# The following custom map theme function is modified from the original, which comes from the following site:
mapTheme <- function(base_size = 12, title_size = 16) {
text = element_text( color = "black"),
plot.title = element_text(size = title_size,colour = "black"),
axis.ticks = element_blank(),
panel.background = element_blank(),axis.title = element_blank(),
axis.text = element_blank(),
axis.title.x = element_blank(),
axis.title.y = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
panel.border = element_rect(colour = "black", fill=NA, linewidth = 2),
strip.text.x = element_text(size = 14))
# These light levels come from the Day/Night Band (DNB) radiance measured by sensor dataset within the VIIRS/NPP Granular Gridded Day Night Band 500m Linear Lat. Lon. Grid Night NRT dataset, available at[0][v]=f&pg[0][gsk]=-start_date&q=VNP46A1G_NRT_2&tl=1704057535.621!3!!
# Documentation on the dataset file naming conventions is discussed on pg. 8 of this document:
# To convert between longitude and latitude coordinates and the dataset tiles needed to be downloaded, see the MODLAND Tile Calculator (
# To install the rhdf5 library, use the following code:
# if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
# install.packages("BiocManager")
# BiocManager::install("rhdf5")
fishnet <- readRDS("fishnet.rds")
e_drc_adm1_map <- readRDS("e_drc_adm1_map.rds")
e_drc_adm2_map <- readRDS("e_drc_adm2_map.rds")
e_drc_adm2_map <- e_drc_adm2_map %>%
# Define the paths to HDF5 files
h5_path_list <- c(
# Function to read spatial extents from multiple HDF5 files
read_spatial_extent <- function(file_path) {
# Read latitude and longitude datasets
lat <- rhdf5::h5read(file_path, "/HDFEOS/GRIDS/VIIRS_Grid_DNB_2d/Data Fields/lat")
lon <- rhdf5::h5read(file_path, "/HDFEOS/GRIDS/VIIRS_Grid_DNB_2d/Data Fields/lon")
# Calculate the extent
lat_min <- min(lat)
lat_max <- max(lat)
lon_min <- min(lon)
lon_max <- max(lon)
return(c(lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max))
extents <- lapply(h5_path_list, read_spatial_extent)
# Function to read and convert HDF5 to raster
convert_h5_to_raster <- function(h5_file_path, dataset_path, extent_values) {
data <- h5read(h5_file_path, dataset_path)
# Assuming data needs to be transposed (common with matrix data from HDF5)
r <- raster(t(data))
# Set the extent of the raster
extent(r) <- extent(extent_values)
# Define the projection (this is the same geographic projection as before)
projection(r) <- CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")
# Path to the internal dataset within each h5 file that we want to analyze for the lights at night feature
internal_dataset_path = "/HDFEOS/GRIDS/VIIRS_Grid_DNB_2d/Data Fields/DNB_At_Sensor_Radiance"
# Use mapply to pass the extents to the function along with file paths
raster_list <- mapply(convert_h5_to_raster, h5_path_list, MoreArgs = list(dataset_path = internal_dataset_path), extents, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
# Flatten each element of raster_list
raster_list <- lapply(raster_list, unlist)
# No documentation was found listing the no-data value, which is often a number like -999. The no-data values in this dataset appear to be assigned as -999.900024, as discovered by using summary(raster_list[[1]]), summary(raster_list[[2]]), summary(raster_list[[3]]), and summary(raster_list[[4]]), which showed an unusually high number of values equal to -999.900024. To count the number of values very close to -999.900024 in case summary() is merely truncating the no-data values, I used the following function:
count_near_no_data_values <- function(raster_layer, no_data_value, tolerance = 1e-5) {
values <- raster::getValues(raster_layer)
sum(abs(values - no_data_value) < tolerance, na.rm = TRUE)
no_data_value <- -999.900024
no_data_counts <- lapply(raster_list, count_near_no_data_values, no_data_value = no_data_value)
# The above code found that there were a total of 5,418 values near -999.900024 among the 4 raster objects, which would seem highly unusual unless this is indeed the no-data value for the dataset, so I regard it as such. Thus, I replace these values with NA so that the final values are not biased.
replace_near_no_data_with_NA <- function(raster_layer, no_data_value, tolerance = 1e-5) {
values <- raster::getValues(raster_layer)
values[abs(values - no_data_value) < tolerance] <- NA
raster::setValues(raster_layer, values)
raster_list <- lapply(raster_list, replace_near_no_data_with_NA, no_data_value = no_data_value)
# Our raster layers are geographically literally situated side-by-side and contain no overlaps. We can use the merge function to merge the 4 raster layers into 1 raster
merged_raster <- merge(raster_list[[1]], raster_list[[2]], raster_list[[3]], raster_list[[4]])
# Examining NAs after merging
print(summary(merged_raster)) # Shows 15,019 NA values
# Use st_transform to ensure that the shapefile is in the same CRS as the raster
e_drc_adm2_map <- st_transform(e_drc_adm2_map, crs(merged_raster))
# We will check to make certain that the extents of the rasters overlap as they need to.
# Convert raster extent to SpatialPolygons, and ensure the CRS of merged_raster is carried over
merged_extent_sp <- as(extent(merged_raster), "SpatialPolygons")
crs(merged_extent_sp) <- crs(merged_raster)
shapefile_extent_sp <- as(extent(st_bbox(e_drc_adm2_map)), "SpatialPolygons")
crs(shapefile_extent_sp) <- crs(e_drc_adm2_map)
# Check if the extents overlap using gIntersects
# Because the code below yields no warning when run, we know that the rasters and shapefile perfectly overlap.
if (!gIntersects(merged_extent_sp, shapefile_extent_sp, byid = FALSE)) {
stop("The extents of the raster and shapefile do not overlap.")
# Convert the shapefile to a Spatial object
e_drc_adm2_map_sp <- as(e_drc_adm2_map, "Spatial")
# Crop the raster to the extent of the shapefile
cropped_raster <- crop(merged_raster, e_drc_adm2_map_sp)
# Masking the cropped raster using the shapefile
clipped_raster <- mask(cropped_raster, e_drc_adm2_map_sp)
# Check summary of raster values after masking to assess NA values
print(summary(clipped_raster)) # There are now 1,367,745 NA values
# After masking, the number of NAs jumps from 15,019 to ~1.37 million. Why the jump? This is because crop() and mask() set any pixel that is outside the shapefile boundary to NA.
# Define the desired projected CRS (Transverse Mercator)
projected_crs <- CRS("+proj=tmerc +lat_0=-0.6888125 +lon_0=29.0698245 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs")
# Ensure the clipped raster has a defined CRS before projecting
crs(clipped_raster) <- crs(e_drc_adm2_map)
# Reproject the clipped raster to the new CRS
final_clipped_raster <- projectRaster(clipped_raster, crs = projected_crs)
# Save the clipped and projected final raster
raster::writeRaster(final_clipped_raster, "C:/Users/rsb84/Desktop/RB/ds_projects/GIS/DRC/final_clipped_raster.tif", format = "GTiff", overwrite = TRUE)
# Extract values from our dataset of interest from the clipped raster
final_values <- getValues(final_clipped_raster)
if (all( {
stop("All extracted values are NA.")
print(summary(final_values)) # Shows there are 1,396,027 NAs
print(ncell(final_values)) # Shows there are 2,283,463 total values
# Note that projectRaster() can introduce additional interpolation artifacts or small fill areas where data might become NA, which may explain the additional increase in NAs.
# 1396027/2283463 = 0.611364. 61.14% of all values are NAs. This is a lot of NA values, a potential limitation of using night light emissions as a feature. However, my comments on this subject further below show that it may still be okay to use this variable.
# - Factors such as cloud coverage,
# Convert raster to a data frame with x, y coordinates and cell values
light_sf <- rasterToPolygons(final_clipped_raster) %>%
st_as_sf() %>%
# saveRDS(light_sf, "light_sf-original-before_intersection_with_fishnet.RDS", compress=TRUE)
e_drc_adm2_map <- e_drc_adm2_map %>%
# We might suspect that many of these NAs are present because the original raster was clipped to the area of the map shapefile, leaving most values outside the shapefile as NAs. However, because there are so many NA values, to verify whether these NA values are merely coming from areas outside the shapefile, we should do the following:
# Determine the number of raster values that should reside outside of the shapefile boundaries after masking, using follow these steps:
# - Create a mask raster from the shapefile: Convert the shapefile into a raster format where pixels inside the shapefile boundaries are given a value of 1, and those outside are given a value of NA.
# - Compare the mask raster and the merged raster:
# 1. For the merged raster (merged_raster), identify the cells which have non-NA values.
# 2. For the mask raster, identify the cells which have NA values.
# 3. Compare these two sets of cells to determine how many non-NA cells in the merged raster correspond to NA cells in the mask raster.
# 4. Count these cells: The count of these cells (outside_values_count) will give you the number of values in merged_raster that fall outside the shapefile boundaries. If the number of NAs in final_values is similar to the number of NAs in outside_values_count, then this suggests there are few if any NAs introduced unintentionally in the code.
# 1. Create mask_raster where any cell inside the shapefile boundary = 1, else NA.
# 2. Check how many non-NA cells in merged_raster become NA in mask_raster.
# 3. If outside_values_count = 0, then none of the original valid raster cells lie outside the shapefile boundary. They all lie within it.
outside_values_count = 0 => none of the original valid raster cells lie outside the shapefile boundary.
# Here is the R code to perform this analysis:
# Create a mask raster from the shapefile
mask_raster <- rasterize(e_drc_adm2_map, merged_raster, field=1, background=NA)
# Get values from both rasters
merged_values <- getValues(merged_raster)
mask_values <- getValues(mask_raster)
# Count the number of non-NA values in merged_raster that correspond to NA in mask_raster
outside_values_count <- sum(! &
print(outside_values_count) # Shows 0 NA values
# From print(summary(final_values)), we saw there are 1,396,027 NAs. From print(outside_values_count), we can see there are 0 NAs. This means that 0% of the NAs in final_values come from areas outside the shapefile boundaries.
# Ensure both datasets are in the same CRS
light_sf <- st_transform(light_sf, st_crs(fishnet))
# Intersect light_sf with fishnet
light_sf_intersected <- st_intersection(light_sf, fishnet)
# saveRDS(light_sf_intersected, "light_sf_intersected.RDS", compress = TRUE)
# Convert intersected to a regular data frame
light_df_intersected <-
# Join fishnet (dropping its geometry) with intersected_df
light_joined <- merge(st_drop_geometry(fishnet), light_df_intersected, by = "uniqueID", all.x = TRUE)
# Aggregate the mean light values for each fishnet cell
mean_light <- light_joined %>%
group_by(uniqueID) %>%
summarize(mean_light = mean(layer, na.rm = TRUE), .groups = 'drop')
# saveRDS(mean_light, "mean_light.RDS", compress = TRUE)
# mean_light <- readRDS("mean_light.RDS")
# Merge the aggregated data with the original fishnet (with geometry)
mean_light_net_merged <- merge(fishnet, mean_light, by = "uniqueID", all.x = TRUE)
# Count the number of NA values to make sure there are not many. Results show there are only 3 NAs.
# How is this possible that we only have 3 NA values now?
# - Because a single polygon in the fishnet typically covers many raster cells, the presence of a large number of per-pixel NA values does not necessarily translate into a large number of fishnet polygons with missing values.
# - Many missing pixels may still yield a valid average. Each fishnet cell (polygon) might contain hundreds or thousands of raster pixels. Even if some of those pixels are NA, there may be enough valid (non-NA) pixels within that polygon to compute a mean.
# - You only see an NA in the final fishnet attribute table if every pixel (or almost every pixel) in a given fishnet polygon is missing. Hence, you can have 1.3 million missing pixels scattered across the region but, if they are “sprinkled” throughout different polygons (which also contain some valid pixel values), most if not all polygons can still compute a mean.
# Next, for imputation purposes for NA values, the following code defines which cells are neighbors by creating a spatial weights matrix (Queen's contiguity matrix). The poly2nb function identifies neighboring polygons (grid cells), and nb2listw creates the weights. The style="W" argument creates weights based on neighboring presence (1 for neighbor, 0 otherwise), and zero.policy=TRUE allows operations on regions with no neighbors.
neighbors <- poly2nb(mean_light_net_merged, queen = TRUE)
weights <- nb2listw(neighbors, style="W", zero.policy=TRUE)
# Imputation Using Averages of Neighboring Cell Values: these weights calculate the average of the neighboring cells. It loops through each cell in the sf object and computes the average of its neighbors for imputation of NA values.
mean_light_net_merged <- mean_light_net_merged %>%
mutate(mean_light = ifelse(,
sapply(1:length(mean_light_net_merged), function(i) {
sum(weights$weights[[i]] * mean_light_net_merged$mean_light[weights$neighbours[[i]]],
na.rm = TRUE) / sum(weights$weights[[i]], na.rm = TRUE)
# Count the number of NA values.
print(sum($mean_light))) # Results show there are now 0 NAs.
vars_in_net <- mean_light_net_merged
# saveRDS(vars_in_net, file = "vars_in_net-after_mean_light_added.rds", compress = TRUE)
# vars_in_net <- readRDS("vars_in_net-after_mean_light_added.rds")
ggplot(data = vars_in_net) +
geom_sf(aes(fill = mean_light)) +
geom_sf(data = e_drc_adm2_map, fill = NA, color = "white", size = 0.1) + # Territory Boundaries (2nd Order Districts)
geom_sf(data = e_drc_adm1_map, fill = NA, color = "red", linewidth = 1) + # Province Boundaries (1st Order Districts)
scale_fill_viridis_c(name = "Light Levels (nWatts·cm⁻²·sr⁻¹)", option = "H") + # Color scale for fatalities
labs(title = "Mean Nighttime Light Radiance Levels over the Eastern DRC, Dec. 25, 2023", subtitle = "") +
theme_minimal() +
plot.title = element_text(face = "bold")
) +
# I used QGIS to clip this particular raster to the extent of the fishnet as doing so in QGIS is much faster than doing so in R.
pop_dens <- raster("e_drc-gpw_v4_pop_dens-1km_res.tif")
# Crop raster to the fishnet extent
# cropped_raster.pop_dens <- crop(pop_dens, extent(fishnet))
# Convert Raster to SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
raster_2_polygons <- rasterToPolygons(pop_dens)
names(raster_2_polygons@data)[names(raster_2_polygons@data) == "e_drc.gpw_v4_pop_dens.1km_res"] <- "pop_density"
pop_density_sf <- raster_2_polygons %>%
st_as_sf() %>%
# Join via st_intersection
pop_density_sf <- pop_density_sf %>%
# Remove empty geometries resulting from the intersection
pop_density_sf <- pop_density_sf[!st_is_empty(pop_density_sf), ]
# saveRDS(pop_density_sf, file = "e_drc-pop_density_sf-before_mean.rds", compress = TRUE)
# pop_density_sf <- readRDS(file = "e_drc-pop_density_sf-before_mean.rds")
# Calculate the mean population density for each grid cell
pop_density_sf <- pop_density_sf %>%
group_by(uniqueID) %>%
summarise(mean_pop_density = mean(pop_density, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
# Drop geometry from intersection before the join
pop_density_no_geom <- %>%
# Step 4: Join the counts back with the original fishnet geometry
# Now you can use left_join because intersection_no_geom is a regular data frame
mean_pop_dens_sf <- left_join(fishnet, pop_density_no_geom, by = "uniqueID")
# Count the number of NA values to make sure there are not many. Results show there are only 22 NAs.
neighbors <- poly2nb(mean_pop_dens_sf, queen = TRUE)
weights <- nb2listw(neighbors, style="W", zero.policy=TRUE)
# Handling Missing Data: The mutate() function below updates the mean_pop_density column, replacing NA values with a weighted average of the population density values of neighboring grid cells.
