined_features.test"), # Do nothing for combined features (svm.test and xgb.test)
po("scale", id = "scale_orig_features.test") # Scale original features before using in RF
)) %>>%
po("unbranch", id = "unbranch_features.test") %>>%
final_ensemble.test$plot(html = FALSE)
graph_learner.test <- as_learner(final_ensemble.test)
# Train the final model on the full training data
# Save the trained model
saveRDS(graph_learner.test, "final_stacked_model.scaled.after_training.rds")
# Transform the test data using the same pipeline (including scaling)
pipeline_task_regr_test <- pipeline$predict(list(task_regr_test))[[1]]
# Make predictions on the test data
test_predictions_regr <- graph_learner.test$predict_newdata(newdata = pipeline_task_regr_test$data(), task = pipeline_task_regr_test)
saveRDS(test_predictions_regr, "test_predictions_regr.stacked.scaled.rds")
# test_predictions_regr <- readRDS("test_predictions_regr.stacked.scaled.rds")
# Core metrics to compare models
core_dynamic_measures_list.spcv_block <- list(
measure.dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_quantile_loss")),
measure.dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_huber_loss")),
measure.dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_rmse")),
measure.dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mae")),
measure.dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mase"))
saveRDS(core_dynamic_measures_list.spcv_block, "core_dynamic_measures_list.stacked.scaled.rds")
# Print the final core measures
# > print(core_dynamic_measures_list.spcv_block)
# [[1]]
# dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.08489173
# [[2]]
# dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.09644852
# [[3]]
# dynamic_rmse
# 0.7134657
# [[4]]
# dynamic_mae
# 0.1697835
# [[5]]
# dynamic_mase
# 2.799097
# Non-core metrics from predictions on unseen test data:
measures_list.spcv_block <- list(
# Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE)
measure.rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rmse")),
measure.dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_rmse")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_rmse")),
# Mean Squared Error (MSE)
measure.mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mse")),
measure.dynamic_mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mse")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mse")),
# Mean Absolute Error (MAE)
measure.mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mae")),
measure.dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mae")),
# Mean Absolute Scaled Error (MASE)
measure.mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mase")),
measure.dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mase")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mase")),
# Quantile Loss
measure.quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("quantile_loss")),
measure.dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_quantile_loss")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss")),
# Huber Loss
measure.huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("huber_loss")),
measure.dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_huber_loss")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss")),
# Logarithmic MedAE
measure.dynamic_logarithmic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_logarithmic_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae")),
# Sqrt MedAE
measure.dynamic_sqrt_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_sqrt_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae")),
# Logistic MedAE
measure.dynamic_logistic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_logistic_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae")),
# Polynomial MedAE
measure.dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae")),
measure.dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae")),
# Geometric Mean Absolute Error (GMAE)
measure.gmae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("gmae")),
# Log-Cosh Loss
measure.log_cosh_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("log_cosh_loss")),
# Other measures
measure.medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.medae")),
measure.medse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.medse")),
measure.msle <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.msle")),
measure.rmsle <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rmsle")),
measure.rae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rae")),
measure.rrse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rrse"))
saveRDS(measures_list.spcv_block, "measures_list.stacked.scaled.rds")
# measures_list.spcv_block <- readRDS("measures_list.stacked.scaled.rds")
# > print(measures_list.spcv_block)
# [[1]]
# regr.rmse
# 0.3778972
# [[2]]
# dynamic_rmse
# 0.7134657
# [[3]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_rmse
# 0.935903
# [[4]]
# regr.mse
# 0.1428063
# [[5]]
# dynamic_mse
# 0.5090333
# [[6]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mse
# 0.8759145
# [[7]]
# regr.mae
# 0.09740723
# [[8]]
# dynamic_mae
# 0.1697835
# [[9]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mae
# 0.2433609
# [[10]]
# regr.mase
# 1.605882
# [[11]]
# dynamic_mase
# 2.799097
# [[12]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mase
# 4.012114
# [[13]]
# quantile_loss
# 0.04870362
# [[14]]
# dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.08489173
# [[15]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.09054888
# [[16]]
# huber_loss
# 0.03781359
# [[17]]
# dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.09644852
# [[18]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.1330748
# [[19]]
# dynamic_logarithmic_medae
# 0.000002912422
# [[20]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae
# 0.001612152
# [[21]]
# dynamic_sqrt_medae
# 0.001706669
# [[22]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae
# 0.001706669
# [[23]]
# dynamic_logistic_medae
# 0.007191612
# [[24]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae
# 0.007566785
# [[25]]
# dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae
# 0.003464881
# [[26]]
# dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae
# 0.001706669
# [[27]]
# gmae
# 0.07408978
# [[28]]
# log_cosh_loss
# 0.03486664
# [[29]]
# regr.medae
# 0.01428125
# [[30]]
# regr.medse
# 0.0002039541
# [[31]]
# regr.msle
# 0.02868334
# [[32]]
# regr.rmsle
# 0.1693616
# [[33]]
# regr.rae
# 1.553288
# [[34]]
# regr.rrse
# 1.04796
# Comparison after considering the performance of the stacked ensemble model
# Appending new models to measure_paths and weight_paths
measure_paths <- c(measure_paths, "core_dynamic_measures_list.stacked.scaled.rds")
weight_paths <- c(weight_paths, "pareto_weights.stacked.scaled.rds")
# saveRDS(measure_paths, "measure_paths.rds")
# measure_paths <- readRDS("measure_paths.rds")
# saveRDS(weight_paths, "weight_paths.rds")
# weight_paths <- readRDS("weight_paths.rds")
# Run the function to rank the model performance levels in terms of composite scores
rank_model_performance(measure_paths, weight_paths)
# > rank_model_performance(measure_paths, weight_paths)
# core_dynamic_measures_list.rf
# 0.006632951
# core_dynamic_measures_list.stacked.scaled
# 0.034677772
# core_dynamic_measures_list.svm.2
# 0.041622130
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range
# 0.119199723
# core_dynamic_measures_list.svm
# 0.124969067
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.sptcv_cstf.strat.block_id
# 0.159229493
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2.5_factor_range
# 0.163611950
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2_factor_range
# 0.167656748
# core_dynamic_measures_list.regr.custom_cv
# 0.168407443
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.repeated_spcv_block
# 0.196121225
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_coords
# 0.202524185
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2.75_factor_range
# 0.202704228
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.gain_and_perm_imp
# 0.258862908
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.1.5_factor_range
# 0.268724410
# core_dynamic_measures_list.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.fs
# 0.322058894
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.gain
# 0.340036707
# core_dynamic_measures_list.nested.spcv_block
# 0.355104299
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.3.5_factor_range
# 0.905416032
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.perm_imp
# 0.971258999
cross-validation (2.25 x the empirical range) is so far the best
performing model, it seems natural to at least see whether using
cross-validation will increase its
performance even further, even though repeated_spcv_block
cross-validation did not improve performance for my XGBoost model. While
we are at it, we could also see if repeated_spcv_block
cross-validation using SVM’s will also increase performance. We will
then compare all the models’ performance metrics on test data that we
have run thus far.repeated_spcv_block
Cross-Validation (2.25 x the Empirical Range)# Repeated spcv_block Random Forest Model with the Range Argument Value = 2.25 x the Empirical Range of Spatial Autocorrelation
data.attacks_train <- final_net.sf.attacks_train[, columns.rf.attacks]
data.attacks_test <- final_net.sf.attacks_test[, columns.rf.attacks]
for(col in columns.rf.attacks) {
data.attacks_train[[col]] <- as.numeric(data.attacks_train[[col]])
data.attacks_test[[col]] <- as.numeric(data.attacks_test[[col]])
# Set the seed for reproducibility
data.regr.train <- data.attacks_train
data.regr.test <- data.attacks_test
data.regr.train$count_target <- as.numeric(data.attacks_train[["countAttacks"]])
data.regr.test$count_target <- as.numeric(data.attacks_test[["countAttacks"]])
data.regr.train <- data.regr.train %>% dplyr::select(-countAttacks, -NAME_2)
data.regr.test <- data.regr.test %>% dplyr::select(-countAttacks, -NAME_2)
data_centroids.regr.train <- st_centroid(data.regr.train)
data_centroids.regr.test <- st_centroid(data.regr.test)
projected_crs = "+proj=tmerc +lat_0=-0.6888125 +lon_0=29.0698245 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"
task_regr_train <- as_task_regr_st(data_centroids.regr.train, target = "count_target", coordinate_names = c("geometry"), crs = projected_crs, coords_as_features = FALSE, label= "count_model", drop_original_target = TRUE)
task_regr_train$set_col_roles("uniqueID", "order")
task_regr_test <- as_task_regr_st(data_centroids.regr.test, target = "count_target", coordinate_names = c("geometry"), crs = projected_crs, coords_as_features = FALSE, label= "count_model", drop_original_target = TRUE)
task_regr_test$set_col_roles("uniqueID", "order")
# Define a pipeline with scaling
pipeline <- po("scale", id = "scale")
pipeline_task_regr_train = pipeline$train(list(task_regr_train))[[1]]
resampling_regr <- rsmp("repeated_spcv_block", range =c(as.integer(27373), as.integer(27373), as.integer(27373), as.integer(27373), as.integer(27373)), folds = 10, repeats = 5)
learner_regr_train <- lrn("regr.randomForest",
ntree = to_tune(p_int(50, 2000, tags = "budget")),
mtry = to_tune(2, 33),
nodesize = to_tune(1, 60),
maxnodes = to_tune(1, 30),
importance = "nudepurity")
graph_learner <- GraphLearner$new(pipeline %>>% learner_regr_train)
dynamic_measure_names <- c("dynamic_quantile_loss", "dynamic_huber_loss", "dynamic_rmse", "dynamic_mae", "dynamic_mase")
dynamic_measures <- msrs(dynamic_measure_names)
if (future::supportsMulticore()) {
future::plan(future::multicore, workers = 6)
} else {
future::plan(future::multisession, workers = 6)
instance.multi_tuning <- TuningInstanceBatchMultiCrit$new(
task = pipeline_task_regr_train,
learner = graph_learner,
resampling = resampling_regr,
measures = dynamic_measures,
terminator = trm("none"),
store_models = TRUE,
check_values = TRUE
tuner <- tnr("hyperband")
saveRDS(instance.multi_tuning, "instance.multi_tuning.rf.repeated_spcv_block.rds", compress = TRUE)
# instance.multi_tuning <- readRDS("instance.multi_tuning.rf.repeated_spcv_block.rds")
# Process results
archive_regr <-$archive)
saveRDS(archive_regr, "archive_regr.rf.repeated_spcv_block.rds", compress=TRUE)
# archive_regr <- readRDS("archive_regr.rf.repeated_spcv_block.rds")
param_cols <- c("regr.randomForest.ntree", "regr.randomForest.mtry", "regr.randomForest.nodesize", "regr.randomForest.maxnodes")
scores_cols <- dynamic_measure_names
normalized_cols <- paste0("normalized_", scores_cols)
# Function to identify outliers using the IQR method
identify_outliers <- function(x) {
q75 <- quantile(x, 0.75, na.rm = TRUE)
q25 <- quantile(x, 0.25, na.rm = TRUE)
iqr <- q75 - q25
lower_bound <- q25 - 1.5 * iqr
upper_bound <- q75 + 1.5 * iqr
return(x < lower_bound | x > upper_bound)
# Apply the outlier identification function to each metric column
outliers <- archive_regr[, lapply(.SD, identify_outliers), .SDcols = scores_cols]
# Create a logical vector indicating rows to keep (non-outliers)
rows_to_keep <- !rowSums(outliers)
# Filter the dataset to remove outliers
archive_regr_clean <- archive_regr[rows_to_keep]
min_max_scale <- function(x) {
(x - min(x, na.rm = TRUE)) / (max(x, na.rm = TRUE) - min(x, na.rm = TRUE))
# Apply min-max scaling to the cleaned dataset
archive_regr_clean[, (normalized_cols) := lapply(.SD, min_max_scale), .SDcols = scores_cols]
# Perform Pareto front selection on the normalized columns
pareto_indices.rf <- fastNonDominatedSorting(as.matrix(archive_regr_clean[, ..normalized_cols]))
# Extract Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_solutions.rf <- archive_regr_clean[pareto_indices.rf[[1]], ]
# Define the number of near-optimal solutions to include
N_near_optimal <- 50
# Function to calculate Euclidean distance between two points
euclidean_distance <- function(x, y) {
sqrt(sum((x - y) ^ 2))
# Extract normalized data for Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_data <- as.matrix(pareto_solutions.rf[, ..normalized_cols])
# Extract normalized data for all solutions
all_data <- as.matrix(archive_regr_clean[, ..normalized_cols])
# Calculate the minimum distance of each solution to the Pareto front
min_distances <- apply(all_data, 1, function(x) {
apply(pareto_data, 1, function(y) euclidean_distance(x, y)) %>% min()
# Add the distances to the data table
archive_regr_clean[, distance_to_pareto := min_distances]
