# Get the current page number from the file name
current_page <- as.numeric(str_extract(knitr::current_input(), "\\d+"))
# Set the total number of pages
total_pages <- 9
# Generate the URLs for the previous and next pages
previous_page <- ifelse(current_page > 1, paste0("visual_", current_page - 1, "-darfur_violence-code_included.html"), NA)
next_page <- ifelse(current_page < total_pages, paste0("visual_", current_page + 1, "-darfur_violence-code_included.html"), NA)
# Note: All code, insights shared, and methodological notes in this document and other documents in this portfolio ARE NOT open source and MUST be cited.
setwd("C:/Users/rsb84/Desktop/RB/COLUMBIA/QMSS/COURSES/Spring_2021/Data Visualization/End_project/")
ACLED_data <- readxl::read_excel("ACLED-DARFUR-VAC-2008-2021 (After Course Ended-for 2023 Portfolio).xlsx", col_types = c("date", "numeric", "text",
"text", "text", "text", "text", "text",
"text", "text", "text", "text", "text",
"numeric", "numeric", "text", "text",
"numeric", "numeric"))
fatalities_by_year=ACLED_data %>% group_by(year) %>% tally(fatalities)
ak47_icon = "C:/Users/rsb84/Desktop/RB/COLUMBIA/QMSS/COURSES/Spring_2021/Data Visualization/End_project/ak-47_5_thumbnail.png"
fatalities_by_year$image = c(ak47_icon, ak47_icon, ak47_icon, ak47_icon, ak47_icon, ak47_icon, ak47_icon, ak47_icon, ak47_icon, ak47_icon, ak47_icon, ak47_icon, ak47_icon, ak47_icon)
visual_2 <- ggplot(fatalities_by_year, aes(x=fatalities_by_year$year, y=fatalities_by_year$n, fill=as.character(year))) + geom_vline(xintercept=as.integer(2017), color = "green4", linetype="dashed", size = 1) + geom_vline(xintercept=as.integer(2019), color = "purple",linetype="dashed", size = 1) + geom_bar(stat="identity", width=0.45) + scale_fill_manual("legend", values = c("2008" = "gray75", "2009" = "gray75", "2010" = "gray75", "2011" = "gray75", "2012" = "gray75", "2013" = "gray75", "2014" = "gray75", "2015" = "gray75", "2016" = "gray75", "2017" = "deepskyblue1", "2018" = "deepskyblue1", "2019" = "deepskyblue1", "2020" = "deepskyblue1", "2021" = "deepskyblue1")) + geom_text(aes(label=n), vjust=1.5, color="red", size=3.2) + geom_image(image=fatalities_by_year$image, size=0.09, nudge_x=-.05, nudge_y=15) + scale_x_continuous("Year of Mission") + scale_y_continuous("Civilian Killings") + theme_wsj() + theme(title =element_text(size=13, color= "steelblue", face='bold'), axis.title.x=element_blank(), axis.title.y=element_blank(), axis.text.x = element_text(size = 9.7), axis.text.y = element_text(size = 12), legend.position="none") + labs(title="Civilian Killings During Years UNAMID Troops Were Present", subtitle="", caption = "Source: The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project dataset, dates: Jan. 2008-Dec. 2021") + annotate("text", x= as.numeric(2015.8), y= as.numeric(700), label="The First Year\n UN Bases Began\nClosing", fontface=2, size=3, color="green4") + annotate("text", x= as.numeric(2020.5), y= as.numeric(685), label="The Year the Security\n Council Decided to\n Completely Withdraw\nUNAMID", fontface=2, size=3, color="purple")
Yet, due to trends in violence at the time this resolution was
adopted, the question remains: was it premature for the UN to begin
withdrawing from Darfur? 552 civilians were killed by state and
non-state armed groups in the year prior to the UN adopting Resolution
2363. And even though civilian fatalities dropped in 2017, they were
still almost as high as when the mission began in 2008. In fact, at no
point before 2017 did civilian fatality trends stabilized at low
Retrospectively, we also see that between the end of 2020 and the
end of 2021 there was a 75% increase in civilian killings.
# Get the current page number from the file name
current_page <- as.numeric(str_extract(knitr::current_input(), "\\d+"))
# Set the total number of pages
total_pages <- 9
# Generate the URLs for the previous and next pages
previous_page <- ifelse(current_page > 1, paste0("visual_", current_page - 1, "-darfur_violence-code_included.html"), NA)
next_page <- ifelse(current_page < total_pages, paste0("visual_", current_page + 1, "-darfur_violence-code_included.html"), NA)