# Weighted Average Calculation: For each cell, the population density values of neighboring cells are multiplied by their spatial weights. The sum of these weighted values is then divided by the sum of the weights to compute the average.
mean_pop_dens_sf <- mean_pop_dens_sf %>%
mutate(mean_pop_density = ifelse(,
sapply(1:length(mean_pop_dens_sf), function(i) {
sum(weights$weights[[i]] * mean_pop_dens_sf$mean_pop_density[weights$neighbours[[i]]],
na.rm = TRUE) / sum(weights$weights[[i]], na.rm = TRUE)
# Replace NA values with 0 in the unique_nsags column
# Ensure the result is an sf object with geometry
mean_pop_dens_sf <- st_sf(mean_pop_dens_sf, geometry = st_geometry(fishnet), crs = st_crs(fishnet))
# Save object
# saveRDS(mean_pop_dens_sf, file = "e_drc-pop_density_sf-finished.rds", compress = TRUE)
# mean_pop_dens_sf <- readRDS(file = "e_drc-pop_density_sf-finished.rds")
mean_pop_dens_sf_subset <- mean_pop_dens_sf[, c("uniqueID", "mean_pop_density")]
# Perform the join using base R's merge function
vars_in_net <- merge(vars_in_net, as(mean_pop_dens_sf_subset, "Spatial"), by = "uniqueID", all.x = TRUE)
# Save object
# saveRDS(vars_in_net, file = "vars_in_net-after_pop_density_added.rds", compress = TRUE)
# vars_in_net <- readRDS(file = "vars_in_net-after_pop_density_added.rds")
# I merged the raster files in QGIS (since doing so takes much longer in R) that provided travel times to cities of population sizes 50,000 - 100,000; 100,000 - 200,000; 200,000 - 500,000; and 500,000 - 1,000,000, based on 2015 data. I then clipped the merged raster file to the boundaries of e_drc_adm2_map (which has the same boundaries of fishnet). The result is the imported raster file below. This raster file thus contains travel times from any given point on the map to any city with a population between 50,000 and 1,000,000.
time2city.50k_1mil <- raster("travel_time_to_cities-50k-1mil.tif")
# Convert Raster to SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
raster_2_polygons <- rasterToPolygons(time2city.50k_1mil)
names(raster_2_polygons@data)[names(raster_2_polygons@data) == "travel_time_to_cities.50k.1mil"] <- "time_to_nearest_city"
time_to_nearest_city_sf <- raster_2_polygons %>%
st_as_sf() %>%
# Step 2: Perform the spatial intersection
intersection <- st_intersection(fishnet, time_to_nearest_city_sf)
print(sum($time_to_nearest_city))) # Shows there are 0 NAs
# Save object
# saveRDS(intersection, file = "time_to_nearest_city_sf-before_mean.rds", compress = TRUE)
# intersection <- readRDS(file = "time_to_nearest_city_sf-before_mean.rds")
# Step 3: Generate a unique identifier for each geometry in the intersection result
mean_time_to_nearest_city_intersection <- intersection %>%
group_by(uniqueID) %>%
summarise(mean_time_to_nearest_city = mean(time_to_nearest_city, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
# Drop geometry from intersection before the join
mean_time_to_nearest_city_no_geom <- %>%
# Step 4: Join the counts back with the original fishnet geometry
# Now you can use left_join because intersection_no_geom is a regular data frame
mean_time_to_nearest_city_sf <- left_join(fishnet, mean_time_to_nearest_city_no_geom, by = "uniqueID")
print(sum($mean_time_to_nearest_city))) # shows there are no NA values
# Ensure the result is an sf object with geometry
mean_time_to_nearest_city_sf <- st_sf(mean_time_to_nearest_city_sf, geometry = st_geometry(fishnet), crs = st_crs(fishnet))
# saveRDS(mean_time_to_nearest_city_sf, file = "e_drc-time_to_nearest_city_sf-finished.rds", compress = TRUE)
# mean_time_to_nearest_city_sf <- readRDS(file = "e_drc-time_to_nearest_city_sf-finished.rds")
mean_time_to_nearest_city_sf_subset <- mean_time_to_nearest_city_sf[, c("uniqueID", "mean_time_to_nearest_city")]
# Perform the join using base R's merge function
vars_in_net <- merge(vars_in_net, as(mean_time_to_nearest_city_sf_subset, "Spatial"), by = "uniqueID", all.x = TRUE)
# saveRDS(vars_in_net, file = "vars_in_net-after_time_to_nearest_city_added.rds", compress = TRUE)
# vars_in_net <- readRDS(file = "vars_in_net-after_time_to_nearest_city_added.rds")
drc_altitude_raster <- raster("DIVA-GIS_COD_msk_elevation/COD_msk_alt.grd")
fishnet_geo <- fishnet %>%
st_transform(crs = st_crs(drc_altitude_raster))
cropped_drc_altitude_raster <- crop(drc_altitude_raster, extent(fishnet_geo))
clipped_drc_altitude_raster <- mask(cropped_drc_altitude_raster, fishnet_geo)
clipped_e_drc_altitude_raster <- clipped_drc_altitude_raster %>%
projectRaster(crs = crs(fishnet))
# Convert Raster to SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
e_drc_alt_raster_2_polygons <- rasterToPolygons(clipped_e_drc_altitude_raster)
names(e_drc_alt_raster_2_polygons@data)[names(e_drc_alt_raster_2_polygons@data) == "COD_msk_alt"] <- "altitude"
e_drc_alt_sf <- e_drc_alt_raster_2_polygons %>%
st_as_sf() %>%
# Perform the spatial intersection
intersection <- st_intersection(fishnet, e_drc_alt_sf)
print(sum($altitude))) # Shows there are no NA values
# saveRDS(intersection, file = "e_drc_altitude-before_mean.rds", compress = TRUE)
# intersection <- readRDS(file = "e_drc_altitude-before_mean.rds")
# Use unique identifier for each geometry in the intersection result to find the mean altitude per grid cell
mean_e_drc_altitude_intersection <- intersection %>%
group_by(uniqueID) %>%
summarise(mean_altitude = mean(altitude, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
# Drop geometry from intersection before the join
mean_altitude_no_geom <- %>%
# See if any NA values exist before using left_join
print(sum($mean_altitude))) # Shows there are 0 NA values
# Join the counts back with the original fishnet geometry
# Now you can use left_join because intersection_no_geom is a regular data frame
mean_altitude_sf <- left_join(fishnet, mean_altitude_no_geom, by = "uniqueID")
# See if any NA values exist after using left_join
print(sum($mean_altitude))) # Shows there are 17 NA values
# Use the imputation method from earlier where we take a queens contiguity matrix around each NA value and impute the missing value with the mean of the values of its neighboring cells in the matrix. The poly2nb function identifies neighboring polygons (grid cells), and nb2listw creates the weights. The style="W" argument creates weights based on neighboring presence (1 for neighbor, 0 otherwise), and zero.policy=TRUE allows operations on regions with no neighbors.
neighbors_alt <- poly2nb(mean_altitude_sf, queen = TRUE)
weights_alt <- nb2listw(neighbors_alt, style="W", zero.policy=TRUE)
# Imputation using averages of neighboring cell values
mean_altitude_sf <- mean_altitude_sf %>%
mutate(mean_altitude = ifelse(,
sapply(1:length(mean_altitude_sf), function(i) {
neighbor_values <- mean_altitude_sf$mean_altitude[neighbors_alt[[i]]]
neighbor_weights <- weights_alt$weights[[i]]
if (all( NA else sum(neighbor_weights * neighbor_values, na.rm = TRUE) / sum(neighbor_weights, na.rm = TRUE)
# See if any NA values exist after using imputation
print(sum($mean_altitude))) # The output shows 0 NA values
# Ensure the result is an sf object with geometry
mean_altitude_sf <- st_sf(mean_altitude_sf, geometry = st_geometry(fishnet), crs = st_crs(fishnet))
# saveRDS(mean_altitude_sf, file = "e_drc-mean_altitude_sf-finished.rds", compress = TRUE)
# mean_altitude_sf <- readRDS(file = "e_drc-mean_altitude_sf-finished.rds")
mean_altitude_sf_subset <- mean_altitude_sf[, c("uniqueID", "mean_altitude")]
# Perform the join using base R's merge function
vars_in_net <- merge(vars_in_net, as(mean_altitude_sf_subset, "Spatial"), by = "uniqueID", all.x = TRUE)
# saveRDS(vars_in_net, file = "vars_in_net-after_altitude_added.rds", compress = TRUE)
# vars_in_net <- readRDS(file = "vars_in_net-after_altitude_added.rds.rds")
# The following raster files come from the Global Land Analysis & Discovery Forest Height, 2020 dataset (pixel value: forest height in meters) at the University of Maryland (See
# -2020_00N_020E.tif
# -2020_00N_030E.tif
# -2020_10N_020E.tif
# -2020_10N_030E.tif
# I merged these raster files together and then clipped them to the boundaries of e_drc_adm2_map using QGIS, since QGIS has a processing time much faster than R's. The merged/clipped raster is imported below:
clipped_e_drc_forest_height <- raster("e_drc-GLAD-forest_height_2020.tif")
clipped_e_drc_forest_height <- clipped_e_drc_forest_height %>%
projectRaster(crs = crs(fishnet))
# The original resolution of the GLAD dataset is 30m. Reducing it by a factor of 100 to preserve memory makes its resolution 3000m (or 1.86 mi) - still very good for our purposes, especially since the fishnet grid cells are 10 mi x 10 mi.
# Convert Raster to SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
raster_lower_res <- aggregate(clipped_e_drc_forest_height, fact=100) # Must reduce resolution or else almost a 50GB object will result
# saveRDS(raster_lower_res, file = "clipped_e_drc_forest_height-raster_lower_res.rds", compress = TRUE)
# raster_lower_res <- readRDS(file = "clipped_e_drc_forest_height-raster_lower_res.rds")
e_drc_forest_height_raster_2_polygons <- rasterToPolygons(raster_lower_res)
names(e_drc_forest_height_raster_2_polygons@data)[names(e_drc_forest_height_raster_2_polygons@data) == "e_drc.GLAD.forest_height_2020"] <- "forest_height"
e_drc_forest_height_sf <- e_drc_forest_height_raster_2_polygons %>%
st_as_sf() %>%
# Perform the spatial intersection
intersection <- st_intersection(fishnet, e_drc_forest_height_sf)
print(sum($forest_height))) # Shows there are 0 NAs
# saveRDS(intersection, file = "e_drc_forest_height_sf-before_mean.rds", compress = TRUE)
# intersection <- readRDS(file = "e_drc_forest_height_sf-before_mean.rds")
# Generate a unique identifier for each geometry in the intersection result
mean_e_drc_forest_height_intersection <- intersection %>%
group_by(uniqueID) %>%
summarise(mean_forest_height = mean(forest_height, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
# Drop geometry from intersection before the join
mean_e_drc_forest_height_no_geom <- %>%
# See if any NA values exist *before* using left_join
print(sum($mean_forest_height))) # Shows there are 0 NA values
# Join the counts back with the original fishnet geometry
# Now you can use left_join because intersection_no_geom is a regular data frame
mean_forest_height_sf <- left_join(fishnet, mean_e_drc_forest_height_no_geom, by = "uniqueID")
# See if any NA values exist *after* using left_join
print(sum($mean_forest_height))) # Shows there are 0 NA values. No need for imputation
# Ensure the result is an sf object with geometry
mean_forest_height_sf <- st_sf(mean_forest_height_sf, geometry = st_geometry(fishnet), crs = st_crs(fishnet))
# saveRDS(mean_forest_height_sf, file = "e_drc-mean_forest_height_sf-finished.rds", compress = TRUE)
# mean_forest_height_sf <- readRDS(file = "e_drc-mean_forest_height_sf-finished.rds")
mean_forest_height_sf_subset <- mean_forest_height_sf[, c("uniqueID", "mean_forest_height")]
# Perform the join using base R's merge function
vars_in_net <- merge(vars_in_net, as(mean_forest_height_sf_subset, "Spatial"), by = "uniqueID", all.x = TRUE)
# saveRDS(vars_in_net, file = "vars_in_net-after_forest_height_added.rds", compress = TRUE)
# vars_in_net <- readRDS(file = "vars_in_net-after_forest_height_added.rds")
# For every fishnet grid cell in the 3 Eastern DRC provinces under consideration, I will personally calculate the distances to the entire DRC country borders with neighboring countries, and find the minimum distance among these for each grid cell.
# Read the DRC map and transform to WGS 84 (lat/lon)
drc_map <- st_read('COD_adm/COD_adm0.shp') %>%
st_transform(crs = 4326)
# Create the DRC boundary. drc_map is a single polygon for the country
drc_boundary <- st_boundary(drc_map) %>%
# Convert the boundary to MULTIPOLYGON.
drc_border <- drc_boundary %>%
st_combine() %>%
# Calculate distances
# Transform to a projected CRS that's suitable for distance measurement in the DRC region
proj_crs <- st_crs(projected_crs) # Using the same projected CRS suitable for Eastern DRC as before
drc_border_proj <- st_transform(drc_border, crs = proj_crs)
# Calculate the distances in meters
distances_to_border <- st_distance(fishnet, drc_border_proj)
# Use apply() to calculate the minimum value across rows of the distances matrix
min_distances <- apply(distances_to_border, 1, min)
# Add the minimum distances to the fishnet data
distances_to_border_sf <- fishnet
distances_to_border_sf$min_distance_to_border <- min_distances
# Step 5: Merge with vars_in_net
distances_to_border_sf_subset <- distances_to_border_sf[, c("uniqueID", "min_distance_to_border")]
vars_in_net <- merge(vars_in_net, as(distances_to_border_sf_subset, "Spatial"), by = "uniqueID", all.x = TRUE)
# saveRDS(vars_in_net, file = "vars_in_net-after_distance_to_border_added.rds", compress = TRUE)
# vars_in_net <- readRDS(file = "vars_in_net-after_distance_to_border_added.rds")
# Variable: Armed Mines
# This variable comes from the IPIS dataset "Artisanal Mining Sites in Eastern DRC" ( The dataset's variables - "armed_group1", "armed_group2", and "armed_group3" - provide the names of armed groups that maintained a presence, if any, at any given mine. I will filter out the categories of "None", NA, and government forces such as the "FARDC", which is the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, "Police des Mines (PMH)", and "Police Nationale Congolaise (sauf PMH)", leaving us with mines occupied by NSAGs.
e_drc_mines <- read.csv("eastern_drc_mines-ipis.csv")
e_drc_mines <- e_drc_mines %>%
dplyr::select(vid, # unique ID for each mine
presence, # Whether or not there are any armed groups at a given mine
armed_group1, # The dataset lists up to 3 armed groups stationed at each mine
e_drc_mines <- e_drc_mines %>%
st_as_sf(coords = c("longitude", "latitude"), crs = 4326) %>%
st_transform(crs = projected_crs)
e_drc_mines.expanded <- tidyr::gather(data = e_drc_mines, key = "armed_group_number", value = "armed_group", armed_group1, armed_group2, armed_group3)
# I will remove the following values from the armed_group column. The first 3 are government organizations.
values_to_remove <- c('FARDC', 'Police Nationale Congolaise (sauf PMH)', 'Police des Mines (PMH)', 'None')
e_drc_mines.expanded <- e_drc_mines.expanded %>%
filter(presence == 1,
!(armed_group %in% values_to_remove)) %>%
distinct(vid, .keep_all = TRUE)
# Having removed all government organizations, 'None' values, potential NA values, and blank cells, the only armed groups left are non-state armed groups (NSAGs).
e_drc_mines.expanded_sf <- e_drc_mines.expanded %>%
st_as_sf(coords = c("longitude", "latitude"), crs = 4326) %>%
st_transform(crs = crs(fishnet))
# Perform the spatial intersection
intersection <- st_intersection(fishnet, e_drc_mines.expanded_sf)
# Remove empty geometries resulting from the intersection
intersection <- intersection[!st_is_empty(intersection), ]
print(sum($altitude))) # Shows there are no NA values
# saveRDS(intersection, file = "e_drc_mines.expanded_sf-before_sum.rds", compress = TRUE)
# intersection <- readRDS(file = "e_drc_mines.expanded_sf-before_sum.rds")
# Use unique identifier for each geometry in the intersection result to find the total mines with NSAGs present per grid cell
total_armed_e_drc_mines <- intersection %>%
group_by(uniqueID) %>%
summarise(total_armed_mines = sum(presence, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
# Drop geometry from intersection before the join
total_armed_e_drc_mines_no_geom <- %>%
print(dim(total_armed_e_drc_mines_no_geom)) # Output shows 388 grid cells/rows with armed mine.