# Select top N near-optimal solutions based on distance to Pareto front.
near_optimal_solutions <- archive_regr_clean[order(distance_to_pareto)][1:N_near_optimal]
# Apply PCA on the combined solutions
pca_result_combined <- prcomp([, ..normalized_cols]))
loadings_pc1_combined <- pca_result_combined$rotation[, 1]
loadings_pc2_combined <- pca_result_combined$rotation[, 2]
variance_pc1_combined <- summary(pca_result_combined)$importance[2, 1]
variance_pc2_combined <- summary(pca_result_combined)$importance[2, 2]
combined_weights <- variance_pc1_combined * abs(loadings_pc1_combined) + variance_pc2_combined * abs(loadings_pc2_combined)
pareto_weights <- combined_weights / sum(combined_weights) # Normalize to sum to 1
# Use these weights to calculate composite scores for only Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_solutions.rf[, composite_score := as.matrix(.SD) %*% pareto_weights, .SDcols = normalized_cols]
# Find the best set of hyperparameters based on the lowest composite score
best_index.rf <- which.min(pareto_solutions.rf$composite_score)
best_solution.rf <- pareto_solutions.rf[best_index.rf, ]
saveRDS(pareto_weights, "pareto_weights.rf.repeated_spcv_block.rds")
# pareto_weights <- readRDS("pareto_weights.repeated_spcv_block.rds")
print(pareto_weights[order(pareto_weights, decreasing = TRUE)])
# Extract and print the best hyperparameters and their scores
best_hyperparameters.rf <- best_solution.rf[, ..param_cols]
best_metrics.rf <- best_solution.rf[, ..scores_cols]
names(best_hyperparameters.rf) <- gsub("^regr.randomForest\\.", "", names(best_hyperparameters.rf))
saveRDS(best_hyperparameters.rf, "best_hyperparameters.rf.repeated_spcv_block.rds")
saveRDS(best_metrics.rf, "best_metrics.rf.repeated_spcv_block.rds")
# Format the hyperparameters for printing
params.rf <- sprintf(
"ntree = %s\nmtry = %s\nnodesize = %s\nmaxnodes = %s",
# Format the metrics for printing
metrics.rf <- sapply(names(best_metrics.rf), function(col) {
sprintf("%s = %s", col, best_metrics.rf[[col]])
# Combine hyperparameters and metrics into a single character vector
param_metrics_descriptions.rf <- c("\nOptimal Hyperparameters:", params.rf, "\nMetrics:", metrics.rf)
# Print the parameters and metrics
cat("Best Parameters & Metrics for Random Forest Model with repeated_spcv_block Cross-Validation:\n", paste(param_metrics_descriptions.rf, collapse="\n"), "\n")
# Best Parameters & Metrics for Random Forest Model with repeated_spcv_block Cross-Validation:
# Optimal Hyperparameters:
# eta = 0.254589674369292
# max_depth = 10
# colsample_bytree = 0.816604472137988
# gamma = 8.41600507580372
# min_child_weight = 1.90884587862086
# subsample = 0.670882744714618
# scale_pos_weight = 155.700964297401
# nrounds = 125
# Metrics:
# dynamic_quantile_loss = 3.67727506114301
# dynamic_huber_loss = 6.86610855877635
# dynamic_rmse = 12.4650553715871
# dynamic_mae = 7.35455012228602
# dynamic_mase = 6.00354817169405
# Save the formatted description to an RDS file
saveRDS(param_metrics_descriptions.rf, "params_metrics.rf.repeated_spcv_block.rds")
# param_metrics_descriptions.rf <- readRDS("params_metrics.rf.repeated_spcv_block.rds")
# Directly use the best solution to configure the learner
best_learner.rf <- lrn("regr.randomForest", importance = "nudepurity")
best_learner.rf$param_set$values <- as.list(best_hyperparameters.rf)
set.seed(123) # Make sure to set the seed again here or else the results will not be reproducible
saveRDS(best_learner.rf, "best_learner.rf.repeated_spcv_block.after_training.rds")
# best_learner.rf <- readRDS("best_learner.rf.repeated_spcv_block.after_training.rds")
pipeline_task_regr_test <- pipeline$predict(list(task_regr_test))[[1]]
test_predictions_regr <- best_learner.rf$predict_newdata(newdata = pipeline_task_regr_test$data(), task = pipeline_task_regr_test)
saveRDS(test_predictions_regr, "test_predictions_regr.rf.repeated_spcv_block.rds")
# test_predictions_regr <- readRDS("test_predictions_regr.rf.repeated_spcv_block.rds")
# Core Metrics with which to Compare Models:
core_dynamic_measures_list.repeated_spcv_block <- list(
measure.dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_quantile_loss")),
measure.dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_huber_loss")),
measure.dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_rmse")),
measure.dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mae")),
measure.dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mase"))
saveRDS(core_dynamic_measures_list.repeated_spcv_block, "core_dynamic_measures_list.rf.repeated_spcv_block.rds")
# > print(core_dynamic_measures_list.repeated_spcv_block)
# [[1]]
# dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.0690153
# [[2]]
# dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.093932
# [[3]]
# dynamic_rmse
# 0.7168184
# [[4]]
# dynamic_mae
# 0.1380306
# [[5]]
# dynamic_mase
# 2.27561
# Non-core metrics from predictions on unseen test data:
measures_list.repeated_spcv_block <- list(
# Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE)
measure.rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rmse")),
measure.dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_rmse")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_rmse")),
# Mean Squared Error (MSE)
measure.mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mse")),
measure.dynamic_mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mse")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mse")),
# Mean Absolute Error (MAE)
measure.mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mae")),
measure.dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mae")),
# Mean Absolute Scaled Error (MASE)
measure.mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mase")),
measure.dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mase")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mase")),
# Quantile Loss
measure.quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("quantile_loss")),
measure.dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_quantile_loss")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss")),
# Huber Loss
measure.huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("huber_loss")),
measure.dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_huber_loss")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss")),
# Logarithmic MedAE
measure.dynamic_logarithmic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_logarithmic_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae")),
# Sqrt MedAE
measure.dynamic_sqrt_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_sqrt_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae")),
# Logistic MedAE
measure.dynamic_logistic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_logistic_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae")),
# Polynomial MedAE
measure.dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae")),
measure.dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae")),
# Geometric Mean Absolute Error (GMAE)
measure.gmae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("gmae")),
# Log-Cosh Loss
measure.log_cosh_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("log_cosh_loss")),
# Other measures
measure.medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.medae")),
measure.medse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.medse")),
measure.msle <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.msle")),
measure.rmsle <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rmsle")),
measure.rae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rae")),
measure.rrse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rrse"))
saveRDS(measures_list.repeated_spcv_block, "measures_list.rf.repeated_spcv_block.rds")
# measures_list.repeated_spcv_block <- readRDS("measures_list.rf.repeated_spcv_block.rds")
# > print(measures_list.repeated_spcv_block)
# [[1]]
# regr.rmse
# 0.3905943
# [[2]]
# dynamic_rmse
# 0.7168184
# [[3]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_rmse
# 0.927065
# [[4]]
# regr.mse
# 0.1525639
# [[5]]
# dynamic_mse
# 0.5138286
# [[6]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mse
# 0.8594496
# [[7]]
# regr.mae
# 0.06411649
# [[8]]
# dynamic_mae
# 0.1380306
# [[9]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mae
# 0.2085638
# [[10]]
# regr.mase
# 1.057042
# [[11]]
# dynamic_mase
# 2.27561
# [[12]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mase
# 3.438441
# [[13]]
# quantile_loss
# 0.03205825
# [[14]]
# dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.0690153
# [[15]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.06825632
# [[16]]
# huber_loss
# 0.03378046
# [[17]]
# dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.093932
# [[18]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.1301852
# [[19]]
# dynamic_logarithmic_medae
# 0.00000183127
# [[20]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae
# 0.001283549
# [[21]]
# dynamic_sqrt_medae
# 0.001353295
# [[22]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae
# 0.001353295
# [[23]]
# dynamic_logistic_medae
# 0.006154795
# [[24]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae
# 0.006455353
# [[25]]
# dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae
# 0.002819205
# [[26]]
# dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae
# 0.001353295
# [[27]]
# gmae
# 0.04245973
# [[28]]
# log_cosh_loss
# 0.03088245
# [[29]]
# regr.medae
# 0.01223475
# [[30]]
# regr.medse
# 0.000149689
# [[31]]
# regr.msle
# 0.01990772
# [[32]]
# regr.rmsle
# 0.1410947
# [[33]]
# regr.rae
# 1.022423
# [[34]]
# regr.rrse
# 1.083171
Cross-Validation (2.25 x the Empirical
Range)# SVM's with Repeated spcv_block Resampling (5 Repetitions):
columns.svm.attacks <- columns.xgb.attacks
data.attacks_train <- final_net.sf.attacks_train[, columns.svm.attacks]
data.attacks_test <- final_net.sf.attacks_test[, columns.svm.attacks]
for(col in columns.svm.attacks) {
data.attacks_train[[col]] <- as.numeric(data.attacks_train[[col]])
data.attacks_test[[col]] <- as.numeric(data.attacks_test[[col]])
# Set the seed for reproducibility
data.regr.train <- data.attacks_train
data.regr.test <- data.attacks_test
data.regr.train$count_target <- as.numeric(data.attacks_train[["countAttacks"]])
data.regr.test$count_target <- as.numeric(data.attacks_test[["countAttacks"]])
data.regr.train <- data.regr.train %>% dplyr::select(-countAttacks, -NAME_2)
data.regr.test <- data.regr.test %>% dplyr::select(-countAttacks, -NAME_2)
data_centroids.regr.train <- st_centroid(data.regr.train)
data_centroids.regr.test <- st_centroid(data.regr.test)
projected_crs = "+proj=tmerc +lat_0=-0.6888125 +lon_0=29.0698245 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"
task_regr_train <- as_task_regr_st(data_centroids.regr.train, target = "count_target", coordinate_names = c("geometry"), crs = projected_crs, coords_as_features = FALSE, label= "count_model", drop_original_target = TRUE)
task_regr_train$set_col_roles("uniqueID", "order")