# Join the counts back with the original fishnet geometry
total_armed_mines_sf <- left_join(fishnet, total_armed_e_drc_mines_no_geom, by = "uniqueID")
# See if any NA values exist after using left_join
print(sum($total_armed_mines))) # Shows there are 8021 NA values.
print(dim(fishnet)) # shows 8409 grid cells
# Recall before the left join, we saw there were 388 grid cells/rows with armed mines. Since 388 armed mines + 8021 NA values = 8409, we know the only NA values that exist are from grid cells that did not have any mines occupied by NSAGs. We can therefore replace these NA values with 0.
total_armed_mines_sf$total_armed_mines[$total_armed_mines)] <- 0
# saveRDS(total_armed_mines_sf, file = "total_armed_mines_sf-finished.rds", compress = TRUE)
# total_armed_mines_sf <- readRDS(file = "total_armed_mines_sf-finished.rds")
total_armed_mines_sf_subset <- total_armed_mines_sf[, c("uniqueID", "total_armed_mines")]
# Perform the join using base R's merge function
vars_in_net <- merge(vars_in_net, as(total_armed_mines_sf_subset, "Spatial"), by = "uniqueID", all.x = TRUE)
# The following code calculates the weighted harmonic mean of mines armed by NSAGs - using the inverse of the distances to the nearest neighboring grid cells and number of armed mines per grid cell, and sets k=3
weighted_harmonic_avg_dists <- function(sf_data, column, sf_data_centroids, neighbors_weights, k_value) {
weighted_harmonic_avg_distances <- vector("numeric", nrow(sf_data))
for (i in 1:nrow(sf_data)) {
# Retrieve neighbor indices, excluding the ego grid cell itself
current_neighbors <- neighbors_weights$neighbours[[i]]
current_neighbors <- current_neighbors[current_neighbors != i]
# Keep/consider only neighbors with at least one NSAG
neighbors_with_quantity <- current_neighbors[sf_data[[column]][current_neighbors] > 0]
# Calculate distances to from cell i (the ego cell) to these neighbors
if (length(neighbors_with_quantity) > 0) {
distances <- st_distance(sf_data_centroids[i, , drop = FALSE],
sf_data_centroids[neighbors_with_quantity, , drop = FALSE])
# Convert distance to numeric and sort distances in order to ensure we're using the closest k neighbors
distances <- as.numeric(distances)
sorted_indices <- order(distances)
distances <- distances[sorted_indices]
neighbors_with_quantity <- neighbors_with_quantity[sorted_indices]
# Automatically adjust k based on the number of available neighbors with NSAGs, starting with 3 neighbors and decreasing to 2 or 1 if needed
k_adj <- min(k_value, length(neighbors_with_quantity))
# Calculate the weighted harmonic mean
if (sum(sf_data[[column]][neighbors_with_quantity][1:k_adj]) > 0 && sum(1/distances[1:k_adj]) > 0) {
weighted_harmonic_avg_distances[i] <- sum(sf_data[[column]][neighbors_with_quantity][1:k_adj]) /
sum((sf_data[[column]][neighbors_with_quantity][1:k_adj]) / distances[1:k_adj])
} else {
weighted_harmonic_avg_distances[i] <- NA # Safety check: If no neighbors with NSAGs or distances are zero, assign NA
} else {
weighted_harmonic_avg_distances[i] <- NA # Safety check: If no neighbors or all neighbors have zero NSAGs, assign NA
# Convert the sf object to centroids
total_armed_mines_sf_centroids <- st_centroid(total_armed_mines_sf)
# Ensure the centroids are in a projected CRS appropriate for distance calculations
total_armed_mines_sf_centroids <- st_transform(total_armed_mines_sf_centroids, crs = st_crs(fishnet))
# Convert the sf centroids object to sp class for using with spdep functions
total_armed_mines_sp_centroids <- as(total_armed_mines_sf_centroids, "Spatial")
# Create a neighbors list
nearest_neighbors_list <- dnearneigh(coordinates(total_armed_mines_sp_centroids), 0, Inf, longlat = FALSE)
# Create spatial weights using IDW. This weights matrix can be reused for other spatial objects with centroids regardless of differences in values, because the weights matrix depends on the locations of the centroids - not their values. This will save time.
neighbors_weights <- nb2listwdist(nearest_neighbors_list, x = total_armed_mines_sp_centroids, type = "idw", style = "raw", zero.policy = TRUE)
# saveRDS(neighbors_weights, "neighbors_weights.rds", compress = TRUE)
# neighbors_weights <- readRDS("neighbors_weights.rds")
# Use the weighted_harmonic_avg_dists function to calculate weighted harmonic average distances
weighted_harmonic_avg_distances <- weighted_harmonic_avg_dists(
sf_data = total_armed_mines_sf, # Spatial data object
column = "total_armed_mines", # Column with the number of armed mines
sf_data_centroids = total_armed_mines_sf_centroids, # Centroids of the grid cells
neighbors_weights = neighbors_weights, # Spatial weights created using IDW
k_value = 3 # Starting with 3 neighbors, will adjust if fewer exist
# Assign the weighted harmonic average distances to the sf object
total_armed_mines_sf$weighted_harmonic_avg_distance_to_armed_mines <- weighted_harmonic_avg_distances
# Subset relevant columns
total_armed_mines_sf_subset <- total_armed_mines_sf[, c("uniqueID", "total_armed_mines", "weighted_harmonic_avg_distance_to_armed_mines")]
# Merge variables to vars_in_net
vars_in_net <- merge(vars_in_net, as(total_armed_mines_sf_subset, "Spatial"), by = "uniqueID", all.x = TRUE)
# Save object
# saveRDS(vars_in_net, file = "vars_in_net-after_armed_mines_added.rds", compress = TRUE)
# Use st_within to find mines within polygons
mines_in_fishnet <- st_within(e_drc_mines, fishnet, sparse = FALSE)
# Convert the logical matrix to a numeric matrix
mines_in_fishnet_numeric <- matrix(as.numeric(mines_in_fishnet), nrow = nrow(mines_in_fishnet))
# Count the number of mines in each polygon
total_mines_per_cell <- colSums(mines_in_fishnet_numeric)
# Create a data frame (optional)
total_mines_per_cell <- data.frame(uniqueID = fishnet$uniqueID, total_mines = total_mines_per_cell)
total_mines_per_cell_sf <- left_join(fishnet, total_mines_per_cell, by = "uniqueID")
saveRDS(total_mines_per_cell_sf, file = "total_mines_per_cell_sf.rds", compress = TRUE)
# total_mines_per_cell_sf <- readRDS(file = "total_mines_per_cell_sf.rds")
total_mines_per_cell_sf_subset <- total_mines_per_cell_sf[, c("uniqueID", "total_mines")]
# vars_in_net <- merge(vars_in_net, as(total_mines_per_cell_sf_subset, "Spatial"), by = "uniqueID", all.x = TRUE)
# Convert the sf object to centroids
total_mines_per_cell_sf_centroids <- st_centroid(total_mines_per_cell_sf_subset)
# Ensure the centroids are in a projected CRS appropriate for distance calculations
total_mines_per_cell_sf_centroids <- st_transform(total_mines_per_cell_sf_centroids, crs = st_crs(fishnet))
# There is no need to create a new neighbors_weights matrix object. The previous neighbors_weights can simply be reused in the weighted_harmonic_avg_dists() function below for the reasons previously explained.
weighted_harmonic_avg_distance_to_mines <- weighted_harmonic_avg_dists(
sf_data = total_mines_per_cell_sf_subset,
column = "total_mines",
sf_data_centroids = total_mines_per_cell_sf_centroids,
neighbors_weights = neighbors_weights,
k_value = 3
# Assign the weighted harmonic average distances to the sf object
total_mines_per_cell_sf_subset$weighted_harmonic_avg_distance_to_mines <- weighted_harmonic_avg_distances
total_mines_per_cell_sf_subset <- total_mines_per_cell_sf_subset[, c("uniqueID", "total_mines", "weighted_harmonic_avg_distance_to_mines")]
# Merge variables to vars_in_net
vars_in_net <- merge(vars_in_net, as(total_mines_per_cell_sf_subset, "Spatial"), by = "uniqueID", all.x = TRUE)
# Save object
# saveRDS(vars_in_net, file = "vars_in_net-after_mines_added.rds", compress = TRUE)
# vars_in_net <- readRDS(file = "vars_in_net-after_mines_added.rds")
e_drc_mines_intersection <- st_intersection(fishnet[,"uniqueID", "geometry"], e_drc_mines)
e_drc_mines.3t <- e_drc_mines_intersection %>%
dplyr::filter(is_3t_mine == 1)
# Use st_within to find mines within polygons
mines_3t_in_fishnet <- st_within(e_drc_mines.3t, fishnet, sparse = FALSE)
# Convert the logical matrix to a numeric matrix
mines_3t_in_fishnet_numeric <- matrix(as.numeric(mines_3t_in_fishnet), nrow = nrow(mines_3t_in_fishnet))
# Count the number of mines in each polygon
total_3t_mines_per_cell <- colSums(mines_3t_in_fishnet_numeric)
# Create a data frame (optional)
total_3t_mines_per_cell <- data.frame(uniqueID = fishnet$uniqueID, total_3t_mines = total_3t_mines_per_cell)
total_3t_mines_per_cell_sf <- left_join(fishnet, total_3t_mines_per_cell, by = "uniqueID")
# saveRDS(total_3t_mines_per_cell_sf, file = "total_3t_mines_per_cell_sf.rds", compress = TRUE)
# total_3t_mines_per_cell_sf <- readRDS(file = "total_3t_mines_per_cell_sf.rds")
total_3t_mines_per_cell_sf_subset <- total_3t_mines_per_cell_sf[, c("uniqueID", "total_3t_mines")]
# vars_in_net <- merge(vars_in_net, as(total_3t_mines_per_cell_sf_subset, "Spatial"), by = "uniqueID", all.x = TRUE)
# Convert the sf object to centroids
total_3t_mines_per_cell_sf_centroids <- st_centroid(total_3t_mines_per_cell_sf_subset)
# Ensure the centroids are in a projected CRS appropriate for distance calculations
total_3t_mines_per_cell_sf_centroids <- st_transform(total_3t_mines_per_cell_sf_centroids, crs = st_crs(fishnet))
# The previous neighbors_weights can simply be reused in the weighted_harmonic_avg_dists() function below for the reasons previously mentioned.
weighted_harmonic_avg_distance_to_3t_mines <- weighted_harmonic_avg_dists(
sf_data = total_3t_mines_per_cell_sf_subset,
column = "total_3t_mines",
sf_data_centroids = total_3t_mines_per_cell_sf_centroids,
neighbors_weights = neighbors_weights,
k_value = 3
# Assign the weighted harmonic average distances to the sf object
total_3t_mines_per_cell_sf_subset$weighted_harmonic_avg_distance_to_3t_mines <- weighted_harmonic_avg_distances
total_3t_mines_per_cell_sf_subset <- total_3t_mines_per_cell_sf_subset[, c("uniqueID", "total_3t_mines", "weighted_harmonic_avg_distance_to_3t_mines")]
# Merge variables to vars_in_net
vars_in_net <- merge(vars_in_net, as(total_3t_mines_per_cell_sf_subset, "Spatial"), by = "uniqueID", all.x = TRUE)
# Save object
# saveRDS(vars_in_net, file = "vars_in_net-after_3t_mines_added.rds", compress = TRUE)
# vars_in_net <- readRDS(file = "vars_in_net-after_3t_mines_added.rds") <- e_drc_mines_intersection %>%
dplyr::filter(is_gold_mine == 1)
# Use st_within to find mines within polygons
gold_mines_in_fishnet <- st_within(, fishnet, sparse = FALSE)
# Convert the logical matrix to a numeric matrix
gold_mines_in_fishnet_numeric <- matrix(as.numeric(gold_mines_in_fishnet), nrow = nrow(gold_mines_in_fishnet))
# Count the number of mines in each polygon
total_gold_mines_per_cell <- colSums(gold_mines_in_fishnet_numeric)
# Create a data frame (optional)
total_gold_mines_per_cell <- data.frame(uniqueID = fishnet$uniqueID, total_gold_mines = total_gold_mines_per_cell)
total_gold_mines_per_cell_sf <- left_join(fishnet, total_gold_mines_per_cell, by = "uniqueID")
# saveRDS(total_gold_mines_per_cell_sf, file = "total_gold_mines_per_cell_sf.rds", compress = TRUE)
# total_gold_mines_per_cell_sf <- readRDS(file = "total_gold_mines_per_cell_sf.rds")
total_gold_mines_per_cell_sf_subset <- total_gold_mines_per_cell_sf[, c("uniqueID", "total_gold_mines")]
# vars_in_net <- merge(vars_in_net, as(total_gold_mines_per_cell_sf_subset, "Spatial"), by = "uniqueID", all.x = TRUE)
# Convert the sf object to centroids
total_gold_mines_per_cell_sf_centroids <- st_centroid(total_gold_mines_per_cell_sf_subset)
# Ensure the centroids are in a projected CRS appropriate for distance calculations
total_gold_mines_per_cell_sf_centroids <- st_transform(total_gold_mines_per_cell_sf_centroids, crs = st_crs(fishnet))
weighted_harmonic_avg_distance_to_gold_mines <- weighted_harmonic_avg_dists(
sf_data = total_3t_mines_per_cell_sf_subset,
column = "total_3t_mines",
sf_data_centroids = total_3t_mines_per_cell_sf_centroids,
neighbors_weights = neighbors_weights,
k_value = 3
# Assign the weighted harmonic average distances to the sf object
total_gold_mines_per_cell_sf_subset$weighted_harmonic_avg_distance_to_gold_mines <- weighted_harmonic_avg_distances
total_gold_mines_per_cell_sf_subset <- total_gold_mines_per_cell_sf_subset[, c("uniqueID", "total_gold_mines", "weighted_harmonic_avg_distance_to_gold_mines")]
# Merge variables to vars_in_net
vars_in_net <- merge(vars_in_net, as(total_gold_mines_per_cell_sf_subset, "Spatial"), by = "uniqueID", all.x = TRUE)
# Save object
# saveRDS(vars_in_net, file = "vars_in_net-after_gold_mines_added.rds", compress = TRUE)
# vars_in_net <- readRDS(file = "vars_in_net-after_3t_mines_added.rds")
# Number of active non-state armed groups per grid cell
# The categories for inter1 and inter2 variables are found in the "ACLED Codebook" (Jan. 2021, pg. 3)
acled <- readRDS("acled.rds")
acled$inter1 <- factor(acled$inter1,
levels = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8),
labels = c("State Forces", "Rebel Groups", "Political Militias", "Identity Militias", "Rioters", "Protesters", "Civilians", "External/Other Forces"))
acled$inter2 <- factor(acled$inter2,
levels = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8),
labels = c("State Forces", "Rebel Groups", "Political Militias", "Identity Militias", "Rioters", "Protesters", "Civilians", "External/Other Forces"))
violent_events = subset(acled, event_type %in% c('Battles', 'Explosions/Remote violence', 'Violence against civilians'))
# Ensure that both inter1 and inter2 have the same attributes
violent_events$inter1 <- factor(violent_events$inter1, levels = levels(acled$inter1))
violent_events$inter2 <- factor(violent_events$inter2, levels = levels(acled$inter2))
desired_values = c("Rebel Groups", "Political Militias", "Identity Militias")
# Convert violent_events to expanded format via gather()
violent_events.expanded <- tidyr::gather(data = violent_events, key = "interaction_number", value = "nsag", inter1, inter2)
# By specifying the columns in the line above (inter1 and inter2), I ensure that gather() only combines inter1 and inter2 into a single column ("nsag") rather than attempting to combine other columns, with interaction_number indicating whether the original data came from inter1 or inter2.
# Filter violent_events_expanded for only NSAGs as actors
violent_events.expanded <- violent_events.expanded %>%
filter(nsag %in% desired_values)
# Next, I must combine actor1, assoc_actor_1, actor2, and assoc_actor_2 columns as the names of specific armed groups are listed in these.
violent_events.expanded.nsags <- tidyr::gather(data = violent_events, key = "actor", value = "nsag_name", actor1, assoc_actor_1, actor2, assoc_actor_2)
# In the commented out code below, I wrote the dataframe to a CSV file to manually check which nsag_name values should be removed (those that are not NSAGs). I also manually removed them via Excel.
# write.csv(violent_events.expanded.nsags, file = "violent_events_expanded_nsags.csv", row.names = FALSE)
# In the commented out code below, I imported the reviewed and filtered version of violent_events.expanded.nsags:
violent_events.expanded.nsags.reviewed <- read.csv("violent_events_expanded_nsags-reviewed.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
violent_events.expanded.nsags.reviewed$event_date <- as.Date(violent_events.expanded.nsags.reviewed$event_date, format = "%m/%d/%Y")
# I will summarize the process I followed when reviewing the non-state armed groups (NSAGs) in the csv file:
# The ACLED categories that I combined into the "nsag_name" column consist of columns "actor1", "assoc_actor_1", "actor2", and "assoc_actor_2". Each of these columns can contain the names of armed groups, but also many other types of names of categories of actors, including government actors (e.g., military, police) and a large variety of civilian and ordinary organization actors (e.g., health workers).
# Because there were many, I carefully reviewed, research, and manually identify which organizations were names of armed groups in the DRC, and which organizations were not. Only those names that were found to be non-state armed groups (NSAGs) were kept. NSAGs with the word "unidentified" in them were not kept - since it would be impossible to know if such a group represented a unique armed group or if it would be double counted when I later count the number of unique NSAGs in any given fishnet grid cell. There were also many NA values in the "nsag_name" column which I had to delete. Many of these NA values represent unidentified armed groups engaged in violent acts.
# Thus, my count of the number of distinct armed groups active in each fishnet grid cell represent only those in which the names were recorded by ACLED. As such, there are likely many more unidentified armed groups that could have been distinct armed groups in any given grid cell had their names been known. Naturally, armed groups involved in violence may have incentives to keep their identity unknown. As a result, my count of distinct NSAGs in each grid cell will likely not be fully accurate. Nonetheless, what is most important is to see whether the counts of distinct identified armed groups known for sure to have been engaged in political violence carry enough signal rather than noise that they can be used in my ML model as a fairly accurate predictor of future trends of violence against civilians in a given grid cell location.
# Set it as an sf object with the correct geographic CRS
violent_events.expanded.nsags.reviewed <- st_as_sf(
coords = c("longitude", "latitude"),
crs = 4326 # WGS 84 coordinate reference system
# Now transform to the projected CRS of fishnet
violent_events.expanded.nsags.reviewed <- st_transform(
violent_events.expanded.nsags.reviewed_train <- filter(violent_events.expanded.nsags.reviewed, event_date < as.Date("2023-07-01"))
violent_events.expanded.nsags.reviewed_test <- dplyr::filter(violent_events.expanded.nsags.reviewed, event_date >= as.Date("2023-07-01"))
# Perform the spatial intersection
intersection_train.nsags <- st_intersection(fishnet, violent_events.expanded.nsags.reviewed_train)
intersection_test.nsags <- st_intersection(fishnet, violent_events.expanded.nsags.reviewed_test)
print(sum($nsag_name))) # Shows there are no NAs
print(sum($nsag_name))) # Shows there are no NAs
# Generate a unique identifier for each geometry in the intersection result
unique_nsags_intersection_train <- intersection_train.nsags %>%
group_by(uniqueID) %>%
summarise(unique_nsags = n_distinct(nsag_name, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
unique_nsags_intersection_test <- intersection_test.nsags %>%
group_by(uniqueID) %>%
summarise(unique_nsags = n_distinct(nsag_name, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
# Drop geometry from intersection before the join
unique_nsags_intersection_no_geom_train <-
unique_nsags_intersection_no_geom_train <- unique_nsags_intersection_no_geom_train %>% dplyr::select(-c(geometry))
unique_nsags_intersection_no_geom_test <-
unique_nsags_intersection_no_geom_test <- unique_nsags_intersection_no_geom_test %>% dplyr::select(-c(geometry))
# Join the counts back with the original fishnet geometry
# Now you can use left_join because intersection_no_geom is a regular data frame
nsags_count_sf_train <- left_join(fishnet, unique_nsags_intersection_no_geom_train, by = "uniqueID")
nsags_count_sf_test <- left_join(fishnet, unique_nsags_intersection_no_geom_test, by = "uniqueID")
# Replace NA values with 0 in the unique_nsags column
nsags_count_sf_train$unique_nsags <- replace_na(nsags_count_sf_train$unique_nsags, 0)
nsags_count_sf_test$unique_nsags <- replace_na(nsags_count_sf_test$unique_nsags, 0)
# Why do I include the requirement that neighboring grid cells have at least 1 NSAG? The weighted average is meant to represent an actual measured value (in this case, distance weighted by NSAG counts). If the weights are all zero because there are no NSAGs in the neighboring cells, this essentially means there is no data to calculate a meaningful average distance for that particular cell, hence NA (not available) is more appropriate to signify the absence of data. Since When you calculate a weighted average, the formula involves summing up the product of each value and its corresponding weight and then dividing this sum by the total sum of weights, if all weights are zero, the sum of weights is zero, leading to a situation where you divide by zero, which is mathematically undefined and would typically result in an infinite (Inf) value.
# If we simply substituted 0 instead of Inf, this would incorrectly imply the average distance is zero, which has a different meaning (suggesting that the NSAGs are exactly at the location of the cell in question, which would not be the case here).
# Convert the sf object to centroids
nsags_count_sf_centroids_train <- st_centroid(nsags_count_sf_train)
nsags_count_sf_centroids_test <- st_centroid(nsags_count_sf_test)
# Ensure the centroids are in a projected CRS appropriate for distance calculations
nsags_count_sf_centroids_train <- st_transform(nsags_count_sf_centroids_train, crs = st_crs(fishnet))
nsags_count_sf_centroids_test <- st_transform(nsags_count_sf_centroids_test, crs = st_crs(fishnet))
# In theory, we could also use just nsags_count_sf_centroids_train to place in both train and test set versions of the weighted_harmonic_avg_dists() function below since nsags_count_sf_centroids_train and nsags_count_sf_centroids_test share exactly the same spatial coordinates. However, for clarity, I use nsags_count_sf_centroids_train in the training set version of the weighted_harmonic_avg_dists() function and nsags_count_sf_centroids_test in the test set version of weighted_harmonic_avg_dists().
weighted_harmonic_avg_distances_train.nsags <- weighted_harmonic_avg_dists(
sf_data = nsags_count_sf_train,
column = "unique_nsags",
sf_data_centroids = nsags_count_sf_centroids_train,
neighbors_weights = neighbors_weights,
k_value = 3
weighted_harmonic_avg_distances_test.nsags <- weighted_harmonic_avg_dists(
sf_data = nsags_count_sf_test,
column = "unique_nsags",
sf_data_centroids = nsags_count_sf_centroids_test,
neighbors_weights = neighbors_weights,
k_value = 3
# Train
# Assign the weighted harmonic average distances to the sf object
nsags_count_sf_train$weighted_harmonic_avg_distance_to_NSAGs <- weighted_harmonic_avg_distances_train.nsags
nsags_count_sf_subset_train <- nsags_count_sf_train[, c("uniqueID", "unique_nsags", "weighted_harmonic_avg_distance_to_NSAGs")]
# Merge variables to vars_in_net
vars_in_net_train <- merge(vars_in_net, as(nsags_count_sf_subset_train, "Spatial"), by = "uniqueID", all.x = TRUE)
# Test
# Assign the weighted harmonic average distances to the sf object
nsags_count_sf_test$weighted_harmonic_avg_distance_to_NSAGs <- weighted_harmonic_avg_distances_test.nsags
nsags_count_sf_subset_test <- nsags_count_sf_test[, c("uniqueID", "unique_nsags", "weighted_harmonic_avg_distance_to_NSAGs")]
# Merge variables to vars_in_net
vars_in_net_test <- merge(vars_in_net, as(nsags_count_sf_subset_test, "Spatial"), by = "uniqueID", all.x = TRUE)
# saveRDS(vars_in_net_train, file = "vars_in_net_train-after_nsags_added.rds", compress = TRUE)
# saveRDS(vars_in_net_test, file = "vars_in_net_test-after_nsags_added.rds", compress = TRUE)
# vars_in_net_train <- readRDS(file = "vars_in_net_train-after_nsags_added.rds")
# vars_in_net_test <- readRDS(file = "vars_in_net_test-after_nsags_added.rds")
# Variable - Seizure of territory either by NSAGs or by government forces.
# I will count the number of forceful territorial seizures (by either the government or NSAGs) in each fishnet grid cell. As before, I will also calculate the weighted harmonic mean distance from each grid cell to the 3 nearest neighboring cells in which at least 1 territorial seizure occurred.