task_regr_test <- as_task_regr_st(data_centroids.regr.test, target = "count_target", coordinate_names = c("geometry"), crs = projected_crs, coords_as_features = FALSE, label= "count_model", drop_original_target = TRUE)
task_regr_test$set_col_roles("uniqueID", "order")
# Define a pipeline with scaling
pipeline <- po("scale", id = "scale", param_vals = list(robust = FALSE))
pipeline_task_regr_train = pipeline$train(list(task_regr_train))[[1]]
resampling_regr <- rsmp("repeated_spcv_block", range =c(as.integer(27373), as.integer(27373), as.integer(27373), as.integer(27373), as.integer(27373)), folds = 10, repeats = 5)
learner_regr_train = lrn("regr.svm", id = "svm_regr")
graph_learner <- GraphLearner$new(pipeline %>>% learner_regr_train)
param_set <- ps(
svm_regr.type = p_fct(levels = c("eps-regression")),
svm_regr.kernel = p_fct(levels = c("polynomial")),
svm_regr.cost = p_dbl(lower = 1, upper = 50),
svm_regr.gamma = p_dbl(lower = 0.00001, upper = 0.00125, tags = "budget"), = p_int(lower = 1, upper = 1, depends = quote(svm_regr.kernel == "polynomial")),
svm_regr.epsilon = p_dbl(lower = 0.01, upper = 0.1)
if (future::supportsMulticore()) {
future::plan(future::multicore, workers = 6)
} else {
future::plan(future::multisession, workers = 6)
instance.multi_tuning <- TuningInstanceBatchMultiCrit$new(
task = pipeline_task_regr_train,
learner = graph_learner,
resampling = resampling_regr,
measures = dynamic_measures,
terminator = trm("none"),
store_models = TRUE,
check_values = TRUE,
search_space = param_set
tuner <- tnr("hyperband")
saveRDS(instance.multi_tuning, "instance.multi_tuning.svm.repeated_spcv_block.rds", compress = TRUE)
# instance.multi_tuning <- readRDS("instance.multi_tuning.svm.repeated_spcv_block.rds")
# Process results
archive_regr <-$archive)
saveRDS(archive_regr, "archive_regr.svm.repeated_spcv_block.rds", compress=TRUE)
# archive_regr <- readRDS("archive_regr.svm.repeated_spcv_block.rds")
param_cols <- c("svm_regr.type", "svm_regr.kernel", "", "svm_regr.cost", "svm_regr.gamma", "svm_regr.epsilon")
scores_cols <- dynamic_measure_names
normalized_cols <- paste0("normalized_", scores_cols)
# Function to identify outliers using the IQR method
identify_outliers <- function(x) {
q75 <- quantile(x, 0.75, na.rm = TRUE)
q25 <- quantile(x, 0.25, na.rm = TRUE)
iqr <- q75 - q25
lower_bound <- q25 - 1.5 * iqr
upper_bound <- q75 + 1.5 * iqr
return(x < lower_bound | x > upper_bound)
# Apply the outlier identification function to each metric column
outliers <- archive_regr[, lapply(.SD, identify_outliers), .SDcols = scores_cols]
# Create a logical vector indicating rows to keep (non-outliers)
rows_to_keep <- !rowSums(outliers)
# Filter the dataset to remove outliers
archive_regr_clean <- archive_regr[rows_to_keep]
min_max_scale <- function(x) {
(x - min(x, na.rm = TRUE)) / (max(x, na.rm = TRUE) - min(x, na.rm = TRUE))
# Apply min-max scaling to the cleaned dataset
archive_regr_clean[, (normalized_cols) := lapply(.SD, min_max_scale), .SDcols = scores_cols]
# Perform Pareto front selection on the normalized columns
pareto_indices.svm <- fastNonDominatedSorting(as.matrix(archive_regr_clean[, ..normalized_cols]))
# Extract Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_solutions.svm <- archive_regr_clean[pareto_indices.svm[[1]], ]
# Define the number of near-optimal solutions to include
N_near_optimal <- 50
# Function to calculate Euclidean distance between two points
euclidean_distance <- function(x, y) {
sqrt(sum((x - y) ^ 2))
# Extract normalized data for Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_data <- as.matrix(pareto_solutions.svm[, ..normalized_cols])
# Extract normalized data for all solutions
all_data <- as.matrix(archive_regr_clean[, ..normalized_cols])
# Calculate the minimum distance of each solution to the Pareto front
min_distances <- apply(all_data, 1, function(x) {
apply(pareto_data, 1, function(y) euclidean_distance(x, y)) %>% min()
# Add the distances to the data table
archive_regr_clean[, distance_to_pareto := min_distances]
near_optimal_solutions <- archive_regr_clean[order(distance_to_pareto)][1:N_near_optimal]
# Apply PCA on the combined solutions
pca_result_combined <- prcomp([, ..normalized_cols]))
loadings_pc1_combined <- pca_result_combined$rotation[, 1]
loadings_pc2_combined <- pca_result_combined$rotation[, 2]
variance_pc1_combined <- summary(pca_result_combined)$importance[2, 1]
variance_pc2_combined <- summary(pca_result_combined)$importance[2, 2]
combined_weights <- variance_pc1_combined * abs(loadings_pc1_combined) + variance_pc2_combined * abs(loadings_pc2_combined)
pareto_weights <- combined_weights / sum(combined_weights) # Normalize to sum to 1
# Use these weights to calculate composite scores for only Pareto optimal solutions
pareto_solutions.svm[, composite_score := as.matrix(.SD) %*% pareto_weights, .SDcols = normalized_cols]
# Find the best set of hyperparameters based on the lowest composite score
best_index.svm <- which.min(pareto_solutions.svm$composite_score)
best_solution.svm <- pareto_solutions.svm[best_index.svm, ]
saveRDS(pareto_weights, "pareto_weights.svm.repeated_spcv_block.rds")
# pareto_weights <- readRDS("pareto_weights.svm.repeated_spcv_block.rds")
print(pareto_weights[order(pareto_weights, decreasing = TRUE)])
# > print(pareto_weights[order(pareto_weights, decreasing = TRUE)])
# normalized_dynamic_huber_loss normalized_dynamic_mae
# 0.2093347 0.2038819
# normalized_dynamic_quantile_loss normalized_dynamic_mase
# 0.2038819 0.1999108
# normalized_dynamic_rmse
# 0.1829907
# Extract and print the best hyperparameters and their scores
best_hyperparameters.svm <- best_solution.svm[, ..param_cols]
best_metrics.svm <- best_solution.svm[, ..scores_cols]
names(best_hyperparameters.svm) <- gsub("^svm_regr\\.", "", names(best_hyperparameters.svm))
saveRDS(best_hyperparameters.svm, "best_hyperparameters.svm.repeated_spcv_block.rds")
saveRDS(best_metrics.svm, "best_metrics.svm.repeated_spcv_block.rds")
# Format the hyperparameters for printing
params.svm<- sprintf(
"type = %s\nkernel = %s\ndegree = %s\ncost = %s\ngamma = %s\nepsilon = %s",
# Format the metrics for printing
metrics.svm <- sapply(names(best_metrics.svm), function(col) {
sprintf("%s = %s", col, best_metrics.svm[[col]])
# Combine hyperparameters and metrics into a single character vector
param_metrics_descriptions.svm <- c("\nOptimal Hyperparameters:", params.svm, "\nMetrics:", metrics.svm)
# Print the parameters and metrics
cat("Best Parameters & Metrics for SVM's Model with repeated_spcv_block (2.25 x the Range) Cross-Validation:\n", paste(param_metrics_descriptions.svm, collapse="\n"), "\n")
# Best Parameters & Metrics for SVM's Model with spcv_block (2.25 x the Range) Cross-Validation:
# Optimal Hyperparameters:
# type = eps-regression
# kernel = polynomial
# degree = 1
# cost = 36.282472435385
# gamma = 0.00125
# epsilon = 0.0211471886234358
# Metrics:
# dynamic_quantile_loss = 3.17169345401333
# dynamic_huber_loss = 5.94766404498096
# dynamic_rmse = 10.5130284517588
# dynamic_mae = 6.34338690802665
# dynamic_mase = 5.60004202042737
# Save the formatted description to an RDS file
saveRDS(param_metrics_descriptions.svm, "params_metrics.svm.repeated_spcv_block.rds")
# param_metrics_descriptions.svm <- readRDS("params_metrics.svm.repeated_spcv_block.rds")
# Directly use the best solution to configure the learner
best_learner.svm <- lrn("regr.svm")
best_learner.svm$param_set$values <- as.list(best_hyperparameters.svm)
set.seed(123) # Make sure to set the seed again here or else the results will not be reproducible
saveRDS(best_learner.svm, "best_learner.svm.repeated_spcv_block.after_training.rds")
# best_learner.svm <- readRDS("best_learner.svm.repeated_spcv_block.after_training.rds")
# Transform the test data using the pipeline in the same way the training data was transformed earlier
pipeline_task_regr_test <- pipeline$predict(list(task_regr_test))[[1]]
# Make predictions
test_predictions_regr <- best_learner.svm$predict_newdata(newdata = pipeline_task_regr_test$data(), task = pipeline_task_regr_test)
saveRDS(test_predictions_regr, "test_predictions_regr-svm.repeated_spcv_block.rds")
# test_predictions_regr <- readRDS("test_predictions_regr-svm.repeated_spcv_block.rds")
# Core Metrics with which to Compare Models:
core_dynamic_measures_list.spcv_block <- list(
measure.dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_quantile_loss")),
measure.dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_huber_loss")),
measure.dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_rmse")),
measure.dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mae")),
measure.dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mase"))
saveRDS(core_dynamic_measures_list.spcv_block, "core_dynamic_measures_list.svm.repeated_spcv_block.rds")
# core_dynamic_measures_list.spcv_block <- readRDS("core_dynamic_measures_list.svm.repeated_spcv_block.rds")
# Non-core metrics from predictions on unseen test data:
measures_list.spcv_block <- list(
# Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE)
measure.rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rmse")),
measure.dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_rmse")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_rmse")),
# Mean Squared Error (MSE)
measure.mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mse")),
measure.dynamic_mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mse")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mse")),
# Mean Absolute Error (MAE)
measure.mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mae")),
measure.dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mae")),
# Mean Absolute Scaled Error (MASE)
measure.mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mase")),
measure.dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mase")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mase")),
# Quantile Loss
measure.quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("quantile_loss")),
measure.dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_quantile_loss")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss")),
# Huber Loss
measure.huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("huber_loss")),
measure.dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_huber_loss")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss")),
# Logarithmic MedAE
measure.dynamic_logarithmic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_logarithmic_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae")),
# Sqrt MedAE
measure.dynamic_sqrt_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_sqrt_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae")),
# Logistic MedAE
measure.dynamic_logistic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_logistic_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae")),
# Polynomial MedAE
measure.dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae")),
measure.dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae")),
# Geometric Mean Absolute Error (GMAE)
measure.gmae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("gmae")),
# Log-Cosh Loss
measure.log_cosh_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("log_cosh_loss")),