territory_taken_train = subset(acled, sub_event_type %in% c('Non-state actor overtakes territory', 'Government regains territory')) %>%
filter(event_date < as.Date("2023-07-01")) %>%
dplyr::select(longitude, latitude, sub_event_type) %>%
mutate(countLandSeizures = 1) %>%
mutate(territory_taker = sub_event_type)
territory_taken_test = subset(acled, sub_event_type %in% c('Non-state actor overtakes territory', 'Government regains territory')) %>%
filter(event_date >= as.Date("2023-07-01")) %>%
dplyr::select(longitude, latitude, sub_event_type) %>%
mutate(countLandSeizures = 1) %>%
mutate(territory_taker = sub_event_type)
# Set it as an sf object with the correct geographic CRS
territory_taken_train <- st_as_sf(
coords = c("longitude", "latitude"),
crs = 4326 # WGS 84 coordinate reference system
territory_taken_test <- st_as_sf(
coords = c("longitude", "latitude"),
crs = 4326 # WGS 84 coordinate reference system
# Now transform to the projected CRS of fishnet
territory_taken_train <- st_transform(
territory_taken_test <- st_transform(
# Perform the spatial intersection
intersection_train.territory <- st_intersection(fishnet, territory_taken_train)
intersection_test.territory <- st_intersection(fishnet, territory_taken_test)
sum($countLandSeizures)) # Shows there are no NAs
sum($countLandSeizures)) # Shows there are no NAs
# Calculate the sum total of land seizures which occurred in each grid cell
total_land_seizures_intersection_train <- intersection_train.territory %>%
group_by(uniqueID) %>%
summarise(total_land_seizures = sum(countLandSeizures, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
sum(total_land_seizures_intersection_train$total_land_seizures) # There were 679 total land seizures
total_land_seizures_intersection_test <- intersection_test.territory %>%
group_by(uniqueID) %>%
summarise(total_land_seizures = sum(countLandSeizures, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
sum(total_land_seizures_intersection_test$total_land_seizures) # There were 34 total land seizures
# Drop geometry from intersection before the join
total_land_seizures_intersection_no_geom_train <- %>%
dplyr::select(-c(geometry)) # Delete geometry in order to perform the left join below
total_land_seizures_intersection_no_geom_test <- %>%
# Join the counts back with the original fishnet geometry
land_seizure_count_sf_train <- left_join(fishnet, total_land_seizures_intersection_no_geom_train, by = "uniqueID")
land_seizure_count_sf_test <- left_join(fishnet, total_land_seizures_intersection_no_geom_test, by = "uniqueID")
# Print the number sum total to verify whether the land seizure count is the same or whether any excess NAs were introduced
sum(land_seizure_count_sf_train$total_land_seizures, na.rm = TRUE) # No new NAs introduced by the left join
sum(land_seizure_count_sf_test$total_land_seizures, na.rm = TRUE) # No new NAs introduced by the left join
# Replace NA values with 0 in the unique_nsags column. 0 is the value these NAs had before the left join
land_seizure_count_sf_train$total_land_seizures <- replace_na(land_seizure_count_sf_train$total_land_seizures, 0)
land_seizure_count_sf_test$total_land_seizures <- replace_na(land_seizure_count_sf_test$total_land_seizures, 0)
# Ensure the result is an sf object with geometry
land_seizure_count_sf_train <- st_sf(land_seizure_count_sf_train, geometry = st_geometry(fishnet), crs = st_crs(fishnet))
land_seizure_count_sf_test <- st_sf(land_seizure_count_sf_test, geometry = st_geometry(fishnet), crs = st_crs(fishnet))
# Convert the sf object to centroids
land_seizure_count_sf_centroids_train <- st_centroid(land_seizure_count_sf_train)
land_seizure_count_sf_centroids_test <- st_centroid(land_seizure_count_sf_test)
# Ensure the centroids are in a projected CRS appropriate for distance calculations
land_seizure_count_sf_centroids_train <- st_transform(land_seizure_count_sf_centroids_train, crs = st_crs(fishnet))
land_seizure_count_sf_centroids_test <- st_transform(land_seizure_count_sf_centroids_test, crs = st_crs(fishnet)) <- weighted_harmonic_avg_dists(
sf_data = land_seizure_count_sf_train,
column = "total_land_seizures",
sf_data_centroids = land_seizure_count_sf_centroids_train,
neighbors_weights = neighbors_weights,
k_value = 3
) <- weighted_harmonic_avg_dists(
sf_data = land_seizure_count_sf_test,
column = "total_land_seizures",
sf_data_centroids = land_seizure_count_sf_centroids_test,
neighbors_weights = neighbors_weights,
k_value = 3
# Assign the weighted harmonic average distances to the sf object
land_seizure_count_sf_train$weighted_harmonic_avg_distance_to_land_seizures <-
land_seizure_count_sf_test$weighted_harmonic_avg_distance_to_land_seizures <-
land_seizure_count_sf_subset_train <- land_seizure_count_sf_train[, c("uniqueID", "total_land_seizures", "weighted_harmonic_avg_distance_to_land_seizures")]
land_seizure_count_sf_subset_test <- land_seizure_count_sf_test[, c("uniqueID", "total_land_seizures", "weighted_harmonic_avg_distance_to_land_seizures")]
# Merge variables to vars_in_net
vars_in_net_train <- merge(vars_in_net_train, as(land_seizure_count_sf_subset_train, "Spatial"), by = "uniqueID", all.x = TRUE)
vars_in_net_test <- merge(vars_in_net_test, as(land_seizure_count_sf_subset_test, "Spatial"), by = "uniqueID", all.x = TRUE)
# Save objects
# saveRDS(vars_in_net_train, file = "vars_in_net_train-after_land_seizures_added.rds", compress = TRUE)
# saveRDS(vars_in_net_test, file = "vars_in_net_test-after_land_seizures_added.rds", compress = TRUE)
# vars_in_net_train <- readRDS(file = "vars_in_net-after_land_seizures_added.rds")
# vars_in_net_test <- readRDS(file = "vars_in_net-after_land_seizures_added.rds")
armed_clashes_train <- subset(acled, sub_event_type %in% c('Armed clash')) %>%
filter(event_date < as.Date("2023-07-01")) %>%
dplyr::select(longitude, latitude, sub_event_type) %>%
mutate(countArmedClashes = 1)
armed_clashes_test <- subset(acled, sub_event_type %in% c('Armed clash')) %>%
filter(event_date >= as.Date("2023-07-01")) %>%
dplyr::select(longitude, latitude, sub_event_type) %>%
mutate(countArmedClashes = 1)
# Set it as an sf object with the correct geographic CRS
armed_clashes_train <- st_as_sf(
coords = c("longitude", "latitude"),
crs = 4326 # WGS 84 coordinate reference system
armed_clashes_test <- st_as_sf(
coords = c("longitude", "latitude"),
crs = 4326 # WGS 84 coordinate reference system
# Now transform to the projected CRS of fishnet
armed_clashes_train <- st_transform(
armed_clashes_test <- st_transform(
# Perform the spatial intersection
intersection_train.clashes <- st_intersection(fishnet, armed_clashes_train)
intersection_test.clashes <- st_intersection(fishnet, armed_clashes_test)
print(sum($countArmedClashes))) # No NAs exist
print(sum($countArmedClashes))) # No NAs exist
total_armed_clashes_intersection_train <- intersection_train.clashes %>%
group_by(uniqueID) %>%
summarise(total_armed_clashes = sum(countArmedClashes, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
total_armed_clashes_intersection_test <- intersection_test.clashes %>%
group_by(uniqueID) %>%
summarise(total_armed_clashes = sum(countArmedClashes, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
print(sum(total_armed_clashes_intersection_train$total_armed_clashes)) # 4853 armed clashes
print(sum(total_armed_clashes_intersection_test$total_armed_clashes)) # 325 armed clashes
# Drop geometry from intersection before the join
total_armed_clashes_intersection_no_geom_train <-
total_armed_clashes_intersection_no_geom_test <-
total_armed_clashes_intersection_no_geom_train <- total_armed_clashes_intersection_no_geom_train %>%
total_armed_clashes_intersection_no_geom_test <- total_armed_clashes_intersection_no_geom_test %>%
# Join the counts back with the original fishnet geometry
# Now you can use left_join because total_armed_clashes_intersection_no_geom is a regular data frame
armed_clash_count_sf_train <- left_join(fishnet, total_armed_clashes_intersection_no_geom_train, by = "uniqueID")
armed_clash_count_sf_test <- left_join(fishnet, total_armed_clashes_intersection_no_geom_test, by = "uniqueID")
# Replace NA values resulting from the left join with 0 in the unique_nsags column
armed_clash_count_sf_train$total_armed_clashes <- replace_na(armed_clash_count_sf_train$total_armed_clashes, 0)
armed_clash_count_sf_test$total_armed_clashes <- replace_na(armed_clash_count_sf_test$total_armed_clashes, 0)
# Check to ensure the total number of armed clashes has not changed because of the left join
print(sum(armed_clash_count_sf_train$total_armed_clashes)) # 4853 - same number of clashes
print(sum(armed_clash_count_sf_test$total_armed_clashes)) # 325 - same number of clashes
# Convert the sf object to centroids
armed_clash_count_sf_centroids_train <- st_centroid(armed_clash_count_sf_train)
armed_clash_count_sf_centroids_test <- st_centroid(armed_clash_count_sf_test)
# Ensure the centroids are in a projected CRS appropriate for distance calculations
armed_clash_count_sf_centroids_train <- st_transform(armed_clash_count_sf_centroids_train, crs = st_crs(fishnet))
armed_clash_count_sf_centroids_test <- st_transform(armed_clash_count_sf_centroids_test, crs = st_crs(fishnet))
weighted_harmonic_avg_distances_train.clashes <- weighted_harmonic_avg_dists(
sf_data = armed_clash_count_sf_train,
column = "total_armed_clashes",
sf_data_centroids = armed_clash_count_sf_centroids_train,
neighbors_weights = neighbors_weights,
k_value = 3
weighted_harmonic_avg_distances_test.clashes <- weighted_harmonic_avg_dists(
sf_data = armed_clash_count_sf_test,
column = "total_armed_clashes",
sf_data_centroids = armed_clash_count_sf_centroids_test,
neighbors_weights = neighbors_weights,
k_value = 3
# Assign the weighted harmonic average distances to the sf object
armed_clash_count_sf_train$weighted_harmonic_avg_distance_to_armed_clashes <- weighted_harmonic_avg_distances_train.clashes
armed_clash_count_sf_test$weighted_harmonic_avg_distance_to_armed_clashes <- weighted_harmonic_avg_distances_test.clashes
armed_clash_count_sf_subset_train <- armed_clash_count_sf_train[, c("uniqueID", "total_armed_clashes", "weighted_harmonic_avg_distance_to_armed_clashes")]
armed_clash_count_sf_subset_test <- armed_clash_count_sf_test[, c("uniqueID", "total_armed_clashes", "weighted_harmonic_avg_distance_to_armed_clashes")]
# Merge variables to vars_in_net
vars_in_net_train <- merge(vars_in_net_train, as(armed_clash_count_sf_subset_train, "Spatial"), by = "uniqueID", all.x = TRUE)
vars_in_net_test <- merge(vars_in_net_test, as(armed_clash_count_sf_subset_test, "Spatial"), by = "uniqueID", all.x = TRUE)
#Save objects
# saveRDS(vars_in_net_train, file = "vars_in_net_train-after_armed_clashes_added.rds", compress = TRUE)
# saveRDS(vars_in_net_test, file = "vars_in_net_test-after_armed_clashes_added.rds", compress = TRUE)
# vars_in_net_train <- readRDS(file = "vars_in_net_train-after_armed_clashes_added.rds")
# vars_in_net_test <- readRDS(file = "vars_in_net_test-after_armed_clashes_added.rds")
# Variable: I will create a variable called "direct strike", which is a combination of the following sub event types from ACLED's "Explosions and remote violence" event type:
# -Shelling/artillery/missile attack
# -Grenade
# -Air/drone strike
direct_strikes_train = subset(acled, sub_event_type %in% c('Shelling/artillery/missile attack', 'Grenade', 'Air/drone strike')) %>%
dplyr::filter(event_date < as.Date("2023-07-01")) %>%
dplyr::select(longitude, latitude, sub_event_type) %>%
mutate(countDirectStrikes = 1)
direct_strikes_test = subset(acled, sub_event_type %in% c('Shelling/artillery/missile attack', 'Grenade', 'Air/drone strike')) %>%
dplyr::filter(event_date >= as.Date("2023-07-01")) %>%
dplyr::select(longitude, latitude, sub_event_type) %>%
mutate(countDirectStrikes = 1)
# Set it as an sf object with the correct geographic CRS
direct_strikes_train <- st_as_sf(
coords = c("longitude", "latitude"),
crs = 4326 # WGS 84 coordinate reference system
direct_strikes_test <- st_as_sf(
coords = c("longitude", "latitude"),
crs = 4326 # WGS 84 coordinate reference system
# Now transform to the projected CRS of fishnet
direct_strikes_train <- st_transform(
direct_strikes_test <- st_transform(
# Perform the spatial intersection
intersection_train.strikes <- st_intersection(fishnet, direct_strikes_train)
intersection_test.strikes <- st_intersection(fishnet, direct_strikes_test)
print(sum(intersection_train.strikes$countDirectStrikes)) # 139 direct strikes
# > print(sum(intersection_train.strikes$countDirectStrikes))
# [1] 139
print(sum(intersection_test.strikes$countDirectStrikes)) # 23 direct strikes
# > print(sum(intersection_test.strikes$countDirectStrikes))
# [1] 23
# Generate a unique identifier for each geometry in the intersection result
total_direct_strikes_intersection_train <- intersection_train.strikes %>%
group_by(uniqueID) %>%
summarise(total_direct_strikes = sum(countDirectStrikes, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
total_direct_strikes_intersection_test <- intersection_test.strikes %>%
group_by(uniqueID) %>%
summarise(total_direct_strikes = sum(countDirectStrikes, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
# Drop geometry from intersection before the join
total_direct_strikes_intersection_no_geom_train <-
total_direct_strikes_intersection_no_geom_test <-
total_direct_strikes_intersection_no_geom_train <- total_direct_strikes_intersection_no_geom_train %>%
total_direct_strikes_intersection_no_geom_test <- total_direct_strikes_intersection_no_geom_test %>%
# Join the counts back with the original fishnet geometry
# Now you can use left_join because total_direct_strikes_intersection_no_geom is a regular data frame
direct_strike_count_sf_train <- left_join(fishnet, total_direct_strikes_intersection_no_geom_train, by = "uniqueID")
direct_strike_count_sf_test <- left_join(fishnet, total_direct_strikes_intersection_no_geom_test, by = "uniqueID")
# Replace NA values with 0 introduced by the left join in the tota_direct_strikes column
direct_strike_count_sf_train$total_direct_strikes <- replace_na(direct_strike_count_sf_train$total_direct_strikes, 0)
direct_strike_count_sf_test$total_direct_strikes <- replace_na(direct_strike_count_sf_test$total_direct_strikes, 0)
print(sum(direct_strike_count_sf_train$total_direct_strikes)) # 139 direct strikes
# > print(sum(direct_strike_count_sf_train$total_direct_strikes))
# [1] 139
print(sum(direct_strike_count_sf_test$total_direct_strikes)) # 23 direct strikes
# > print(sum(direct_strike_count_sf_test$total_direct_strikes))
# [1] 23
# Convert the sf object to centroids
direct_strike_count_sf_centroids_train <- st_centroid(direct_strike_count_sf_train)
direct_strike_count_sf_centroids_test <- st_centroid(direct_strike_count_sf_test)
# Ensure the centroids are in a projected CRS appropriate for distance calculations
direct_strike_count_sf_centroids_train <- st_transform(direct_strike_count_sf_centroids_train, crs = st_crs(fishnet))
direct_strike_count_sf_centroids_test <- st_transform(direct_strike_count_sf_centroids_test, crs = st_crs(fishnet))
weighted_harmonic_avg_distances_train.strikes <- weighted_harmonic_avg_dists(
sf_data = direct_strike_count_sf_train,
column = "total_direct_strikes",
sf_data_centroids = direct_strike_count_sf_centroids_train,
neighbors_weights = neighbors_weights,
k_value = 3
weighted_harmonic_avg_distances_test.strikes <- weighted_harmonic_avg_dists(
sf_data = direct_strike_count_sf_test,
column = "total_direct_strikes",
sf_data_centroids = direct_strike_count_sf_centroids_test,
neighbors_weights = neighbors_weights,
k_value = 3
# Assign the weighted harmonic average distances to the sf object
direct_strike_count_sf_train$weighted_harmonic_avg_distance_to_direct_strikes <- weighted_harmonic_avg_distances_train.strikes
direct_strike_count_sf_test$weighted_harmonic_avg_distance_to_direct_strikes <- weighted_harmonic_avg_distances_test.strikes
direct_strike_count_sf_subset_train <- direct_strike_count_sf_train[, c("uniqueID", "total_direct_strikes", "weighted_harmonic_avg_distance_to_direct_strikes")]
direct_strike_count_sf_subset_test <- direct_strike_count_sf_test[, c("uniqueID", "total_direct_strikes", "weighted_harmonic_avg_distance_to_direct_strikes")]
# Merge variables to vars_in_net
vars_in_net_train <- merge(vars_in_net_train, as(direct_strike_count_sf_subset_train, "Spatial"), by = "uniqueID", all.x = TRUE)
vars_in_net_test <- merge(vars_in_net_test, as(direct_strike_count_sf_subset_test, "Spatial"), by = "uniqueID", all.x = TRUE)
# Save objects
# saveRDS(vars_in_net_train, file = "vars_in_net_train-after_direct_strikes_added.rds", compress = TRUE)
# saveRDS(vars_in_net_test, file = "vars_in_net_test-after_direct_strikes_added.rds", compress = TRUE)
# vars_in_net_train <- readRDS(file = "vars_in_net_train-after_direct_strikes_added.rds")
# vars_in_net_test <- readRDS(file = "vars_in_net_test-after_direct_strikes_added.rds")
# Number of ethnic groups in a single grid cell
# The figures I will use of ethnic group presence are taken from the Spatially Interpolated Data on Ethnicity (SIDE) dataset (2018). I specifically seek to know the number of ethnic groups in any given grid cell which constitute less than approximately 50 percent of the population. I.e., I seek to know how many ethnic minority groups exist in any given location on the map. The hypothesis is that the greater the number of ethnic groups residing in any single location, the greater are the chances for ethnic tensions and attacks on civilians belonging to rival ethnic groups.