# Other measures
measure.medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.medae")),
measure.medse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.medse")),
measure.msle <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.msle")),
measure.rmsle <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rmsle")),
measure.rae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rae")),
measure.rrse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rrse"))
saveRDS(measures_list.spcv_block, "measures_list.svm.repeated_spcv_block.rds")
# measures_list.spcv_block <- readRDS("measures_list.svm.repeated_spcv_block.rds")
# print(measures_list.spcv_block)
# [[1]]
# regr.rmse
# 0.354695
# [[2]]
# dynamic_rmse
# 0.7460834
# [[3]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_rmse
# 1.022832
# [[4]]
# regr.mse
# 0.1258085
# [[5]]
# dynamic_mse
# 0.5566404
# [[6]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mse
# 1.046186
# [[7]]
# regr.mae
# 0.1090094
# [[8]]
# dynamic_mae
# 0.195309
# [[9]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mae
# 0.3011382
# [[10]]
# regr.mase
# 1.797158
# [[11]]
# dynamic_mase
# 3.219918
# [[12]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mase
# 4.964647
# [[13]]
# quantile_loss
# 0.05450469
# [[14]]
# dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.09765451
# [[15]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.09356719
# [[16]]
# huber_loss
# 0.03013609
# [[17]]
# dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.1019209
# [[18]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.1202402
# [[19]]
# dynamic_logarithmic_medae
# 0.0003208229
# [[20]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae
# 0.01551851
# [[21]]
# dynamic_sqrt_medae
# 0.01793252
# [[22]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae
# 0.01753389
# [[23]]
# dynamic_logistic_medae
# 0.03543501
# [[24]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae
# 0.03856052
# [[25]]
# dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae
# 0.02749292
# [[26]]
# dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae
# 0.0176741
# [[27]]
# gmae
# 0.09177804
# [[28]]
# log_cosh_loss
# 0.02797961
# [[29]]
# regr.medae
# 0.06851109
# [[30]]
# regr.medse
# 0.004693769
# [[31]]
# regr.msle
# NaN
# [[32]]
# regr.rmsle
# NaN
# [[33]]
# regr.rae
# 1.7383
# [[34]]
# regr.rrse
# 0.9836169
cross-validation. We can now see that
the Random Forest model using repeated_spcv_block
cross-validation performs the very best, while the SVM’s model using
cross-validation is only the fifth best
performing model.# Appending new models to measure_paths and weight_paths
measure_paths <- c(measure_paths, "core_dynamic_measures_list.rf.repeated_spcv_block.rds", "core_dynamic_measures_list.svm.repeated_spcv_block.rds")
weight_paths <- c(weight_paths, "pareto_weights.rf.repeated_spcv_block.rds", "pareto_weights.svm.repeated_spcv_block.rds")
# saveRDS(measure_paths, "measure_paths.rds")
# measure_paths <- readRDS("measure_paths.rds")
# saveRDS(weight_paths, "weight_paths.rds")
# weight_paths <- readRDS("weight_paths.rds")
# Run the function to rank the model performance levels in terms of composite scores
rank_model_performance(measure_paths, weight_paths)
# > rank_model_performance(measure_paths, weight_paths)
# core_dynamic_measures_list.rf.repeated_spcv_block
# 0.004182311
# core_dynamic_measures_list.rf
# 0.014943175
# core_dynamic_measures_list.stacked.scaled
# 0.042546045
# core_dynamic_measures_list.svm.2
# 0.050094346
# core_dynamic_measures_list.svm.repeated_spcv_block
# 0.088257010
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range
# 0.125749380
# core_dynamic_measures_list.svm
# 0.132200685
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.sptcv_cstf.strat.block_id
# 0.164912659
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2.5_factor_range
# 0.170178469
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2_factor_range
# 0.173911139
# core_dynamic_measures_list.regr.custom_cv
# 0.174719255
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.repeated_spcv_block
# 0.202100248
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_coords
# 0.208340170
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2.75_factor_range
# 0.208629938
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.gain_and_perm_imp
# 0.264691091
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.1.5_factor_range
# 0.274370722
# core_dynamic_measures_list.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.fs
# 0.327618950
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.gain
# 0.344700274
# core_dynamic_measures_list.nested.spcv_block
# 0.360541379
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.3.5_factor_range
# 0.905416032
# core_dynamic_measures_list.xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.perm_imp
# 0.971671502
# Read in the predictions
predictions <- readRDS("test_predictions_regr.rf.repeated_spcv_block.rds")
# Extract the ground truth target values from the test set
ground_truth.df <- data.frame(
uniqueID = final_net.sf.attacks_test$uniqueID,
value = final_net.sf.attacks_test$countAttacks,
type = "Actual"
# Extract the predicted values and the corresponding uniqueID
predictions.df <- data.frame(
uniqueID = predictions$data$row_ids,
value = predictions$data$response,
type = "Predicted"
# Combine the ground truth and predictions into a single data frame
combined.df <- rbind(ground_truth.df, predictions.df)
# Merge with the original sf object to get the spatial data
final_net_combined <- final_net.sf.attacks_test %>%
left_join(combined.df, by = "uniqueID")
# Summarize the data for actual attacks
attacks_by_territory_actual <- final_net.sf.attacks_test %>%
group_by(NAME_2) %>%
summarise(total_attacks = sum(countAttacks, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
filter(NAME_2 %in% districts_to_label)
# Summarize the data for predicted attacks
attacks_by_territory_predicted <- final_net_combined %>%
filter(type == "Predicted") %>%
group_by(NAME_2) %>%
summarise(total_attacks = sum(value, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
filter(NAME_2 %in% districts_to_label)
# Combine the two datasets for plotting
combined_attacks <- attacks_by_territory_actual %>%
rename(Actual = total_attacks) %>%
left_join(attacks_by_territory_predicted %>% %>%
dplyr::select(-geometry) %>%
rename(Predicted = total_attacks), by = "NAME_2") %>%
tidyr::gather(key = "Type", value = "Total_Attacks", Actual, Predicted)
# Rearrange the order of bars
combined_attacks$NAME_2 <- factor(combined_attacks$NAME_2, levels = c("Beni", "Irumu", "Djugu", "Rutshuru", "Mambasa", "Goma", "Uvira", "Fizi", "Masisi", "Kalehe"))
# Data for the vertical separators
separator_positions <- data.frame(
x = seq(1.5, length(levels(combined_attacks$NAME_2)) - 0.5, by = 1)
saveRDS(combined_attacks, "combined_attacks.abs_diffs.rf.repeated_spcv_block.rds")
saveRDS(separator_positions, "separator_positions.abs_diffs.rf.repeated_spcv_block.rds")
# Create the bar chart with modifications
ggplot(combined_attacks, aes(x = NAME_2, y = Total_Attacks, fill = Type)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge") +
geom_text(aes(label = round(Total_Attacks)),
vjust = 1.5,
color = "black",
position = position_dodge(width = 0.9),
fontface = "bold",
size = 4) + # Add the value labels at the top of each bar
title = stringr::str_wrap("Comparison of Actual vs Predicted Attacks on Civilians in the Eastern DRC in the 10 Most Dangerous Territories", width = 80),
subtitle = "(Random Forest with Repeated spcv_block Resampling)",
x = "Territory",
y = "Total Attacks",
fill = NULL # Remove the legend title "Type" - Will just leave "Actual" and "Predicted"
) +
theme_fivethirtyeight() +
theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 16, hjust = 0.5, face = "bold", lineheight = 1.2), # Center the title and adjust line height for wrapping
plot.subtitle = element_text(size = 13, hjust = 0.5, face = "bold"),
axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 0, hjust = 0.5, face = "bold", size = 12, margin = margin(t = -20, b = 10)), # Moves x-axis labels up
axis.title.x = element_text(vjust = -3, face = "bold", size = 15), # Move x-axis label down and make it bold
# legend.position = c(0.5, -0.15), # Move the legend to a custom position
legend.margin = margin(t = 25), # Add margin on top of the legend
legend.text = element_text(size = 12, face = "bold"), # Increase text size and make it bold
# legend.position = "bottom",
plot.margin = margin(t = 20, r = 20, b = 40, l = 20)) + # b expands the plot's bottom location to 40 units
# Add the vertical separators at the bottom of the plot
geom_segment(data = separator_positions, aes(x = x, xend = x, y = -0.5, yend = 0),
inherit.aes = FALSE, color = "black", linewidth = 1.5, margin = margin(t = 20)) +
# Adjust the y-axis to allow space for the separators without affecting the bars
scale_y_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(0.05, 0.05)))
Random Forest model still
performed very well (ranked second best) on test data in terms of my
core dynamically weighted metrics. Yet, the chart generated earlier for
this model showed predicted values were more similar to actual values
than the predicted values for the repeated_spcv_block
Random Forest model.repeated_spcv_block
) generally provides a more stable
estimate of model performance by averaging the results over multiple
splits. This can lead to better optimization of the model according to
the dynamically weighted metrics because the model is exposed to a wider
variety of data scenarios, which can help it generalize better to unseen
data in terms of the specific criteria (like handling higher values or
outliers) that the dynamic metrics prioritize.library(tidyr)
# List of prediction files
prediction_files <- c(
# Extract ground truth target values
ground_truth.df <- data.frame(
uniqueID = final_net.sf.attacks_test$uniqueID,
value = final_net.sf.attacks_test$countAttacks,
type = "Actual"
# Initialize lists to store results
combined_attacks_list <- list()
combined_attacks_abs_diff_list <- list()
median_abs_diffs <- c()
mean_abs_diffs <- c()
# Loop through each prediction file to create combined_attacks and calculate absolute difference
for (file in prediction_files) {
# Load predictions
predictions <- readRDS(file)
# Extract predicted values
predictions.df <- data.frame(
uniqueID = predictions$data$row_ids,
value = predictions$data$response,
type = "Predicted"
# Combine ground truth and predictions into a single data frame
combined.df <- rbind(ground_truth.df, predictions.df)
# Merge with the original sf object to get the spatial data
final_net_combined <- final_net.sf.attacks_test %>%
left_join(combined.df, by = "uniqueID")
# Summarize the data for actual and predicted attacks
attacks_by_territory_actual <- final_net.sf.attacks_test %>%
group_by(NAME_2) %>%
summarise(total_attacks = sum(countAttacks, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
filter(NAME_2 %in% districts_to_label)
attacks_by_territory_predicted <- final_net_combined %>%