# The data was found specifically on
# Citation: Müller-Crepon, Carl & Philipp Hunziker. (2018). New Spatial Data on Ethnicity: Introducing SIDE. Journal of Peace Research, 55(5), 687-698
side_1 <- raster::raster("side_v1_52_1.asc")
side_2 <- raster::raster("side_v1_52_2.asc")
side_3 <- raster::raster("side_v1_52_3.asc")
side_4 <- raster::raster("side_v1_52_4.asc")
side_5 <- raster::raster("side_v1_52_5.asc")
side_6 <- raster::raster("side_v1_52_6.asc")
side_7 <- raster::raster("side_v1_52_7.asc")
side_8 <- raster::raster("side_v1_52_8.asc")
side_9 <- raster::raster("side_v1_52_9.asc")
side_data <- stack(side_1, side_2, side_3, side_4,side_5, side_6, side_7, side_8, side_9)
side_data <- projectRaster(side_data, crs = projected_crs)
side_data_df <-, xy = TRUE)
names(side_data_df)[3:11] <- c("group_1", "group_2", "group_3", "group_4", "group_5", "group_6", "group_7", "group_8", "group_9")
side_data_sf <- st_as_sf(side_data_df, coords = c("x", "y"), crs = projected_crs)
group_columns <- c("group_1", "group_2", "group_3", "group_4", "group_5", "group_6", "group_7", "group_8", "group_9")
# Use dplyr's 'across' function to apply the same operation to all group columns
side_avg_data_int_sf <- st_intersection(fishnet, side_data_sf) %>%
group_by(uniqueID) %>%
summarise(across(all_of(group_columns), ~ mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE))) %>%
# saveRDS(side_avg_data_int_sf, "side_avg_data_int_sf.rds")
# side_avg_data_int_sf <- readRDS("side_avg_data_int_sf.rds")
# Join the geometries from fishnet to side_avg_data_sf based on uniqueID to ensure geometries are polygons
side_avg_data_sf <- side_avg_data_int_sf %>%
left_join( %>% dplyr::select(uniqueID, geometry), by = "uniqueID") %>%
# Coalesce to choose the geometry from fishnet where available
mutate(geometry = coalesce(geometry.y, geometry.x))
side_avg_data_sf$geometry.x <- NULL
side_avg_data_sf$geometry.y <- NULL
if (!inherits(side_avg_data_sf, "sf")) {
side_avg_data_sf <- st_as_sf(side_avg_data_sf)
side_avg_data_in_net_sf <- left_join(fishnet[, "uniqueID", "geometry"], %>% st_set_geometry(NULL)), by = "uniqueID")
na_count <- side_avg_data_in_net_sf %>%
st_drop_geometry() %>% # Drop the geometry column
dplyr::select(starts_with("group_")) %>%
summarise(across(everything(), ~sum(, na.rm = TRUE)))
# For grid cells with NAs (there are 257 in each group column). Impute each missing value with the mean of its neighbors:
neighbors <- poly2nb(side_avg_data_in_net_sf, queen = TRUE)
weights <- nb2listw(neighbors, style="W", zero.policy=TRUE)
group_columns <- c("group_1", "group_2", "group_3", "group_4", "group_5",
"group_6", "group_7", "group_8", "group_9")
for (col in group_columns) {
side_avg_data_in_net_sf[[col]] <- ifelse([[col]]),
sapply(1:nrow(side_avg_data_in_net_sf), function(i) {
sum(weights$weights[[i]] * side_avg_data_in_net_sf[[col]][weights$neighbours[[i]]],
na.rm = TRUE) / sum(weights$weights[[i]], na.rm = TRUE)
side_avg_data_in_net_sf <- side_avg_data_in_net_sf %>% ungroup()
# Count the number of NA values to make sure there are not many.
na_count <- side_avg_data_in_net_sf %>%
st_drop_geometry() %>% # Drop the geometry column
dplyr::select(starts_with("group_")) %>%
summarise(across(everything(), ~sum(, na.rm = TRUE)))
print(na_count) # Show there are 0 NAs
side_avg_data_sum_sf <- side_avg_data_in_net_sf %>%
group_by(uniqueID) %>%
mutate(num_of_min_groups = sum(across(starts_with("group_"), ~ . >= 0.05 & . <= 0.50))) %>%
# saveRDS(side_avg_data_sum_sf, "side_avg_data_sum_sf.rds")
# side_avg_data_sum_sf <- readRDS("side_avg_data_sf.rds")
# > print(sum(side_avg_data_sum_sf$num_of_min_groups))
# [1] 2139
# Drop geometry from intersection before the join
side_avg_data_sum_df <-[c("uniqueID", "num_of_min_groups")]) %>%
vars_in_net_train <- left_join(vars_in_net_train, side_avg_data_sum_df)
vars_in_net_test <- left_join(vars_in_net_test, side_avg_data_sum_df)
# saveRDS(vars_in_net_train, "vars_in_net_train-after_num_of_min_groups_added.RDS")
# vars_in_net_train <- readRDS("vars_in_net_train-after_num_of_min_groups_added.RDS")
# Presence of foreign troops
# I count the number of ACLED events involving foreign troops (other than UN forces) by grid cell location to see whether their foreign state force presence results in more attacks on civilians. I also find the harmonic average distance from each grid cell to the nearest 3 locations where foreign troops have been present at any point since 2018. I specifically do not limit my analysis here to ACLED events involving violence like I did earlier with non-state armed groups
# I separately examine whether UN force presence may have any impact on the occurrence of attacks on civilians.
# I have noticed that sometimes foreign forces/UN forces appear in ACLED observations that are not strictly categorized by inter1 or inter2 = 8 ("External/Other Forces") as one might assumes they are, and so I examine the full dataset for foreign force/ MONUSCO actor names
acled_all <- readRDS("acled_all.rds")
acled_all$inter1 <- factor(acled_all$inter1,
levels = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8),
labels = c("State Forces", "Rebel Groups", "Political Militias", "Identity Militias", "Rioters", "Protesters", "Civilians", "External/Other Forces"))
acled_all$inter2 <- factor(acled_all$inter2,
levels = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8),
labels = c("State Forces", "Rebel Groups", "Political Militias", "Identity Militias", "Rioters", "Protesters", "Civilians", "External/Other Forces"))
foreign_force_names <- tidyr::gather(data = violent_events, key = "actor", value = "foreign_force_name", actor1, assoc_actor_1, actor2, assoc_actor_2)
foreign_forces <- tidyr::gather(data = foreign_force_names, key = "inter_code", value = "group_type", inter1, inter2)
# print(unique(foreign_forces$foreign_force_name))
# Note: The output from the above code contains a mixture of actors. Many of these are not foreign military or police forces, but all foreign military or police forces are located in this column. I manually identified all such actors from this output, and include them in the list below.
# Note that I consider foreign forces that are part of the East African Community Regional Force to the DRC to be included in this analysis of foreign forces since these are not part of the UN peacekeeping mission in the DRC (MONUSCO), and thus may not be as restrained from using deadly force against civilians or acting in ways towards NSAGs that may in turn result in NSAGs attacking civilians.
# Note that some of the strings below include multiple actors, both foreign military or police forces and non-foreign actors. Since the strings which contain both types reflect events in which both foreign military/police actors and non-foreign actors took part, using such strings does not negatively impact the accuracy of counting events including foreign troops/police.
foreign_forces_list = c("Military Forces of Burundi (2005-); Banyamulenge Ethnic Militia (Democratic Republic of Congo)",
"Military Forces of South Sudan (2011-)",
"Military Forces of Uganda (1986-)",
"Military Forces of Angola (1975-)",
"Military Forces of Zambia (2011-2021)",
"Military Forces of Rwanda (1994-)",
"Military Forces of Burundi (2005-)",
"Military Forces of Uganda (1986-) Fisheries Protection Unit",
"CNDD-FDD-Imbonerakure: National Council for the Defence of Democracy (Imbonerakure Faction); Military Forces of Burundi (2005-)",
"Police Forces of Angola (1975-)",
"Military Forces of Burundi (2005-); EPLC: Awakening of Patriots for the Liberation of Congo (Wazalendo)",
"Military Forces of Rwanda (1994-); NDC-R: Nduma Defence of Congo (Renove)",
"Military Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2019-); Military Forces of Uganda (1986-)",
"East African Community Regional Force to the Democratic Republic of Congo (2022-) (Burundi)",
"East African Community Regional Force to the Democratic Republic of Congo (2022-) (Uganda)",
"East African Community Regional Force to the Democratic Republic of Congo (2022-) (Kenya)",
"East African Community Regional Force to the Democratic Republic of Congo (2022-)" )
foreign_forces <- foreign_forces %>%
filter(foreign_force_name %in% foreign_forces_list)
sum(duplicated(foreign_forces$event_id_cnty)) # Shows there are 327 duplicate observations
# > sum(duplicated(foreign_forces$event_id_cnty))
# [1] 327
# Remove all duplicate events
foreign_forces <- foreign_forces %>%
distinct(event_id_cnty, .keep_all = TRUE)
foreign_forces$event_date <- as.Date(foreign_forces$event_date, format = "%m/%d/%Y")
foreign_forces <- st_as_sf(
coords = c("longitude", "latitude"),
crs = 4326 # WGS 84 coordinate reference system
foreign_forces <- st_transform(
foreign_forces_train <- dplyr::filter(foreign_forces, event_date < as.Date("2023-07-01"))
foreign_forces_test <- dplyr::filter(foreign_forces, event_date >= as.Date("2023-07-01"))
# > print(sum($foreign_force_name)))
# [1] 0
# > print(sum($foreign_force_name)))
# [1] 0
foreign_forces_intersection_train <- st_intersection(fishnet[, "uniqueID", "geometry"], foreign_forces_train)
foreign_forces_intersection_test <- st_intersection(fishnet[, "uniqueID", "geometry"], foreign_forces_test)
print(sum($foreign_force_name))) # There are no NA values
print(sum($foreign_force_name))) # There are no NA values
foreign_forces_intersection_train <- foreign_forces_intersection_train %>%
mutate(events_with_f_forces = 1)
foreign_forces_intersection_test <- foreign_forces_intersection_test %>%
mutate(events_with_f_forces = 1)
total_foreign_forces_intersection_train <- foreign_forces_intersection_train %>%
group_by(uniqueID) %>%
summarise(total_events_with_f_forces = sum(events_with_f_forces, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
total_foreign_forces_intersection_test <- foreign_forces_intersection_test %>%
group_by(uniqueID) %>%
summarise(total_events_with_f_forces = sum(events_with_f_forces, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
# Drop geometry from intersection before the join
total_foreign_forces_intersection_train <- %>%
total_foreign_forces_intersection_test <- %>%
# > print(sum(total_foreign_forces_intersection_train$total_events_with_f_forces))
# [1] 237
# > print(sum(total_foreign_forces_intersection_test$total_events_with_f_forces))
# [1] 63
# > print(sum($total_events_with_f_forces)))
# [1] 0
# Before the left join, there are no NA values
# > print(sum($total_events_with_f_forces)))
# [1] 0
# Before the left join, there are no NA values
foreign_forces_count_sf_train <- left_join(fishnet, total_foreign_forces_intersection_train, by = "uniqueID")
foreign_forces_count_sf_test <- left_join(fishnet, total_foreign_forces_intersection_test, by = "uniqueID")
# Because we know there were no NA values before the left join, we know that any NA values introduced because of the left join can safely be replaced with zeroes. This is because any and all such NA values occur in grid cells where no events involving foreign troops or police took place.
foreign_forces_count_sf_train$total_events_with_f_forces <- replace_na(foreign_forces_count_sf_train$total_events_with_f_forces, 0)
foreign_forces_count_sf_test$total_events_with_f_forces <- replace_na(foreign_forces_count_sf_test$total_events_with_f_forces, 0)
# > print(sum(foreign_forces_count_sf_train$total_events_with_f_forces))
# [1] 237
# 237 events involving foreign troops or police occur in the training set
# > print(sum(foreign_forces_count_sf_test$total_events_with_f_forces))
# [1] 63
# 63 events involving foreign troops or police occur in the test set
foreign_forces_count_sf_centroids_train <- st_centroid(foreign_forces_count_sf_train)
foreign_forces_count_sf_centroids_test <- st_centroid(foreign_forces_count_sf_test)
foreign_forces_count_sf_centroids_train <- st_transform(foreign_forces_count_sf_centroids_train, crs = st_crs(fishnet))
foreign_forces_count_sf_centroids_test <- st_transform(foreign_forces_count_sf_centroids_test, crs = st_crs(fishnet))
# This time, I set k=1 since there are very few observations
weighted_harmonic_avg_distances_train.f_forces <- weighted_harmonic_avg_dists(
sf_data = foreign_forces_count_sf_centroids_train,
column = "total_events_with_f_forces",
sf_data_centroids = foreign_forces_count_sf_centroids_train,
neighbors_weights = neighbors_weights,
k_value = 1
weighted_harmonic_avg_distances_test.f_forces <- weighted_harmonic_avg_dists(
sf_data = foreign_forces_count_sf_centroids_test,
column = "total_events_with_f_forces",
sf_data_centroids = foreign_forces_count_sf_centroids_test,
neighbors_weights = neighbors_weights,
k_value = 1
foreign_forces_count_sf_train$weighted_harmonic_avg_distances.f_forces <- weighted_harmonic_avg_distances_train.f_forces
foreign_forces_count_sf_test$weighted_harmonic_avg_distances.f_forces <- weighted_harmonic_avg_distances_test.f_forces
foreign_forces_count_sf_subset_train <- foreign_forces_count_sf_train[, c("uniqueID", "total_events_with_f_forces", "weighted_harmonic_avg_distances.f_forces")]
foreign_forces_count_sf_subset_test <- foreign_forces_count_sf_test[, c("uniqueID", "total_events_with_f_forces", "weighted_harmonic_avg_distances.f_forces")]
vars_in_net_train <- merge(vars_in_net_train, as(foreign_forces_count_sf_subset_train, "Spatial"), by = "uniqueID", all.x = TRUE)
vars_in_net_test <- merge(vars_in_net_test, as(foreign_forces_count_sf_subset_test, "Spatial"), by = "uniqueID", all.x = TRUE)
# Save objects
# saveRDS(vars_in_net_train, file = "vars_in_net_train-after_foreign_force_events_added.rds", compress = TRUE)
# saveRDS(vars_in_net_test, file = "vars_in_net_test-after_foreign_force_events_added.rds", compress = TRUE)
# vars_in_net_train <- readRDS(file = "vars_in_net_train-after_foreign_force_events_added.rds")
# vars_in_net_test <- readRDS(file = "vars_in_net_test-after_foreign_force_events_added.rds")
# Events involving MONUSCO
# Here, I count the number of ACLED events involving MONUSCO (the UN peacekeeping mission in the DRC) by grid cell location to see whether their presence results in more attacks on civilians.
# I also calculate the harmonic average distance from each grid cell to the nearest 3 locations where UN troops have been present at any point since 2018. I specifically do not limit my analysis here to ACLED events involving violence like I did earlier with non-state armed groups; rather, all ACLED events - violent or non-violent - are considered, which aligns with my hypothesis that the number of events involving MONUSCO may decrease attacks on civilians.
monusco_names <- tidyr::gather(data = acled_all, key = "actor", value = "monusco_name", actor1, assoc_actor_1, actor2, assoc_actor_2)
# print(unique(monusco_names$monusco_name)) # Note: This output contains a mixture of actors. Many of these are not MONUSCO actors, but all MONUSCO actors are located in this column.