filter(type == "Predicted") %>%
group_by(NAME_2) %>%
summarise(total_attacks = sum(value, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
filter(NAME_2 %in% districts_to_label)
# Combine the two datasets for plotting
combined_attacks <- attacks_by_territory_actual %>%
rename(Actual = total_attacks) %>%
left_join(attacks_by_territory_predicted %>% %>%
dplyr::select(-geometry) %>%
rename(Predicted = total_attacks), by = "NAME_2") %>%
tidyr::gather(key = "Type", value = "Total_Attacks", Actual, Predicted)
# Store combined_attacks in the list
combined_attacks_list[[file]] <- combined_attacks
# Calculate the absolute difference for each territory
combined_attacks_abs_diff <- combined_attacks %>%
spread(key = Type, value = Total_Attacks) %>% # Reshape the data so that "Actual" and "Predicted" are columns
mutate(Absolute_Difference = abs(Predicted - Actual)) # Calculate the absolute difference
# Store combined_attacks_abs_diff in the list
combined_attacks_abs_diff_list[[file]] <- combined_attacks_abs_diff
# Calculate and store median and mean of Absolute_Difference
median_abs_diffs[file] <- median(combined_attacks_abs_diff$Absolute_Difference, na.rm = TRUE)
mean_abs_diffs[file] <- mean(combined_attacks_abs_diff$Absolute_Difference, na.rm = TRUE)
# Identify the test prediction object with the lowest median absolute difference
best_model_median <- names(which.min(median_abs_diffs))
best_median_value <- median_abs_diffs[best_model_median]
# Identify the test prediction object with the lowest mean absolute difference
best_model_mean <- names(which.min(mean_abs_diffs))
best_mean_value <- mean_abs_diffs[best_model_mean]
# Output the results
cat("Model with Lowest Mean Absolute Difference:", best_model_mean, "with a Mean of", best_mean_value, "\n")
# Model with Lowest Mean Absolute Difference: test_predictions_regr-svm.2.rds with a Mean of 13.67476
cat("Model with Lowest Median Absolute Difference:", best_model_median, "with a Median of", best_median_value, "\n")
# Model with Lowest Median Absolute Difference: test_predictions_regr-svm.2.rds with a Median of 9.829871
cross-validation, with
2.25 x the empirical range of spatial autocorrelation. It achieved a
13.7 mean absolute difference and a 9.8 median absolute difference
between the actual and predicted values. Next, we will display the mean
and median absolute difference rankings for all models created thus
far:# Rank the models in terms of smallest median and smallest mean percentage change
# Create a data frame to store the rankings
ranking_df <- data.frame(
Model = names(median_abs_diffs), # Model names are the same for median_abs_diffs and mean_abs_diffs
Median_Absolute_Difference = median_abs_diffs,
Mean_Absolute_Difference = mean_abs_diffs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# Rank the models by Median Absolute Difference
ranking_df <- ranking_df %>%
arrange(Median_Absolute_Difference) %>%
mutate(Median_Rank = row_number())
# Rank the models by Mean Absolute Difference
ranking_df <- ranking_df %>%
arrange(Mean_Absolute_Difference) %>%
mutate(Mean_Rank = row_number())
# Print the "Model", "Mean_Rank", "Median_Rank" columns together in a clean format, without the row names being duplicated
print(ranking_df[, c("Model", "Mean_Rank", "Median_Rank")], row.names = FALSE)
# > print(ranking_df[, c("Model", "Mean_Rank", "Median_Rank")], row.names = FALSE)
# Model Mean_Rank Median_Rank
# test_predictions_regr-svm.2.rds 1 1
# test_predictions_regr-svm.repeated_spcv_block.rds 2 2
# test_predictions_regr.rf.repeated_spcv_block.rds 3 3
# test_predictions_regr.rf.rds 4 5
# test_predictions_regr.xgb.spcv_coords.rds 5 4
# test_predictions_regr.stacked.scaled.rds 6 7
# test_predictions_regr-svm.rds 7 6
# test_predictions_regr-xgb.spcv_block.regular.2.5_factor_range.rds 8 8
# test_predictions_regr-xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.rds 9 9
# test_predictions_regr-xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.gain_and_perm_imp.rds 10 14
# test_predictions_regr-xgb.spcv_block.2_factor_range.rds 11 10
# test_predictions_regr.xgb.custom_cv.dynamic.rds 12 12
# test_predictions_regr.xgb.repeated_spcv_block.rds 13 11
# test_predictions_regr-xgb.sptcv_cstf.strat.block_id.rds 14 15
# test_predictions_regr-xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.gain.rds 15 19
# test_predictions_regr-xgb.spcv_block.2.75_factor_range.rds 16 18
# test_predictions_regr-xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.fs.rds 17 16
# test_predictions_regr.xgb.nested.spcv_block.outer_pareto.rds 18 17
# test_predictions_regr-xgb.spcv_block.regular.3.5_factor_range.rds 19 13
# test_predictions_regr-xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.perm_imp.rds 20 20
# Read in the predictions
predictions <- readRDS("test_predictions_regr-svm.2.rds")
# Extract the ground truth target values from the test set
ground_truth.df <- data.frame(
uniqueID = final_net.sf.attacks_test$uniqueID,
value = final_net.sf.attacks_test$countAttacks,
type = "Actual"
# Extract the predicted values and the corresponding uniqueID
predictions.df <- data.frame(
uniqueID = predictions$data$row_ids,
value = predictions$data$response,
type = "Predicted"
# Combine the ground truth and predictions into a single data frame
combined.df <- rbind(ground_truth.df, predictions.df)
# Merge with the original sf object to get the spatial data
final_net_combined <- final_net.sf.attacks_test %>%
left_join(combined.df, by = "uniqueID")
# Summarize the data for actual attacks
attacks_by_territory_actual <- final_net.sf.attacks_test %>%
group_by(NAME_2) %>%
summarise(total_attacks = sum(countAttacks, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
filter(NAME_2 %in% districts_to_label)
# Summarize the data for predicted attacks
attacks_by_territory_predicted <- final_net_combined %>%
filter(type == "Predicted") %>%
group_by(NAME_2) %>%
summarise(total_attacks = sum(value, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
filter(NAME_2 %in% districts_to_label)
# Combine the two datasets for plotting
combined_attacks <- attacks_by_territory_actual %>%
rename(Actual = total_attacks) %>%
left_join(attacks_by_territory_predicted %>% %>%
dplyr::select(-geometry) %>%
rename(Predicted = total_attacks), by = "NAME_2") %>%
tidyr::gather(key = "Type", value = "Total_Attacks", Actual, Predicted)
# Rearrange the order of bars
combined_attacks$NAME_2 <- factor(combined_attacks$NAME_2, levels = c("Beni", "Irumu", "Djugu", "Rutshuru", "Mambasa", "Goma", "Uvira", "Fizi", "Masisi", "Kalehe"))
# Data for the vertical separators
separator_positions <- data.frame(
x = seq(1.5, length(levels(combined_attacks$NAME_2)) - 0.5, by = 1)
saveRDS(combined_attacks, "combined_attacks.abs_diffs.svm_2.spcv_block.rds")
saveRDS(separator_positions, "separator_positions.abs_diffs.svm_2.spcv_block.rds")
# Create the bar chart with modifications
ggplot(combined_attacks, aes(x = NAME_2, y = Total_Attacks, fill = Type)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge") +
geom_text(aes(label = round(Total_Attacks)),
vjust = 1.5,
color = "black",
position = position_dodge(width = 0.9),
fontface = "bold",
size = 4) + # Add the value labels at the top of each bar
title = stringr::str_wrap("Comparison of Actual vs Predicted Attacks on Civilians in the Eastern DRC in the 10 Most Dangerous Territories", width = 80),
subtitle = "(Support Vector Machines with Regular spcv_block Resampling)",
x = "Territory",
y = "Total Attacks",
fill = NULL # Remove the legend title "Type" - Will just leave "Actual" and "Predicted"
) +
theme_fivethirtyeight() +
theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 16, hjust = 0.5, face = "bold", lineheight = 1.2), # Center the title and adjust line height for wrapping
plot.subtitle = element_text(size = 13, hjust = 0.5, face = "bold"),
axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 0, hjust = 0.5, face = "bold", size = 12, margin = margin(t = -20, b = 10)), # Moves x-axis labels up
axis.title.x = element_text(vjust = -3, face = "bold", size = 15), # Move x-axis label down and make it bold
# legend.position = c(0.5, -0.15), # Move the legend to a custom position
legend.margin = margin(t = 25), # Add margin on top of the legend
legend.text = element_text(size = 12, face = "bold"), # Increase text size and make it bold
# legend.position = "bottom",
plot.margin = margin(t = 20, r = 20, b = 40, l = 20)) + # b expands the plot's bottom location to 40 units
# Add the vertical separators at the bottom of the plot
geom_segment(data = separator_positions, aes(x = x, xend = x, y = -0.5, yend = 0),
inherit.aes = FALSE, color = "black", linewidth = 1.5, margin = margin(t = 20)) +
# Adjust the y-axis to allow space for the separators without affecting the bars
scale_y_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(0.05, 0.05)))
resampling, it is
clear there are a few territories that still struggle with poor
performance: Beni, Rutshuru, Mambasa, Uvira, and Fizi. The Beni,
Mambasa, and Fizi territories suffer from large overpredictions, while
Rutshuru and especially Uvira suffer from substantial
Cross-Validation, Random Forest With repeated_spcv_block
Cross-Validation, and XGBoost With spcv_coords
columns.ensemble <- columns.xgb.attacks
data.attacks_train <- final_net.sf.attacks_train[, columns.ensemble]
data.attacks_test <- final_net.sf.attacks_test[, columns.ensemble]
for(col in columns.svm.attacks) {
data.attacks_train[[col]] <- as.numeric(data.attacks_train[[col]])
data.attacks_test[[col]] <- as.numeric(data.attacks_test[[col]])
data.regr.train <- data.attacks_train
data.regr.test <- data.attacks_test
data.regr.train$count_target <- as.numeric(data.attacks_train[["countAttacks"]])
data.regr.test$count_target <- as.numeric(data.attacks_test[["countAttacks"]])
data.regr.train <- data.regr.train %>% dplyr::select(-countAttacks, -NAME_2)
data.regr.test <- data.regr.test %>% dplyr::select(-countAttacks, -NAME_2)
data_centroids.regr.train <- st_centroid(data.regr.train)
data_centroids.regr.test <- st_centroid(data.regr.test)
projected_crs = "+proj=tmerc +lat_0=-0.6888125 +lon_0=29.0698245 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"
task_regr_train <- as_task_regr_st(data_centroids.regr.train, target = "count_target", coordinate_names = c("geometry"), crs = projected_crs, coords_as_features = FALSE, label= "count_model", drop_original_target = TRUE)
task_regr_train$set_col_roles("uniqueID", "order")
task_regr_test <- as_task_regr_st(data_centroids.regr.test, target = "count_target", coordinate_names = c("geometry"), crs = projected_crs, coords_as_features = FALSE, label= "count_model", drop_original_target = TRUE)
task_regr_test$set_col_roles("uniqueID", "order")
# Define a pipeline with scaling
pipeline <- po("scale", id = "scale", param_vals = list(robust = FALSE))
pipeline_task_regr_train = pipeline$train(list(task_regr_train))[[1]]
best_learner.svm <- readRDS("best_learner.svm.after_training.2.rds")
best_learner.rf <- readRDS("best_learner.rf.repeated_spcv_block.after_training.rds")
best_learner.xgb <- readRDS("best_learner.xgb.spcv_coords.after_training.rds")