# From the above output, I identified the following strings of actors that include all MONUSCO actors. Some of these strings include multiple actors involved in the same event, including some non-MONUSCO actors alongside MONUSCO actors. Yet, since these non-MONUSCO actors were involved in the same events as the MONUSCO actors, including the non-MONUSCO actors has no impact on the accuracy of MONUSCO actor event counts:
monusco_list = c("Aid Workers (Democratic Republic of Congo); UN: United Nations", "Military Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2019-); MONUSCO: United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in Democratic Republic of Congo (2010-)", "MONUSCO: United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in Democratic Republic of Congo (2010-); Aid Workers (Democratic Republic of Congo)", "Nyatura Militia; Hutu Ethnic Militia (Democratic Republic of Congo); MONUSCO: United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in Democratic Republic of Congo (2010-); FDLR: Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda", "MONUSCO: United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in Democratic Republic of Congo (2010-); FDLR-FOCA: Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda- Forces fighting Abacunguzi; FDLR-RUD: Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda-Rally for Unity and Democracy", "MONUSCO: United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in Democratic Republic of Congo (2010-)", "Military Forces of Malawi (2020-); MONUSCO: United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in Democratic Republic of Congo (2010-)", "Aid Workers (Democratic Republic of Congo); MONUSCO: United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in Democratic Republic of Congo (2010-); UNHCR: United Nations Refugee Agency", "MONUSCO: United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in Democratic Republic of Congo (2010-); Police Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2019-)", "Police Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2019-); MONUSCO: United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in Democratic Republic of Congo (2010-)")
monusco <- monusco_names %>%
filter(monusco_name %in% monusco_list)
sum(duplicated(monusco$event_id_cnty)) # Shows there is 1 duplicate observation
# > sum(duplicated(monusco$event_id_cnty)) # Shows there is 1 duplicate observation
# [1] 1
# Remove any duplicate observations
monusco <- monusco %>%
distinct(event_id_cnty, .keep_all = TRUE)
monusco$event_date <- as.Date(monusco$event_date, format = "%m/%d/%Y")
monusco <- st_as_sf(
coords = c("longitude", "latitude"),
crs = 4326 # WGS 84 coordinate reference system
monusco <- st_transform(
monusco_train <- dplyr::filter(monusco, event_date < as.Date("2023-07-01"))
monusco_test <- dplyr::filter(monusco, event_date >= as.Date("2023-07-01"))
monusco_intersection_train <- st_intersection(fishnet[, "uniqueID", "geometry"], monusco_train)
monusco_intersection_test <- st_intersection(fishnet[, "uniqueID", "geometry"], monusco_test)
print(sum($monusco_name))) # There are no NA values
# > print(sum($monusco_name))) # There are no NA values
# [1] 0
print(sum($monusco_name))) # There are no NA values
# > print(sum($monusco_name))) # There are no NA values
# [1] 0
monusco_intersection_train <- monusco_intersection_train %>%
mutate(events_with_monusco = 1)
monusco_intersection_test <- monusco_intersection_test %>%
mutate(events_with_monusco = 1)
total_monusco_intersection_train <- monusco_intersection_train %>%
group_by(uniqueID) %>%
summarise(total_events_with_monusco = sum(events_with_monusco, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
total_monusco_intersection_test <- monusco_intersection_test %>%
group_by(uniqueID) %>%
summarise(total_events_with_monusco = sum(events_with_monusco, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
# Drop geometry from intersection before the join
total_monusco_intersection_train <- %>%
total_monusco_intersection_test <- %>%
# > print(sum(total_monusco_intersection_train$total_events_with_monusco))
# [1] 309
# > print(sum(total_monusco_intersection_test$total_events_with_monusco))
# [1] 11
# Check if there are any NA values before the left join is performed:
# > print(sum($total_events_with_monusco)))
# [1] 0
# > print(sum($total_events_with_monusco)))
# [1] 0
monusco_count_sf_train <- left_join(fishnet, total_monusco_intersection_train, by = "uniqueID")
monusco_count_sf_test <- left_join(fishnet, total_monusco_intersection_test, by = "uniqueID")
# There will almost certainly be NA values introduced by the left join above since not all grid cell locations have events involving the MONUSCO. Since we have already identified that there were no NA values in total_monusco_intersection_train$total_events_with_monusco and total_monusco_intersection_test$total_events_with_monusco, we know that any NA values after the join were introduced by the join itself, and can safely be replaced with 0 values:
monusco_count_sf_train$total_events_with_monusco <- replace_na(monusco_count_sf_train$total_events_with_monusco, 0)
monusco_count_sf_test$total_events_with_monusco <- replace_na(monusco_count_sf_test$total_events_with_monusco, 0)
# > print(sum(monusco_count_sf_train$total_events_with_monusco))
# [1] 309
# There are 309 events involving MONUSCO in the training set
# > print(sum(monusco_count_sf_test$total_events_with_monusco))
# [1] 11
# There are 11 events involving MONUSCO in the test set
monusco_count_sf_centroids_train <- st_centroid(monusco_count_sf_train)
monusco_count_sf_centroids_test <- st_centroid(monusco_count_sf_test)
monusco_count_sf_centroids_train <- st_transform(monusco_count_sf_centroids_train, crs = st_crs(fishnet))
monusco_count_sf_centroids_test <- st_transform(monusco_count_sf_centroids_test, crs = st_crs(fishnet))
# This time, I set k=1 since there are very few observations containing events with MONUSCO
weighted_harmonic_avg_distances_train.monusco <- weighted_harmonic_avg_dists(
sf_data = monusco_count_sf_centroids_train,
column = "total_events_with_monusco",
sf_data_centroids = monusco_count_sf_centroids_train,
neighbors_weights = neighbors_weights,
k_value = 1
weighted_harmonic_avg_distances_test.monusco <- weighted_harmonic_avg_dists(
sf_data = monusco_count_sf_centroids_test,
column = "total_events_with_monusco",
sf_data_centroids = monusco_count_sf_centroids_test,
neighbors_weights = neighbors_weights,
k_value = 1
monusco_count_sf_train$weighted_harmonic_avg_distances.monusco <- weighted_harmonic_avg_distances_train.monusco
monusco_count_sf_test$weighted_harmonic_avg_distances.monusco <- weighted_harmonic_avg_distances_test.monusco
monusco_count_sf_subset_train <- monusco_count_sf_train[, c("uniqueID", "total_events_with_monusco", "weighted_harmonic_avg_distances.monusco")]
monusco_count_sf_subset_test <- monusco_count_sf_test[, c("uniqueID", "total_events_with_monusco", "weighted_harmonic_avg_distances.monusco")]
vars_in_net_train <- merge(vars_in_net_train, as(monusco_count_sf_subset_train, "Spatial"), by = "uniqueID", all.x = TRUE)
vars_in_net_test <- merge(vars_in_net_test, as(monusco_count_sf_subset_test, "Spatial"), by = "uniqueID", all.x = TRUE)
# Save objects
# saveRDS(vars_in_net_train, file = "vars_in_net_train-after_monusco_events_added.rds", compress = TRUE)
# saveRDS(vars_in_net_test, file = "vars_in_net_test-after_monusco_events_added.rds", compress = TRUE)
# vars_in_net_train <- readRDS(file = "vars_in_net_train-after_monusco_events_added.rds")
# vars_in_net_test <- readRDS(file = "vars_in_net_test-after_monusco_events_added.rds")
# Presence of national police or troops:
# I will next calculate the number of ACLED events involving national police or troops, as well as the harmonic average distance to their presence to see whether it has any impact on the occurrence of attacks on civilians.
state_force_names <- tidyr::gather(data = violent_events, key = "actor", value = "state_force_name", actor1, assoc_actor_1, actor2, assoc_actor_2)
state_forces <- tidyr::gather(data = state_force_names, key = "inter_code", value = "group_type", inter1, inter2) %>%
dplyr::filter(group_type == "State Forces")
# Note: This output contains a mixture of actors. Many of these are not DRC military or police forces, but all DRC military or police forces are located in this column
# print(unique(state_force_names$state_force_name))
state_forces_list = c("Military Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2019-)",
"Police Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2019-)",
"Military Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2019-) Naval Forces",
"Military Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2019-) Republican Guard",
"Military Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2019-) Military Police",
"Police Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2019-) Eco-Guards",
"Police Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2019-) Prison Guards",
"Military Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2019-) National Intelligence Agency",
"Police Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2019-) Virunga National Park",
"Military Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2019-) Special Forces",
"Police Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2019-) Kahuzi-Biega National Park",
"Police Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2019-) Okapi National Park",
"Military Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2001-2019)",
"Police Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2001-2019)",
"Police Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2001-2019) Eco-Guards",
"Police Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2001-2019) Kahuzi-Biega National Park",
"Police Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2019-) Virunga National Park; ICCN: Congolese Institute for Nature Conservation",
"Military Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2019-); Hutu Ethnic Militia (Democratic Republic of Congo); Nyatura Militia (Jean-Marie); Nyatura Militia (Musheku)",
"Banyamulenge Ethnic Militia (Democratic Republic of Congo); Mayi Mayi Militia (El Shabab); Military Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2019-)",
"Beni Communal Group (Democratic Republic of Congo); Police Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2001-2019)",
"ICCN: Congolese Institute for Nature Conservation; Police Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2019-) Virunga National Park",
"Police Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2019-) Kahuzi-Biega National Park; ICCN: Congolese Institute for Nature Conservation",
"Military Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2019-); Police Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2019-)",
"Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2019-); Military Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2019-)",
"Military Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2001-2019) National Intelligence Agency",
"Military Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2001-2019) National Intelligence Agency; Police Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2001-2019)",
"Military Forces of the Republic of Congo (1997-)", "Police Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2019-) Upemba National Park",
"Police Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2019-); MONUSCO: United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in Democratic Republic of Congo (2010-)",
"Military Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2001-2019) Naval Forces",
"Police Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2001-2019) Prison Guards", "Refugees/IDPs (Democratic Republic of Congo); Military Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2019-)",
"Christian Group (Democratic Republic of Congo); Police Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2019-)",
"Labor Group (Democratic Republic of Congo); Police Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2019-) Virunga National Park",
"Health Workers (Democratic Republic of Congo); Military Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2019-)",
"Catholic Christian Group (Democratic Republic of Congo); Health Workers (Democratic Republic of Congo); Labor Group (Democratic Republic of Congo); Police Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2019-); Protestant Christian Group (Democratic Republic of Congo)",
"Women (Democratic Republic of Congo); Labor Group (Democratic Republic of Congo); Military Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2019-)",
"Judges (Democratic Republic of Congo); Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2019-); Military Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2019-)",
"Military Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2019-); Military Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2019-) National Intelligence Agency",
"Fishers (Democratic Republic of Congo); Military Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2019-)",
"Military Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2019-); Military Forces of Uganda (1986-)",
"Labor Group (Democratic Republic of Congo); Military Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2019-); Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2019-)",
"Taxi Drivers (Democratic Republic of Congo); Military Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2019-)",
"ICCN: Congolese Institute for Nature Conservation; Military Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2019-)",
"Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2019-); Police Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2019-)",
"Police Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2019-); Taxi Drivers (Democratic Republic of Congo)",
"Military Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2019-); Labor Group (Democratic Republic of Congo)",
"Military Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2019-); Private Security Forces (Democratic Republic of Congo)",
"Military Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2019-); Taxi Drivers (Democratic Republic of Congo)",
"Ruhuha Communal Group (Democratic Republic of Congo); Military Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2019-)",
"Police Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2019-); Women (Democratic Republic of Congo)",
"Women (Democratic Republic of Congo); Military Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2019-)",
"Police Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2019-); Military Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2019-)")
state_forces <- state_forces %>%
filter(state_force_name %in% state_forces_list)
sum(duplicated(state_forces$event_id_cnty)) # Shows there are 240 duplicate observations
state_forces <- state_forces %>%
distinct(event_id_cnty, .keep_all = TRUE)
state_forces$event_date <- as.Date(state_forces$event_date, format = "%m/%d/%Y")
state_forces <- st_as_sf(
coords = c("longitude", "latitude"),
crs = 4326 # WGS 84 coordinate reference system
state_forces <- st_transform(
state_forces_train <- dplyr::filter(state_forces, event_date < as.Date("2023-07-01"))
state_forces_test <- dplyr::filter(state_forces, event_date >= as.Date("2023-07-01"))
state_forces_intersection_train <- st_intersection(fishnet[, "uniqueID", "geometry"], state_forces_train)
state_forces_intersection_test <- st_intersection(fishnet[, "uniqueID", "geometry"], state_forces_test)
print(sum($state_force_name))) # There are no NA values
print(sum($state_force_name))) # There are no NA values
state_forces_intersection_train <- state_forces_intersection_train %>%
mutate(events_with_s_forces = 1)
state_forces_intersection_test <- state_forces_intersection_test %>%
mutate(events_with_s_forces = 1)
total_state_forces_intersection_train <- state_forces_intersection_train %>%
group_by(uniqueID) %>%
summarise(total_events_with_s_forces = sum(events_with_s_forces, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
total_state_forces_intersection_test <- state_forces_intersection_test %>%
group_by(uniqueID) %>%
summarise(total_events_with_s_forces = sum(events_with_s_forces, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
# Drop geometry from intersection before the join
total_state_forces_intersection_train <- %>%
total_state_forces_intersection_test <- %>%
# > print(sum(total_state_forces_intersection_train$total_events_with_s_forces))
# [1] 4657
# > print(sum(total_state_forces_intersection_test$total_events_with_s_forces))
# [1] 195
state_forces_count_sf_train <- left_join(fishnet, total_state_forces_intersection_train, by = "uniqueID")
state_forces_count_sf_test <- left_join(fishnet, total_state_forces_intersection_test, by = "uniqueID")
state_forces_count_sf_train$total_events_with_s_forces <- replace_na(state_forces_count_sf_train$total_events_with_s_forces, 0)
state_forces_count_sf_test$total_events_with_s_forces <- replace_na(state_forces_count_sf_test$total_events_with_s_forces, 0)
# > print(sum(state_forces_count_sf_train$total_events_with_s_forces))
# [1] 4657
# > print(sum(state_forces_count_sf_test$total_events_with_s_forces))
# [1] 195
state_forces_count_sf_centroids_train <- st_centroid(state_forces_count_sf_train)
state_forces_count_sf_centroids_test <- st_centroid(state_forces_count_sf_test)
state_forces_count_sf_centroids_train <- st_transform(state_forces_count_sf_centroids_train, crs = st_crs(fishnet))
state_forces_count_sf_centroids_test <- st_transform(state_forces_count_sf_centroids_test, crs = st_crs(fishnet))
weighted_harmonic_avg_distances_train.s_forces <- weighted_harmonic_avg_dists(
sf_data = state_forces_count_sf_centroids_train,
column = "total_events_with_s_forces",
sf_data_centroids = state_forces_count_sf_centroids_train,
neighbors_weights = neighbors_weights,
k_value = 3
weighted_harmonic_avg_distances_test.s_forces <- weighted_harmonic_avg_dists(
sf_data = state_forces_count_sf_centroids_test,
column = "total_events_with_s_forces",
sf_data_centroids = state_forces_count_sf_centroids_test,
neighbors_weights = neighbors_weights,
k_value = 3
state_forces_count_sf_train$weighted_harmonic_avg_distances.s_forces <- weighted_harmonic_avg_distances_train.s_forces
state_forces_count_sf_test$weighted_harmonic_avg_distances.s_forces <- weighted_harmonic_avg_distances_test.s_forces
state_forces_count_sf_subset_train <- state_forces_count_sf_train[, c("uniqueID", "total_events_with_s_forces", "weighted_harmonic_avg_distances.s_forces")]
state_forces_count_sf_subset_test <- state_forces_count_sf_test[, c("uniqueID", "total_events_with_s_forces", "weighted_harmonic_avg_distances.s_forces")]
vars_in_net_train <- merge(vars_in_net_train, as(state_forces_count_sf_subset_train, "Spatial"), by = "uniqueID", all.x = TRUE)
vars_in_net_test <- merge(vars_in_net_test, as(state_forces_count_sf_subset_test, "Spatial"), by = "uniqueID", all.x = TRUE)
# Save objects
# saveRDS(vars_in_net_train, file = "vars_in_net_train-after_state_force_events_added.rds", compress = TRUE)
# saveRDS(vars_in_net_test, file = "vars_in_net_test-after_state_force_events_added.rds", compress = TRUE)
# vars_in_net_train <- readRDS(file = "vars_in_net_train-after_state_force_events_added.rds")
# vars_in_net_test <- readRDS(file = "vars_in_net_test-after_state_force_events_added.rds")
# Location of Refugee Camps and IDP Camps: One theory is that refugees and IDPs may be seen as targets by armed groups - either for recruitment - or for retaliation on vulnerable civilians seen to be connected with rival groups. It is possible that attacks may occur near where refugees and IDPs are living. In contrast, it is also possible that refugee and IDP camps are intentionally built in areas seen as safer in terms of distance from where non-state armed groups believed to be located. If either of these theories are true, one might expect the model to benefit from this variable.