po_svm <- po("learner", best_learner.svm)
po_rf <- po("learner", best_learner.rf)
po_xgb <- po("learner", best_learner.xgb)
# Create an ensemble using PipeOpEnsemble
# For a regression task, you would use PipeOpRegrAvg:
po_ensemble <- po("regravg", innum = 3) # innum = the number of models being ensembled
# Create a graph combining the individual learners and the ensemble
graph <- gunion(list(po_svm, po_rf, po_xgb)) %>>% po_ensemble
graph_learner <- GraphLearner$new(graph)
# Set the seed for reproducibility
# Transform the test data using the pipeline in the same way the training data was transformed earlier
pipeline_task_regr_test <- pipeline$predict(list(task_regr_test))[[1]]
# Make predictions
test_predictions_regr <- graph_learner$predict_newdata(newdata = pipeline_task_regr_test$data(), task = pipeline_task_regr_test)
saveRDS(test_predictions_regr, "test_predictions_regr.ensemble.rds")
# test_predictions_regr <- readRDS("test_predictions_regr.ensemble.rds")
# Core Metrics with which to Compare Models:
core_dynamic_measures_list.ensemble <- list(
measure.dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_quantile_loss")),
measure.dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_huber_loss")),
measure.dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_rmse")),
measure.dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mae")),
measure.dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mase"))
saveRDS(core_dynamic_measures_list.ensemble, "core_dynamic_measures_list.ensemble.rds")
# core_dynamic_measures_list.ensemble <- readRDS("core_dynamic_measures_list.ensemble.rds")
# > print(core_dynamic_measures_list.ensemble)
# [[1]]
# dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.08054551
# [[2]]
# dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.09372601
# [[3]]
# dynamic_rmse
# 0.7328925
# [[4]]
# dynamic_mae
# 0.161091
# [[5]]
# dynamic_mase
# 2.655791
# Non-core metrics from predictions on unseen test data:
measures_list.ensemble <- list(
# Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE)
measure.rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rmse")),
measure.dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_rmse")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_rmse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_rmse")),
# Mean Squared Error (MSE)
measure.mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mse")),
measure.dynamic_mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mse")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mse")),
# Mean Absolute Error (MAE)
measure.mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mae")),
measure.dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mae")),
# Mean Absolute Scaled Error (MASE)
measure.mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.mase")),
measure.dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_mase")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_mase <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_mase")),
# Quantile Loss
measure.quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("quantile_loss")),
measure.dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_quantile_loss")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss")),
# Huber Loss
measure.huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("huber_loss")),
measure.dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_huber_loss")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss")),
# Logarithmic MedAE
measure.dynamic_logarithmic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_logarithmic_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae")),
# Sqrt MedAE
measure.dynamic_sqrt_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_sqrt_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae")),
# Logistic MedAE
measure.dynamic_logistic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_logistic_medae")),
measure.asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae")),
# Polynomial MedAE
measure.dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae")),
measure.dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae")),
# Geometric Mean Absolute Error (GMAE)
measure.gmae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("gmae")),
# Log-Cosh Loss
measure.log_cosh_loss <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("log_cosh_loss")),
# Other measures
measure.medae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.medae")),
measure.medse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.medse")),
measure.msle <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.msle")),
measure.rmsle <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rmsle")),
measure.rae <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rae")),
measure.rrse <- test_predictions_regr$score(msr("regr.rrse"))
saveRDS(measures_list.ensemble, "measures_list.ensemble.rds")
# measures_list.ensemble <- readRDS("measures_list.ensemble.rds")
# > print(measures_list.ensemble)
# [[1]]
# regr.rmse
# 0.3538946
# [[2]]
# dynamic_rmse
# 0.7328925
# [[3]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_rmse
# 0.9821205
# [[4]]
# regr.mse
# 0.1252414
# [[5]]
# dynamic_mse
# 0.5371314
# [[6]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mse
# 0.9645607
# [[7]]
# regr.mae
# 0.08460563
# [[8]]
# dynamic_mae
# 0.161091
# [[9]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mae
# 0.2449185
# [[10]]
# regr.mase
# 1.394832
# [[11]]
# dynamic_mase
# 2.655791
# [[12]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_mase
# 4.037793
# [[13]]
# quantile_loss
# 0.04230281
# [[14]]
# dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.08054551
# [[15]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_quantile_loss
# 0.07890453
# [[16]]
# huber_loss
# 0.03044845
# [[17]]
# dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.09372601
# [[18]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_huber_loss
# 0.1204457
# [[19]]
# dynamic_logarithmic_medae
# 0.00001148954
# [[20]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_logarithmic_medae
# 0.00289488
# [[21]]
# dynamic_sqrt_medae
# 0.003390054
# [[22]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_sqrt_medae
# 0.003162315
# [[23]]
# dynamic_logistic_medae
# 0.01141074
# [[24]]
# asymmetric_dynamic_logistic_medae
# 0.0120319
# [[25]]
# dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.3_medae
# 0.006025154
# [[26]]
# dynamic_poly_2.3_and_1.2_medae
# 0.003259183
# [[27]]
# gmae
# 0.06592786
# [[28]]
# log_cosh_loss
# 0.02796549
# [[29]]
# regr.medae
# 0.02256531
# [[30]]
# regr.medse
# 0.0005091931
# [[31]]
# regr.msle
# 0.02265325
# [[32]]
# regr.rmsle
# 0.15051
# [[33]]
# regr.rae
# 1.34915
# [[34]]
# regr.rrse
# 0.9813974
# Read in the predictions
predictions <- test_predictions_regr <- readRDS("test_predictions_regr.ensemble.rds")
# Extract the ground truth target values from the test set
ground_truth.df <- data.frame(
uniqueID = final_net.sf.attacks_test$uniqueID,
value = final_net.sf.attacks_test$countAttacks,
type = "Actual"
# Extract the predicted values and the corresponding uniqueID
predictions.df <- data.frame(
uniqueID = predictions$data$row_ids,
value = predictions$data$response,
type = "Predicted"
# Combine the ground truth and predictions into a single data frame
combined.df <- rbind(ground_truth.df, predictions.df)
# Merge with the original sf object to get the spatial data
final_net_combined <- final_net.sf.attacks_test %>%
left_join(combined.df, by = "uniqueID")
# Summarize the data for actual attacks
attacks_by_territory_actual <- final_net.sf.attacks_test %>%
group_by(NAME_2) %>%
summarise(total_attacks = sum(countAttacks, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
filter(NAME_2 %in% districts_to_label)
# Summarize the data for predicted attacks
attacks_by_territory_predicted <- final_net_combined %>%
filter(type == "Predicted") %>%
group_by(NAME_2) %>%
summarise(total_attacks = sum(value, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
filter(NAME_2 %in% districts_to_label)
# Combine the two datasets for plotting
combined_attacks <- attacks_by_territory_actual %>%
rename(Actual = total_attacks) %>%
left_join(attacks_by_territory_predicted %>% %>%
dplyr::select(-geometry) %>%
rename(Predicted = total_attacks), by = "NAME_2") %>%
tidyr::gather(key = "Type", value = "Total_Attacks", Actual, Predicted)
# Rearrange the order of bars
combined_attacks$NAME_2 <- factor(combined_attacks$NAME_2, levels = c("Beni", "Irumu", "Djugu", "Rutshuru", "Mambasa", "Goma", "Uvira", "Fizi", "Masisi", "Kalehe"))
# Data for the vertical separators
separator_positions <- data.frame(
x = seq(1.5, length(levels(combined_attacks$NAME_2)) - 0.5, by = 1)
saveRDS(combined_attacks, "combined_attacks.abs_diffs.ensemble_avg.rds")
saveRDS(separator_positions, "separator_positions.abs_diffs.ensemble_avg.rds")
# Create the bar chart with modifications
ggplot(combined_attacks, aes(x = NAME_2, y = Total_Attacks, fill = Type)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge") +
geom_text(aes(label = round(Total_Attacks)),
vjust = 1.5,
color = "black",
position = position_dodge(width = 0.9),
fontface = "bold",
size = 4) + # Add the value labels at the top of each bar
title = stringr::str_wrap("Comparison of Actual vs Predicted Attacks on Civilians in the Eastern DRC in the 10 Most Dangerous Territories", width = 80),
subtitle = "(Averaged Ensemble Model)",
x = "Territory",
y = "Total Attacks",
fill = NULL # Remove the legend title "Type" - Will just leave "Actual" and "Predicted"
) +
theme_fivethirtyeight() +
theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 16, hjust = 0.5, face = "bold", lineheight = 1.2), # Center the title and adjust line height for wrapping
plot.subtitle = element_text(size = 13, hjust = 0.5, face = "bold"),
axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 0, hjust = 0.5, face = "bold", size = 12, margin = margin(t = -20, b = 10)), # Moves x-axis labels up
axis.title.x = element_text(vjust = -3, face = "bold", size = 15), # Move x-axis label down and make it bold
# legend.position = c(0.5, -0.15), # Move the legend to a custom position
legend.margin = margin(t = 25), # Add margin on top of the legend
legend.text = element_text(size = 12, face = "bold"), # Increase text size and make it bold
# legend.position = "bottom",
plot.margin = margin(t = 20, r = 20, b = 40, l = 20)) + # b expands the plot's bottom location to 40 units
# Add the vertical separators at the bottom of the plot
geom_segment(data = separator_positions, aes(x = x, xend = x, y = -0.5, yend = 0),
inherit.aes = FALSE, color = "black", linewidth = 1.5, margin = margin(t = 20)) +
# Adjust the y-axis to allow space for the separators without affecting the bars
scale_y_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(0.05, 0.05)))
resampling from consideration, as well as
the stacked ensemble model, as both may have been subject to data
leakage, as previously discussed.# Rank models across all territories in terms of absolute difference between predictions and actual ground truth values of attacks on civilians.