# The data is taken from the UNHCR People of Concern dataset, found on
unhcr_drc <- st_read("unhcr_persons_of_concern_drc_2_29_2024.shp") %>%
st_transform(crs = 4326) %>%
st_transform(crs = projected_crs)
e_drc_adm2_map <- e_drc_adm2_map %>%
st_transform(crs = projected_crs)
unhcr_e_drc <- st_intersection(unhcr_drc, e_drc_adm2_map)
# This line computes the pairwise distances between all points in fishnet and all points in unhcr_e_drc, returning a matrix where each row corresponds to a point in fishnet and each column to a point in unhcr_e_drc
dist_to_nearest_ref_camp <- st_distance(fishnet, unhcr_e_drc)
# Here, apply() is used with MARGIN = 1 to apply the min function across each row of the distance matrix
min_distances_to_camps <- apply(dist_to_nearest_ref_camp, 1, min)
# Combine the uniqueID from fishnet with the computed minimum distances
dist_to_nearest_ref_camp <- data.frame(uniqueID = fishnet$uniqueID, dist_to_nearest_camp = min_distances_to_camps)
# Note: UNHCR camp locations are assumed unchanged between the train and test set time periods.
vars_in_net_train <-
left_join(vars_in_net_train, dist_to_nearest_ref_camp, by="uniqueID")
vars_in_net_test <-
left_join(vars_in_net_test, dist_to_nearest_ref_camp, by="uniqueID")
# Distance from Main Roads, from the "Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) Major Roads Network (OpenStreetMap Export)" dataset, available at:
main_roads <- st_read("osm_rd_congo_main_roads_network.geojson")
main_roads <- main_roads %>%
st_transform(crs = 4326) %>%
st_transform(crs = projected_crs)
main_roads_e_drc <- st_intersection(fishnet[, "uniqueID", "geometry"], main_roads)
# Detect the number of available cores and reserve two
n_cores <- parallel::detectCores() - 1
# Set up future to use multisession with the desired number of cores
plan(multisession, workers = n_cores)
# Assuming fishnet and main_roads_e_drc are already loaded and are sf objects
# Compute the distances from each fishnet geometry to all road geometries
dist_to_all_roads <- st_distance(fishnet, main_roads_e_drc)
# Find the minimum distance for each fishnet geometry using parallel processing
dist_to_nearest_road <- future_apply(dist_to_all_roads, 1, min, future.seed = TRUE)
# gc(dist_to_nearest_road)
saveRDS(dist_to_nearest_road, "dist_to_nearest_road.rds")
future::plan("sequential") # Ends parallel processing
future:::ClusterRegistry("stop") # Stops any registered parallel clusters, effectively ensuring that all parallel processes have completed.
# min_dist_to_nearest_road <- readRDS("min_dist_to_nearest_road.rds")
dist_to_nearest_road_df <- data.frame(uniqueID = fishnet$uniqueID, dist_to_nearest_raod = dist_to_nearest_road)
# Note: Distances to nearest major roads are assumed to be unchanged between the train and test set periods
vars_in_net_train <-
left_join(vars_in_net_train, dist_to_nearest_road_df, by="uniqueID")
vars_in_net_test <-
left_join(vars_in_net_test, dist_to_nearest_road_df, by="uniqueID")
# Save objects
# saveRDS(vars_in_net_train, "vars_in_net_train-after_dist_to_nearest_road_added.rds")
# saveRDS(vars_in_net_test, "vars_in_net_test-after_dist_to_nearest_road_added.rds")
# vars_in_net_train <- readRDS("vars_in_net_train-after_dist_to_nearest_road_added.rds")
# vars_in_net_test <- readRDS("vars_in_net_test-after_dist_to_nearest_road_added.rds")
# Remove unneeded columns
vars_in_net_train <- vars_in_net_train %>% dplyr::select(-TYPE_3, -ENGTYPE_3, -NL_NAME_2, -VARNAME_2)
vars_in_net_test <- vars_in_net_test %>% dplyr::select(-TYPE_3, -ENGTYPE_3, -NL_NAME_2, -VARNAME_2)
attacks_in_net_train <- readRDS("attacks_in_net_train.rds")
attacks_in_net_test <- readRDS("attacks_in_net_test.rds")
final_net.attacks_train <-
left_join(attacks_in_net_train, st_drop_geometry(vars_in_net_train), by="uniqueID")
final_net.attacks_test <-
left_join(attacks_in_net_test, st_drop_geometry(vars_in_net_test), by="uniqueID")
# Save objects
# saveRDS(final_net.attacks_train, file = "final_net.attacks_train-after_direct_strikes_added.rds", compress = TRUE)
# saveRDS(final_net.attacks_test, file = "final_net.attacks_test-after_direct_strikes_added.rds", compress = TRUE)
# final_net.attacks_train <- readRDS(file = "final_net.attacks_train-after_direct_strikes_added.rds")
# final_net.attacks_test <- readRDS(file = "final_net.attacks_test-after_direct_strikes_added.rds")
final_net.sf.attacks_train <- final_net.attacks_train %>%
mutate(NAME_2 = factor(NAME_2))
final_net.sf.attacks_test <- final_net.attacks_test %>%
mutate(NAME_2 = factor(NAME_2))
# Save objects
# saveRDS(final_net.sf.attacks_train, "final_net.sf.attacks_train.rds")
# saveRDS(final_net.sf.attacks_test, "final_net.sf.attacks_test.rds")
# final_net.sf.attacks_train <- readRDS("final_net.sf.attacks_train.rds")
# final_net.sf.attacks_test <- readRDS("final_net.sf.attacks_test.rds")
# Create a neighbors list and spatial weights using IDW (only once, as spatial geometries are the same)
final_net.nb <- poly2nb(as_Spatial(final_net.sf.attacks_train), queen=TRUE)
final_net.weights <- nb2listwdist(final_net.nb, as_Spatial(final_net.sf.attacks_train), type = "idw", alpha = 2)
# Use the same spatial weights for all datasets, since spatial observations are identical
final_net.attacks_train.weights <- final_net.weights
final_net.attacks_test.weights <- final_net.weights
final_net.attacks_train.nb <- final_net.nb
final_net.attacks_test.nb <- final_net.nb
# Save objects
# saveRDS(final_net.attacks_train.nb, file = "final_net.attacks_train.nb.rds", compress = TRUE)
# saveRDS(final_net.attacks_train.weights, file = "final_net.attacks_train.weights.rds", compress = TRUE)
# saveRDS(final_net.attacks_test.nb, file = "final_net.attacks_test.nb.rds", compress = TRUE)
# saveRDS(final_net.attacks_test.weights, file = "final_net.attacks_test.weights.rds", compress = TRUE)
# final_net.attacks_train.nb <- readRDS(file = "final_net.attacks_train.nb.rds")
# final_net.attacks_train.weights <- readRDS(file = "final_net.attacks_train.weights.rds")
# final_net.attacks_test.nb <- readRDS(file = "final_net.attacks_test.nb.rds")
# final_net.attacks_test.weights <- readRDS(file = "final_net.attacks_test.weights.rds")
# Calculate Local Moran's I
local_morans.attacks_train <-$countAttacks, final_net.attacks_train.weights))
final_net.attacks_train.localMorans <-
cbind(local_morans.attacks_train, %>%
st_sf() %>%
dplyr::select(Attacks_Count = countAttacks,
Local_Morans_I = Ii,
P_Value = `Pr(z != E(Ii))`) %>%
mutate(Significant_Clustering = ifelse(P_Value <= 0.05, 1, 0)) %>%
tidyr::gather(Variable, Value, -geometry)
# Attacks Train
# Define custom titles for each map
custom_titles.attacks <- c("Attacks_Count" = "Attacks Count",
"Local_Morans_I" = "Local Moran's I",
"P_Value" = "P-Values",
"Significant_Clustering" = "Statistically Significant Clusters")
vars <- unique(final_net.attacks_train.localMorans$Variable)
# Create a list to store the ggplot objects
varList <- vector("list", length(vars))
names(varList) <- vars
for(var_name in vars){
data_to_plot <- final_net.attacks_train.localMorans %>%
filter(Variable == var_name)
plot <- ggplot(data_to_plot, aes(fill = Value)) +
geom_sf(color = NA) +
labs(title = custom_titles.attacks[var_name]) +
theme_minimal() +
theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 20, face = "bold", hjust = 0.5),
legend.position = "bottom",
legend.title = element_blank(),
legend.text = element_text(size = 14),
legend.key.height = unit(2, 'lines'),
legend.key.width = unit(2, 'cm'))
if(var_name == "P_Value"){
plot <- plot + scale_fill_gradientn(
name = NULL, # Removes the legend title
colours = viridis(256),
values = scales::rescale(c(0, 0.2, 1)),
breaks = c(0.01, 0.2),
labels = c("0.01", "0.2"),
guide = guide_colorbar(
title = "",
barwidth = 19.5,
barheight = 2.1,
label.theme = element_text(size = 14),
title.position = "top",
title.hjust = 0.5
} else if(var_name == "Significant_Clustering") {
plot <- plot +
name = "Cluster Significance",
begin = 0,
end = 1,
# direction = -1,
labels = c("Non-significant", "Significant"),
breaks = c(0, 1)
} else {
plot <- plot + scale_fill_viridis_c(
name = NULL, # Removes the legend title
option = "viridis",
begin = 0,
end = 1
varList[[var_name]] <- plot
# Convert each ggplot object in varList to a grob
varListGrob <- lapply(varList, ggplotGrob)
# For example, c(1, 0.1, 1) would mean both rows are the same height, with some space between
# Define widths for two columns only
row_heights <- unit(c(0.50, -0.06, 0.50), "npc")
column_widths <- unit(c(0.5, 0.5), "npc") # Equal column widths, adjust the numbers to change spacing
# Arrange the plots with specified space between rows
gtable_output <- gridExtra::grid.arrange(
grobs = varListGrob,
ncol = 2,
layout_matrix = rbind(c(1, 2), c(NA, NA), c(3, 4)), # Add a row of NAs for spacing
top = grid::textGrob("Local Moran's I Statistics - Queen's Matrix with IDW Weights", gp = grid::gpar(fontsize = 25, fontface = "bold"), vjust = 0),
heights = row_heights,
widths = column_widths
# Save the grid.arrange plot as a PNG file
png("local_morans_i_exploratory_analysis-idw_queens.png", width = 800, height = 800 / (8.4375/20.5))
# Extremely statistically significant clustering:
# The following function which calculates the average distance from each and every spatial point to its nearest neighbor can be found on as nn_function:
dist_2_nearest_neighbor <- function(measureFrom, measureTo, k) {
measureFrom_Matrix <-
measureTo_Matrix <-
nn <-
get.knnx(measureTo, measureFrom, k)$nn.dist
output <- %>%
rownames_to_column(var = "thisPoint") %>%
gather(points, point_distance, V1:ncol(.)) %>%
arrange(as.numeric(thisPoint)) %>%
group_by(thisPoint) %>%
summarize(pointDistance = mean(point_distance)) %>%
arrange(as.numeric(thisPoint)) %>%
dplyr::select(-thisPoint) %>%
# Calculate whether each observation is highly statistically significant (1) or not (0)
final_net.sf.attacks_train <- final_net.sf.attacks_train %>%
mutate(attacks.HiSig = ifelse(localmoran(countAttacks, final_net.attacks_train.weights)[,5] <= 0.0000001, 1, 0))
# Calculate distances from each grid cell to the nearest highly statistically significant grid cell
final_net.sf.attacks_train <- final_net.sf.attacks_train %>%
mutate(attacks.HiSig.dist = dist_2_nearest_neighbor(
st_coordinates(st_centroid(filter(final_net.sf.attacks_train, attacks.HiSig == 1))),
# Calculate whether each observation is highly statistically significant (1) or not (0)
final_net.sf.attacks_test <- final_net.sf.attacks_test %>%
mutate(attacks.HiSig = ifelse(localmoran(countAttacks, final_net.attacks_test.weights)[,5] <= 0.0000001, 1, 0))
# Calculate distances from each grid cell to the nearest highly statistically significant grid cell
final_net.sf.attacks_test <- final_net.sf.attacks_test %>%
mutate(attacks.HiSig.dist = dist_2_nearest_neighbor(
st_coordinates(st_centroid(filter(final_net.sf.attacks_test, attacks.HiSig == 1))),
# Calculate whether each observation is highly statistically significant (1) or not (0)
final_net.sf.fatalities_train <- final_net.sf.fatalities_train %>%
mutate(fatalities.HiSig = ifelse(localmoran(fatalities, final_net.fatalities_train.weights)[,5] <= 0.0000001, 1, 0))
# Calculate distances from each grid cell to the nearest highly statistically significant grid cell
final_net.sf.fatalities_train <- final_net.sf.fatalities_train %>%
mutate(fatalities.HiSig.dist = dist_2_nearest_neighbor(
st_coordinates(st_centroid(filter(final_net.sf.fatalities_train, fatalities.HiSig == 1))),
# Calculate whether each observation is highly statistically significant (1) or not (0)
final_net.sf.fatalities_test <- final_net.sf.fatalities_test %>%
mutate(fatalities.HiSig = ifelse(localmoran(fatalities, final_net.fatalities_test.weights)[,5] <= 0.0000001, 1, 0))
# Calculate distances from each grid cell to the nearest highly statistically significant grid cell
final_net.sf.fatalities_test <- final_net.sf.fatalities_test %>%
mutate(fatalities.HiSig.dist = dist_2_nearest_neighbor(
st_coordinates(st_centroid(filter(final_net.sf.fatalities_test, fatalities.HiSig == 1))),
# Save objects
# saveRDS(final_net.sf.attacks_train, file = "final_net.sf.attacks_train-after_adding_HiSig_and_HiSig.dist.rds", compress = TRUE)
# saveRDS(final_net.sf.attacks_test, file = "final_net.sf.attacks_test-after_adding_HiSig_and_HiSig.dist.rds", compress = TRUE)
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = final_net.sf.attacks_train, aes(fill = attacks.HiSig.dist / 1000), show.legend=TRUE) +
# geom_sf(data=main_streets, colour="white", size=1) +
geom_sf(data = filter(final_net.sf.attacks_train, attacks.HiSig == 1) %>% st_centroid(), colour = "black") +
scale_fill_viridis_c(name = "Distance (km)", option = "H", direction = -1) +
geom_sf(data = e_drc_adm2_map, fill = NA, color = "white", size = 0.1) +
geom_sf(data = e_drc_adm1_map, fill = NA, color = "grey", linewidth = 1) +
labs(title = "Distance to Extremely Statistically Significant Attack Clusters",
subtitle = "Black Points: Attack Clusters Where p <= 0.0000001") +
theme_minimal() +
plot.title = element_text(face = "bold")
) +