# List of prediction files
prediction_files <- c(
# Since round() rounds 0.5 down instead of up, I will create my own custom rounding function here:
custom_round <- function(x) {
sapply(x, function(y) { # sapply allows function to be used for each element of a vector rather than a single numeric value
if (y - floor(y) >= 0.5) {
} else {
# Extract the ground truth target values from the test set
ground_truth.df <- data.frame(
uniqueID = final_net.sf.attacks_test$uniqueID,
value = final_net.sf.attacks_test$countAttacks,
type = "Actual"
# Initialize a list to store the best model and the lowest absolute percentage change for each territory
best_model_and_absolute_difference_per_territory <- list()
# Loop through each unique territory in NAME_2
for (territory in unique(final_net.sf.attacks_test$NAME_2)) {
lowest_absolute_differences <- c()
actual_values <- c()
predicted_values <- c()
# Loop through each model prediction file and calculate the absolute difference for the specific territory
for (file in prediction_files) {
# Load predictions
predictions <- readRDS(file)
# Extract predicted values, but only for the specific territory
predictions.df <- data.frame(
uniqueID = predictions$data$row_ids,
value = predictions$data$response,
type = "Predicted"
) %>%
filter(uniqueID %in% final_net.sf.attacks_test$uniqueID[final_net.sf.attacks_test$NAME_2 == territory])
# Check if there are any negative predicted values and replace them with zero
if (any(predictions.df$value < 0)) {
predictions.df$value[predictions.df$value < 0] <- 0
# Filter the ground truth values for the specific territory
ground_truth_filtered <- ground_truth.df %>%
filter(uniqueID %in% final_net.sf.attacks_test$uniqueID[final_net.sf.attacks_test$NAME_2 == territory])
# Merge the ground truth and prediction data
combined.df <- ground_truth_filtered %>%
left_join(predictions.df, by = "uniqueID", suffix = c("_Actual", "_Predicted")) %>%
dplyr::select(-type_Actual, -type_Predicted)
# Check if there are any missing values after the merge
if (nrow(combined.df) == 0) {
next # Skip this iteration if there are no matching records
# Summarize the total actual and predicted attacks in the specific territory
actual_attacks <- sum(combined.df$value_Actual, na.rm = TRUE)
predicted_attacks <- custom_round(sum(combined.df$value_Predicted, na.rm = TRUE)) # Round up or down to nearest integer
# Uncomment out this code to print the actual and predicted values from every model for each territory
# cat("Territory:", territory, "- Model:", file, "\n\n",
# "\nActual Attacks:", actual_attacks, "\n\n",
# "\nPredicted Attacks:", predicted_attacks, "\n\n")
# Calculate the absolute difference for all territories
absolute_difference <- abs(predicted_attacks - actual_attacks)
# Uncomment out this code to print the absolute difference in values from every model for each territory
# cat("\nAbsolute Difference for Territory:", absolute_difference, "\n\n")
# cat("-----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n")
# Store the actual and predicted values and the absolute difference
lowest_absolute_differences[file] <- absolute_difference
actual_values[file] <- actual_attacks
predicted_values[file] <- predicted_attacks
# Determine the best model based on the smallest absolute difference
best_model <- names(which.min(lowest_absolute_differences))
actual_absolute_difference <- lowest_absolute_differences[best_model]
actual_value <- actual_values[best_model]
predicted_value <- predicted_values[best_model]
# Store the best model and its respective metric
best_model_and_absolute_difference_per_territory[[territory]] <- list(
Best_Model = best_model,
Absolute_Difference = actual_absolute_difference,
Actual_Value = actual_values[best_model],
Predicted_Value = predicted_values[best_model]
# Output the best models and their respective lowest absolute differences for each territory
cat("Best model per territory based on the lowest absolute difference:\n")
for (territory in names(best_model_and_absolute_difference_per_territory)) {
cat(paste("\nTerritory:", territory,
"- Best Model:", best_model_and_absolute_difference_per_territory[[territory]]$Best_Model,
"- Absolute Difference:", best_model_and_absolute_difference_per_territory[[territory]]$Absolute_Difference,
"- Actual Value:", best_model_and_absolute_difference_per_territory[[territory]]$Actual_Value,
"- Predicted Value:", best_model_and_absolute_difference_per_territory[[territory]]$Predicted_Value,
# Best model per territory based on the lowest absolute difference:
# Territory: Bukavu - Best Model: test_predictions_regr-xgb.spcv_block.2.25_factor_range.sub.gain.rds - Absolute Difference: 0 - Actual Value: 2 - Predicted Value: 2
# Territory: Beni - Best Model: test_predictions_regr-svm.2.rds - Absolute Difference: 30 - Actual Value: 49 - Predicted Value: 79
# Territory: Goma - Best Model: test_predictions_regr-svm.rds - Absolute Difference: 3 - Actual Value: 21 - Predicted Value: 18
# Territory: Lubero - Best Model: test_predictions_regr.rf.repeated_spcv_block.rds - Absolute Difference: 13 - Actual Value: 5 - Predicted Value: 18
# Territory: Masisi - Best Model: test_predictions_regr-svm.2.rds - Absolute Difference: 18 - Actual Value: 11 - Predicted Value: 29
# Territory: Rutshuru - Best Model: test_predictions_regr-svm.2.rds - Absolute Difference: 4 - Actual Value: 28 - Predicted Value: 32
# Territory: Walikale - Best Model: test_predictions_regr.rf.repeated_spcv_block.rds - Absolute Difference: 16 - Actual Value: 4 - Predicted Value: 20
# Territory: Fizi - Best Model: test_predictions_regr-svm.2.rds - Absolute Difference: 18 - Actual Value: 16 - Predicted Value: 34
# Territory: Idjwi - Best Model: test_predictions_regr.rf.rds - Absolute Difference: 1 - Actual Value: 0 - Predicted Value: 1
# Territory: Kabare - Best Model: test_predictions_regr.rf.repeated_spcv_block.rds - Absolute Difference: 6 - Actual Value: 1 - Predicted Value: 7
# Territory: Kalehe - Best Model: test_predictions_regr-svm.2.rds - Absolute Difference: 6 - Actual Value: 10 - Predicted Value: 16
# Territory: Mwenga - Best Model: test_predictions_regr.rf.repeated_spcv_block.rds - Absolute Difference: 10 - Actual Value: 5 - Predicted Value: 15
# Territory: Shabunda - Best Model: test_predictions_regr.rf.repeated_spcv_block.rds - Absolute Difference: 17 - Actual Value: 0 - Predicted Value: 17
# Territory: Uvira - Best Model: test_predictions_regr.rf.repeated_spcv_block.rds - Absolute Difference: 2 - Actual Value: 17 - Predicted Value: 15
# Territory: Walungu - Best Model: test_predictions_regr-svm.rds - Absolute Difference: 0 - Actual Value: 5 - Predicted Value: 5
# Territory: Aru - Best Model: test_predictions_regr-svm.2.rds - Absolute Difference: 1 - Actual Value: 0 - Predicted Value: 1
# Territory: Djugu - Best Model: test_predictions_regr-svm.2.rds - Absolute Difference: 9 - Actual Value: 28 - Predicted Value: 37
# Territory: Irumu - Best Model: test_predictions_regr-svm.2.rds - Absolute Difference: 5 - Actual Value: 36 - Predicted Value: 41
# Territory: Mahagi - Best Model: test_predictions_regr-svm.2.rds - Absolute Difference: 2 - Actual Value: 5 - Predicted Value: 3
# Territory: Mambasa - Best Model: test_predictions_regr.rf.repeated_spcv_block.rds - Absolute Difference: 16 - Actual Value: 25 - Predicted Value: 41
# Create an empty data frame to store the combined predictions
combined_predictions <- data.frame()
# Loop through each territory and extract the best model's predictions
for (territory in names(best_model_and_absolute_difference_per_territory)) {
# Get the best model file for this territory
best_model_file <- best_model_and_absolute_difference_per_territory[[territory]]$Best_Model
# Load the predictions from the best model
best_predictions <- readRDS(best_model_file)
# Extract the predicted values and uniqueID for the specific territory
predictions.df <- data.frame(
uniqueID = best_predictions$data$row_ids,
Predicted_Value = best_predictions$data$response,
Territory = territory
) %>%
filter(uniqueID %in% final_net.sf.attacks_test$uniqueID[final_net.sf.attacks_test$NAME_2 == territory])
# Append the predictions to the combined data frame
combined_predictions <- rbind(combined_predictions, predictions.df)
# saveRDS(combined_predictions, "combined_models_predictions_across_territories.rds")
# combined_predictions <- readRDS("combined_models_predictions_across_territories.rds")
# Extract the ground truth target values from the test set
ground_truth.df <- data.frame(
uniqueID = final_net.sf.attacks_test$uniqueID,
value = final_net.sf.attacks_test$countAttacks,
type = "Actual"
# Extract the predicted values and the corresponding uniqueID
predictions.df <- data.frame(
uniqueID = combined_predictions$uniqueID,
value = combined_predictions$Predicted_Value,
type = "Predicted"
# Combine the ground truth and predictions into a single data frame
combined.df <- rbind(ground_truth.df, predictions.df)
# Merge with the original sf object to get the spatial data
final_net_combined <- final_net.sf.attacks_test %>%
left_join(combined.df, by = "uniqueID")
# Replace negative predicted values with zero
final_net_combined$value[final_net_combined$type == "Predicted" & final_net_combined$value < 0] <- 0
saveRDS(final_net_combined, "final_net_combined.abs_diffs.best_model_per_territory.rds")
# Summarize the data for actual attacks
attacks_by_territory_actual <- final_net.sf.attacks_test %>%
group_by(NAME_2) %>%
summarise(total_attacks = sum(countAttacks, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
filter(NAME_2 %in% districts_to_label)
# Summarize the data for predicted attacks
attacks_by_territory_predicted <- final_net_combined %>%
filter(type == "Predicted") %>%
group_by(NAME_2) %>%
summarise(total_attacks = sum(value, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
filter(NAME_2 %in% districts_to_label)
# Combine the two datasets for plotting
combined_attacks <- attacks_by_territory_actual %>%
rename(Actual = total_attacks) %>%
left_join(attacks_by_territory_predicted %>% %>%
dplyr::select(-geometry) %>%
rename(Predicted = total_attacks), by = "NAME_2") %>%
tidyr::gather(key = "Type", value = "Total_Attacks", Actual, Predicted)
# Rearrange the order of bars
combined_attacks$NAME_2 <- factor(combined_attacks$NAME_2, levels = c("Beni", "Irumu", "Djugu", "Rutshuru", "Mambasa", "Goma", "Uvira", "Fizi", "Masisi", "Kalehe"))
# Data for the vertical separators
separator_positions <- data.frame(
x = seq(1.5, length(levels(combined_attacks$NAME_2)) - 0.5, by = 1)
# saveRDS(combined_attacks, "combined_attacks.abs_diffs.combo_best_model_per_territory.rds")
# saveRDS(separator_positions, "separator_positions.abs_diffs.combo_best_model_per_territory.rds")
# Create the bar chart with modifications
ggplot(combined_attacks, aes(x = NAME_2, y = Total_Attacks, fill = Type)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge") +
geom_text(aes(label = custom_round(Total_Attacks)),
vjust = 1.5,
color = "black",
position = position_dodge(width = 0.9),
fontface = "bold",
size = 4) + # Add the value labels at the top of each bar
title = stringr::str_wrap("Comparison of Actual vs Predicted Attacks on Civilians in the Eastern DRC in the 10 Most Dangerous Territories", width = 80),
subtitle = "(Optimal Model per Territory Based on Absolute Differences)",
x = "Territory",
y = "Total Attacks",
fill = NULL # Remove the legend title "Type" - Will just leave "Actual" and "Predicted"
) +
theme_fivethirtyeight() +
theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 16, hjust = 0.5, face = "bold", lineheight = 1.2), # Center the title and adjust line height for wrapping
plot.subtitle = element_text(size = 13, hjust = 0.5, face = "bold"),
axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 0, hjust = 0.5, face = "bold", size = 12, margin = margin(t = -20, b = 10)), # Moves x-axis labels up
axis.title.x = element_text(vjust = -3, face = "bold", size = 15), # Move x-axis label down and make it bold
# legend.position = c(0.5, -0.15), # Move the legend to a custom position
legend.margin = margin(t = 25), # Add margin on top of the legend
legend.text = element_text(size = 12, face = "bold"), # Increase text size and make it bold
# legend.position = "bottom",
plot.margin = margin(t = 20, r = 20, b = 40, l = 20)) + # b expands the plot's bottom location to 40 units
# Add the vertical separators at the bottom of the plot
geom_segment(data = separator_positions, aes(x = x, xend = x, y = -0.5, yend = 0),
inherit.aes = FALSE, color = "black", linewidth = 1.5, margin = margin(t = 20)) +
# Adjust the y-axis to allow space for the separators without affecting the bars
scale_y_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(0.05, 0.05)))
# Load necessary libraries
library(scales) # For percentage formatting in labels
library(stringr) # For wrapping the plot title
final_net.df.attacks_test <- final_net.sf.attacks_test %>%
# Step 1: Prepare the KDE data frame
attacks_KDE_sf <- fishnet_with_density_a_train %>% # We use the training set KDE since analysts would only have access to training set data to attempt prediction for the future test set period
label = "Kernel Density",
Risk_Category = ntile(density, 100), #ntile() divides scores into 100 equal groups (percentiles), assigning each grid cell a percentile rank from 1 to 100.
Risk_Category = case_when(
Risk_Category >= 90 ~ "90% to 100%",
Risk_Category >= 70 & Risk_Category <= 89 ~ "70% to 89%",
Risk_Category >= 50 & Risk_Category <= 69 ~ "50% to 69%",
Risk_Category >= 30 & Risk_Category <= 49 ~ "30% to 49%",
TRUE ~ "1% to 29%"
) %>%
dplyr::select(final_net.df.attacks_test, uniqueID, countAttacks),
by = "uniqueID"
) %>%
mutate(countAttacks = replace_na(countAttacks, 0)) %>%
dplyr::select(label, Risk_Category, countAttacks, geometry)
# Step 2: Prepare the ML predictions data frame
attacks_risk_sf <- combined_predictions %>%
dplyr::select(final_net.df.attacks_test, uniqueID, countAttacks, geometry),
by = "uniqueID"
) %>%
st_as_sf() %>%
label = "Combined Models",
Risk_Category = ntile(Predicted_Value, 100),
Risk_Category = case_when(
Risk_Category >= 90 ~ "90% to 100%",
Risk_Category >= 70 & Risk_Category <= 89 ~ "70% to 89%",
Risk_Category >= 50 & Risk_Category <= 69 ~ "50% to 69%",
Risk_Category >= 30 & Risk_Category <= 49 ~ "30% to 49%",
TRUE ~ "1% to 29%"
countAttacks = replace_na(countAttacks, 0)
) %>%
dplyr::select(label, Risk_Category, countAttacks, geometry)
# Step 3: Combine the data frames
combined_sf <- rbind(attacks_KDE_sf, attacks_risk_sf)
# Step 4: Process data for plotting
processed_data <- combined_sf %>%
st_set_geometry(NULL) %>%
na.omit() %>%
group_by(label, Risk_Category) %>%
summarize(countAttacks = sum(countAttacks)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
group_by(label) %>%
mutate(Rate_of_test_set_attacks = countAttacks / sum(countAttacks))
# Set the factor levels for 'label' to ensure "Kernel Density" comes first
processed_data$label <- factor(processed_data$label, levels = c("Kernel Density", "Combined Models"))
# saveRDS(processed_data, "processed_data.risk_categories.rds")
# Step 5: Generate the plot
ggplot(processed_data, aes(x = Risk_Category, y = Rate_of_test_set_attacks)) +
geom_bar(aes(fill = label), position = "dodge", stat = "identity") +
# Add y values above each bar
aes(label = scales::percent(Rate_of_test_set_attacks, accuracy = 0.1), group = label),
position = position_dodge(width = 0.9),
vjust = -0.5,
fontface = "bold"
) +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("#6b4596ff", "#f7cb44ff")) +
title = str_wrap("Risk Category Distribution Chart: Kernel Density vs. Combined Machine Learning Models for Attacks on Civilians", width = 70),
x = "Predicted Risk Category",
y = "Proportion of Actual Test Set Period Attacks",
fill = "Prediction Type" # Legend title
) +
theme_minimal() +
# Bold and center the plot title and increase its size
plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, face = "bold", size = 15),
# Increase size and bold x-axis and y-axis titles
axis.title.x = element_text(face = "bold", size = 14, margin = margin(t = 10)),
axis.title.y = element_text(face = "bold", size = 14, margin = margin(r = 10)),
# Bold the legend title
legend.title = element_text(face = "bold", size = 12),
# Bold the x-axis text markings
axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, vjust = 0.75, face = "bold", size = 12),
# Bold the y-axis text markings
axis.text.y = element_text(face = "bold", size = 12)
# Summarise and order the data
attacks_by_territory.test_set <- final_net.sf.attacks_test %>%
group_by(NAME_2) %>%
summarise(total_attacks = sum(countAttacks, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
arrange(desc(total_attacks)) %>% %>%
dplyr::select(-geometry) %>%
head(10) # Show only the top 10 territories
# Display the result
# 1 Beni 49
# 2 Irumu 36
# 3 Djugu 28
# 4 Rutshuru 28
# 5 Mambasa 25
# 6 Goma 21
# 7 Uvira 17
# 8 Fizi 16
# 9 Masisi 11
# 10 Kalehe 10
final_net_combined <- readRDS("final_net_combined.abs_diffs.best_model_per_territory.rds")
final_net_combined$value <- custom_round(final_net_combined$value)
# Calculate centroids of the districts for label placement
e_drc_adm2_map_centroids <- e_drc_adm2_map %>%
st_centroid() %>%
st_coordinates() %>% %>%
rename(COORDS_X = X, COORDS_Y = Y)
# Add centroid coordinates to the original sf object
e_drc_adm2_map <- e_drc_adm2_map %>%
COORDS_X = e_drc_adm2_map_centroids$COORDS_X,
COORDS_Y = e_drc_adm2_map_centroids$COORDS_Y
# Define groups and nudges
group1 <- c("Beni", "Irumu", "Djugu", "Rutshuru", "Mambasa", "Uvira", "Fizi", "Masisi", "Kalehe")
group2 <- c("Goma")
x_nudge1 <- max(e_drc_adm2_map$COORDS_X) + 0.2 * (max(e_drc_adm2_map$COORDS_X) - min(e_drc_adm2_map$COORDS_X))
x_nudge2 <- max(e_drc_adm2_map$COORDS_X) - 0.2 * (max(e_drc_adm2_map$COORDS_X) - min(e_drc_adm2_map$COORDS_X))
# Apply nudges based on groups
e_drc_adm2_map <- e_drc_adm2_map %>%
nudge_x = case_when(
NAME_2 %in% group1 ~ x_nudge1 - COORDS_X,
NAME_2 %in% group2 ~ x_nudge2 - COORDS_X,
TRUE ~ 0
nudge_y = 0
# Set fixed x and y limits based on the entire dataset
x_limits <- range(e_drc_adm2_map$COORDS_X)
y_limits <- range(e_drc_adm2_map$COORDS_Y)
# Filter and adjust label positions to avoid overlaps
label_positions <- e_drc_adm2_map %>%
filter(NAME_2 %in% c(group1, group2)) %>%
COORDS_Y = COORDS_Y + seq(-1.5, 1.5, length.out = n())
# Set the max value for the color scale
max_value <- max(final_net_combined$value, na.rm = TRUE)
# Define the common scale_fill for both maps
common_scale_fill <- scale_fill_viridis_c(
name = "Attacks",
limits = c(0, max_value),
breaks = c(0, 5, 10, max_value),
labels = c("0", "5", "10", paste("Max:", as.character(max_value)))
# Plotting the "Actual" map with adjusted label placement and without legend
actual_map <- ggplot(data = final_net_combined %>% filter(type == "Actual")) +
geom_sf(aes(fill = value), show.legend = FALSE) + # Remove the legend for "Actual" map
common_scale_fill +
geom_sf(data = e_drc_adm2_map, fill = NA, color = "white", size = 0.1) +
geom_sf(data = e_drc_adm1_map, fill = NA, color = "grey", linewidth = 1) +
data = label_positions,
x = COORDS_X + nudge_x,
label = NAME_2
size = 5,
color = "red",
hjust = 0
) +
data = label_positions,
xend = COORDS_X + nudge_x,
yend = COORDS_Y
color = "red",
linewidth = 0.5
) +
title = "Actual"
) +
theme_minimal() +
plot.title = element_text(face = "bold"), # Make the "Actual" map title bold
axis.title.x = element_blank(), # Remove x-axis title
axis.title.y = element_blank(), # Remove y-axis title
plot.margin = margin(0, 30, 0, 20), # Add margin to the left
axis.text.x = element_text(margin = margin(t = 30)), # size adjusts logitude text size
axis.text.y = element_text(margin = margin(r = 35)) # size adjusts latitude text size
) +
coord_sf(xlim = x_limits, ylim = y_limits, clip = "off") # Set fixed limits
# Plotting the "Predicted" map
predicted_map <- ggplot(data = final_net_combined %>% filter(type == "Predicted")) +
geom_sf(aes(fill = value), show.legend = TRUE) +
common_scale_fill +
geom_sf(data = e_drc_adm2_map, fill = NA, color = "white", size = 0.1) +
geom_sf(data = e_drc_adm1_map, fill = NA, color = "grey", linewidth = 1) +
title = "Predicted"
) +
theme_minimal() +
plot.title = element_text(face = "bold"), # Make the "Predicted" map title bold
axis.text.x = element_text(margin = margin(t = 30)),
axis.text.y = element_blank(), # Remove latitude text for the right map
plot.margin = margin(0, 30, 0, 0)
) +
coord_sf(xlim = x_limits, ylim = y_limits, clip = "off") # Set fixed limits
# Combine the maps using cowplot::plot_grid
combined_map <- plot_grid(actual_map, predicted_map, ncol = 2, align = "hv", rel_widths = c(1, 1), scale = c(1.05, 1.05))
# Add the main title and subtitle using ggdraw
final_plot <- ggdraw() +
draw_label("Number of Attacks on Civilians in Eastern DRC Map Grid Cell Locations", fontface = 'bold', x = 0.5, y = 0.97, size = 16, hjust = 0.5) +
draw_label("(Jul. 1, 2023 to Dec. 31, 2023)", fontface = 'bold', x = 0.5, y = 0.93, size = 13, hjust = 0.5) +
draw_plot(combined_map, y = 0, height = 0.9)
# saveRDS(final_plot, "final_plot-map_of_actual_vs_predicted_attacks.rds")
# Print the final plot